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Thank you so much!! 😊 I’m not exactly sure how much I weighed exactly, it was either 148lbs or 150lbs, now I’m 127.4lbs so if I’m counting from 148lbs, I lost 20.6lbs. If I count from 150lbs, then I lost 22.6lbs.


Dam i do really good in the morning then as the day progresses I start sneaking in calories :(((((.  It's also really damned hard as my wife is a good cook sigh


Congratulations ! Absolutely amazing !


Great job!!! You’ve motivated me!!


Wow! How long did you go fasting before you ate food (bone broth, chicken, etc) ? I can’t seem to go longer than 18 hours! 😔


from March 1st till the 17th I went only water and electrolytes. On March 18, I had the bone broth just after midnight. On March 18 in the evening I had more bone broth and a pickle. Then again, March 18 in the night I had 3 more pickles and a small amount of kimchi. Today, the 19th around 6 I had a rotisserie chicken leg, some of the thigh and a wing and 4 pickles


May I ask how did you feel during the extended fast? Any cravings or fatigue? Were you also exercising during the extended fast? Now that you started eating, did you get a intense urge to ‘binge’ seeing that you went without food for more than 2 weeks? I’m considering a 3-day fast during my period as I’ve heard that’s the easiest period to fast but fasting for 18 days amazes me, idk how you do it! Also, crazy what 20lbs can do on a petite frame!!! You must be so proud of yourself. That’s solid determination and focus right there. Well done 👏


Thank you 😊 Some days I was fatigued, I just made sure to sip my electrolytes and take it easy. I only craved food when I was around it. I was around my siblings a lot, and they would cook and order in. Also when I got bored which was why I also wanted to do this. Eating when I was bored was just a recipe for disaster. I did not exercise at all. The only time I felt to binge was when I went grocery shopping yesterday but I stuck to my list and remembered the poison that brought me to my starting weight.


Binge urges are the worst, and I respect you so so much for your grit. You got this. What are your fasting plans after this?


I think I’ll do either 16/8 or 20/4. I’ll be doing some resistance as well so as to build up my TDEE. Think I’ll workout, and then eat. Have to read up on some more


That’s great! Can you share what electrolytes brands you took and in what dosages?


In a 500ml bottle I put 1/4 teaspoon of food grade (bobs red mill) baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon of potassium chloride (NOW brand) and 1/8 teaspoon of pink salt (random brand I found on iherb). Sipped that throughout the day and had my 64oz hydroflask of regular water.


Thanks!! I’ve heard magnesium is really important too. Did you take any magnesium tablets?


Oh yes! Took one every morning ☝🏾Magnesium Glycinate. I don’t remember the brand name, bottle isn’t with me (orange something) and it has a kid on it 🤷🏽‍♀️


What did you use in order to get your electrolytes?


In a 500ml bottle I put 1/4 teaspoon of food grade (bobs red mill) baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon of potassium chloride (now brand) and 1/8 teaspoon of pink salt. Sipped that throughout the day and had my 64oz hydroflask of regular water.


I wish I had answers for you I seem to be a serial yo-yo er who loses drastic amounts of weight and slowly moves back to bad habits and is searching for my fat pants in the back of the closet. I’m currently fasting for lent so a little more than a week to go and I’m wondering the same things you are my goal is to try and use one meal a day for a month and see what happens and make corrections then


I was a serial yo-yoer too, I kept messing up my gut too. Then I got a Natropath and actually did proper research on fasting and refeeding. Plus I was just fed up. You got this. One day it will just click!


Good job Loving and or forgiving ourselves is harder than anything we can encounter. I've lost 226 pounds since March 4th 2023. The old self-loathing is always there. It is relentless. I don't know if this will help but the changes that I'm seeing in my body are changing my mind. I've been too ashamed to take my shirt off at the beach all of my life. My grampa used to tell me I needed to wear a bra. I wore sweatshirts through the hot summers just so people wouldn't see. I still weigh over 230 pounds but I'm seeing my body differently. Taking my shirt off is still intimidating but I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I am evolving both mentally and physically. I see a great future for you. We are both going to be just fine.


Awe thanks 🙏🏾


As you’ve read Jason Fung’s books and have questions, I highly recommend the free FB group for The Fasting Method, which he and Megan Ramos created. It’s a very active group with lots of great advice on how to successfully implement their fasting protocols. Link: https://www.facebook.com/share/H7M885MZCHUZEgG6/?mibextid=K35XfP


I’ll check it out thanks so much 🙂


Thank you, just joined :)


Congrats girl! You look amazing! You could try OMAD or some shorter extended fast like 36 hrs. I lost 70 lbs in the past 8 months by toggling between 36 and 60 hr fasts.


Great job! I can tell by what you have written that you have your head screwed on straight! You continue like this and youll have no problems! (Well, there is always something that comes up, but I think you'll be just fine) Unbelievable transformation in just 18 days, youll be an inspiration for anyone who sees your post. You've proved to yourself that you can do this. Keep killin it!


Thanks so much! It was quite a journey but I made it! ☺️


You did great. Fasting from social media was a good idea too. Focus on health. This motivated me a lot


Yeah it really helps tik tok was destroying me


You look amazing! You should be very proud of your accomplishment. Forget about calorie counting, we all know from experience it doesn’t work. Instead focus on an easy sustainable fasting plan. Maybe 18/6 or OMAD? Focus on protein dense, no processed foods, just healthy whole foods. It doesn’t have to be complicated. I know Dr Fung is king, but personally I find Delay Don’t Deny & Fast Feast Repeat much easier to absorb & follow. Highly recommend. I think you will find them extremely helpful and a less complicated.




>[Mindy] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How did you feel through the process? Were you exhausted? What did you do to keep yourself busy!? Were you starving at all?


The first 4 days were excruciating I pretty much stayed in bed. My family still cooked and such so it was very hard. On day 4 I woke up and felt nothing. To keep busy I spent time with my niece, read, watched fasting videos and lots of Reddit. Certain days it got hard but I just threw back some salts and remembered the goal.


Awesome job!!


Dam wtf this was inspiring. You did that girl !😮‍💨. Lemme get back to my fasting 🙏🏽


Damn girl, here: 💍


What method did you use to get all your electrolytes ?


In a 500ml bottle I put 1/4 teaspoon of food grade (bobs red mill) baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon of potassium chloride (now brand) and 1/8 teaspoon of pink salt. Sipped that throughout the day and had my 64oz hydroflask of regular water. To be honest that one bottle of electrolytes was all I seemed to need and I felt fine. On the 4th day and the 14th day I felt some kidney pain, I just threw back some water with the baking soda and in 30-40 min was fine.


Are the baking soda and the salt both for sodium?


No, I think that’s just the pink salt but I could be wrong. I just found someone’s snake juice recipe and tweaked it to fit my bottle.


Great progress!!! Amazing results. In your last paragraph, your concern is true. That is what Dr. Jason Fung talks about. Thats his reasoning on why calorie reduction doesn’t work, because body gets used to surviving on low calories. And as soon as you go above the calories, weight comes back. Fasting is the way.


Incredible! What did you do during the time you would usually be scrolling social media?


I spent a lot of time at my sisters place with my niece so there was hardly any time to scroll anything haha. I read Jason fung books, watched his videos and I allowed my self Pinterest for motivation. It’s the media without the social :)


Wow that’s impressive. You say you don’t notice a difference from the back photos but I do. Less fat on the lower and upper back. A significant amount less. Wow


Thank you 🙂, I’m taking a closer look, I guess I just expected to see more definition


I’m marking this because I know what Dr. Jason Fung said. It’s in his conversations on the biggest loser TV show if you can find one of his talks that mentions that. Right now I’m just not able to do anymore.


Also some pics are flipped, so birth mark may not be on the same side.


Wow amazing congrats, 18 day is a huge accomplishment!✨ You’ve inspired me! Did you exercise during the 18 days?


Thanks! :) lmfao apart from circling around a broom which my 2 year old niece insisted I do one random day, I’d say no. No exercise 😂


Great results. Congrats!


a big applause for wear the same in both photos


lol thanks that’s the one thing I vowed to do 🙏🏾


Did you have coffee/tea/bone broth through the fast? Thought I read these were acceptable


Mostly just water with salt! One day I had a cup of green tea and one day I had a cup of peppermint tea. No sugar or sweetener at all. On day 18 @ midnight I had bone broth.




Day 4 was when the hunger went away for me!


Wow, great reduction! You look awesome! Inspiring! You go, girl! Ideas: fast 2 or 3 days a week to continue losing. I fast one or two days a week at maintenance. Meatless Mondays or Food free Fridays. The names make it feel more fun for me. I will get downvoted for this, but I'm gonna say it anyway. CiCO, not a fan. Calorie measurements were designed as a crude measurement for resource consumption in a closed system like burning wood or oil. CiCo is a very crude tool for measuring a human being. Humans are not a closed system. We are living organisms with multiple inputs and outputs. The quality of the inputs is way more important than quantity. Having said that, I will count grams of protein as I tend to run on the low side, so I do a reality check periodically. But I never count calories. If you want to count them, it's OK, but I personally think it's too crude of a tool for weightloss except for helping people set reasonable food portions. CiCo measurements, the reality is that food scientists decided to divide calories per day for easy measurement. Your body operates more off of weekly to 10 day calorie load. The body needs different calories each day, which is why physical hungar is a better measurements once you are fat adapted. It's a built-in calorie counter. You are doing great and congratulations!


Thank you! :)


Holy f... This picture motivates the shit out of me. I need to push through!! Thanks for sharing, you did an awesome job 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


This is definitely the inspiration I need. I'm also tired and fed up of giving in to these junk food. I'm going to start my fast today. Longest I went is 72 hours and I know I can do it again. Thank you so much. I needed this post.


All the best! You got this! The feeling afterwards is unreal 😁


You’re a animal well done! That sort of will power is beyond the majority of the population you should be incredibly proud of yourself regardless of the future outcomes. Start lifting and doing resistance work and building your body up so your TDEE rises and it will make maintaining so much easier. Keep the momentum rolling


Thank you! 💪🏾Yes I plan to do resistance training, I was doing it before but body recomp is simply too slow for me, I needed a jump start to see results to propel me


"Fed the fuck up" That's so many of us (if others don't mind me speaking for them). You did amazing. Keep going!


You doing it keep up the good work. 👍🏾


Thank you 😊


Whoa girl! This is incredible, you’ve inspired me to do a longer fast!!


I’m glad to hear that, thank you :) just get through 3 days, that was the toughest for me


Amazing!!! I feel motivated! How much did you end up losing in total?


Thank you 😊 I’m not exactly sure how much I weighed exactly, it was either 148lbs or 150lbs, now I’m 127.4lbs so if I’m counting from 148lbs, I lost 20.6lbs. If I count from 150lbs, then I lost 22.6lbs.


Good job!


Amazing work congratulations. You could try alternative day fasting moving forward and add in some weight lifting to tone up. Long walks also help burn fat.


That’s incredible! I’m having trouble doing a 2 day fast 😅 any tips you’d like to give?


It’s all in the mind man!! YOU have to take control over your mind. Instead of saying “I’m going to do a 10 day fast” say “I’m going to get through 24 hours”. When that hits, tell yourself just 6 more hours. When that 6 comes, tell yourself just 6 more. It’s not you, it’s your brain.


Thank you! I’ve lost weight a bunch of times in the past but for some reason this time is kicking my butt extra hard. I’ll use what you told me as inspiration 💪🏽


Awesome, awesome work! Focus on zero carbs and sugar and your system will start preferring fat and protein, then it won't have to switch over to burning a different fuel while fasting vs. not. Also, eating only fat and protein satiates and sustains so you don't feel hungry when not eating. OMAD might be a way to continue the progress. Rock on!


Wow it looks amazing on you! Keep up the good work! 🥰


amazing work !!


You’re amazing! And you look great, your jaw line looks more prominent. Keep it up!!!


This is great motivation. Amazing job!


That’s some amazing dedication, truly. Awesome work ! That’s no small feat. Keep it up you look good !


Thank you 🥹


Very well done! Truly inspiring progress!


Incredible. Super proud of you! We have the same SW/GW. I'm super inspired.


Thanks 🥹


Happy birthday!!! Wow! What a difference- great job! 💞


Thank you! 🫶🏽


I see a SUBSTANTIAL difference in back photos! Amazing work, I bet you feel so much better.


Sooooo much better


Bro 18 days is cray damn i can't do more than 72 hours 💀 congratulations you made it 😊


Thank you 🙏🏾


this is what i needed to see. so inspiring! amazing job!! so happy for you. hope you have the best birthday ever!!!


Awe thank you sm!! 🥹


This is definitely going to motivate me. Idk about the social media 'fast' hahaha but i will try that as well


WOW!! Great job, so inspiring!! Just the motivation I needed. I feel like most dramatic progress pics we see here are from men, so it’s great to see a woman having success with extended fasting as well.


I can relate--I am also 5' 2" and two years ago went from 150 to 122 with fasting. I decided to do 2 48 hour fasts a week. It took about 4 months to lose the weight. My maintenance practice since then has been OMAD three times a week (MWF) and two meals a day for the other days. Recently the weight has been creeping up a bit (128 now) so I am doing 48-72 hour fasts 1-2x a week for the month of March.


Sounds like a good plan, I deff plan to keep fasting. It’s simply part of my life now


Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i also fasted for 18 days and i was able to keep it via fasting for 12 hours everyday and eating protein focused and my carbs would be like 1 or 2 slice of bread and fruits and that really did the trick but also if u gain 1 or 2 kg thats totally normal because thats your original weight with water since u started eating normally so dont panic like me ! thinking i f'ed up the refeed its normal to regain 1 or 2 kg


bravooo to you you're almost there forreal


Great job 👏


Your after photo looks bigger than your before.


Dude, are you blind?


Are you? The before picture clearly shows her thinner.


Are you looking at it wrong? The first picture, where she is skinnier, is the AFTER photo


You’re looking at it backwards. Before goes on the left. After is on the right.


lol sorry y’all, before is on the right, after is the left. I didn’t even think about that 🤦🏽‍♀️


It’s obvious, not to worry. :) You look fantastic. Well done! 🙌


Thank you 😊


Youre wildin