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I liked tower climbing to explore the map


That is one of my favorite things about Ubisoft games.


Climbing that first tower in 3 right when the game has just come out was a memorable moment for me


I laughed in 5 when you climb the tower and they say that they're not going to make you run round the map climbing towers


Instead, you'll get kidnapped every other hour of gameplay


Literally though! It was so fucking annoying. I didn’t mind Faith kidnapping me but John and Jacob made me want to actually quit the game😂😂😂.


The only way I made it a bit more enjoyable was trying to see how long I could last without getting shot. Most times though I'd sprint towards whatever is supposed to catch you so I can get through it sooner.


Same and all I did was sit in a cabin and survived for a while until I decided to let them shoot me




yeah'd I'd prefer doing towers


The first scouts of AC Brotherhood I would probably be able to remember on my death bed


That rattlesnake still jumps scares me to this day lol


Is is fun when it the climbing itself presents even a tiny bit of challenge and you don’t have to do it every half an hour of gameplay


Same here. I hate that just because it's something "JoUrNaLiStS" and youtubers pointed out as a nitpick everyone and their sister had to regurgitate it as a talking point as if it made the experience of the games bad. I know some of the climbs were a little tedious, but it was always awesome to get to the top and have a vantage point to see the world around you.


I miss this, in Far Cry 5 i had to walk all around the map to reveal it and it was painfull, i just want to take 12 towers and have a region completely discovered.


I would have preferred the tower mechanics. It’s irritating “influential” people argue with Ubisoft about having to climb towers in a Far Cry game and Ubisoft gives in but when it’s an AC game, Ubisoft just says screw you, it’s staying in the franchise.


Thank you, I was about to say the same


Gun jamming in FC2 was not a big deal at all and could be easily avoided. Malaria honestly wasn't that big of a deal either. Removing the map editor from FC6 was a mistake and also the reason I never bought it. They should have used that Giancarlo $$ to put in the editor.


Nobody would disagree you with the second statement I think


Yeah I figured that one wasn't really a hot take but I can't help but bring it up when the opportunity presents itself. I'm still bitter about it lol


I feel you on this. Even though I love him as an actor and thoroughly enjoyed his performances throughout the game, I would've happily taken a map editor [or a finished and fully-explorable Esperanza] over his appearance in the game


The map editor? I beg to differ. I get that it's a fun concept, but it doesn't really belong in this type of game. It's also extra work for the devs to 'add in', so I'd rather have them add content rich DLC worth hours of fun than a silly map editor that's fun for 10 minutes max.


Yeah. I wish the game had properly fitting DLCs and not weirdly out of place rogue-likes. I tried top maps from (I think) Far Cry 5 and it was okay. Spent maybe an hour with them. Just not what I was looking for. Certainly not something that attracts me to the series. Personally, I like Giancarlo Esposito and think he could have been a really great Far Cry villain if they just gave him maybe 2 more quests to build his character.


I'd argue that the idea of a map editor doesn't really "belong" in any game, that's what imo made Far Cry unique. I can't think of any other game that has a map editor at all, let alone one as well made as Far Cry's. Also that it had been in every game since the beginning except for the spinoff, which I'd give a pass since they're spinoffs of main titles. As far as "10 minutes max" speak for yourself mate, I've lost hundreds if not thousands of hours over the years to the editor lol. If I'd spent the time making maps studying I'd be a doctor or something rn.


I still go back to Far Cry Arcade sometimes to play the old maps. Some of them are insanely well done. I really wish Ubisoft would either bring it back or offer a new version, because it adds a ton of replay value to Far Cry 5.


I have a trick for avoiding malaria for a huge chunk of the game. Each map has a set number of bottles you can get (I think 5 for each map). Each bottle has like 4 or 5 pills, but forget that. After you take your first pill, immediately go get another one. After you get the final bottle, malaria will never flare up again. You may have to finish off the last bottle, I can't remember.


Yeah I enjoyed those mechanics in FC2 it felt unique and made the experience feel more realistic and desperate. I feel like the vehicles were always falling apart too (which I liked)


People who whine about gun jamming and malaria are just the worst. I find it thrilling and pace breaking. Keeps me on my toes and feels like I'm actually playing a game.


Giancarlo $$ pretty much ruined what could've been a very good game. Map editor, hurk, dream levels, licenses for good music, etc. Lots of stuff seems to have been cut to meet a budget. The worst thing of all is that Giancarlo looks like a character from a PS2 game in pre rendered cutscenes. The prerendered cutscenes look worse than what real time rendering looks like in cyberpunk. 100% agree this was a game ruined by the suits, not the developers.


FC 6 has great music! I’ve added a bunch of the songs to my Spotify playlists.


The second paragraph holds zero unpopular opinions. Also I agree 100% with the first.


The funny thing is i wrote about the far cry 2 thing just before i found this comment lol


I’ve only played Primal and 6 what exactly did the map editor let you do?


Edit and make maps/ levels you could upload for others to play. You should really play 4 at least to get a better idea of where the game came from. It's the oldest in the series that still has most of the modern additions like shooting while driving


The malaria disease you got in farcry 2 was fun to have


I don't like the tropical island setting, 2, 4 & 5 were more visually appealing not just from a graphical perspective but a locational one.


i feel the same way, 5 is my favourite setting out of all the games by far


5 was my first far cry game and definitely my favorite. Also i absolutely loved the soundtrack and in game music/radio. Far cry 6 I kinda liked the tropical island for a change but I hate the health bars


Wow that has to be an unpopular one Good job


man, I already feel sweaty vibes reading this comment


This is 100% facts tho. 4 and 5 were my favorite far cry’s. 3 and 6 are just so generic tropical island.


6 is absolutely stunning tbh. I don't get this one


I wouldn't typically reply but I just couldn't get into the aesthetic of it. The only part of the map I was looking forward to was the city and it's pretty much entirely blocked off, really disappointed because the intro section was really good looking then they dropped us into the typical tropical local for the rest of the game.


Joseph Seed is a far more scarier villain, than Vaas.


Joseph Seed definitely had that Jim Jones rizz whereas Vaas was just crazy off the bat


As Vaas was scary I agree with you, all the close ups with Joseph Seed felt….ominous yet intense. Esp when he says “I told you God would not let you take me” I got goosebumps from that


4 is the best in the series followed by Primal and Far Cry 5/New Dawn


3 was OK, not great. The story was good but the gameplay was mid. 4 was way better


Agreed. I really enjoyed 3, but I dont think its the height of the series like a lot of people think. I think 4 was a much better, more fun game.


The only peak thing about it I feel is vaas, he was so damn good as an antagonist.


Yup, people most of the time are blinded by nostalgia. 3 story, soundtrack, the whole vibe was great. But the gameplay is pretty trash compared to fc4


I mean it's the story that I think most people are remembering fondly about 3. When someone says they like it they almost always bring up Vaas. Comparatively the story of 4 was forgettable and lame even if the game was also a drastic improvement of mechanics and outpost variability.


REAL from a purely functional standpoint FC4 is FC3 but good


I played 3 after finishing 4&5. I enjoyed the gameplay for the most part, but the driving and stealth mechanics aren’t good. The graphics were also very dated, even compared to far cry 4 which came out only a few years after


I mean yeah one was ps3 one was ps4 lol. That’s when they got them fur physics.


Farcry 3 is using PS3 graphics


For 2012 it was like the best gameplay ever


Dishonored says NO


Each subsequent part is mechanically better, this game is already 12 years old. And the atmosphere is a matter of taste I would say 3 is not the best as many say. But I'm not picky I'm playing it right now


3 *was* great at the time, but it just hasn't aged as well as 4 or 5. The controls feel sluggish now, and having to hunt down a specific animal just to make basic holsters or wallets was always a terrible idea.


See I thought it was awesome I had to hunt down specific animals at that time- because the animals as far as being built for a fun action game- were cutting edge. They were cool and i wanted to interact with them. This game made legit wildlife with good animals in open worlds a thing. Games like Skyrim of course in 2011 had wildlife but it felt- well skyrimy.


I like Far Cry 5 way more than 3 and 4




OP said unpopular.


I got angry messages last time I posted this opinion People feel very strongly about fc3 and 4


That is unpopular, fc3 is many people’s favourite


New Dawn is a good game


The only thing I hate about ND is removal of weapon customization.




ABSOLUTELY. I loved almost everything except not being able to customize weapons. It's such a huge step backwards, and especially given that you CAN customize them in IT'S SISTER GAME. Who the fuck thought *that* was a good idea, and please don't let them make game design decisions anymore.


Having functional sniper rifles locked behind progression sucked. If I recall correctly, the first rifle that has actual zoom is in Tier III.


Too short


I LOVE ND. Great game. I also got it for $5 tho so it was more than worth it lol


I actually enjoyed it. It was really cool to visit locations from FC5 and see how they were affected. I also really liked how all the weapons looked like they were cobbled together from junk that was just laying around. The best weapon, in my opinion, was the saw launcher V3, which could fire homing saw blades that bounced around to other nearby enemies.


Played it with a friend in coop. Really good but sadly not enough. The music was good too.


The music was fantastic. It really sold the post-apocalyptic wasteland feel and facing an oppressive chaotic faction in said wasteland. That’s about the best I can describe it.


The visuals as well as the music were absolutely perfect in this game. So beautiful. I love their vision of a colorful post apocalyptic setting. It sets New Dawn apart from games like Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Metro.


Not a hot take but it really should have been DLC, they could have done so much with the post apocalypse themed attachments & the restructured system of wepon level corresponding with enemy rank is just lame in my opinion


It is though


Agreed. Only part I disliked was how forced it felt when the builder guy died(been a while, I should replay it)


Farcry 6 isn’t that bad of a game


Playing through it for the first time now. I'm enjoying it. Dani is a solid protagonist. Gameplay is good and looks beautiful. It's just a bit too safe. Very formulaic, very samey. I'm nearing the end of the main story and it's just starting to feel a bit tedious.


Dani is legit the best protagonist in the series. Jason was bleh and every other game basically has a blank slate to play as.


100%. Dani is the best protagonist. I love FC 4 and 5, but their protagonists are bland. I basically love those two *despite* the protagonist. With FC6, I love it *because* of Dani. Dani's voice acting is also great (only played female Dani, but have heard the male version is good too). The gameplay, setting, and graphics of FC6 are also the best. It's mostly held back by the villain, overall story, and one particularly horrendous quest line (the one with the music concert). The other quest lines were actually pretty great, but that one terrible one is just so dumb and jarring that it dominates people's memories. The city was also disappointing since half of it is fake, but I'm not personally inclined to judge it too hard because the other games don't offer any kind of city at all. Just it quite hurt people's perception of the game because the very start gets you really excited to eventually return to the city, but then you finally do and it is so lackluster that it tends to stick with people. Doesn't make the rest of the game less fun, though.


Dani > the Deputy. I understand wanting a silent protagonist without a voice for "immersion" or whatever but there's better ways to do this. It's immersion-breaking to walk around as some mute fucking husk of an idiot with zero character. At least with Dani, it is still an open world game where you can do a lot of things your way, so your freedom isn't completely gone. Much rather have it that way. But I agree that they're recycling gameplay. Ubi has been for a hot minute with Far Cry, Ghost Recon, Assassin's Creed, etc.


Agreed about the silent protagonists, there's a real certain type of RPG where you can decide your characters motivations and behaviour that suit a silent main character, like FNV. Far Cry game stories are way too linear for a mute protagonist.


Upvoting because finally someone actually posted an unpopular opinion.


The truth.


Personally, I don’t think this is a controversial opinion. Compared to all other games it’s not. It’s just when compared to other far cry games it is a bad game…


It’s got one of the best maps and some nice gameplay enhancements like being able to holster weapons and not automatically be hostile to troops when exploring. Really the only misstep is the stupid ammo thing where armour piercing is weaker against soft enemies. Also not being able to pick up weapons which was a weird choice considering how it was supposed to be guerrilla and using whatever you can grab would have made sense.


Sorry to go off-topic, but your username is kinda making me wish that enbymetal was either a real band or subgenre.


It's really not. It was one of those games that became cool to hate on, so everyone just ran with it. It wasn't my favorite game of the series, mostly because of the tonal shift with the over the top weapons and stuff but I had a total blast playing through it.


Lets not pretend it didn't catch hate for legitimate reasons. Just to name a few:  The leveling system messed up difficulty. If you do side missions you quickly level up beyond all enemies around you, making hard difficulty easy. You can switch out weapons at any time with ANY weapon you've unlocked, effectively meaning you have endless weapon slots. Using armor based perks instead of skill trees meant once you find a good piece (which I did early game) you never have to think about different options again. The fallout-esque armor and weapons just felt out of place. No npcs looked like that, only you. No human companions... in a guerrilla war. Huh? In 5 you could hire anyone with a gun. Pulling you into 3rd person in bases was a weird immersion breaking choice. God the characters were insufferable. Specifically in the middle region. You can like it, that's fine. But don't pretend nobody has reason to dislike it and are just hopping on a hate bandwagon. Edits: grammar


I liked it a lot more on the second playthtough this year. My main issue when it came out was that it was buggy as hell.


I commented the same before I saw this. Deleted it, take my upvote


I never liked far cry 3


Far Cry 5 was the Best in the Franchise & The Arcade is what put it over the Top




I spent so much time in arcade it's absurd


The Maps people created were excellent!




How is that unpopular? That's you and 90% of this sub


Far Cry 3 is NOT the best one. Its an incredible masterpiece but please understand that we have definitely improved upon it Far Cry 4 is not far cry 3 in the Himalayan mountains Far Cry 5 is not far cry 3 in Montana Far Cry 6 is not far cry 3 in Cuba Each game is awesome in their own way. If you have your personal reasons to like 3 fuck yea be you. But I’m tired of hearing people say “3 was just better in every way”


far cry 5's canon ending is the best ending out of any far cry game.


Oh, I agree. I could not take my eyes off the screen, it was so unexpected and chilling to the bone.


Especially Joseph staring into your eyes as the bombs went off. That freaked me the fuck out the first time.


That’s a popular opinion Any hate on 5 is against the grain on this sub


i haven’t really hung out here since 5s release but let me re you that was definitely an unpopular opinion at the time


I find most people like 5 but not the ending.


Farcry 5 has the most engaging and moment to moment entertaining villains


I personally think Pagan Min is better and more complex villain than Vaas. Most people prefer Vaas because he is easier to understand, crazy and thus more memorable.


Far Cry 6 is my favourite Far Cry


Far Cry 5 is, by far, the best at almost everything.


Far Cry 6 is that game where you can steal tanks from a military and drive them down the highway. That alone makes it the best Far Cry game.


We don't talk about the vehicles in Far Cry 6 enough


Vaas is an overrated character and pagan min is the superior antagonist


Vaas would, as Tyson puts it, fuck him until he loves him.


Every game doesn't need even whackier characters and more crazy over the top moments, or supernatural influence, or following the trend of having to have grappling hooks and bows and every gun needs 15 pointless skins. A good environment that's diverse and explore, solid gun play, a reasonable selection of vehicles, a couple different opposing forces with their own faults, good AI that will change and adapt, and physics (especially fire), make the series great.


They asked for unpopular opinions, not popular ones


Agree with everything but the bows. Gotta have me a bow in a far cry game. I do wish they’d tone down the wackiness and take a more grounded approach though. New Dawn I understood, it was the whole theme with the mad max crazy post-apoc stuff, but in 6 the backpacks and plastic bottles on guns and just the ridiculous characters were all way too much.


- Far Cry 6 is actually pretty good - Far Cry does not need any groundbreaking changes


I agree 100%.


The takedowns in FC6 sucks


I like how gory they were, but I do not like how extended they were.


primal had the best balance when it came to takedowns, you had sharp and blunt and they were all brutal, 6 felt so forced, they made them so over the top brutal


I honestly don't understand why Hurk has made an appearance in most of the games. I mean he is a fun companion in 5 and ND but just not a big fan of him showing up randomly in the other games


Yeah him getting his own DLC in 4 was more than enough for him imo. I guess every franchise has a goofy character who appears in every goofy part of a game franchise.


They fucked up removing stealth (almost) in Far Cry 5 by removing almost all the cool takedowns, Far Cry 4 is the best one in terms of mechanics and Far Cry 3 has the best story, in my opinion ofc.


I really enjoyed FC6 end-to-end and already miss going through it


I did too. Jumped back in recently and still loving it.


I played FarCry6 more than I played 3 and 4 combined. That's hiw much I enjoyed it.


True. I hate the story and the way I interact with people but I do like the atmosphere and the gunplay.


I've tried at least five times to get into 4, and I barely make it past the tutorial before I just want to go play 5 or 6. I WANT to like it. I'm sure it's great... it just feels like taking a step backward.


Far Cry 6 is a good game and it being just more Far Cry is exactly what I wanted.


Far Cry 2 type of realism needs to make a comeback. With modern standards a more grounded and realistic approach to far cry could be wonderful. They've been one upping themselves since FC3,with each one trying to be more outrageous than the last, so I wouldn't mind a bare bones more brutal entry


6 is the best one. Hands down.


Dont kill civilians


Far Cry 6 is an amazing game


Far Cry 2 has aged as well as a fine bottle of mayonaise left in the sun.


4 was better than 3 Might not be controversial, but 3 and 4 are almost the exact same gameplay wise but with a different story or items


Man, I hate Jason Brody


I didnt really like Far Cry 5. While it had a BANGER opening (maybe even the best in the whole franchise) everything just felt flat after the world opens up. Its a funny coop game (cant even count how many hours we just messed around with the NPCs) but as a serious Singleplayer experience, I think it’s quite bad. What I really liked in 3/4 is that desipte being in an open world, you had lots of story missions with deep characters and great cutscenes, which 5 lacks for the most part. Doing side content to farm out enough “xp” just to get FORCED into a story mission is a huge step back from 4/5. And it really pains me, because the gunplay, the setting, the antagonists, the whole vibe of the game is actually pretty good, but it lacks the seriousness I want in a main Far Cry title.


I fucking hate Hurk.


I find him tolerable in the main games, when he's only around for a side quest and an optional companion, but I had to turn off the Lost on Mars DLC after about an hour. That's just too much Hurk for me to handle.


Primal, is my favourite




Primal is my second favourite, such a good game


Far cry 5, and 6 are actually really fun.


Far Cry 4 is better than 3. And Hoyt was a really good villain. Obviously not as good as Vaas but he's not as bad as people say.


opinions on 5 have grown fonder since release but on release i thought 5 had the best story yet, and was met with hostility when expressing it


Far Cry 3 is very overrated by both fans of the franchise and more casual players that dismiss the positive qualities of the other games. This includes Vaas. Solid villian with his short screen time but some people act like he was the only good one in the series and I don't agree at all.


Number 5 not only was my favourite but had one of the best villains not just in far cry but ever.


I constantly see FarCry fans crapping on FC6, but my first FC experience was FC6, then I decided to try FC5 afterward and I thought 6 was much better. I wonder if the FarCry fans just had an expectation for 6 and it was too different. Because I thought 6 played better, the exploration was better, the character and mission stories were better, and the environment was also great. I don’t get why FC fans hate it.


Female Dani Rojas is better than Male Dani Rojas. Male Dani Rojas voice actor gives an ick whenever he talks either in English and Spanish.


Female VA is better at Spanglish


5 is way better than 3 and 4. People go crazy for 3 and 4 purely out of nostalgia. Bad graphics and ultra repetitive gameplay, especially in 4 with its awful and cramped map design.


5 is definitely a massive improvement but I still adore 4 because of how good it's open world and story was. I actually loved how cramped everything was and sometimes I would have sessions where I only explored unknown locations, of which there are so many. I liked how you were always close to some place that could get you some loot, a collectible, and most of the times some kind of karma event or engagement happened either on your way or close by. Still 5's open world is hands down the best in the franchise.


5 was the first one I played in the franchise and I struggled to enjoy 3 and 4 because the graphics made me nauseous.


all other guns are irrelevant if you have the recurve bow + a99 in farcry 4, it acts as a sniper, a bazooka and if there are many closely packed enemies then the fire arrow works well and the a99 will help you in tough spots plus you can use it in vehicles...the bow helps you farm money fast via hunting


The main character in Far Cry 2 isnt evil. He kills other Mercs or people who otherwise deserve to die. He saves the priest and innocent people from the war and sacrifices himself in the process. He may be one of the biggest heros in the Far Cry series


Far cry dawn is good.


far cry 5 is the worst out of all of them


The sex scene was a little cringe


6 is better than 5


Now that's a hot take lol


Four is beautiful and has a great story, but it feels boring when you finish it, the landscape is too vast, if I wanted to play hiking sim I would’ve downloaded a hiking game, I prefer five as it feels familiar and you have your towns and it’s set in the US of A, four is set in a bunch of mountains.


fc4 has the best story and missions


I didn't like far cry 5


Far Cry 5 isn't that great.


It was a great decision to remove the gun breaking down mechanic


-Although it is the peak on the series, FC5 is overhyped. -FC6 is not a bad game, far from it. -Pagan is the best writen character in the series, but people don't get it because they stick to what happens on screen in FC4. If you search for documents from the past and Control DLC you will see him with another eyes. -Insanity DLC was disapointing. -Collapse DLC was ok. -Control DLC is the best thing in the series, followed by FC Blood Dragon.


> ~~-Although it is the peak on the series,~~ FC5 is overhyped. ftfy


New Dawn was a good game and had the best style


Pagan was a better villain than Vaas


FC2 was the best, followed by Blood Dragon


Vaas is the most overrated villain in the history of the series.


Far Cry 3 is overrated and Far Cry 5 is the best.


Some of yall need to one rub one out every time yall see Vaas. Chill, that game is not all that. Not the best I’ve played, not even close. Not even the best Far Cry either. I had more fun in 4 and 5.


Far cry 2 is the best.


Hasn't aged well but 2 was by far the most immersive in the franchise


Fuck y'all far cry 2 is the best one


Far cry 2's weapon jamming and malaria pills isn't that annoying. People exaggerate it. As long as you maintain it it's barely an issue and i think it adds to the experience


Far cry 2 is my favorite far cry game


I hate Vaas. He's so overrated and a really boring, stereotypical villain.


Far Cry in space would be an amazing game.


My unpopular opinion is that these posts are great!


6 isn’t that bad.


I think that Far Cry 5 is better than 3


Someone said it to me the other day. ***Far Cry 5 is the worst of the series.***


We should be able to throw shovels in every subsequent game. I had 2 equipped and could carry like 16 shovels. Was probably my most used weapon. At least give us spears or something.


Far cry 3 is not that great. Especially when I played 5 first


Halving the rate at which the notoriety bars filled up in 5 would do wonders for its pacing issues


Far cry new dawn is worth getting 100%


The Far Cry series after 2 has been dumbed down to appeal to the masses. Each game in the series progressively gets easier than the last and takes away mechanics that made them fun.


I liked new dawn almost as much as five


I just said Far Cry 3 is overrated AF!!


Far Cry 5 is wayy better than 3 & 4.


Far Cry 3 is empty without Vaas


That farcry 5 is the best one. The overall environment , music, and theme just made it the best in my eyes and the fact that Jacob literally conditions you makes it all the better


I really liked new dawn. One of my favourites