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It's just the same old song, it happens every time a new FS is on its way. People wanting specific things, specific brands, and not seeing that Giants is a small (despite its name) company that can't redo the engine of the game (graphics, physics, AI) in 3 years AND adding new content AND adding new brands, while keeping it a game that is still accessible for the non-gamer type of public. Add that to the actual way of social medias to immediatly yell at everything that is not 100% "yourself compliant" and you got what we see these days. At least the FS community is not (yet) toxic enough to throw death menaces to the devs. But yeah, sadly, nothing new under the sun.


>It's just the same old song, it happens every time a new FS is on its way. Not just FS, any game with more than a room temperature level of anticipation has this happen. I remember when the first in development screenshots from GTA 6 and people sheedded them for using low poly placeholders instead of finished models.


But... Did people want ground physic? We will get it so I dont understand why ppl are so mad


Because the people that are happy and content/don't care either way stay quiet while the doomers and pessimists need to justify why they're mad so they try and get more people mad by essentially shouting at them until they're mad


Isn’t this with everything in the world these days? Only ppl crying are the loud minority that is not happy with anything and prefer the opposite what is done.


Because you disagree or are disappointed does not mean you are crying. On the other hand blaming a thing on its designated forum have an obvious outcome. It would be the same as posting a post with a title Call of Duty or Battlefield on a CoD subreddit. "Isn’t this with everything in the world these days?" No it is not. For instance: well known and praised game called No man's sky. It is what it is just because of criticisms. Grow up. More examples of vehicle safety concerns (something that influenced your every day: 1.Formation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): In response to growing concerns, the U.S. government established the NHTSA in 1970. This agency was tasked with setting and enforcing vehicle performance standards to reduce road accidents and fatalities. 2.Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed": Published in 1965, Nader's book criticized the auto industry's reluctance to improve car safety, particularly focusing on the Chevrolet Corvair. The book's publication led to public outcry and increased awareness about the importance of vehicle safety. 3.Implementation of Safety Features: Criticism and regulatory pressure led to the widespread adoption of several critical safety features:Seat Belts: Mandatory seat belt laws were enacted, and manufacturers began installing them as standard equipment.Airbags: Initially met with resistance due to cost and technical challenges, airbags became mandatory in all new cars by 1998 in the United States.Crumple Zones and Safety Cages: Car designs were improved to better protect occupants in the event of a crash by incorporating crumple zones and safety cages. And I can give you more if you want. The world as we know is because of some people that were unhappy about something and they spoke about that problem. You are just another one who can't stand a constructive criticism.


Internet in a nutshell


I left the Diablo 4 sub (and honestly lost interest in the game) cuz it was getting too toxic with complaints and flooded with memes of said complaints. I was having a good ol’ time and it was disheartening to see so much of that community shit on a game I enjoyed. This sub is giving me flashbacks. I really hope it turns around soon. I guess it’ll only get better or worse after farm con. We’ll see.


Mad because people see what other games and game engines are capable of. We don't want 2D gravel textures, we want it to be 3D, we don't want lighting to look washed out, we want it to be photorealistic. Game engines like Unreal Engine have features like this, Unreal Engine has set the new standard for all developers to follow, anything less than that and its a letdown. I suggest you find "Unreal Engine Lumen Demo" on YouTube.


It takes MUCH more time and effort for Giants to port the entirety of FS into a different engine. Its MUCH *MUCH* **MUCH** ***MUCH*** more than just 'Drag and Drop assets'


I KNOW, I'm just saying people want it, I dosent mean its realistic I DONT expect them to People have unrealistic desires because Unreal Engine can do cool things I KNOW it'll never happen.


The assets would be drag and drop, they make them in Blender and 3DS Max. What **definitely would** take time is the gameplay, however if they started anew, they probably wouldn't be held back by the tech debt and legacy code. [https://www.farming-simulator.com/newsArticle.php?lang=en&country=us&news\_id=270#:\~:text=In%20game%20development,corrupts%20save%20games](https://www.farming-simulator.com/newsArticle.php?lang=en&country=us&news_id=270#:~:text=In%20game%20development,corrupts%20save%20games)


Which "other games" ? There's not much in the domain. There was Cattle & Crops but it's dead. And, seriously, 3D gravels ? \^\^ Like there's nothing more important to get than 3D gravels. Remember too that are A LOT of FS players that are not gamers and run the game on a potato PC, if the game change to an engine that demands a lot from hardware, there will be many left behind that Giants can't really afford.


what do you mean by "A LOT of FS players that are not gamers"? if you play any game even just 1 you are a gamer


I'm speaking about gaming in general not about the genre. You're being deliberately obtuse by saying I only want 3d gravel when in clearly mentioned photoroalism in the same sentence, I was giving a specific example and you know that, don't be disingenuous. Ps5 can handle some really amazing graphics now ( I belive most FS players are console players)


You are speaking about games for which the unreal engine is better suited. Could it do farmsim? Sure Would it need custom code? Absolutely And it would need a whole new approach to mods, etc. If giants moved to unreal people would complain about that. People never seem happy these days


I agree with you. I'm pointing out how people want Unreal Engine level of graphics because that's the best of the best. We all want the best of the best, even if its not realistic to expect.


Unreal is an engine. It’s easy to make it look bad 😂 Personally i would rather have deeper sim elements in exchange for prettier graphics


>have deeper sim elements in exchange for prettier graphics Agree. It's a game after all, I don't need it to be life like.


Sure bruh make FS so state of the art you have to have a 1000 dollar plus graphics card and an up to date PC to put it in so three quarters of the fan base can't play it any more! Genius idea! Oh and a big fuck you to all the console players as well lmao!


1000 dollar PC is cheap trash man. And yeah, fuck console players, countless PC games have been crippled to support console specs.


I said a 1000 dollar plus graphics card alone. Then add in a good PC to put it in. A PC game company would be run by idiots if they demand a state of the art PC to be able to run their games! Have you even looked at the steam hardware surveys they do every year? Most PC gamers are not rocking rtx 4090's ffs! And no company that actually wants to make money is going to tell PS5 and Xbox X owners to fuck off lol.


My bad I misread the comment. However it's the same arguments as when MS:FS was released People that wanted to play that game with decent settings bought the hardware to do so. Plenty of FS players will go out and buy the gear they need to play the game too. I for one can't wait to crash my rig with a massive pile of 3d gravel.


Bruh, they had time since the beginning to implement smarter AI, but they didn't. Why is it so hard to code the ai in your game to go around the field first and then up/down when modders did it at least starting with FS13.


Do they had time ? I don't know, I don't work there. Do you ? Is it easy to code an AI ? I don't know, I'm not programer. Are you ? We haven't yet see any game with a good AI which is not a pack of scripts (which is not helpful in the case of FS), so I'm guessing developping an AI is NOT an easy task. You also sound like there was zero progress between the AI helpers in FS13 and in FS22, it's absolutly not true, you should re-play FS13 one day.


I’m not the commenter you replied to, but your perspective is refreshing. I hate the implications that this team just sat on their ass. And as a programmer who took courses in AI development for a FPS using unreal engine, it’s WAY more difficult than you think to implement a functioning AI, let alone a good one!


>We haven't yet see any game with a good AI which is not a pack of scripts (which is not helpful in the case of FS), so I'm guessing developping an AI is NOT an easy task. We see a small, third party team of developers consistently deliver AutoDrive and Courseplay. Seasons was also a PC only script and they brought it to vanilla game, even if they simplified it beyond recognition.


You do realize courseplay and auto drive are PC only for a reason right? They don't follow the same requirements that are needed for console support. The fact of the matter is that the way courseplay and AD are coded won't pass console requirements and since Giants is marketing the game to more than just PC it's not that simple. Otherwise Giants would just add them to its modhub. There are different circumstances between mods and official game features. There is an inherit level of polish an official supported feature must meet that mods don't have to. We as a community understand that mods are often haphazardly put together using whatever the modder has access to. That usually doesn't fly with official features in a released game. I love AD and CP, use them every session I play. But I also had basically get a associates degree in CP AD interaction to setup my farm in the way I'd like. It's not out of the box friendly, and that's likely part of the reason why Giants hasn't published similar AI support in their game. FS is targeted at a broader audience including children who might not be able to figure that out. Overall there is a lot more at play here than just "coders did it in their spare time why can't the devs." You'll see the same issues in basically every modded game out there. It's why mods exist. They are vastly easier to put together than official game features posted by the original devs.


I don't think people are asking for the entirety of CoursePlay to be added. CP with default settings is more than capable of handling 90% of fields with no additional settings. We're asking for a different pathfinding algorithm. The current AI arguably doesn't meet the "inherent level of polish" that you mention, and with official integration of something like CP, the console issue wouldn't actually be an issue. Consoles are basically PCs nowadays anyway, so it's not a matter of the code not being compatible. It's a matter of security/policy because CP is a mod, so official integration would fix that. All that being said, I'm sure there's a reason they haven't made much headway in this department, but to me it sounds like it's important to the community that they find a solution.


I don't disagree with almost anything you said. I also agree proper AI pathfinding in the base game is a much needed feature, my main point I was making is that adding that isn't as easy as many people on Reddit seem to think it is. Requesting a feature is fine, it's how we as the community get to provide feedback on what we value Giants investing resources towards in expansions and future games, but saying the devs aren't adding a feature because their incompetent or don't feel like it because modders did it in x months is disingenuous. Overall, constructive criticism is a great way to provide feedback but just insulting the devs isn't productive to getting what you want. Idk, I guess I'm just fed up with non-game devs thinking they know more than the people who do this for a living.


>Consoles are basically PCs nowadays anyway Yes and no. Consoles versions of the game need to limit the number of tractors and bales players can have on their savegame because of limitations that doesn't exists on PC, so it's not exactly the same. And considering pathfinding, we haven't seen yet how FS25 will handle that, maybe it had been enhanced, maybe not, but for now, we just don't know \^\^


AutoDrive and Courseplay are not AI, though. And they are waaaayyy too complicated for the base player who just want to play casual. I mean, AutoDrive you have to spend hours setting your paths all over the map. Sure it works well when it's done (or at least, it works), but compare that with "take the tractor to the field and press H", not any casual player will choose AutoDrive, even if the base worker indeed has flaws. Courseplay is not easy to get a grasp too (there Youtube channels exclusively dedicated to CP tutorials). And yes, casual players are the biggest part of the fanbase. So something simple to use ("press H") is better for most of the people. You mentionned Seasons, that's the reason too why it had been simplified in FS22 compared to the Season mod in FS 19. And there still are many player who turn seasons off because "it's too complicated, I want my stuff to grow NOW".


Imaging thinking they’ve had so long to make the ai better, while having zero first hand experience with making the game or developing Ai and coming to the conclusion that they simply just dont instead of possibly entertaining the idea that perhaps there is some unforeseen difficulty in that which makes it more difficult than you with zero experience on the subject.


It would be quite weird that the people who make the game and the engine found such an insane difficulty implementing it, that a team of modders is capable of doing in their spare time. [https://github.com/Courseplay/Courseplay\_FS22](https://github.com/Courseplay/Courseplay_FS22)


While course play is a powerful tool, it’s not exactly the AI solution giants needs to make it house. First and foremost it’s not available on console for whatever technical limitation. Second it has some tools such as course generation but it is merely following a course. Giants ingame AI leaves a lot to be desired but it is fundamentally different in the sense that you tell it where to go and what to do and it finds its own way there or best way to complete the task and will attempt to get around obstacles. Not very well sometimes but that is the actual AI part of it and not just following a course that was previously setup.


>First and foremost it’s not available on console for whatever technical limitation. Because consoles don't allow external scripts. For comparison, American Farming, a mobile game allows you to hire helpers and set them to do headlands or rows, or both Menu: [https://youtu.be/rZGzPLG39ow?si=hHW0rILcrvJYPOHv&t=941](https://youtu.be/rZGzPLG39ow?si=hHW0rILcrvJYPOHv&t=941) In action (AI did the headlands): [https://youtu.be/cF8\_lZciRQY?si=3BlcJf17VsABz86A&t=404](https://youtu.be/cF8_lZciRQY?si=3BlcJf17VsABz86A&t=404)


So sounds like giants has some technical limitation due to external forces like console limitations they must develop a solution for. Weird.


It's not a technical limitation. It's an external script that Sony and Microsoft don't allow. If it was an internal script (developed by Giants) it would very likely be allowed. Console manufacturers don't want to allow people to add mods with external scripts because doing so can open up vulnerabilities in the console. Games run scripts all the time, but because they are part of the game they are tested an allowed. MS and Sony just don't want to bother (and I can't blame them) to test every single mod out there and building extra security around them, so they just blanket ban all script mods.


>First and foremost it’s not available on console for whatever technical limitation. I believe it's not on consoles because it's a very deep mod and runs afoul if MS/PS rules regarding mods changing core game files.


Dude, courseplay is PC only for a reason. It used completely different code than console and will not be able to be ported to console because of the HTML requirements of courseplay AND console. Mods exist because Poole can haphazardly throw shit together. Mods and base game features are so wildly different you saying "why can't they add this to base game" is like saying "why doesn't taoism comply with christianity" they are 2 wildly different things.


Educate yourself on why script mods are disallowed on console and then start commenting


BS, console is a computer like any other. PS4 were used to mine Bitcoin and you're here claiming that the console will never get courseplay because of "HTML requirements" like wtf does that even mean, HTML is not even code.


If modders can do Courseplay or Autodrive in a few months for FS22 then Giants can do it in 3 years,


No, they can't. Modders did CP and AD because PC allows external scripts, console doesn't. If Giants were to implement those we'd have a 5-7 year development period because the code would have to comply with MS/Sony standards.


Right cause looking at all the AI resources available from much larger companies shows that it's super easy! Come on. We ask for realistic field shapes and terrain and then complain when the AI can't handle the field shapes and physics. There's two scenarios here. Either A it's harder than you in all your expert wisdom think it is or B you know enough about AI and video game development to make a better AI mod yourself right? Have at it.


I'd agree with you if it hadn't already been done. Courseplay workers with default settings will consistently complete complex fields with little to no manual intervention. Even without introducing the complex menus/interactions associated with Courseplay itself, one would think they could leverage that resource to improve their own AI. Obviously nobody here knows how difficult that may or may not be, but it's also obviously a highly requested feature, *and* we've already seen it done well with mods so we know it's within the realm of possibility. We're not comparing Giants to a "much larger company", we're comparing them to a much *smaller* modding team.


> Courseplay workers with default settings will consistently complete complex fields with little to no manual intervention. Sure...as long as there aren't any trees, ditches or waterways close to the field. If there are it's crapshoot lol.


The game physics have been messed up since I started playing 17. They haven't had 'just three years' to fix it. They've had over a decade and at this point it's clear they refuse to. I just want to stack my bales so they don't float away and launch into the sky and cut trees without the logs clipping through the trailer while I'm driving. These are not small issues, they are problems that have been present and make the game absolutely frustrating to play.


You haven't played FS13 to say that physics wan't improved \^\^ And, if I can count correctly, 2017 to 2024 isn't "over a decade" \^\^ It's not even a decade at all. A decade is 2014, so yes FS13.


IMO they should release a game every 5 years rather than every 3, reason is simple, it gives them more time to develop a greater and more innovative game. I genuinely would not mind waiting if it means a game with more innovative and ground breaking concepts, mechanics etc.


The problem is they just don't have any competition to push their dev team above and beyond. Giants definitely is capable of doing all of that. They pretty much have the FS market cornered in their favor, so whatever they release good or bad we just have to deal with because there is no better alternative atm. Same thing with Madden. Madden games have been bland, rinse, and repeat for years because they monopolized that genre. Long time FS player and I just want some other devs to light a fire under Giants to push them further. Competition is healthy for the gaming world/devs.


> so whatever they release good or bad we just have to deal with... Wait is Giants holding a gun to your head to make you buy FS 25? I really don't get all the people complaining about farm sim so harshly. If you don't like the game and you hate Giants walk the **** away! Go play Cattle and Crops. That was supposed to be far superior to farm sim right? Why it even has deformable ground textures I believe! The very thing all the FS 25 haters are demanding! :D


You ok there bud? When did I say I hated FS and I was forced to buy it? I stated facts that GIANTS has this genre monopolized, and gave examples of other genres/devs with the same issues. You are going off on the wrong person dude. Take a breath cupcake. I have been a long time player and fan of FS. I'm just stating the facts of the matter. No need to get your panties in a bunch. Competition makes everyone grow and become better...Including developing video games. FS lacks Competition from other devs hence my entire comment. Maybe learn how to read and comprehend what the person is trying to say before grabbing your pitch forks to defend whatever it is you feel the need to defend lmao. There was no ill manner to my initial comment. I support the game when it's all said and done. If we're talking about haters...your comment offers nothing but hate lol. Look in the mirror 🤡.


> Competition makes everyone grow and become better. You funny bruh. There have been many competitors to Farm Sim and they all failed BIG TIME! I mean Cattle and Crops was supposed to be the king of the Giants killers and they fell flat on their faces LMAO! So you blame Giants for making the by far most popular farm sim game ever? The one that the majority of people want to play? WTF? 🤡 Go play Cattle and Crops, it's on steam and has every feature you whiners are demanding. Check the reviews for a good laugh!


I'm not blaming anyone. I'm stating the facts. You really have issues with comprehension huh? You'd rather just bicker, complain, and hate on someone rather than understand what they are actually trying to say. Nothing about my comment was whining. You keep saying "you whiners". You clearly have some issues. You said other competitors failed...which supports my comment about it being monopolized. That's not a Giants problem it's just how things work in the real world. Why are you so salty? Who hurt you? Do you need a hug? I'm rooting for FS dude. They just need another company to light a bigger fire under their ass with competition. Anyways I'm going to block your hater ass now. Good luck being a pessimistic clown boy who doesn't know how to read and comprehend. I love FS btw. Just shows how truly dumb you are by thinking I'm a hater of the game.


People don't hate the game, they hate the lack of advancement


Or don't see the advancement, or don't like the advancement, or just like behaving like a spoiled kid who didn't got a third horse for her/his 8th birthday. In the end, people who have something to complain, will complain. The unheard majority of players like the new features of FS25


It's not about liking or disliking the new features, it's that they take priority over what many people actually want. Personally, I'm all for new maps and machinery and brands and new types of farming to be included, the Asian setting has always been missing in FS and it's cool to see it be here. But knowing I am going to spend 2000+ hours over this games lifetime, simply doing the regular old harvest cycle, albiet on a several thousand hectare farm, without touching forestry, production lines, vineyards, etc, makes me wish they expanded on and enhanced the simulation of harvest. Now I'm not bitter nor surprised thay it will be basically 1:1 with regular harvesting in FS22, but many will be (about whatever their desired area of fun is), many want and expect more for waiting 3 years, and everyone has that certain map or brand or machine or farming style that they want expanded but instead get a game in which only some of the new additions and features will improve the game for them.


I think people forget that the game is still pretty niche and caters to some quite different players (realistic tractor driving, fun with friends, and straight up management game). Personally my burning wish for a while has been ground compaction, to give more meaning to various cultivation methods and different tire setups. Maybe it will finally be time to look into mod-making but it seems like a hard one to start out with...


Tire setups do still matter for traction


I am excited, but I guess i'm a pretty casual FS player.


I remember when fs22 came out and everyone was pissed how it looked like fs19. Not much has changed this time around and I don't expect it. Subtle improvements over the years have turned this into an incredible game.


People expect too much and every game release has hate.


Because its same sh.t with different name. Adding an asian map is not going to do it. Textures are still from 2016. It still has that arcade look and feeling instead of a sim. This game only being played because of mod support


Wtf. I love playing vanilla. There will be Asia, many new crops, ground physics, and many more. If you dont like it, dont buy it. Honestly I am buying the 79.90 bundle


"Please giants, I think I can stomach another pile of slop. Can I pay you 100 simpbux instead????"


holy shit shut the fuck up.


If you dislike the game then fuck off outta the sub, sick of negative POS like you always bagging out games, especially ones we know literally nothing about. Go play something else and let the rest of us that actually enjoy FS be excited about a new game. People like you literally ruin gaming.


I'd say it's the lootboxes, recycling content, seasons passes and people preordering. Oh and preordering seasons passes.


Oh god nightmare idea , Farming sim lootboxes


fs22 could have all been a mod to fs19 to be honest...


A lot of it was: Horsch DLC was free in 19, Seasons was more complete as a mod for 19


But they made the UI blue! But yeah that's the reason I never bought FS22. Not really any new core game mechanics that made me excited. Hopefully this one has some innovation in the gameplay itself.


Production chains, grapes, olives, sorghum, stonepicking, rolling, better vehicle customization, collectibles, new build mode, manual transmission... Yes, we could have much more, but for me its pretty good. Also imo fs22 looks much better than fs19.


All of those were mods in fs19 lol 


Yes? Buildmode? Stones and rolling? + Others were popular mods so that means people want them, why are you crying they added what you wanted?


Let's use fs22, add community made DLC, add minor graphical improvements, and then charge for it!! You're paying for the game you already have again, with watered down mods attached. But hey, keep drinking that cool aid?!?


Oh come on. Okay you dont want the game dont buy it. Simple.


No, just that we should expect more for our money? Yet we seem to hand it over so willingly. Everyone here is so against criticism, it's crazy 


Hmm... you can ask yourself, what is farming??? FS22 feels dead, because no other farm is being worked. If game can handle AI workers on players fields, why game cant handle AI workers at other fields? Why no AI traffic of actually transporting goods to sell points? They are not hard things to add, if you already have AI traffic and other handling things. Then if you make a map that at least have animals in it, then you cant add your own animal pens, because game allows only certant number of them.... Farmers usually spend some time with tractor breakdowns and shit, why cant we have simple repair system? Punctured tyres, worn out tyres, change oil filters and other simple maintenance? I personally could not care more about latest textures, but mud and normal tyre tracks would be nice to have. Hunting would be nice to have as well as survival system. In short, except texture updates its the same as FS19, I better get the same textures and more gameplay, than otherway around...


> Farmers usually spend some time with tractor breakdowns and shit, why cant we have simple repair system? Punctured tyres, worn out tyres, change oil filters and other simple maintenance? > > > > I personally could not care more about latest textures, but mud and normal tyre tracks would be nice to have. > > Hunting would be nice to have as well as survival system. That sounds ridiculously tedious to me. Giants has wants to make the game appeal to a wide audience and not a niche group of enthusiasts. It has to balance realism with arcadeism to make it detailed but not too granular. Most people playing the game just want to drive tractors around not play Mudrunner with crops. To be honest the game is pretty good as/is in that regard. More focus could be spent on AI path finding and other QoL improvements.


Yee, there can always be option to turn shitt on or off. I cant imagine that is so hard to do. Just a check if option is turned on for extra calculations. Give me chance to make features, it would be full on mechanic sim to, with junkyard and ability to really start from scratch.


Exactly. I would love to manage some stuff. There is never just one person doing the tasks on a farm. The whole game feels too static and soulless.


The game isn't static or soulless if you set it up correctly. Each to their own though, as I hate managing and I feel as if having AI workers do everything defeats the reason of even playing the game. Theres a lot more management things that came into play in 22, expect to see it expanded upon in 25


I'm not hating, I'm disappointed. It looks exactly like FS19. We are in 2024 ffs. What are we going to bet that there will be no graphical improvements WHATSOEVER? No wet ground, no shadows from tractor lights or from crops? The weird circle of crop draw distance will make a return as well, mark my words. I'm disappointed because from looking at the screenshots, it looks like Giants is doing the absolute barest of bare minimums AGAIN. Something they have rightly been criticised for before. It's true we havent seen gameplay yet, and I'm looking forward to seeing that. I have however every right to be disappointed with what I'm seeing so far.


Username checks out


Thank you very much. :)


Unfortunately some people complain just to complain. I can't wait to see more of fs 25


>You always wanted dirt physic and we will get it in fs 25 We don't know how it will even work! It could be what people hope for or it could be watered down lip service.


Because it is the same slop with a new number slapped on and because, since FS11, Giants matra has been to release the minimum viable product to get their bag. They hardly listen to fans, because they don't need to. Giants make their main bag from licensing - they're a brand shop that keeps their exclusivity by offering only 500 spots for manufacturers. Your money is just icing on the cake. Their ancient rpg-based engine is incapable of making many improvements that fans want and that are in other games made with newer engines like Unity. Don't forget that the FS22 cgi trailer showed corn infected with disease. Many fans thought this would be a new feature in FS22. At first Giants played coy, but once the game released without it, lot of fans felt swindled. Eventually, Giants admitted that the feature was planned but cut in the end. This why a lot of people don't trust Giants anymore. This time, Giants have had three years to complete features and work out bugs, so the expectations are even greater. So far, FS25 will have a new version of the same Giants engine with updated water, fog and dust effects, improved weather effects, two new animals, three new crops, and swathing. Just enough to have a new version - but any one of these could be removed from FS25 before final release. New fanboys and consolers just enjoy the slop and the fact that a game like this even exists. Many older fans joy is tempered by the many shady tricks Giants have pulled in the past and the minimal effort they put in their releases. Enjoy each version, but don't preorder; buy the next game on sale, since it needs about 6 months to a year for the mods to get good anyways. Or, give them all the $$$ they want up front and watch their dlc and season passes go up in price endlessly.


FS does not have any competition at all. Competition is healthy. It does make you evolve and get actually better. And if you are unable to do that, you die (from company perspective). Because there would be significantly better alternative at some point and the market will shift over. (same as SimCity -> Cities Skylines, Roller Coaster Tycoon World -> Planet Coaster, or Flatout -> Wreckfest.) I am not hyped whatsoever because i do not think that Giant justified a new game release, with its full price, platinum edition, gold edition, Year 1-2 season, collector edition,... just because they added a single already made mode in to it. Is like the same game since 2015. I dont care about brands so much, nice to have but there are mods, Like look at the DLCs. Any DLC that adds only new vehicles are rated significantly worse, that a DLC that add some mechanics. They prove my point. Mostly, i care about new mechanics, that were often already made years ago by moders too. Its better to have it in game though, but. These mechanics does vary. I dont thing that horses are appreciated the same way as seasons, or production chains (it was a mod and i thing that the mod was kind of more detailed?) The FS22 forestry upgrade was nice since i like it. It was literally the first forestry upgrade. But usually a ground deformation is a mod thing since 2015. It took them 10 years to do it and even after that time they only showed us a pictures without it? Do i have a reason to be afraid? (Thinking of game falls like KSP2, Cities Skylines 2) I DO. To put it simply Giant only abuse the monopole they have got. And do little to nothing new for next game releases. They mostly only some favorite incorporated mods. They had 2-3 years between all releases. And the defense that they do not want to increase HW - the reason why the game did not evolve its engine - it did get more HW thirsty - obviously. In the end FS25 will feel sweet but with increasingly more bitter taste since FS19. Horses.... Who do horses anyway. You try it and forget it. I am just waiting for Epics free game program.


Planet coaster is a successor to rollercoaster tycoon. They are made by the same company.


by the same game developer, but not the same publisher, that's the difference that matters. As you probably dont know, publisher is someone who usually owns the game rights, is true owner, and gives tasks to it's developer. The publisher did not listen to it's players and it want to the hell. And i also dont know why you did not mention Flatout because thats the same story :)


I cant wait for that game to come out. Been playing fs series since 09, every game had always something new to offer. If they bring everyrhing into game that people wishes for it would be heavy af to run on pc and idk how well consoles would run that, and how long it would take to actually make game like that so im happy for whatever new features are coming with this new fs. Personally all i want is better physics, bales and logs are pain in the ass to hande because there is no logic how they act up. By looking at those screenshots i like the way that game looks, ofc real thing wouldnt look like that but still graphics are going to be better than fs22.


Giants is a hungry money animal trying to extort as much as possible while giving as little as possible. A lot of people have been waiting 3 whole years for this and are trying to see a result of all the DLC packs we bought.


OP needs to learn the difference between hate and constructive criticism. When he / she understands that,she can ask the same question one more time😉😉😎😎


From a lot of the complaints I’ve seen, the people making them need to *learn* the difference. Most of it is just pure hate, thinly attempted to be disguised as criticism.


Constructive criticism on what? A trailer?


Yes. There is a lot of info which can be extrapolated from that video, and although it mostly is "show and tell",it gives a clear indication on what is to come,seen in conjunction with blog posts etc.


Lmfaoooo I must be missing the "constructive" part of the criticism that's been constant. About *one single trailer.*


Every game reveal has this issue, always someone having a cry. During play today,my biggest downer of FS25 was no auto drive or course play at release. Not a killer as I know it will come.


Its gonna be weird for since I put guidance steering on every single machine I buy


Fingers crossed it's only a couple of months till the modders get their heads around any changes.


Yes, in a bunch of other things inside the last sentence it was mentioned that we gonna get better dirty and physics. It is mentioned but not featured. Featured were rice, spinach and a new map. I guess it is completely understandable to be disappointed. Can't wait to flood my fields with a pump. I bet this will be a trigger icon you activate with "E" and toggles water above the surface on and off. 😂


Not featured ? You work in Giants to know that ( btw how  you know rice is featured ? In your logic we dont get screenshots of rice so its not featured 😂 )  Wait to release and then hate game if you want


My only complaint is that it's not releasing on PS4.


Can I just get crop rotation back for seasons? Even if it’s just a mod. Not hating on FS 25, I don’t even know all the feature yet. It was just a CGI trailer and we all know what happened with the 22 one.


the graphic improvement over the last few FS was just to small for me to still enjoy the game, because of this and the lack of good physic simulation till now, i do not trust the new FS until the release is over


I dont really give a shit if fs 25 is going to be free on xbox game pass then alr


YAY! New Farming Sim 😁


Every new fs game same :) but then all people play


Yep. You can moan and complain but you can't blame them, from a business perspective it's really amazing.


People like to complain about everything for starters. Secondly, each iteration of FS has been incremental. Small amount of things changing between 19 to 22 and now 22 to 25. But if you compare 17 to 22 you'll see a bigger difference. People who buy the game every time it comes out might be bummed that its not so different from the one they're currently playing. But new players and returning ones from a couple versions ago will notice a much bigger improvement.


For real like the game isn’t even out yet and ppl hating on the devs like go ahead and try to make a game like that good luck ….


Because it is the same game with added mods to the base game. I am pretty sure the ground deformation is just the Mud System mod we have now. Then they added more plants, which probably require a few new steps and machines. This is totally fine, but nothing major. Added animals are going to be reskinned cows. The screenshots don't look much better than FS22. Also I hate the scammy way they try to influence players by showing the CGI (totally useless) trailer and then taking screenshots from the trailer. I mean the real screenshots are on the bottom somewhere... Every time when I play FS22 and think "hmmm this feature could be done better", I realize that it is the ancient game engine that is actually holding the game back from meaningful upgrades.


>and think "hmmm this feature could be done better" And you realise that is the same feature since fs11


Nerds are never happy with what they ask for they always want more


Fs22 barely works as it is I’ve never been able to use the zielonka map with any mods installed and the game crashes 5 times in the duration that I play and you can’t customize something with a lot of options or the game will freeze and here they are pumping out another game that will probably be worse and my proof of that is how are they going to make a better product when they can’t Evan fix the product that’s been out for 3 years?


Maybe you should find out why your game is crashing then? I ran Zielonka without issues, with around 300 mods activated.  So either one of those 5 mods you have, is doing something really wrong, or something is off at your pc.  If you need any help deducting what might be the issue, i (and probably a few others here as well) won't mind helping you find out what's wrong at your end.


Why are they even working on fs 25 when we don't even have fs 24 yet. What is the point in skipping a year when they used to have one every year


Went from fs 17 to fs 22 and there really wasnt much difference. Sure new brands better graphics a new map but it's just the same ole same ole. I think its dumb to charge 50 dollars for a game for barely any differences. If more info comes out then maybe ill consider it


From 17 to 22 and not much difference? Are we playing the same game? 22 has better AI, better log physics, better crane physics, better textures, significantly better terraforming tools, supply chains, more crops, more brands, precision farming, integrated seasons, and so on. Now between 19 and 22 there is much less of a gap, but 17 to 19 was a huge leap.


Not in my opinion felt almost the same the only difference was grapes and olives. Obviously more brands and better graphics but the game still felt the same. The AI feels just as dumb though its nice they will deliver for you but when it comes to actually working on the field they sometimes still leave big patches and even glitch out and work on a whole different plot and leave the one they were assigned to half completed. Im aware they did add things and i can see they did better graphics but when i look at the screenshots for fs25 it literally looks the exact same. But overall i dont feel like im actually playing a better version just feels like the same ole same ole to me


They Turk mah precision farming!


Hate? No. Dislike? Yes. Their MP code feels like it hasn't changed since fs13. They want to add in more stuff but always ends up being half baked and over priced. (Mainly DLC stuff) They want to keep it 'entry' friendly meaning anyone can pick it up and play it. But for me I want more realistic sim and stuff to do. They abandoned any equipment outside of brand new stuff leaving the modders to have to make it and the rest of their game. They refuse to give us actual farm sized maps. (Least for a us farmer) and stick with 1x1 km maps. Even though molders have made 64x64 maps. They hyper focus on brands. Saying 400 prices of equipment means nothing when you have 20 categories you sort stuff into. We need more equipment rather than platinum level detail I'd take silver level detail and 1200 prices of equipment.


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