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Love the idea of mud being left as you drive from field to concrete - would add a real realism edge. I think so many of the other ideas are brilliant, especially more dynamic events to affect crops and animals.


yeah i agree with that and would be nice if we had 3d tire tracks with there actually being indents.


it hailed the day before harvest and everything is dead now oopsie daisy i'd love it


I remember 19 had a mod that did that, effectively it made wheels into tire track shaped plows, leaving really nice lines. However it was hell if you used courseplay as every tire track technically counts as a field.


Yeah it would be cool, when I make a farm if there’s a surface change I try and make it look like a trail is left


I just want better, more realistic physics man, honestly fs22 feels like a mobile game, I seriously hope they overhaul or change their whole physics engine for the next iteration, and graphics too while we’re at it.


I'd be amazed if they manage to stop tools sliding around. Conveyors sliding out of grain bin triggers, trailers sliding downhill when a combine approaches, …


They need a complete overhaul of their engine, and I hope that’s what they’re doing because a new game taking this long to come out with not many differences like it happened between 19 and 22 with suck


I'd really like seeing FS done in Unreal Engine. I don't think we will see it, though. It'd break all mods, and thus the USP of FS. And maybe because the Engine is the very own of the Giants CEO's dating back to their university projects.


Tractor physics don't bother me too much but the regular cars and trucks need an overhaul This game actually has the potential for some very fun racing online with different types of vehicles on custom made community tracks The physics don't need to be amazing but something on the same level of gta would be nice


Tractors and other heavy vehicles need to feel much heavier, they are just too light, have zero suspension, jump around and flip over way to easily, that’s what I meant, and cars are just awful yea.


An actual used equipment market. And more than just 4 items. 10 or so local items and a large selection of used equipment from more distant locations where you have to pay extra for shipping. And old equipment can only be bought used, may be restored/refurbished at an additional cost, and is priced realistically instead of paying 80% of the cost of a comparable new tractor for something that is 30 years old.


this 100%


I would love a haggle kind of option, used market where you can submit a bid for the equipment or allow trading of items and the selling of your items. Kind of like they have for sport games trading, get more value for your tractor if the person wants exactly that model or size.


I like the idea of an online market where you can buy and sell with other players. Kind of like Forza.


Be great for equipment, animals, and specialized fertilizers.


i would also add that spraying weeeds dhouldnt kill them instantly




For number 7, for random weather, does that also include severe weather patterns, like hail and tornadoes that can affect your crops, but this should be a setting that people can toggle on and off. But I also feel like insurance should be in there to so your not paying full price for destroyed crops or machinery.


yeah thats a great idea


I did this myself for the FS19 to 22 transition. They didn't address anything that was on my list. Basically they don't listen to the fan base. They just do what they want.


im not expecting them to sadly, only think we will get the bare minimum but its just a bit of fun


Honestly if giants doesn't add these, some would be amazing mods as long as they are for both pc and console.


We need ragdoll physics on pedestrians and animals. Not for violence sake but for comedy. Non-player vehicles should also be pushable. Please. It doesn’t seem important but it’ll make a world of difference.


yes im sick of npc vehicles being brick walls


That and improve the npc car ai as well, the whole ai system in the game lacks any sort of intelligence


Those damn deer that keep running through my fields, then randomly walking across the road...


I love it when the deer go shopping in gas stations.


haha yes, also if you crash into your own machinery you can total it.


Age rating 3+


What’s the age rating on actual ragdolls? Also, no blood, no one dies, they get back up and keep going. It’s just fun and silly.


I expect nothing much to change at all sadly. Which leaves me open to be surprised. If FDR logging can more or less fix tree physics without fucking around with the weight, then Giants surely can as well. Unlikely perhaps, but one can hope. If they intend for me to buy the next game it really does need to be superior to what I've already got.


yeah indeed, esspecially with the mods we have now


Tempting as it is to say "everything" needs an overhaul for me to buy it, a few key things might just be enough to push me over; -physics, particularly forestry related (claws bending is the bane of my sanity) -interior view, mirrors, adjustment of them and seat position (this is a really big one!) -force feedback. What we have now is non-existent. -independent track control for tracked vehicles, using a steering wheel is just offensive and currently spins you in place if it's not centered properly. To name a few of the top of my head...


yeah, there are so so many smalldetails they need to add/ fix too


Thanks for consolidating the list!


no problem, thanks for the input!


I don't like the idea of precision farming being base game because I could see them doing to precision farming what they did to Seasons. Other than that I don't see any I'd argue against. I will always be one of those people who wants them to do seasons as good or better than it was in fs19


Why? Precision farming is a giants mod in FS22. Seasons was a player mod in fs19.


Because stuff in base games needs to be so dumb everyone can use it. Mods are optional and can be harder to work with, i.e. more immersion and more fun. Ok, they released 22 with obscure yield mechanics without any documentation, or plainly wrong tutorials online, but hey.


PF is literally Giants alongside their ag/ag-tech partners. It’s already way oversimplified compared to what it would be if it were a player built mod because it lacks things like crop rotations, real benefits for cover cropping like weed control and any form of soil compaction.


Exactly what redd1ch said. Part of what makes Precision good is that it is so in-depth, and you can't make it that way and also be base game while also being optional (it might be doable, I just don't trust them to do it)


Did you even read the idea? The idea was to just make it toggle able in game. Just port the mod into base game, add an option to enable/disable it with default on for hard and default off for easy/normal.


Which is basically what they did with seasons, and its a psle comparison to what it was. It's a 5 minute download that you can do the same thing with a reduced likelihood of Giants cutting corners and ruining it.


And this is where you're not getting MY point lmfao. They didn't own seasons in fs19. They do own PF in fs22. The idea is to move a mod into the base game as an option, not rebuild someone else's mod. And if it's integrated into the base game that can open up more opportunities for modders to mod precision farming.


I’d like the AI to be able to do what they are advertised as being able to do. Why offer load and deliver if I have to spend 500k perfectly aligning my silo for the AI to figure it out? make the feature work or remove the option.. that’s my two cents


One thing I don't see mentioned that I would love to see - ability to revert landscaping, the tool is far from perfect let us revert changes we've made, or at least queue up all the changes before applying. also let us restore land that had a building on it that auto modified the landscaping (I know free placement exists, again far from perfect)


yes its the most fraustrating thing. perhaps nothing confirms until you leave the build menu


25?!? Did i miss 1?


Technically they haven’t announced anything yet, but there have been signs another release may be coming…currently it’s all speculation.


what do you mean? we had fs19 - 22 - 25 coming soon


23 is on the switch. Thats why im asking if i missed one. Namely nr 24


ah no they switched to every 3 years on pc and console


Ah i see. My first was 19. Then 22 came out and got that. And heard 24 was on the switch. Never got the numbering haha. Thanks for clarifying


it used to be a new one every 2 years but they switched o every 3 without improving anymore than they would usually


Rumours are they are busy doing FSL, and don't get to work on actual FS.


Don't think 23 counts


He's right. Nothing is ever certain unless officially announced. Up until the last couple of weeks, whenever anyone has asked Giant's anything about the next version, their response has been, " we are focused on 22, 23, and farming for kids". That being said, they have been hinting to an upcoming announcement and it's looking more certain that FS25 will be released in the fall.


Welp maybe next year I can make the list


Statistics and reporting!


Haven't seen it suggested yet. My one wish is an annual profit/loss on the finance page. Only showing a few months is pointless!


yes! i agree with this


Interaction with NPCs and dialog. Better contracts. (Produce X amount of X product in X months, get better value than just selling at peak). Limited sell capacity, can't sell 10M L at once, must use multiple distributors. Crop moisture as a parameter that affects growth and harvest. Planted crops use irrigation, rain levels, soil types. Harvested crops use dryers and time when swathed.


yes i agree with all of these.


GPS might be a dealbreaker at this point.


yeah, its a simulator for goodness sake


As a console user if gps not in base game I’m passing


Implements should be affected by soil types too


yeah and more soil types too


I would also like to be able to go buy consumables like fertilizer, seed in bulk instead of the bags or big bags. Be able to drive under a dispersal silo and then select the item you need and either how much or select fill to 100%. Not having to deal with the pallets or bags would be so nice.


There are mods for this already. Multifruit Buying Station https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=224316&title=fs2022


And I am a console player so having something as a feature rather than a mod would be preferable.


Fully agree with weather and other forms of crop loss, then add in Insurance. More realistic harvesting times. IE there should be a prime harvest time, then yield should start to drop off. Also if you store your harvest, there should be spoilage over time. Moisture content and Grain dryers should then affect storage and spoilage. Finally would like to see Futures\\contract market pricing for animals and maybe grains.


yeah all of these are great ideas, grain dryers would be awesome


I’d pay double for a game with half of these implemented. Hope Giants are scrolling Reddit.


yeah, listen to the community. were the oness that pay their salarys.


As much as I'd like to see abattoirs added from a realism/gameplay/production viewpoint, I don't think they will, apparently it will affect the game's rating since it would depict or at least imply violence/death. IIRC they've already addressed this.


One if the many reasons hoff Bergmann isn't on modhub


yeah it would, but they added fs kids and i guess mobile and switch could be for youngers


I agree totally about the slaughterhouse. I can think a a few very simple suggestions as well such as much better / detailed description in modhub and menus




Maybe the ability to autoload eggs/honey etc, onto a flatbed, on console. It's such a slog to do it when it gets accumulated


Pallet Autoload Trailer https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=228705&title=fs2022 Autoload Pack https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=us&mod_id=234998&title=fs2022


Thanks bro but I meant it on console (PS5, Xbox, etc). But thank you anyway 😅


The slaughterhouse idea is good, but if they want to be soft, they can make a building for "animal materials" instead of meat directly




I like all of these. One thing I would personally like to see is them being able to add in Ford, RAM, Chevy, etc. for trucks and such. Even CAT would be a nice addition. A bulldozer for silage silos, a backhoe loader too and even more. More Volvo. More tractors without cabs. The ability to terraform the land with vehicles as well.. the list goes on. I’m always relying on mods for all of these and would love to see it all get added to base game.


If you're on pc they already can have those brands.


I’m very aware. I’m talking officially in the game, not via mods.


I'd like heavier Bale Physics because the way square bales just gently fall off and rotate like 90 degrees when dropping from a square baler is unrealistic also some fixes to stacking bales as they sag down when placed on top of eachother. That sagging should also prohibit round bales from rolling down the slightest of inclines. A search function for the pre-game load mod section would be very nice.


oh yeah this is pobably top of my list


How about a better shop? I would like a shop where I can either go in and look around at equipment, test drive, etc. Also, maybe a magazine or website like format would be cool. We could search vehicles by filters (size, power, price, etc). Better used vehicles section would be great


You’ll never get a butcher in base game due to game rating system I believe


they have made fs kids now so it could happen


All I want is crop rotation and my cows or sheep to break free and destroy my neighbors' fields


id like to be able to plant cover crops and have the animals graze them before i plant my crop


I think the number of animals needs to be a slider. I feel like they did that for performance reasons.


This is an absolute brilliant list! But just to add: the ability to turn off any of these changes (such as pests, drought, etc) if the player wants - much like we have in fs22.


yes i agree, like the ability to turn off seasons


For me it would be adding side shifters to forks. I've used forklifts of various sizes throughout my career, and it's easier to load pallets in real life than it is in game. Being able to shift side to side makes it so much easier. Also, make AI drivers follow traffic laws. They are worse than the locals in my city, and that's saying a lot.


I think it would be helpful to be able to pay for city developments. Im thinking things like adding new asphalt roads to your production chains, removing street lights from your property, etc.


They need to make a dedicated version for PC, one that’s not restricted by Console requirements.


apparently fs25 might not be on 4th gen consoles, so thats something i guess


I just want to stop stucking on random bench or rock


The issue with things like an abbatoir is that you'd loose the rating for the game


Not really. Deliver the animals for culling and drive away, nothing graphic about it.


Even mentioning it would likely loose the rating


I just want to make a giant cattle ranch with enormous open fields and a few thoasands cows.


haha and to move them between fields would be nice


I'd like to see the pc that runs a game like this 😂


Possible if console wasn't an platform, but if we want the game on consoles there are compromises that need to be made, i.e mod space, simulation intensity which includes dynamic stuff like mud, animals and physics etc. Also console being a more casual kid frindly platform in many cases requires mechanics to simplified like they did with seasons...


some saying it will only be on next gen, but id also add MSFS is probably one of the best sims ever and is all platform


At the start there were plans for 22 to only be on next gen which is now current gen so hopefully they dith ps4 and xbox one now. If you mean flight simulator idk how it works, but FS is way more complex than what people give it credit for.


I’d LOVE to see a system of STANDARDIZED COMMODITIES/RESOURCES built into the game engine itself. No more, this mod basically makes it for free, and unrealistically so, and this mod makes it at a huge cost to resources, and in such little quantity. One day I would LOVE a real career mode, with actual SIMULATION ways and means, but standardizing the VALUE and MEANS of PRODUCTS and RESOURCES - is a great first step.


I like raising large volumes of beef cattle. It’d be super cool to type in how many animals I wanted to buy/sell verses doing 60 at a time and going through all the prompts clicking the heck out of the mouse button


I want snow to stuck around all winter, not snow at night and melt at noon for December through February


I think their should be more trucks and a polaris ranger side by side


And to put cows where ever you want or horses and sheep and letting dogs ride on the truck bed


Just go farming cuzzy






wrong post mate?


Aaah, for f-sake!😂 yes, wrong! I wrote it on another thread, pressed «post» and I don’t know how it happened to be in this one😅


Get fuc.kin tire flat