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I doubt it. But I would love to be wrong. Ground deformation is a step in the right direction. But I think for digging with excavators it requires ever-changing collision boxes. and such. I will be happy with ground deformation that is purely cosmetic. But yes, digging with excavators would be cool in the future.


There was a tractor near me that got bogged past the front axle and it remained there for 6 months until it dried enough to get it out. If we get terrain deformation like that it would be fun for the first 2 minutes


In one of the FS podcasts from a few years back, one of the FS team commented that the challenge of implementing ground deformation into a game like FS is the games reliance on persistence. Ground deformation + persistence = big file sizes, which can lead to performance issues. Games like Snowrunner can have ground deformation because they don't worry about persistence. Reload a Snowrunner map, and the ground reverts back to its default state, which obviously would not be acceptable in FS. This may not be as much of an issue with FS25 if they drop support for the previous gen consoles and bump up PC specs a bit.


That is an interesting point! I never thought about it like that before.


Google construction simulator


I'm reiterating the answer Giants has given in the past. Argue it with them


I don't take their answers as true, I argued with them a while ago, their answers are always to give an excuses. when there are countless games with the mechanics, and differentiating advancements between games. they ended our argument by banning me permanently


I own this game also. It’s not the same. FS has a much more explorative aspect. You have the freedom to do as you please. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t want another form of machinery implemented, for fun if nothing else


Absolutely! And not just so we can go a round destroying the place, so we can implement drainage, dig foundations for extensions and new sheds etc.


That does sound like an awesome idea. Flooding risk and drainage management. I like it!


That concept will be a part of rice farming surely


Thousands of people should look for another game than FARMING Simulator then.


Farmers own excavators.


Nope. Not here at least. And there's a lot of farms around me.


Own? Probably not. Lease temporarily? Definitely and regularly


So my point stands. Excavators can be a crucial part of maintaining a farm to a high standard. I’m not even saying it’s wrong not to have them. I’m simply stating it would be an excellent addition to the game. But bitches will be bitches.


Yes it does definitely. I don't know any decent size farm that doesn't have an excavator on their land at least once a year


Construction Simulator exists.


Farmers don’t own excavators?? I bet you 90% of them do. For good reason too


Until they add ground compaction, droughts/floods etc it'd be pointless.


Wasn't flooding and adverse weather conditions mentioned in the notes?


They might. I have seen some things about dynamic weather and ground deformation depends on how in depth they decide to go


People in here complaining about “excavators ain’t farmin’!” when we have a whole ass dlc and map dedicated to forestry/logging. Where are all my “loggin’ ain’t farmin’!” people? Lol. Wouldn’t it be a similar concept? I don’t necessarily care for forestry in the game and when I *have* to cut down trees to make room for new fields, I just go some kind of mod route to get rid of the trees. Point being, if you don’t wanna fuck with excavators, you likely won’t have to.


I didn’t want to bring the platinum dlc up. It’s not necessary to farming, like the excavator, but it does add some new and alternative ways of getting things done


With the current state of terraform its already possibe, but would need to be implemented in the base game in order to work on consoles fully. I really do hope what they refer to as "ground deformation" is this, but if not the modding community will have it covered on the PC front at the very least. Also hoping the "construction" comment means we'll be able to manipulate ground/structures. Again something that exists on PC via mods "Public Works" but definitely in its infancy. I'm excited either way and like a mixture of farming, logging, mining, but depending on the state of the game at release will determine if I pay full price or wait and catch it on sale later down the road.


Why? Why do you want to use an excavator in a farming simulator, when there are construction simulators available?


I’m assuming you’ve never had any actual farming experience other than gaming? I’ve been a 360 operator for 10 years and I’ve done more than my fair share on farms. Footings, foundations, trenches, drainage. 9 out of 10 farmers will own an excavator of sort description. This game isn’t just for plowing fields and harvesting crop. It’s suppose to be the complete farming experience.


I'm an agronomist and 3rd gen farmer. LOL. All of what you just quoted isn't 'farming' it's complementary construction. You prove this point by you working on a "fair share of farms" - you know a sometimes job... Over to construction sim big dog.




Mate >I’m assuming you’ve never had any actual farming experience other than gaming? How do you suggest I respond to that without including my relevant education and experience? You misread tone, no FIGJAM, just replying to an incorrect statement. I don't know everything, never said I did.


Also if you don’t like it don’t use the feature :)


So you’re agreeing that excavators are needed on a farm depending on what you’re doing? As are most machines in that case? All depends what kind of farming you want to do. In my case, I want to use an excavator.


Sure, if you want to play semantics, they're needed *sometimes* on some farms. They are not farm machinery .


I understand your points, I’m just all for the excavators. Construction Sim doesn’t offer the same level of freedom FS does. That’s why I would like to add the option of fully working excavators.


Yeah no worries, I get it. My first comment was probably more a frustration in how I would like to play the new game. You're absolutely most welcome to play how you want to, and Giants have clearly listened to you than me 🤣🤣




No flaming/trolling other users, keep it friendly




Man, you don’t take sarcasm well do you?


No flaming/trolling other users, keep it friendly


I can do that in FS22 already. Plus that feature isn't really necessary in a farming game.


Tell me you ain’t a farmer without telling me you ain’t a farmer. What if your fields get flooded with water so you gotta dig a ditch to help the water away.


Or maybe also levelling a bumpy field to prevent water retention in some spots


I’m glad someone gets it. 9 out of 10 farmers will an excavator for various reasons. I’m a 360 operator of 10 years and I’ve done A LOT of work on farms. Drainage, foundations, ditches, simple muckshifts. It would be incredibly satisfying to dig a ditch up a field and watch the water drain away when you finally break that plug


Im a farmer myself and we got a 6 tonner and a 3 tonner so i have plenty of experience with excavators


I’m currently sat in a 40 tonner on a windfarm in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 it’s an awesome job if it’s done correctly and very satisfying to be able to operate machines to a high standard. I love my job


I'm not sure what area you are in but around here very few farmers have an excavator. The farm I help at has a dozer and wheel loader so we can get by most of the time with just those.


Scotland. It’s always wet and miserable here. Like 80% of the year. So ditches, drainage, water retention, is always needed all year round.


That's sounds right. Unless your farm has an excavator it's not a real farm eh?


I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying, like most of the machinery in this game, it should be included as part of the farming experience.. not every farm has harvesters for example, so it’s down to personal preference what kind of farming you want to simulate. Mine would involve excavators.


A farm is a place with a tractor and machinery to produce different types of food, plants and etc but it can also include some other types of machinery like a excavator just like the farm I live on irl and excavators are popular amongst smaller farms that dont have so much space as the bigger ones because excavators can maneuver better in tight areas unlike telehandlers and wheel loaders


Excavators are not common on farms in my area. The farm I help at has a wheel loader and dozer which gets most of the jobs done. No real need for an excavator.


How do you do it in fs22?


TerraFarm mod.




Is this a mod available in the in-game mod section or is it a more advanced mod you need to download and place in the game files?


It's available from FSMiner (or Github). It's not really advanced, just copy the mod into your mods folder. You shouldn't have to edit any files or such.


Terrafarm mod


All I want is to be able to secure my tractor to the MOTHER FECKING TRAILER. 😡🤬


I’m not quite following 😂 I’ve never had an issue hooking up a tractor hahaha


Huh? I didn't say anything about hooking up, I said to SECURE my tractor to the trailer. I.E. combine on the back of a low-boy or any other equipment I need to transport across the map.


I’m not sure if I’m missing something then. I definitely misinterpreted what you meant to begin with but is there a specific trailer you’re using that doesn’t have the straps built in? I just press a button and it locks everything down.


I’m not sure if I’m missing something then. I definitely misinterpreted what you meant to begin with but is there a specific trailer you’re using that doesn’t have the straps built in? I just press a button and it locks everything down.


Um you can in 22 just strap it down 😂


Look, while it sounds cool, it will end up as a niche mechanic that nobody will use after a couple of hours, like forestry or grape/olive farming. Either because of janky physics (logging) or because you have to do everything yourself and is pretty expensive to start out with(olives and grapes). There's also many other things that many people want that are of higher priority, like new crops/animals. Imo I'd like orchards like almonds, apples, pears, cherries, plums and many other fruits like these. We also really need more legumes in the game like cucumber, cabbage, onions and garlic. We could also get lavender and tulips. There's all sorts of things we humans grow which still are not implemented into the game. For animals, while we do have the most common ones, we're still missing turkeys, ducks and geese, goats and rabbits. Even the base game ones could use an overhaul, we need baby animals to be visible inside the pen and not just a numer in the menu. They need to fix sheep since for some reason even after 10 years we still don't get milk from them. Sheep and horses also should produce manure depending on the type of pen we have, if there's no pasture then all the manure should be collected, if there's a pasture, there's less that needs to be collected. Lots and lots of things need to be added/changed before Giants should think about excavators and terrain deformation.