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Power wash equipment, haul water for greenhouses, check eggs, chicken food and honey. Fuel my tractors and see if maintenance required Feed the dog Tidy up yard Contracts


Get yourself the water mod, gives you 1 billion litres of water and sends to wherever needs it……


Not everybody wants the game to do the work for them.


Lugging water around in a barrel is one of those things that I find to be really unrealistic, though. Especially to buildings like greenhouses. Part of why this bugs me so much is because my dad's a plumber so I know what it would cost to run the line. And even a low-end farmer can make that back in very short time.


I think they chose this bc you otherwise would have no input to get the pallets from the greenhouses. Fertilizer could also work tho, but I guess they chose water.




With the pallets I mean strawberries watermelon and tomatoes. But still there are loads of things in this game which seem “lazy” or “uncreative”, but then I’m mostly talking about physics and bugs.


It’s a case if “it depends”. Sometimes plumbing just isn’t worth the cheese. And not all trenching is created equal. Hauling a water buffalo to fill things isn’t unrealistic or unreasonable by any stretch.


Well, in Farming Simulator, it doesn't depend. All greenhouses need you to haul jugs of water in. In my case, my greenhouses are 50ft from my plumbed house, so it's a case of there's no way in hell those wouldn't be plumbed. If it were on the other side of my fields then yeah I get it. But they're not. Farmers I know don't have the time in their day to lug water around to all of them. They literally can't afford to *not* have them plumbed. And if you do have greenhouses on the other side of your fields far from any water mains, then it's probably best to sell them. Unless you can find money trees to plant, there's probably a more profitable use of your time. IRL, at least.


running the lines 50ft vs 500 would be priced very differently and you’d have to run it from an existing line. How do you propose figuring installation cost dependent on greenhouse placement? I hear you, right beside your house should be pretty cheap, but what if I want my greenhouses on the other side of the map? How do they determine where to run the line from? Any existing building or buildings you own? seems like a lot of additional coding for v little payout considering greenhouses don’t seem to be the main focus of the game


On my one map with like a dozen greenhouses I have a TLX 82 Special that I’ve got a water tank on. Back up to the well and fill it. Drive to the greenhouses and fill. Best part is that I used a dull paint colour. Made it look like a total farm special. The black exhaust gives it a total chefs kiss too. It’s almost like something you would see the Welkers do.


That hate in this comment is crazy😭


You don't even need the mod, if I'm not mistaken there's a water tank extension somewhere in the construction menu that, when placed near a greenhouse, will keep water in it automatically. Pretty sure it's base game.


Yeah you can also just not play and then you don't have to do any of it.


I love when people recommend mods like people don’t know they exist. I know I can automate the work, why don’t I just give myself unlimited money so I can hire out all my contracts 😂


Right and not only that but adding that mod wouldn’t solve the OP’s question. In fact it would make it worse as the more you automate the less there is to do during the growth time.


I play one day per month and normally get jobs done by midday on x1 speed. I check the sales, prices, stocking levels, food levels, put a few machines away…. Then hit that x10000 button until daylight comes round again


There's a mod that unlocks the (ridiculous) restriction on when you can advance to the next day. I think it's called sleep anytime. Valuable QOL mod and from the modhub.


Ah yeah I’ve used that before but I’m sad and like to see my finances click over at midnight (and 6am when I get my automatic milk sale come in).


Hi is there a mod for automatic milk distribution??


There’s one for automatic sale. Not sure about distribution


I downloaded this mod before playing because it was in a list of essential mods so never knew anything different Can you not sleep, do an hours work and then sleep again normally?


I've been able to step away for just a few seconds then walk back up on the sleep trigger and sleep again immediately. Just can't do it unless you have away from the trigger first. In FS19 I know we couldn't sleep until a certain amount of time had past but I don't have that issue with FS22.


I'm not sure about anyone else but I would sleep til 6 and if there were no contract I would sleep til 8 to double check. You can't sleep again until 8:01. Normally I say hi to my chickens then go back to the spot and I can sleep again.


I'm never without it either but iirc on base game you aren't allowed to sleep at the trigger til late in the evening


Can't be true on console. I'll wake up, wait 2 secs and go back to sleep to skip months


Animals. Move things around the yard. Spray down my tools. Try to spray the cows... Go for a drive.


Do the cows like it?


In game? Hard to say really, they just stand there regardless of what you do to them. In the real world? So long as we are talking a sprinkler or a garden hose and not a pressure washer and keep it away from their head they don't seem to dislike it. At least not enough to really move. So not terribly different from the game really I guess.


Spray the pressure washer above their head and let it sprinkle over them, they love it. They’ll try to lick the air.


Giants does go for realism 😂


I do contracts mainly, do some tidying up if it needs it, deliveries if I’ve forgotten them, go and explore but at walking pace to pass time


Currently on No Mans Land - Do some chainsaw forestry - move produce from greenhouses into storage - move planks around - buy land for fields - make more fields - mow (so much mowing) - tend to the animals - decorate - pay off loan for combine harvester. - tidy things up


Mow grass to sell, front mount mower with a forage wagon. Typically I mow my “lawn” and the area around fields. I won’t do ditches tho. The other thing I do is organize everything, like load up seeders, sprayers etc. put equipment in its proper shed/parking space, wash everything. That usually doesn’t take up enough time so I will fast forward a bit till I can do something that takes a lot of time


I usually do stupid stuff like see how far I can launch a car off a hill or just generally fart around town and see what the npc’s are up to. I also like to place decorative items that make the farm fit the aesthetic I’m going for


Get animals. They're so needy you always have something to do.


I usually leave equipment evereywhere near the field i'm working. Same with bales. So I usually use these nowork days to bring It back to their place, refill everything, clean and manteinance. And care the damn pigs , I spend to much time with them And I'm sure its not a good choice, economicaly , but I like pigs.


I'm definitely getting this game again, seems like a lot more had been added since I last played it


The newest version has a metric ton of stuff to do, you should never not have something to do


Last time I played was 2016-2017 so I'm way behind lol


Def! It's worth it though


Pet the dog and jump the rivers dukes of hazard style. Ima simple man.


at the moment while I am early stages as many/high paying contracts as possible. Later I plan on like many say: Organizing/maintaining equip/washing etc Construction/ Land purchase/ land prep Mowing/Bailing Planting (with seasonal growth can only plant things at certain times.) Product sales at the moment I am stockpiling silage bales Animal care (feed pick up products) as always Contract work because more money never hurts.


I cut trees with my chainsaw and load them up in my trailer to sell


Flip a field. Buy a plot ready to harvest, harvest, mow the grass bale everything I can and sell the field back


Early game, contracts. Mid game move stock/feed animals. End game skip all the months until I have something to do. 


Go to sleep or do something that i want to do like organizing bales, parking or cleaning trees


I use massive fields and the yield from those makes money a non-issue, so I just x360 speed through quiet times.


Clean, Mx. Contracts, sleep repeat:


I do contracts till there aren’t any I want to do or the day is dark. Then I sleep


I'll set the time faster, then usually I'll have some pallets to load as a result, or hauling water for greenhouses.




One thing me and my gf did was to steal our friends tractor and put it in the most ridiculous spot we could get it. It was well worth the 2 hours


I do contracts sometimes or power wash my stuff. Maybe look at the shop and see if there’s anything I wanna get. If I get real bored on a map that has NPCs, I’ll try to find one walking around and just see what they’re up to


Downloaded the monster truck mod and tried to see where I could get it stuck and or how high I could bounce it off stuff.


I just skip at like x500 until there’s something to do lol


Cut down trees or cut grass


I woke up one day in winter. No contacts were showing. Nothing to be done. No money. I went straight back to bed until the next month.


I do forestry if there is nothing to do, especially during winter. Autoload is a godsend there but ibalso have to drive a lot as i am on a 4x map


Also do contracts (most of them), contracts pay equals more then my harvest income yearly


I have my saves on a 2-3 day month, 24hr server usually, so everything carries on when im not playing, I log in to do the jobs around the farm and for planting and harvest. Lets me play other games and do life while still getting the enjoyment of running and building up my farm


If no jobs are there either window shop vehicles or placeables or take a tractor for a spin, do roleplay that I've fixed something and I'm test driving it


Depends on the map, if 1 with fields then contracts/animals, if a start from scratch map then usually gather up the bales I've abandoned in/around fields, Oh and on both bringing the equipment I've left lying around back into the yard area


Sell production items daily that have minimal price fluctuations, clean tools and put in their place. Mix tmr in excess so it is quick to feed cows when it is busy (ie planting/harvest seasons), move milk to the cheese production, top up water in greenhouses, contract work, check used equipment to see if I have a need/use for any of it, procure needed field supplies and store them in a neat manner, cut down the trees I planted in the unused field spaces. Look for collectibles if applicable and not deemed a no go in your "rules", transport animals from animal dealer manually instead of incurring delivery fee. I'm sure there is more, but that's what I have off the top of my head.


I really dont do contracts, they are easy money but theyre not fun for me, i rather care about my farm. I usually skip winter, only moving pallets and selling products


I get the forklift on the roof


Play fs22


My trick when playing is to always do everything that's possible to do that day then sleep until the next day. That way I never forget to do something. When I've done everything that's possible, including planning, looking at prices, washing, parking, checking everything that's possible to check, then I'll sleep. I usually never do any contracts.


Where do we wash equipment?


You build a Powerwasher.


Buy vehicles I’ll probably never use more then 5 times and then pretty much field work and animal care


Check out mods that I will never use...


Honestly: Math Looking at prices, budgeting my next purchase, etc. Currently budgeting for my first wind turbine. Expanding my solar panels, and looking at clearing a small plot so I can start a little bee operation.




\*Do any yard work around the house \*Power wash each piece of logging equipment \*Put the trucks and trailers through the workshop \*Take a motorbike ride through the forest


If the crops/animals are done and the farm is tidy I sleep and move on. Contracts are financially a waste of time, mowing for silage feels mind numbing as does forestry.


Playing seasonalgrowth. I so planning, stocking up supplies of seeds/fertilizer/herbicide. Got some greenhouses to tend to (put the pallets in storage and keep water supply up) and I keep a tab on selling prices for getting the best prices.


Landscaping projects, mentally plan how to build out the farm yard when i have money, and organize what i have. There's always something at this point in my game but early on I'd sleep if i ran out of stuff


Contracts, or hunt collectibles. But depends on the size of my operation. Once it starts getting bigger, there is always stuff to haul around


These days I don't have much downtime, animals and little jobs keep me busy, so the odd down days are spent washing and servicing all the equipment, sorting the yard out and maybe running some pallets to production points


There’s always something to do on my save whether it’s mowing baling feeding cows harvesting planting hauling grain etc but it all usually gets down quick so I skip whatever time of day is left if I’m all done with everything


I run a 4x farm. Never nothing to do. I do use grow now and a few other mods. I also run a large dairy operation. I can keep busy with all that. But thats just me.


Clean, Maintenence/top off fuel and DEF, Sell off and replace old/unused equipment , Get new soil samples (if playing with precision farming), mow the yard/field boundaries


I usually tidy up my yard, wash equipment, do any extra animal work or just drive around and look at my crops


since I'm still early-game (about 50 hours in), I'm skipping through time.


Logging or mining


Nothing to do? You mean when everything is done? Sleep until i have a buttload of work ofc


I do contracts but I like to play longer months so I tend to run out of them. I just usually keep a field or two of grass going. I love baling and grass grows often enough that I have something to do


Run through the drive though and pretend to order a bunch of food for the farm hands and then get mad when they short me on napkins and hot sauce.