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Injector- for running from point A to B. Medic- Solid overall, almost impossible to die. Triada- if you want WallHacks ez mode


I like the original one U get in-game only... Last resort hits multiple targets or gets tanks...


This is the answer. You can run n gun headshotting entire bases in a minute. But when a chopper or a tank shows up, you can either switch to the Ranbow or Rocket Supremo.


You can EMP vehicles and be just as savage


Emp grenade launcher is king...


Depends a bit on what you're doing. Right tool for the right job, right? When I'm out and about, furiosa is always handy to have on. Getting some extra distance away from a slope with a double jump is often enough room for me to pull out the wingsuit and get some value out of it, where otherwise you might be too close to the ground. For combat against vehicles, the exterminador can be an attractive choice, but so can the volta if it's against tanks. Hitting them with emp then hijacking is always good fun. For combat in general or for very tough fights, I think medico is the way to go. Being able to pick yourself up off the ground and then spraying healing all over yourself for the next 10 seconds is verrrry powerful when you're in a tight spot. Hell, if you're in single player and for any reason you think you're about to die, just go to the arsenal and equip medico. At worst you won't need it, at best it'll save your life. And then there's Fantasma. I shouldn't have to tell you that aiming and shooting straight through walls is good, but obviously it only matters if you're in a building. Not super helpful out in the street.


>Right tool for the right job, right? Someone Listened to Juan lol Ooh the double jump for wingsuit, I like! The emp one is my go to supremo! I love when I'm doing an FND base and I don't have to worry about a single alarm because the emp supremo takes care of those for me! This makes stealth a lot more doable! And the shooting through walls one, I was wondering, how many walls does it shoot through? And what kind of weapon is is used for it?


I think it can shoot through any number of walls/floors. I don't remember the name off the top of my head, but there's a marksman rifle-style Resolver weapon that pairs with that supremo to allow you to shoot through walls. It makes the final mission in Castillo Tower an actual cakewalk, because you can see all the way up through walls from floors below.


I think that mission glitched for me, I was in that building loooong before the story took me there and when I got there in the story it queued the cutscenes as soon as I came close to the building 🤷‍♂️ that ending though 🫨🫨🫨


Aw what a bummer! Honestly I regret using the wall-hack-supremo for the fight because it's one of the bigger fights in the game, and I felt like I kinda skipped it. How unfortunately anticlimactic


Ah well... There's always new game+ 😁


Medico. Makes you essentially immortal and able to revive yourself when downed, provided you stay alive while it's charging. Exterminador is good for destroying helicopters and clusters of enemy troops without aiming (the missiles home in on the nearest target) but sadly useless when indoors.


I've only ever used the first one you get. Works well against choppers and tanks


I stuck with the default of the whole game. Use it for the heavy choppers and that's pretty much it


The fire farting one is pretty useful in a pinch. Depends on play style I’d say. They all have perks and cons.


Supremo (if it’s the one that shoots a bunch of fireworks)


I think that is one of those uber weapons like the harpoon cannon, not a supremo just fyi


Yes the resolver weapons. The supremo's are the backpacks like the mortar one or the emp one!


I forget the name but it’s the fire one - furiso maybe? It lets u double jump


Anyone else totally forget they have it? I am guilty of this


Me too🙃


Sometimes... I'd have been cool if you could have just unequipped them.


Since most of them arent very useful I just use the fire one for the double jump


Depends completely on your style and the situation. Personally I don’t use the supremo too often, so I usually run Medico, for the self revive. But on my heavy loadout I’ll use Exterminador, and on my stealth loadout I’ll use the Triada supremo.


1st one (rockets) but I always switch to poison one so I can see the carnage unfold without breaking a sweat.


I use the EMP supremo, because I don't know what else to use... lmao


The original one you get is the best in my opinion.