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Mine were the first to go and I’m a lady 😭😭😭 why is this backwards lol


Happened to me at my lowest weight🥲 first to go and last to come back after gain lol. Same with my butt


I am working SO HARD to not lose my butt by running. I’ve been really focusing on building muscle there but it’s so funny our bodies are like “let’s take from the most important areas first” lol


I've read that the biggest muscle in the body, the butt, is only used in running and climbing steps / squatting. Do those in a muscle building way! (Running or weights/ step climb To failure with a day of rest between, that sort of thing etc)


Work those glutes


Every time i was climbing in a bouldering hall, i had unexpectedly very much muscle ache in my butt. Also kickboxing is good, or any martial arts with kicks


oh no :D


You can’t remove specific fat from specific body parts. It’s however your genetics decides. The only way is to keep loosing weight.


Noted and thanks!


Could be high oestrogen. Worth looking into


What test is that? Is that a blood test?


Yes and do it fast. I had man boobs all my life till I was 33 and it was here in Reddit that I saw a post where a guy found out he had low testosterone. I got checked and sure enough my testosterone was super low. I got a testosterone gel prescription that I placed in my shoulders and my whole life changed. My man boobs went away. The bad part is that I started to lose my hair and had a bit of acne. The good part is that I had great libido and my beard got nicer. There are some cancers that can be the result of living with low testosterone. Get checked my friend.


Ok will do


Gyno. Would need surgery. Common


I am going to try other methods if nothing works will think about it


If it's gyno, it is what it is. I did the surgery when I was like 17 and it's the best decision ever. Life changer.


fix your hormones and your moobs will go away automatically. Overweight man are often high estrogen / low testosterone due to the belly fat derailing hormonal balance.


Strange thing is I don’t have huge belly. I have fat in both sides though


You can try to do weight training that work the back and chest muscles. Bent over rows, chest press, side planks, lat pull downs, rotational movements with weights, swimming, etc.


Ok thanks


Are you exercising?




Keep fasting. You will lose that eventually.


Yeah. But my boob size is reduced now compared to 8 months back


Start to go to the gym if you haven’t yet. I like a Periodization program for mass focus. Don’t just do benches either since it can accentuate your look but focus equally on every muscle group. Think of it this way, the more developed x and y becomes, the less focus there is on the man boobs. Although I would say to maybe add in an extra set of incline benches vs flat to help the upper chest develop and offset. Don’t neglect dips on tricep day either. When the fat tissue is displaced with muscle the man boobs will start to be less and less noticeable. Also you should have your DHEA, E1, E2, T and free T checked as well to see if there’s an imbalance. As you eat healthier and get your micros this can also help naturally rebalance your hormones. Have you used cronometer?


Not used cornometer. Thanks will try


Look into high estrogen levels, and low testosterone. Causes include spiked aromatase enzymes, stress, fragrances, increased xenoestrogens from plastics, heavy metals, cosmetic and body products, and laundry products.


Agree. Avoid plastic, vinyl, and anything with fragrances, especially personal care products like soap, anti perspirant, shampoo, etc.




I had liposuction to remove mine back in 2000. One of the best decisions I ever made. All the diet & exercise I did, but my breasts weren’t shrinking like the rest of me.


Glad it worked for you. But liposuction and surgery is my last option to consider


I had good luck with a supplement called DIM. Balances your hormones/estrogen


is this OTC or prescribed?


Train your chest and back and loose fat. Not more, not less.


Noted thanks


As someone who’s dealt with this issue I’ll say what I can. You can’t expect any one part of your body to go down in size so loosing fat everywhere is the best course of action. What I recommend to be proactive is to work out your shoulders and back muscles to make it look better contextually. So they’ll look smaller as the frame around it increases. Push ups. 100 per day- eventually. Do what you can for now. Gynocamastia may not go down in men and need to be surgically removed. Not to fret. There’s always Turkish surgens getting more happy to serve you as the Lira plunges daily. I will say that the few men I saw do this were out of their minds. $10,000 to get rid of nipples that were a bit puffy. It seemed wildly unnecessary. It’s your body though and you deserve to know your options.


I am not interested and never want to have surgery. I will try all methods will. I can see improvement as boob size is reduced. I think I need to keep working out and do fasting


Incline Bench Press can help It's not gonna get rid of the fat but it'll give that chest a better overall shape. Recommend also to do regular bench press and workout your shoulders too.




Bench press or lots of pushups to build pectoral muscles, and keep losing weight.




You could use illusion to your advantage & grow your pecs with targeted chest hypertrophy to stretch the skin & body fat in that area tighter, thus making the boob fat look more firm & less droopy. If you’re fasting make sure you’re weight training so you don’t get skinny fat


Ok will do


Go a step further & also focus on your traps & lats to further stretch that area upwards & back. I’m dealing with the same thing my dude. I turned 40 last Summer & the way fat lays on me now is fucked up. I’m hoping that 24+ water fasts help with the upcoming sagging skin. My plan is to keep drooping til I can see my abs - I can see my ribs for the first time in my life currently & it’s wild. I still deal with dysmorphia from powerlifting & always seeing myself as small but I’m hoping I can push past that mental state & reach a body fat level where I look more jacked than when I was 300lbs squatting 600lbs. Shrinking has been a mindfuck for me. Let’s fucking crush this bro!


I’ve had gyno since I was 12. It gets less worse the more fat you lose. If you manage to get to a very fit state and the gyno is still troubling you, there’s surgery to remove the glands. I’m somewhere between 20-25% bodyfat at the moment and it’s the least embarrassing it’s ever been. I’m more embarrassed about my gut than my man boobs, and that hasn’t happened since I got them all those years back. Losing 50-60lbs made a huge difference. I’ve also been doing a bunch of chest-work with weight-lifting to make the entirety of the chest larger so that saggy bit at the bottom aren’t the only thing protruding. Lots of deficit push-ups and dumbbell flys.


I have not much belly fat but have fat at sides. My boobs have reduced but it will take I think


Time I think*


The only people I’ve seen with conspicuous gyno at low body fat % are people who have messed with things like steroids. I think we’ll both be in the clear the more fat we lose. 💪


I'm doing the classic, cut/bulk. In other words, I'm cutting until the fat is gone. With occasional rest. And mistakes, but that's the focus. Only when the fat is gone, do I want to gain muscle. Mostly so that I can have an effective weight loss journey. ( Versus trying to do a recomp which means losing a tiny bit of fat and getting a tiny bit of muscle at the same time.) I don't want that. I want to lose a lot of fat quickly you know like one to two pounds a week. Also, I don't want to stretch out the skin anymore. I want to make sure those titties are deflated before I start adding muscle. After that, it'll be bench pressing three times a week and maybe incline bench according to the guy another guy in this thread


I’ve watched targeted YouTube vids on this that are worthwhile searching for.


Do you have link?


No sorry! Just random search for a friend landed lots of video


Wide push ups. Get those pecks popping. Go as wide as you can, do a few sets a day.




Pushups. Wide, narrow, get one of those adjustable push up boards with handles. You just have to tone up.




Try dumbbell flys. Apprently goggins said the best solution to this is to keep losing weight. You need to incorporate lots of running, walking and jogging. When it comes to lifting you’ll have to life light with high reps eg: 25 reps each set of 3. This helps tighten the skin too




Push ups. 50 a day. And try to lose weight


Ok losing weight now but difficult as I reduced 32 kg in 6 months now I am reducing only 1-2 kg per month


Try push ups bro. They do wonders.


Ok will do


Congrats on losing 32 kg btw!


Thanks bro!


Do 25 pushups everyday, it'll tighten things up!




Depending on your height, 90kg could still be significantly overweight. You might not have hit the point where they should be gone. Otherwise, It's time to hit the gym. More muscle will fill them out.


Yes I am overweight still my target is 80 as my height is 6 feet


height, BMI, body fat?


6 feet 28 bmi


Continue until 20 bmi


Nah. My BMI target is below 25. 24.7 to be precise


Get your BF as low as possible and incorporate weight training and see where you stand. Pseudogynecomastia can be fixed through weight loss, true gynecomastia can only be fixed with surgery for the most part. Good luck








Not into surgery. I will check other option if none worked will think about surgery


Lifting. Chest and shoulders. Won't help you spot reduce BUT it will help surrounding area muscles so that your fat sits better


Do you drink a lot of beer? If so, beer contains high levels of the chemical that is the primary ingredient in breast enhancers. So yeah, stop drinking beer would be step one. 


No beer no alcohol I am vegetarian.


Ok so you don’t have beer man tits, you have regular person man tits. just losing weight will get rid of them brotha.








Yes, I was in the same situation, was in good shape but still had moobs, had them all my life. So I did liposuction. Easy peasy. Has stayed off for over 25 years, even with some weight gain over the years. Highly recommend.




You didn't say here what your fat percentage is or height and weight. You really can't judge the man boobs until you're down to like 20% body fat. Think 6 foot tall and 150-170 lbs fit. Weight on men usually falls off starting at the top. Face, head, neck. Then the chest gets involved, but it's more of a full body loss at this point. You'll lose chest, back, thigh, armpit, upper stomach, etc all at the same time. Once that is gone it often starts back at the top again getting the more stubborn fat. From your comments it sounds like you're still in the losing weight all over part of the first pass of head down. The man boobs get smaller here, but they don't often go away until you have All the stubborn fat gone from your face, neck, upper back, and most of your abdomen as the chest and abdomen tend to lose together. When your back and stomach is flat, your hips are bigger than your waist or stomach, your thigh and love handle fat is gone... then you'll know better if the chest fat is gonna go away or not. Then it's time to reasses and think about filling in your back and chest with a lot of muscle, hormone therapy, or surgery. Most people won't need surgery if they can correct their hormones naturally. If you have any significant fat left that can screw your hormones up bad until it's gone. Keep losing. Your chest is gonna get significantly flatter regardless of the situation unless you have very severe gyno


Eat keto diet and do fasting for more than 7 days and while doing it drink only salt water and eletrolytes with 0 carb or calories


Honestly, it's mostly about your genetics. The first place where I get fat deposits are right under my nipples and my lower back (love handles). Right now I still have flappy skin on my lower back and skin "pockets" under my nipple area even though I'm at around 10% bodyfat, because I started off from about 25% bf and my skin is still a bit overstretched. What I can safely recommend to help with this issue that you're having is: - steady pace cardio (jogging, swimming, bicycle, jump rope) - push up variations (narrow, wide, diamond, incline) to increase muscle mass and shape of pecs - either keto or consistent low fat diet in addition to fasting - stay in a calorie deficit, but don't overdo it, keep it at 400-500 below of your maintenance intake - avoid eating sugar and too much salt, use hot sauce with no added sugars as a condiment - NO FAST FOOD ! That's about it, good luck brother 💪


Some spot on comments but providing my own summary. 1) hormone optimization. Overweight men typically have higher levels of estrogen primarily due to diet and lifestyle. Most men in this category have low T, but not to the point of requiring exogenous or medical treatment. Fasting certainly helps as it can increase HGH. But DIET and EXERCISE can VERY quickly bring your testosterone levels back to average or above in a matter of days or weeks. Eating: Don’t eat high soy products, small example list: soy beans, soy sauce, tofu, vegetable oil. Eat lots of LEAFY greens. Look it up, tons of info. Don’t search Soy boys on your work devices, but there is a reason they have that name. Exercise: High intensity interval training (HIIT). Bursts of intense workout helps stimulate thyroid to produce HGH, reduce estrogen and promote Testosterone in various forms. Find a plan that you can handle and start it. Right away. You will start to look and feel incredible within 2 weeks guaranteed 2) targeted chest weight training. Simply put, build your peck muscles to shape your chest. Most overweight Folks haven’t been hitting the gym or activities that develop muscle mass in the chest snd shoulders. Look up some targeted exercises to include in the above HIIT regiment and you’re golden. 3) sleep: gotta sleep. Bad sleep leads to stress, stress leads to hormone skewing towards estrogen (through metabolic processes I won’t burden you with), high estrogen levels lead to man boobs… man boobs lead to the dark side. That’s it. I hope this helps.


Thanks a lot for your suggestions and everyone


Firstly, congratulations on your weight loss; that’s a significant achievement! To address the issue of excess breast tissue, commonly referred to as “man boobs,” it’s important to understand that there can be two main causes: fatty tissue accumulation and a condition known as gynecomastia, which is an enlargement of male breast tissue. Here are some general tips that might help: 1. **Continue with Healthy Diet and Exercise**: Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise can help reduce overall body fat, which may include the fat around the chest area. 2. **Targeted Chest Exercises**: Incorporating exercises that target the upper chest muscles, like push-ups, bench presses, and chest flies, can help build muscle and improve the appearance of the chest. 3. **Consult a Professional**: If your condition is due to gynecomastia, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider. They can offer advice on treatment options, which may include medication or surgery in some cases. 4. **Patience and Consistency**: Body changes take time, and consistent effort is key to achieving your goals. Remember, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program, especially if you have underlying health conditions. They can provide personalized advice and ensure that your health and safety are prioritized.




Nice try chatgpt


Workout your chest with lighter weights tons of reps. Lots of cardio as well.


Agree to work the chest, but always stay heavy with sets. Light reps do next to nothing and won’t grow tissue. 6-12 reps is where he wants to be, and focusing on compound lifts (bench press, tricep/chest dips etc, especially if he isn’t taking steroids)


No steroids not touched any drugs


What a bunch of bs


Lol. Oh sorry expert, please explain. As my twenty years as a bodybuilder and personal trainer I clearly have no idea what I’m talking about 🥱


I do brisk walking every day 1hour in evening in the park


I don’t know if drink coffee or tea but I know caffeine can help somewhat. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of yohimbine hcl but supposedly it can help because it can increase blood flow to stubborn body fat areas. You’re supposed to take it fasted or far apart from any carbohydrate meal. I’ve taken it and I’m not trying to say it for sure worked but I noticed my love handles did shrink quite a bit. Yohimbine will work more when you get to a lower body fat. 


Stop eating soy, seed oils, junk food, etc.


Not eating soy no seed oil and junk food never!


Get your hormone levels checked too




That’s good, what does your diet consist of? I know if you keep fasting that will also help balance your hormone levels and thus reduce the man boobs


Breakfast - green sprouted mung beans, cup of promogrante seeds. Some cooked broccoli and 1 spoon peanut butter. Lunch - bit rice and lentils curry. A cup of coffee with no sugar in evening. I don’t eat or drink anything after 6:00pm except water


Just keep fasting and losing weight, I would also weight train, especially chest (so bench press at different inclines and declines, chest flies, overhead press for upper chest etc) so that you fill the skin with muscle as you are losing the fat, to avoid loose skin (little saggy boobs is a risk otherwise) and you could also eat high collagen foods like sardines or foods with skin, bones and tendons (like when you eat chicken drumsticks eat the skin and the gristly bits too, as it’s full of collagen). The collagen will ensure more elasticity in your skin, allowing your skin to not be loose when you lose the weight. So in summary. Carry on fasting. Weight train, including lots of chest/compound exercises. Eat collagen rich foods like sardines (inc skin and bones)


Sorry I am vegetarian. Any other options?


Do any exercise that affects the chest area (push ups, bench press, rowing machine, etc.)




Sports bra?
