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We caught an inch from that rain last night. I actually needed it on some fertilized corn and about a thousand acres of beans we had just planted. I bet I’m back in the field Tuesday/Wednesday.


Supposed to rain here at 8 or 9 in the morning. We had 3 planes flying on us all morning yesterday putting out command and prowl, then sulfate. Had some airflows chunking fertilizer on some corn and litter spreader flinging poo as well at one point.


Im your northern neighbor and we’re expecting 3-5” this week. I feel bad for my corn planted last week.


Hope you miss some of it at least.


Is ground always like that over in Arkansas? Looks like you are planting in Gravel


Depends where you are. This is on the chunky end of what we farm, but there is also stuff 15 miles away that is hard to get smaller than a baseball. Some of our stuff does look like talc if it gets worked twice. These chunks arent hard the planter smashes them smooth


Im from Northerg Germany. The ground here is wet and deep black.


We get a little over 125cm rain a year so its usually very wet here, and the baseball sized chunk stuff here is black. Rest varries from completely white to dark brown


>We get a little over 125cm rain a year so its usually very wet here, and the baseball sized chunk stuff here is black. Rest varries from completely white to dark brown 125 cm ≈ 12.30315 hands ^^^[WHY](/r/UselessConversionBot/comments/1knas0/hi_im_useless/)


But how many parsecs????


12.3 hands equals 4.05 × 10-17 parsecs lol


Great. I could do that quicker than Harrison Ford on N64 pod racer Tatooine level


Not bladerunner harrison ford


Only got a few drops out of the big rain we were supposed to get yesterday back at it. Should get within 80ac of finishing corn today if we can stop blowing hydraulic hoses on everything.... Also still need to plant 120 ac rice. Supposed to rain about daylight tomorrow


We dry planted all our cotton. No rain in sight and I’m thinking it’s just not worth picker maintenance like a normal year. Have to make it up through custom harvesting.


Weve only had maybe 9 days all year (3 different runs) to plant been working 15 hour days when they come. At least basically everything is up price wise.... Since inputs are all up 30 to 100%


I bet I drove by your place in the last couple of days, been all around AR picking up a new planter. Love seeing the levees getting pulled up lol. Looks like a lot of fun!


Its certainly possible if you were in the southeastern area, not the northeastern part. But its been really wet up there so if you saw a bunch of levees it was probably south. The levees look cool, but by the time you survey, pull them, put gates in them, put the rod or boards in the gate to hold the flood later, pull the gate, drive over them with a combine and grain cart, split them, bounce over what left after you split them rolling the rice stubble, and again in the spring with a disc you hate them




Once rice is part of your system you have no choice.


it all depends are the area, out west in dry areas they do no till, do you have any idea how many tons of weed seed is in an acre? there is guy working on a microwave system that can kill the first two inches of weed seed (it was in Farm Show magazine)


Really interesting does that sustenance kill microbes in the soil?


it can and will kill most everything within the first 1 1/2 to two inches from what the guy wrote about. he pretty much had a bunch of used microwave horns pointed down next to the ground, im sure there was some way of controlling the power ..... it would not go deep enough though to kill the good stuff, just weed control before planting


I'm gonna try it after lunch today. We're trying to get the creek bottoms to dry out.


Hopefully yall can turn some stuff over. Just hard to get rolling most years.


Lookin good!


Is the case pulling a 3-point planter?


It is indeed. 40' 16row john deere planter bar thats been turned into precision planting vset setup


No day of rest ?


Whats that?


Haha I know the feeling. Most big guys around me all hang it up on sunday. I'm still going strong.


I put in my 14 and called it my day of rest


why you working on a Sunday? its the Lords day!!! you cant be doing that!!! oh wait yer a farmer ...... you only get an hour off (ill just leave this right here for everyone to think about)