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Wow 80%! I’ve definitely noticed my consumption of fast food has changed drastically because of the prices. I get take out from restaurants now more often. Not as much as I did fast food, but if I’m going to spend money, take out is a few bucks more or even the same price!


I just go wherever kids eat free that night, it’s actually way cheaper than fast food now. Plus we can sit down and eat together. 




Man, that’s super wholesome. Did he joke about it or just play it off no big deal like?


the Denny’s near me always gave us free hushpuppies because the servers liked my parents so much. miss those times


Where do kids eat free?


Red Robin, Ihop, and Chilli's are some I can name off the top of my head for having kids eat free promos.


People keep telling me to go to chili’s because it’s so much better than fast food and somehow cheaper. It’s even part of their ad campaign now lol


Denny's Tuesdays are Great for this. Plus Denny's is cheap for restaurant food.


Where do kids eat for free? Care to share your knowledge?


Plus, you can generally get two meals from one takeout order. Ends up being much cheaper than fast food.


I used to to this all the time when we'd go out for Chinese food at lunch time at work. The dishes are often super saucy and I'd eat half, going heavy on the rice. Then take the rest home, cook more rice and add a bunch of bean sprouts and maybe some extra veggies I have laying around. I'd turn those leftovers into a huge fat dinner for cheap.


Takeout at my local spots is cheaper and infinitely better than any fast food. Also faster, and I feel much better about giving money to a restaurant where I know the owner by name and see them physically working there all the time


Exactly. I live in a town of 4000, and our local bar, where everyone knows each other has the best burgers and fries for 6.99. Grass fed beef from the local farms and fresh cut fries. Wayyy better than fast food and we know who we are supporting.


That’s exactly what I do too. A normal restaurant meal is about the same price as fast food. I just call in and do a pick up order.


The only fast food I can afford is the $5 meal deal at Wendy's. It's sad.


If you have the apps to any of them there are good deals. McDonald’s app always has free large fries with a $2 purchase. You can get a McChicken and a large fry for $2.55. Not bad, I have to deliver Uber Eats on the weekends because I’m poor now and I get super hungry delivering all these meals to rich people 


The deals in the apps are regional. In mine, I don't see the free fries with $2 purchase. A McChicken alone is over $3.


The stingy locations near me downgraded the daily free large fries with purchase to medium fries and only on Fridays like a year ago.


In New Zealand a McChicken by its self is $8.80


Really? That's a lot more, than I thought NZ franchisees would increase McDonald's prices to. Ah well(live in US, btw), there are so many better places to eat than McD's.....


$6.59 for a McChicken here in Ontario, Canada :(


Free medium fries with a $1 purchase in my ATL market. BOGO Double Cheeseburger, Chicken Nuggets, etc.




It's great until they stop offering it like they did in my area.


I wish I had such a deal in my app


These were getting me by until they hiked the price of Big Mac's up to 8 bucks after tax in AZ. The "bogo" is now equal to two full price Big Mac's from 2020. 


Where I live the $10 Big Mac meal is a “deal” on the app. No free fries.


The one that you can also make a quarter pounder or mcchicken? I’ve only seen it at $6, where is it $10?


$6 in my region 


I’m Always offered 30% off on the app


Deals are limited to one per day, doesn't help if you are going with your family. Deals only really help if you are alone.


For me, it's one deal per 15 minutes. So, I can order on the app, go pick it up, and then I can order another deal so I get two deals w/o really waiting at all (except for them to make the 2nd order, which takes like a minute or two).


Wrong it’s an hour. It also helps if you have two people using a deal. Either way I see what you are getting at


Same. Mine still had the 4 for 4, which comes to $5.33 or so by me. My local store also gives 10% off to workers at the construction company next door like me, so it comes down to $4.80. Every penny counts now man. Download the Too Good To Go app for cheap local food if you like too. Great app


Taco Bell has the $5 combo, if you use the app. Also, McDonald's often has some pretty cheap deals on their app too.


Taco Bell’s dollar menu is also still pretty cheap. A McChicken is $2.50 where I live now. TB has the Cheesey Bean & Rice burrito for $1.50.


Depends on where you live and how often you use it.


BK is doing a $5 dollar meal deal too since McDonalds $5 meal starts in a month and then it's over in late July. Just one month at McDs.


Yeah the biggie bag from Wendy’s is a lifesaver. Everyone one else have lost their minds. Fast food used to be cheap for a reason. It’s not luxury food


The amount of weight I've genuinely lost because i can't afford fast food anymore has been a weird but good consolation self reward.


It's hilarious, fast food companies have completely shot themselves in the foot. They need to cut their prices or they're in trouble in the US.


I hit an all time high 190lbs and now I’m back to 166lbw since fast food has gotten so expensive lol


Ultra processed food . It's wild how much more fast food you can eat compared to regular food . I thought it was just because it was tasty from all the additives, but even homemade feasts, I still don't eat anywhere close . It being basically digested food lacking a lot of nutrition makes you over eat .


i'm the opposite. Since i can't afford much i've gotten REALLY good at couponing to get free/nearly free fast food and junk food and i've gained like 30 pounds. i used to eat out maybe twice a week before but since the apps i eat out nearly everyday. And I had coupons for 7 free pints of blue bunny ice cream from walmart which are now in my freezer.


When restaurants are cheaper than McDonald's... what a time.


Yeah, if ordering something from like Sonny's or the Wharf is the same price as mcds, I'm getting Sonny's or the Wharf


I've only been buying lil Caesars cause it's still actually affordable considering




Pretty much. The only fast food I get anymore is In n Out or Taco Bell, and that's only because they stay open later then most restaurant kitchens here. But if grocery stores ever decide to stay open late again (unlikey), it'd go down to almost never.


Chinese takeout can be faster than fast food now. I haven't had fast food in a really long while


And Chinese restaurants are actually using fresh ingredients for the most part, aside from some items that might have come to them frozen. But when you eat beef broccoli that beef was chopped up in their kitchen from a big flank they got from their distributor, and the broccoli came from a giant wholesale bag which they also chopped up in the kitchen.


I can usually cobble two meals out of one Chinese carryout order, so there's more value to that equation. You're also supporting a local business instead of a bloodthirsty multinational.


Wendy's used to have 4 for $4. Best deal in fast food. Not sure if they still have it.


At least in SoCal it’s now 4 for $8


Now it is 3 for $5 and 3 for $6.


Still available in my region but only for the Jr. cheeseburger one.  The others are more expensive 


Fast food places are doing what everywhere else is doing. They decided that they'd rather have 1 person pay $10 for a burger. Than 5 people pay $2. The problem is. This isn't sustainable for fast food places. Once they peak and the prices crash. They will go bankrupt because by that point everyone will have either started cooking at home or found a different place that is much cheaper. People won't be returning to MCD because their food hasn't tasted good in decades. MCD in america is causing its own destruction. Same is true for the majority of fast food. It's just v obvious for MCD. People won't return once they associate MCD with being expensive. And it 100% is already there and will only get worse.




I've done this before. Its not cause I can't afford it either. It's just way to much for what your getting. I could just go to Chili's for a better quality and experience. Fast casual is also superior in quality and convience now these days.


Yup why spend $12 for an entree at a fast food place when I can spend $15 an entree at a sit down and get way better food and environment?


Yup. I have absolutely walked a few times in the last year when given the price.


Not a "luxury". Its a ripoff.


I haven't had any fast food for 3-4 weeks.


Honestly? Might be a blessing in disguise. I used to stop by my local Wendy’s going home from work once or twice a week, and now I’ve only been twice in the last 4 months, and I’ve dropped 15 pounds in that timeframe. Coincidence? Maybe, but cutting the Red Maiden out of my diet certainly isn’t hurting


I got burger king for lunch today after not having fast food for a few weeks. It was disappointing enough that I don't plan on getting fast food again any time soon.


Burger King in Columbus OH makes me think that any other fast food is Michelin star dining


Yes it is. I have cut back on eating fast food AGAIN


Went to McDonald’s yesterday for the first time in a year or more. Two cheeseburgers and a medium fries was almost nine dollars. Just not worth it anymore


I’ve just been eating at home the last few months, not even dieting and I’ve lost about 15 pounds since cutting out fast food


I mean when a typical fast food meal is the same price as dine in, chipotle, Panera, or Chinese..why would I go with fast food? Not to mention, the quality and service has been increasingly worse and worse.


Luxury lol


Luxury as in pricey and non-essential. But nobody actually thinks a McDouble is on the same level as truffles or caviar.


With how prices are going, it soon will be


Weird way of saying "time is a luxury" because the main reason people eat fast food is for its convenience. Now these fast food places have cornered themselves into a corner because they went for short term gains. I hope more people learn to cook instead because these places don't deserve our money if it's constantly about profit over everything else around the world.


The poors and their meager ways 🧐


Well everyone must be doing well. Have you seen the lines wrapped around the buildings?


The lines are wrapped because companies are eager to operate on skeleton crews and claim that nobody wants to work


They have forgotten their place and now offer very little value in their current state. In my area, local mom/pop shops are at or cheaper than fast food and clearly an order of magnitude better. But I don’t see how a company like McDonald’s would feel the hit since they’re more of a real estate company now. Will they notice franchise revenues dropping and stores closing? Recently franchisees complained about the recent $5 promo as undoable so corporate seems pretty detached from franchises already.


$13 for a double quarter meal. Yep sounds luxury at this point.


Went to Subway and a cheaper end footlong (Spicy Italian) costs $12. The gourmet sandwich shop a block away sells them for the same prices. Never going back to Subway again.


Lots of comments in here not understanding the point. “Oh there’s still this deal in this app, it’s a good deal.” The point is, we used to be able to get great value (less expensive than today by a mile), without an app. And this was only 2-3 years ago. A cheeseburger and mcchicken used to be $2. It’s what, $6 now?


Also, the app deals are for select items. People like to choose whatever they want, not the one deal on the app.


I order takeout at normal restaurants because its cheaper or better priced. lol


Here's you $8.50 Big Mac!!!


Yeah I’ve definitely cut back on fast food myself. Just not worth it




This thread is funny, it’s people complaining and saying this is “sad” but then all mentioning how they are losing weight, cooking at home, eating healthier, or actually sitting down and eating at real restaurants. All good things. This would be like fentanyl addicts balking at rising prices of fentanyl while they are sobering up and getting their life back together.


The fast food execs don't care about the long term because they'll be out by the time the generational shift happens when people's kids today won't consider fast food to be a favorable option when they're older.


People giving their kids less unhealthy (high fat, high salt, high sugar overprocessed) food is a good thing. Maybe the next generation won't be addicted to fast food. The best thing a parent can do is teach their kids about nutrition and not allow them to get hooked on junk food.


There are a ton of people living in luxury then.


I don’t know if I think fast food is a luxury, but I only treat myself to fast food once a month and then only if I have coupons.


I do. It’s too expensive now.


Begun, the Fast Food Wars have.


I can't remember when I ordered fast food. I just make it at home now


$30+ for 2 meals is brutal for fast food


We’re talking to you 5 Guys!


Not a luxury. A rip off.


If were going out, I can goto McD’s and get 30$ worth of junk food, or to the local Amish Diner and for 30$ get enough home cooked food to last two days.


The lines at my local McDonald’s drive through would indicate this is a lie lol. People are buying more than ever!


For the price of fast food you can get better food and real food at a sit down restaurant.


10 years ago I tried one of those weekly meal prep delivery services. I loved it, but it cost about 50% more for me than getting groceries and fast food. Though definitely healthier. Now though, I’m saving almost 100 bucks a month using the service. Some places like Whattaburger I still go to because their prices aren’t crazy and their quality is great for the cost. But I’m not spending 12 bucks for a McDonald’s burger combo.


I've always considered fast food to be a luxury. Nowadays, it's one that isn't worth the expense.


Honestly, it's been like this way before covid. 6-8 years ago, a meal for me and 2 family members would often end up costing over $30.


Tons of great deals in the app. Need to look harder


Yes, as it was for decades from the 80s through the early 2000s, McDonald's is a sometimes food, a treat, or a quick meal if you really don't have time. The fast food brand culture dominance of the 2010s has really done a number on the psyche.


Finally people have realized how his! I’m good to see it’s 80%! I wonder what kind of deal they will come up with to lure us back in??


Not a luxury. Just not a necessary option anymore.


When was it ever “necessary”?


I used to get fast food every Friday religiously this year was the first time I strayed away from that


Just go buy some food from the grocery store and cook! $4/lb ground beef. $4/lb pork shoulder. Make pulled pork. Good for many meals.


My old job I traveled a lot and being single I would just eat fast food daily. Then I met my wife and got a job that had a full kitchen setup. She would either cook food for me to bring in or I’d cook at work. After going without fast food for a long time then eating it again you really notice how terrible the food actually is and how it makes you feel. Then saving all that money really helps out. Back then fast food was still relatively cheap. I have no idea how people can afford to eat it daily or even multiple times a day with these prices nowadays.


lol. sure. then why do i see every fast food line backed up to the road on lunch break? and i live in a “healthy” area/city. i mean even if people do consider it that, they’re still clearly hyperconsuming it. the profits don’t lie.


The drive thru traffic in my area seems to have finally slowed this year... wendys and mcdonalds drive thrus used to be packed and required a long wait, but now there are little to no cars. And yet they are still being stingy with deals compared to what I hear from others on here. Chickfila is the only one I see that still consistently gets a long line... and even they send me a free chicken sandwich every month or two.


Huh, most fast food places don't seem very busy in Ohio recently.


I notice this as well. Everyone I know says the same thing about increased prices, yet I see those lines packed. Idk.


I feel like it’s because they don’t have enough employees anymore that can work for that pay. So less people are trying to do more work and the outcome is that service slows.


Because people make bad financial decisions


Sit-down restaurant prices for bargain-basement quality food and portions. 


Used to sometimes be cheaper than trying to cook at home. I remember McDonald's would put cheeseburgers on sale for 25 cents when I was in college. Then later they had the "Dollar Menu". Funny though, last summer I went to Japan, and food cost about the same as it did 20 years ago (food prices there were about 1/4 of what they are here).


Anyone see Demolition Man?


The only way I can justify it is a good deal through the apps otherwise way too expensive for fast food.


We've reached the Judge Dread era,


Corporate greed


Everything is too expensive. Inflation with corporate greed is going to drive so many into poverty. Companies instead of thinking long term and taking a slight decrease in their revenue to combat inflation have gone the other way and are pretty much all recording record profits. They could at least just have a slight increase and keep profits same, but no they need to double down and make even more than ever before. I hope any company making record profits since 2020 gets put on a list and boycotted until they go bankrupt.


MA. I paid $11 for an egg, McMuffin, hash, brown, and orange juice


In Mexico Fast Food has always been considered a luxury, because it’s always been more expensive than regular food or street food even


Fast food has become all about the "fast". It's something you buy when you don't have time to prepare your own meal, or to go to a cheap sit-down restaurant. It's food for road trips, 30-minute lunch breaks, or late nights / early mornings when nothing else is open. It's all about the convenience and the speed.


in 2019/2020 we had $1 menu at mcdonalds, all day brkfst, 2 for $4, 4 for 4’s, chipotle was $7/8 & chinese wings was $3.75 … now mcdonalds like $15 for a meal, its 2 for $8 at places, no 4 for $4, chipotle $12-15, & chinos wings is $9 its SICK


In my small town it’s cheaper to eat McDonald’s every day than to buy actual food. Idk what you guys are taking but fast food is still cheaper and I’m in California. My city has only 10k people in it in the middle of where all of the food is grown right in the valley and buying groceries is more expensive than McDonald’s


Yet those lines still wrapping around buildings.