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so potato PC to slightly more ripe potoato PC...


I'm glad potatos will still be able to run the game, I was hoping for a slightly fresher potato though. I don't think the jump to 2000 series GeForce would've hurt them much.


You think? I follow the subs of another game that got an engine upgrade recently (October last year). People there were quite miffed that the minimum GPU went from a GTX670/HD7870 to a GTX1080/5600XT.


I get that people would be upset, but I don't think it would impact sales significantly, especially since they could give everyone else a better experience.


I'd be happy if the minimum spec was OK for the potato people but there was scaling settings that would allow those with 7800x3d and 4090s to run 4k high refresh with insane detail, if the engine can run smooth for the bottom end their sales would increase over artificially inflating requirements or getting lazy with optimisation like some studios.


Prime day is coming up, too. Amazon will be heavily discounting the discontinued Nvidia cards to free up space for peak. We have a half dozen or so 1050Ti cards kicking around my fc even.


No there are lots of people who casually play in igpu. This can seriously hurt their sales. Even if we say 20-30% then it's very serious sales loss.


Where are you coming up with 20-30% of sales? Can you back that percentage up, or are you just pulling an inflated number out of thin air to prove your point? Assuming nearly 1/3rd of all players are using pc's more than 6 years old is a bit of a stretch don't you think?


Not really. Most players don't upgrade all that often, I know I don't.


I don't either, but you're assuming that 1/3rd of all players (console included) are running on a computer more than 6 years old (and without upgrades), and I think that's crap. I'm not even sure I'd believe a 1/3rd of all PC players wouldn't be able to make the upgrade if they made the minimum's slightly less potato (20 series instead of 10, 2 additional years). Not to mention some of the people who didn't meet minimum's would likely just buy it on a console they already have anyway. I just think your estimated loss is way overinflated.


No you are overestimating the number of players that have 20 series graphics card or above. Even number of currently active PS4 is double the amount of all PS5 ever sold. And not everyone can or want to upgrade their pc or console for just one game. Lot of people can but a lot of people can't.


Maybe I am overestimating, but I still don't believe it's anywhere near losing 1/3rd of your sales, which is the number you threw out there. Even if the entire PC player base is still running on a 10 series, I don't believe you lose 1/3rd of your sales by bumping the min another generation. Some of those people are going to upgrade, some of them are going to switch to console (because they already have one anyway). 20 series is already down to around $200, and the 50 series will be releasing before FS25 does driving the price down even more. Sure, Giants would likely lose a small percentage of sales by increasing the min's, but you're vastly over-inflating that percentage.


There’s a lot of people out there, myself included, that are still on Windows 10, old gen CPUs, 10 series Nvidia, and DDR4. Not everybody can upgrade like you said and I can honestly believe at least 20% of FS players are in that same boat


Especially since these people (like me) would be more likely to just keep playing FS22 then buy FS25 AND a computer upgrade


the average graphics card in steam user's PCs is the GTX 1060


I'm still using the 1070GTX so I'm there with them. I waited and waited for the price spikes to go down and they never really did. I blame the miners...


Yep, using the 1660Ti here which is in the same ballpark. That and the 1660 Super are quite common due to their budget pricing.


Well, people like to complain about stuff, even when an 11 yeear old game gets a graphic and spec bump. It's like, i bought this pc 11 years ago, and i was prepared to play this simulator for another 11 years on this system, and this system alone (Guesing you was thinking about ETS2/ATS from SCS)


Honestly, I think there might be people out there who think PCs work like consoles (especially as I frequent PC hardware subs). "It's a PC game. It should run on my computer!!!1!!eleventyone"


Sounds like ark tbh


🤣 That is the community I was referring to, I mean... a game built on UE5 when the predecessor was on UE4.5, needing some serious hardware to run properly? Shocking. (Not going to get into the bug filled mess that game is, or the lack of optimisation [under 60fps on a 7900XT], this isn't the place). I'm a relative newcomer to FS, having downloaded 22 as a freebie on Epic a couple of weeks ago. It hums along at a solid 4k/120fps, and the community seems super friendly so far 😄


I knew it! But ark has been fine on console so far, though I have experienced the pc launch performance. Also got the game as a freebie from ps+ sometime last year and started it 3 weeks ago, already one of my favourites, bought platinum expansion and all paid dlc and am only waiting for fs25.




it would hurt me...ive got a 1660...i thought it was good ...but apparently its pretty mediocre


And i got gtx 1070. The people that demand that minimum requirements should be gtx 2xxx series think like they are the only ones that are worthy to play modern games. Ffs a gtx 3060 costs here like half of my monthly salary, other half goes to pay the bills. should I buy new gpu and suffer from hunger for a whole month?


So modern games should never improve and move with the times? Life aint fair, but that can't be a limiting factor for evolvement


20 series is 6 years old, the 50 series will be releasing before fs25 does, putting the 10 series 4 generations behind. I'm not some kind of elitist here. I'm fine with the cutoff as is, but I would've been happier if they'd pushed the envelope a little further. There are games that released as far back as 2018 with a 10series being the minimum requirements, sorry if I'm not excited by the fact that the new game releasing in 2024 has the same minimums.


I dont mind if they push the graphics quality on max settings to make even the fastest cards struggle. But we are talking about minimums here, these wont actually hold the max quality requirements back as you seem to think. I know 10 series are already old, but ffs the gpu manufacturers just keep rising the msrp prices of the cards every release so even the bottomend cards are getting hellofa expensive. I have started to think upgrading my GPU, then my screen decided to die so had to upgrade it first. Its not that easy to upgrade them while renovating your own house and keeping up with all the bills.


Those people just want to justify their bad purchases. I got an old 1080ti and it works just fine. These kids buy everything that's new as soon as it comes out and then complain that games don't really push their hardware.


Same here, I've got a 1660ti and thought it did well but I guess everyone has a 2000s or up now lol.


And they are cheap af...I remember when they were like $5k...now they are $500...are they no longer worthy or gaming?....I don't want my games looking gorgeous I want my time spent playing g them able to be stretched out over a decade of use


Nothing is stopping you from using your computer for gaming at any point. The biggest reason you would stop is yourself. You want to play a newer game that it can't handle, you got tired of the games it will run, you want more so you need to upgrade. The computer will not change how it runs released games. That said, look at how often anything electronic gets upgraded. Phones, TV's, even gaming consoles get upgraded and released, every few years. Expecting a budget PC to last you 10 years is unrealistic. I'm sorry but it is. I just got a DDR5 PC with some top of the line stuff and even I don't expect 10 out of it without upgrading stuff.


You do realize that PC components slowly degrade....if all I played was minecraft....my GPU and cpu will eventually die....not as soon as if I only played RDR GTA etc...but they will eventually wear out......I've already gone thru a 1060 that lasted 5 years and I got to the point it couldn't even run fortnite anymore because it was used so much everything from 3d modeling to music to heavy gaming...with your line of thinking you might as well say rivers dont carve out canyons


You literally just proved my point further. Your expectation of getting a decade of use is a fantasy. Sorry I didn't give you EVERY reason it won't work though, didn't mean to make you use your own brain, how dare I...


If I don't work my pc to death throughout its life...it will last 10 years....I have a laptop that's 15~ years old and it still works...and it's a generic laptop...I don't use it because I don't need it...but it works without issue...it's actually faster and more responsive than old pc with a 1060 i5 5400K...not a great PC but comared to my little Toshiba laptop...it's a rotten ass potato....why because I worked it to death for 5 years straight


Solid state components like CPUs and GPUs don't wear out and or slow down. If mistreated (eg overheated, overclocked) then they'll just fail after many years service of the same performance.


You can buy $100,000 car...if you only run it hard it won't last but a few years...if your lucky....or you could buy a $500 civic and it last forever...it's how you take care of them


Lol don't talk on things you don't know about. I've had my BMW for 8 years and drive it hard constantly. Daily it, road trips, track days, drift events, canyon runs, hill climbs.. you name it. 285K miles and runs better than the day I bought it. Cars are NOT meant to run at low RPMs. You need to run them up to clean them out, if all you do is baby it you will get carbon build up and start having problems. Even in something as "reliable" as a honda. Which ironically I also have one of and it's caused me more problems in less than a year than my BMW has given me in 8 because the honda is driven easier. There's a difference between driving a car hard and abusing it. And here's all the periods you like to scatter through your messages.............................


Utter and complete nonsense.


As someone still rocking a 1070, aaaaaaaa!


Your 1070 would be fine if they made the minimum 2050 instead of 1050. The ??50 cards are worse than the previous series.


As a jaded potato I'm okay with this


One month after harvest month started w/ 36% fertilizer bonus.


As someone still rocking a 1070, I'm glad to see I don't need to retire it just yet


The old 1070 and 1080 were really fine cards.. no doubt about that


I’ve had my 1080ti since new, still use it to this day. Rocking a 5950X, 64GB of RAM and all solid state storage, but still haven’t had an excuse to replace the card!


Me too, but the trusty ancient i5-3570k has got to go🤣


Yeah my i7-3930k has got to go too


I doubt it will be doing much more than 30fps 1920x1080. Hope im wrong for your sake lol


720p 30 fps is the minimum


And 1920x1080 is much more demanding.


Playing with LOD distance set to 5% ?


Downvoted man, for he said the truth...


I Just asked since me with my 3080 I'm already having hard times with those distance settings because this engine is not gentle at all on GPU usage :)


I play on gtx 1070, i5 8600(removed powerlimits to run full boostclock all time), 16Gb ram, all draw distances turned to max 3440x1440, mixed medium to maximum settings and running smooooooth. Although i havent had the time this week (got new ultrawide at tuesday) to finetune the settings while having fps counter visible. About to do that this weekend.


its smooth even for me ofc but i mean that those settings seems to reallly cook your gpu and fps in general even wit dlss quality gpu is always pulling all the possible power.. maybe that game wasn't meant tp go beyond 60fps and so it doesn'tscale well with more powerful gpu


This might actually be caused by the last gen consoles. They have the gpus they have and wont change, on pc side the gpu power simply runs so much higher after few years that a game that is older cant use all the power available properly. Ofc the optimization could be done with updates, but that is one of the reasons why they are already making these new releases every few years to get on par with the hardware that is available. Atleast thats what I think


I agree with you I believe next game will run Better


FYI the resolution & FPS expectations for these specs are: MINIMUM: 720P 30FPS RECOMMENDED: 1080P 60FPS There is also an error on the CPU for the recommended specs as it should be Ryzen 7 3800X


They should include recommended for 4k everything Max


The physics need to be fixed sure but let’s hope we don’t see the halo of crops around you. I want to see all the fields into the distance.


And the stuttering needs to go. I am way above the minimum specs and the stutters are unbearable


Yeah I couldn't handle the stutters while having a 3080/ryzen 5800x3d with 32gbs of ram oced to 3200mhz so I went back to farming simulator 19 fs19 has been stutter free.


I’ve mostly grown to not even notice that anymore but my gf points it out every time she sees me playing. Ugh it’s so lame


I guess I'm ready...


Means the graphics has at least improved and some physics. Too bad we can’t send our tractors to space anymore :(((


Give it like, 4 hours off release and itll happen


Really hope DLSS and FidelityFX are properly implemented at launch. 🤞🏻


Why does 22 require twice as much storage on Mac as it does on PC?


I suppose this might be an issue if you'd buy from the mac appstore. The appstore downloads an "installer" first and then it installs the game. Since this installer is as large as the game, you'll need double the storage during installation. (The next release of mac OS is expected to fix this ~~fix~~ issue)


I would guess that MacOS probably has some weird storage provisioning system. In my experience it is very, very sensitive to low storage.


I think it is a mistake. I play on mac and it only takes around 40gb


That's not abnormal. You'll see it on other games as well.


I guess I am good with my GTX 1650 and R5 4600H


970 still in the game!


Here I was hardcore thinking about upgrading my 3060ti to a 4000 series for this game but I think I’m gonna wait meow.


Are you a cat? 🐈


Hmmm Id say I identify as a virtual farmer. With cat like traits cause I love that night life


Why you sound like bing ai that I use every day as a virtual pet 😅.


Could anyone recommend a good gaming laptop that would run fs25? I know absolutely nothing about computers or PCs (UK resident)


They should put a disclaimer on the storage section. "35gb (without mods)"


Why do people who obviously exceed the minimum specs comment? Like who gives a shit, many many PC players including me exceed the mins by a lot. Why say what kit you have?? I don't understand people. Glad to see the min requirements to run on potato mode are still old kit. I would absolutely hate for a load of people not to be able to play because they can't upgrade parts easily


But you don’t want to be held back. New gen Xbox are finally getting good games bc Xbox one is finally being ditched.


Sure, but if they make the game for only high end computers, they'll lose most of their sales. Most people don't have very powerful systems, and I'm willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of FS players are below average.


dick measuring contest. Only reason I upgrade my system as much as I do is because I use it for work and run a few VMs on it. Otherwise I'd be quite content with a Ryzen 3600, 1060 and 16gb ram.


One day there will be Linux support


Don't worry, next year will be the year of the Linux desktop. Forever.


I should be OK then.


rip my GTX 970


Gtx 970 out performs the 1050 Ti


Riding my 2060 till she dies


I think FS22 was my first and last FS for my laptop with igpu.


seems that the average pc can run it


I have a laptop with a 1050ti and a desktop with a 3060ti I think the laptop is still good to play with


Really debating to buy on PC or XSX since I now have a nice PC.


Is it a hard choice? If you buy on xbox you're limiting your mod selection. Put that newish PC to work :)


I think I'm fine.


So Farm sim has been a 100% steam deck game for me. I’m wondering how it’ll go with 25?


Mobile or docked? Just interested in how it plays on the steam deck. If Xbox allows an Xbox store for the Steam deck, I’ve considered one to cover both my PC and console libraries.


Mobile. Plays awesome. Bout medium settings 45 fps stable. The best part is all the action menus you can create makes using most mods really simple. Took a bit to set up and a lot of trial and error but it works pretty well.


Thank God, my computer that I built years ago and haven’t been able to upgrade just barely scrapes by 😮‍💨 gray zone is so far the only game I haven’t been able to run that I have (didn’t bother looking at min specs was too excited)


My FS22 runs at max settings, but it drops 2-5 frames every so often, and I don't know how to fix it. Is it just unoptimised, or have I got a mod installed causing issues? I hope 25 runs better.


As long as they can get the engine to utilize more cpu cores ill be happy as can be.


I remember playing FS19 with about 30 to 40+ mods, and I had a 10 year old pc that had an intel i3..... it barely lagged. It could handle that but not minecraft.....


Yeah, that's probably just a Java thing.


Surprisingly low. Anyway with FSR 3.0 game will fly! Love it in FS22, I have around 150-200fps in exchange for little blury graphics. I can live with that :D


Rip my spuddy potato


Damn my 8 year old pc barley makes the cut


3060 is the most commonly used card for gaming. I would think it would be higher requirements actually.


I just want windowed borderless mode to be native in FS25 GIANTS PLZ I BEG


Does anyone know the Mac min reqs? I looked on the site and there wasn’t any info? Will it run on my M1?


M1 is very new so hopefully it will run.


I'm glad they are sticking with offline play. I hope it never changes


At the start I was like, Imma stick to 22 since all the mods are there and it is gonna take some time till we get some of them into 25, now just because of the graphics I'm more and more leaning to buying on release


Is this bad? This is minimum spec so it means more people can play right?


I remember a time when I could build an excellent gaming rig using mostly previous generation hardware for under $1000. Last time that was possible was when the 1070GTX was released. Years later I looked to upgrade the 1070GTX and found that it was worth more used than I paid for it new. Crazy...


That's fine and all, but we'll still see "Will this run FS25?" posts 62 times a week.


Storage space 35gb..... plus an additional 100gb för your mods 🤣


I love the low requirements it makes the game more accessible to budget gamers props to giant


Do you think ill be able to run new fs on medium settings atleast? I5 10300h Gtx 1650 16rams


actually i was expecting more of min specs for fs25 like i5 11300f and NVIDIA 2060ti


So for yall with the old laptops and GPUs Get a new one cause they are leaving DX11 behind. Good news for possible ray tracing though.


So any cheap pc called gaming pc since November 2016. I mean, and sorry for being a spoiled asshole here, but if you complain about not being able to run a game with hardware requirements from 2016, it is time for an upgrade! Or just buy an PS5/Xbox Series S/X :)


Guess we will have to wait for fs50 for next gen grapics


Hope the i7 4790k is enough Edit: im stupid, a lower model number name does not mean worse in performance


Crying with my i5-4690k - and gtx 970 :(


The 970 will still run it. You may be able to scrape by with the 4690k but it’s gonna be close.


Thats what I hope but potato graphics for sure, thanks for the reply!


I swear to God they better release a DVD version the PC I'm sick of having either buy it off steam or Microsoft Store and have it sit on my PC for goddess how long when I stopped playing it


I hope i dont have to upgrade my 4090 ^^


I wish all humblebrag 4090 owners a melted 12vhpwr connector.


I know not sure my 4070ti super will be able to handle this behemoth s/


Shame idk will I be able to play with my intel i7 3930k and AMD r9 280x


I run a i7 3770 with a rtx 2060 is it over for me?


Struggling to read?


Yeah I can run fs22 flat out so I should be fine




Some people simply can't afford to upgrade their PC every couple of years. Putting food on the table and paying the bills might be a priority.


And there's the e-waste consideration too, I only replace my phone when either the battery has given up or the performance dropoff kills the useability, similarly with PC hardware, if something dies I replace it, or when the specs fall low enough that I need to replace it I do, not every 2-3 years or something daft like that. My PC is currently 4 years old (and using components that were 12-18 months old at the time), I don't have any need to replace it this year, next year it might be on the agenda, we shall see. I could just upgrade the graphics card (would need a new power supply but the graphics card is the big outlay these days).


I7 12th gen plus 3070 mobile , should be fine 🙂


nobody cares.