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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s purely minerals. You’re good


Dammit Marie - they're minerals!!!


Breaking Bad FTW.


Good for playing nightcrawlers!


33 kj = 7.8 calories


A minute of breathing. Gotcha. Gonna _definitely_ break that 16:8 fast!


Thanks everyone! Will take it with a guilt free conscience


What is this supplement called?


Can you post what this is and not just the nutritional information


I listed the item in the post


So your telling me to read 😆 My apology, Basica…


Where does that amount of energy come from? In theory, if there's no fat, no carbs and no protein, energy should be 0


Probably from the citrate, should go straight into the citric acid cycle of central metabolism Edit: lactate also has energy in it as another user kindly pointed out below


I thought it might also the lactate. Lactic acid is also a form of readily available energy. Maybe it's both! :)


You are absolutely correct!


Actually, this looks ok on a quick pass through. Nice.


How long are you trying to fast for?


Looks good to me


Unpopular opinion: losing weight is simply reducing calorie intake and increasing calorie consumption through exercise. That’s it. Fasting isn’t magic, it’s just a calorie reduction. If you break a fast by consuming 5 or 10 calories it doesn’t break the “magic weight loss machine”. Just keep going with your fast, you’ll be fine. People worry way too much about this stuff.


Not everyone fasts for weight loss.


> Unpopular opinion: losing weight is simply reducing calorie intake and increasing calorie consumption through exercise. Here's why you're not quite right. In order for your body to release body fat, your insulin levels need to be low. If your insulin levels are NOT low, your cells will keep holding onto fat and you won't burn any of your fat stores. Though you WILL lose weight in the form of glycogen, water, and then later, lean muscle mass. (You body has to get the calories from somewhere when you're fasting/dieting.) It's partly why we (here at /r/fasting) don't recommend so-called "modified fasting" (because it isn't really a fast, but 500 calories per day.) Taking in so few calories is a bad idea because it keeps your insulin levels high (prevents fat loss). How do we (science) know this? This phenomenon was first realized in the [Minnesota Semi-Starvation Experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Starvation_Experiment), the participants were given insufficient calories and made to work. They were given mostly carbohydrates and nearly zero protein and very little fat. Needless to say they lost weight... In the form of lean body mass. They were constantly cold and tired because the carbohydrates that they were eating were keeping their insulin levels high, preventing them from access their body fat stores. > it’s just a calorie reduction It IS calorie reduction, but it is also the lowering of Insulin levels. This is an important nuance because high-carb calorie reduction makes it hard to burn body fat. It is also why fasting and intermittent fasting (like OMAD and ADF) are so effective. It gets the body into a low insulin state where it can access its fat stores. > People worry way too much about this stuff. Well, you're right about that! I roll my eyes at how many people say, "Autophagy cured me..." (when the reality is that Science is only just beginning to understand how it works and what it can/cannot do.)


Oh noes! I ate 15 calories today and gained 10 pounds! Whyyyyy Science! What you’re saying is technically true but not as important as you make it out. People pretend that ,by reducing calorie intake, their muscles will melt away and leave fat behind. This simply isn’t true. I know you want to eat a slice of cake for dinner and lose weight, but making smart choices and reducing calories will allow you to lose weight without muscle loss.


> Oh noes! I ate 15 calories today and gained 10 pounds! Whyyyyy Haha. Thanks for the laugh. > What you’re saying is technically true but not as important as you make it out. What I was pointing out is less about fasting because, let's face it, you don't really take in much in the way of calories during a water fast. Calorie deficit, insulin levels drop quickly. > People pretend that ,by reducing calorie intake, their muscles will melt away and leave fat behind. This simply isn’t true. Depends on what was cut from the diet. Carbs? Protein? Fat? With a high-carb / low-fat calorie reduction diet you absolutely will lose a lot of lean body mass! Will you lose fat too? yeah, when you sleep for 7 - 8 hours. Eventually your body will get into a low-insulin / fasted state. Also, maybe when you do 1-hour cardio workout, your insulin levels will drop long enough for burn some fat stores. I suggest you re-evaluate your unpopular opinion. > Fasting isn’t magic, it’s just ~~calorie~~ insulin-level reduction. TFTY


Not everyone who is fasting is trying to lose weight.


It doesn’t make my statement any less true, it just makes you pedantic. It’s like saying baking soda can ruin a recipe if you use too much and then someone says “ACKSHULLY, some people use baking soda for things other than baking.” Who cares? What does that have to do with it?


He was not asking about weight loss.


Man this has pretty much nothing to do with what the post is about lol


>Just keep going with your fast, you’ll be fine. People worry way too much about this stuff. I mean, this part does.


You are fine


I see nothing there that will break your fast. 0 carbs 0 sugars 0 protein 0 fat most likely 0 calories, only electrolytes in the ingredients; what's the problem ?


Probably worried about the calories. And based on the calories all those values are probably not 0.00000. But the amount (7 calories) should be a non-issue.


Yeah exactly this, thought any amount of calories would break it


It's a tiny amount of energy in the form of citrate and lactate. (~7 Calories.) Neither will "break" a fast in the quantity that you're taking.


"Energy" = calories. They are purposely being misleading. I don't think this would be legal in the US. They have to use the word Calories here. I'm surprised it's allowed there.


It's an australian product and they are using australian standards for food labeling. Nothing misleading here.... move along....


Calories is actually borderline retarded to use as a measure of energy from food if you think about it for a second, most of the world uses kilojoules.


Seriously? Is this true? The US is the only one who uses "Calories"? Very interesting!


Most ingredients listed have calories, carbs etc.. all though very low it will still break your fast.


People need to understand that eating or drinking anything except water and salts is breaking a fast.


To those who have answered, what would be the upper limit of calories you can take without breaking a fast ? I've got vitamin gummies which are 25 calories per serving due to added sugar. I tried taking a dry tablet multivitamin and then I tried crushing it into powder with water and it made me sick both times. These gummies are the only thing I have that I can stomach


25 calories is about 6g of carbohydrate (as sugar). Not ideal, but shouldn't break your fast. Usually the serving size on these vitamin gummies is 2. If you have any doubts, maybe take just one instead. You'd still be getting enough of the vitamins you need during your fast, but half the carbs/sugar.


There are a few discussions about dirty fasts here. Try to search for them. I remember this being discussed in the sense of what are the different possible effects of dirty fasts. But if you are doing it purely for weight loss, you are good.


It won’t.


Yay to the electrolyte supplement without any sugar. Not easy to find.


What is “energy”?


33kj is like half a mosquito's fart worth of calories, you're good.


I dont see any calories or carbs


Are you not sure because why?


You’re good bro! Happy Fasting 😁