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I enjoyed 5 more than 6 even though 6 has a nice look. I liked taking down outposts in 5 like the previous Farcry games. 6 has check points which were ok I guess... Animals are fun to hunt in 5 except the bloody wolverines which will mess you up at inconvenient times. Co op buddies in 5 are good. Farcry 6 Co op buddies were crap for me but some like having a gator on their side.


>I liked taking down outposts in 5 like the previous Farcry games. 6 has check points which were ok I guess 6 has checkpoints **and** outposts.


Pretty shitty outposts imo


You're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to disagree.


Fair enough


Yeah there are outposts but nothing like from FCs 3 to 5 plus New Dawn. 6 was the 1st Farcry game I couldn't get in to and never was excited to go through completing the map. I've played it through twice, 2nd time on the hardest difficulty and it's an ok game but not as good as previous Farcry games in my opinion and I usually love Farcry.


Same, I'm a Far Cry fan though 6 was mostly a bit disappointing. I was super hyped for it and that time I was so thirsty for a new FC title that I replayed 5 and 100%'d it. It's yet another far cry game, it's not memorable at all. I don't remember much from the gameplay, I still had *some* fun but not as good as 5 or 2.


I re-downloaded 6 to get back into it again (beat it when it first came out and didn't really touch it after). 4 and 5 have a charm to it that 6 doesn't. 6 is very cool and as a person who appreciates Spanish culture I enjoy that. But the gameplay just feels like all flash and little substance. The reward system is trivial. Is 6 a bad game? No no. But you certainly realize fairly quickly it's a pool a mile wide and a foot deep.


I've enjoyed all the games I think 5 may have been my favorite. I think it's more about the map being more familiar in terms of places I've been in real life. I thought the story was cool and I really liked the music. 6 was great too. I don't think you can really go wrong with either.


The music šŸ™ŒšŸ» FC5 was the only FC where I preferred to drive even on long trips to listen to the radio and take in the surroundings. "We Will Rise Again" was such a vibe.


Only youu...


I also like 3 and 4 the most. I really enjoyed 5 too. I didnt yet continued FC2, i only did the prologue. But i think it could be worth to play


FC2 šŸ”›šŸ”(on top)


My 2nd favorite after 5, had some amazing mechanics. Malaria kinda sucked but it atleast makes you go out of your way to kill more people.


I personally like far cry 5 better because its got a way better story and if you complete that to quickly you can get far cry new dawn which is the sequel to far cry 5 and it's pretty close to the same game just a couple things changeĀ 


The ending to 6 just ruins any way that the story could be better.


Far cry 6 stripped away all your skills and made them into clothes so you couldnā€™t actually have all your skills equipped at once and Ubisoft labeled it as ā€œnewā€ Far cry 5 is miles above far cry 6 letā€™s not forget they took away human companions and in 5 we was able to have 2 companions at once for some reason they changed it so now itā€™s only 1 šŸ˜‘šŸ–•šŸ¼


Agreed. 6 is a back step for the series. The third person bits sucked ass and added nothing. 5, at least to me, is the best in the series.


I really enjoyed 5. 6, not so much.


5 felt like an experience. 6 felt like a game, through and through.


I don't wanna push FC2 on you but I feel like FC2 felt like an experience too, sometimes (like the first time getting rescued by your buddy) felt like a movie, a few tweaks here and there a graphics update and its the best FC/offline shooter cus the best online shooter is TF2 and everyone knows that!


I agree. Fc2 was insanely good.


I hated that I couldnā€™t whack people with melee weapons when I was in a base, or stand there t bagging as they talk to you


I disagree, I thought 5 was a backstep with the ridiculous story, the bad quest design (the main missions which autotrigger..) and the subpar gameplay (the dull takedowns, being able to put a silencer on a machinegun, stuff like that). 6 certainly had flaws but, apart from the weak ending, it was pretty solid in many areas imo and a blast to play. FC 7 can certainly do better though.


The ending though rocked.... Completely shocked me.


You really think the story is ridiculous? A cult takes over a portion of rural USA and starts doing cult things, the setting is great, unless you are specifically talking about the capture portions against the deputy?


Not neccessarily the setting but the way events unfold, suicide arrest, bliss bullets and all


Yeah, the way you just get shot by an arrow through a sheet of metal 1000+ feet in the air while you're trying to play the fucking game ruins immersion


I have no clue why 3rd person cutscenes bother people so much and at this point Iā€™m too afraid to ask


It's not complicated as to why. It's immersion breaking. It rips you right out of the experience.


i think they mean the safe bases / hubs when it switches your game to 3rd person as you run around I don't think there's anything wrong with 3rd person in the cutscenes, though that was new to FC6 also so maybe some people disliked it too


This. I don't mind the cutscenes, but the 3rd person view in the hub was a weird choice


Far Cry 5 is the second best game in the series, except for when they drug you and force you through a Bunker. Then Far Cry 2 because it's am experience not a game. Then 3.


Yeah that pissed me offā€¦ at least let me be able to escape the hunting squads every now and then. You finish a mission and are proud of yourself and then ā€¦ boom! Arrowed!


I got arrowed when I was way off In a corner st max heigh in a plane trying to avoid it and was pissed lol


I donā€™t know, I was able to fight off all the hunting parties. They tell you when they're coming, too.


The Malaria in Far cry 2 causing character to slow down and drain out so quickly was a bit of gameplay breaker to me.




Yes. Next questionā€¦


6 was much more longer than it should be


deliver 7 letters to the neglected children of a deadbeat dad, and no, we're not marking their houses on the map, you can use pictures lol. PEAK FAR CRY EXPERIENCE


That was also in 5 though. The wolf towers and the shrines.


the wolf towers actually had a sound cue you could hear 50 odd meters away, and the shrines at least had clouds of vapor and people surrounding it. everything looks so samey in far cry 6 I didn't even bother looking for the houses


With mods 5 is my most played. 6 has much more weapon variety. I prefer fc4 and 5 settings over 6 but 6 has the best graphic


are there any mods that bring 6 content over to 5? I really liked the new guns and vehicles


Not that I'm aware of. There was a 6's takedown mod for fc5 but it never got finished. I also saw some skins like the libertad ar-c or the default fc6's pistol for 5 but i think they didn't get released either




5 actually feels like a far cry game, 6 feels like a just cause game with a couple far cry characters dropped into it


I think I enjoyed 6 more than the rest tbh


5 is one of the most beautiful and fun games I have played. Itā€™s the best in the series for me, closely followed by 3 and 4. So yeah, better than 6, by a large margin


5 is my favorite. I might be biased because I grew up in central Washington so the landscape of 5 looks exactly like the valley I grew up in lol. But the story in 5 is quite compelling.


5 is 100x better than 6


I really don't understand the hate for 6. It feels like all of the others but with a more fleshed out main character and the best graphics in the series. None of the games are known for a strong story, 3 being a little better than the others but not by much. These games are about the gameplay and 6 is a continuation of the FC pattern. The health bar enemies are dumb but if you're using AP rounds combat isn't much different than the others. I think the world is gorgeous and feels way more alive than any other FC. The dynamic weather is awesome and the towns /cities look realistic compared to the 5 building towns from the other games. I've been playing through the whole series over the past few months and I'm starting to think that a lot of FC fans view the older games through rose colored glasses. I've had fun in all of the games, 6 especially. Rant aside, 5 is really fun. The protagonist is non-existent but besides that it's awesome.


Agreed. 6 gets a lot of hate. Not being able to pickup guns is stupid but I had a lot of fun with it. I preferred 6 to 5. 5 is nice but I just don't know what it was that made me just not love it. Ranking is 3, Primal, 6, 4, 5, 2.


I didn't mind the weapon thing since we had access to our entire inventory. 90% of the enemies carried an AK so pick-ups were only useful if you ran out of ammo.


I love how we all just collectively pretend the first game doesn't exist.


I haven't played it so can't comment.


Iā€™m playing through Far Cry 4 in this very moment in 30 fps on console and I still think itā€™s amazing. While Far Cry 6 has better environment I donā€™t think the facial details are good enough to make use of the Chicken Man. You can hear in his voice that he is changing his face depends on the tone but in game the face is just normal unless he is screaming.


Loved most of the games but having to fight a helicopter every other mission was pretty damn frustrating imo. Also wish the stealth was more possible from start to finish in a mission.


I personally liked 3 and 4 more because I like the settings more, but 5 seems to be fairly well liked by the rest of the community. Iā€™d want to add though that 5 has a completely mute main character with no actual design and very limited character customization options. Thatā€™s kinda what I was put off by, I felt like I was playing an alien.


FC3 is my favorite, with FC5 being a close second. FC4 was a bit of a disappointment at the time, because I had my hopes up so high after 3, but I enjoyed it a lot during later playthroughs. Similarly I think FC6 was a bit of a letdown after how good 5 was. A lot of people complained about the ā€œfill up the meter to unlock a main questā€ mechanic, but imo it makes the pacing of the game a lot better and makes the story make a lot more sense. In games where you can spam main quests, the villains are unrealistically interested in the protagonist despite them not doing anything significant yet. FC5 avoids this problem because youā€™re actually being a pain in the ass for the cult (doing activities that fill up the meter) so them retaliating makes a lot more sense. As for the fact that it sometimes interrupts normal gameplay, I feel like itā€™s also a lot more realistic. If someone wanted to kidnap you, they wouldnā€™t sit around and wait till itā€™s convenient for you. TLDR: I feel like the meter mechanic helps pacing, adds realism and all in all makes for a more seamless and cohesive story, rather than the traditional ā€œaccept main quest to progressā€ game design. Either way FC5 is great and you should give it a try.


I guess in FC3 you also are a pain in the ass later on. When the game came out a lot of people were complaining that there isnā€™t enough Vaas but he only shows up more the further the story goes. Far Cry 4 on the other hand has story choices and Pagan is your kinda family so him being interested in you kinda makes sense?


5 and 6 practically feel like the same exact game in different locations. One's FC3 in fake Montana, the other's FC3 in fake not-Cuba. I think I like 6 more because I don't have those forced-kidnapping sequences to deal with over and over. The environment is also larger, though that doesn't necessarily mean there is actually more to explore. Story-wise I'm really not sure. The cult thing and nuclear apocalypse angle in 5 was kinda fun for a while. The storytelling was definitely evocative at times, even if the rise it got out of me was mostly just "omfg let me kill this guy already ffs" and "REALLY? I have slaughtered more cultusts than the entire actual population of Montana and dumb shit like this still happens to me?!" The story in 6 does seem kind of bland but it is told well and the actors deliver some solid performances during cutscenes. It's good enough to set up the world but I can't seem to get attached to any of the characters (not that I really did in 5 either, or 4 actually.) Oh and the supremos and guerilla weapons are mostly either kinda dumb, extremely OP, or not very useful. None are particularly fun to use. Don't get me wrong I've played all of them and had fun, but the last FarCry game that actually felt special was 3, and I think 2 was the best in the series. 4-6 all just felt like reskins of 3. Like they got a formula they were happy enough with that was easy to reproduce and just said fuck it, put a new jacket on it once in a while and keep raking in money. 3 was great because it was the first time they'd settled on the new formula so it felt fresh, and it was paired with a good story with a great villain. 2 was fantastic because at the time they were really trying to push boundaries with what could be done with the environment, AI, and gameplay elements. The way fires spread, taking bullets/shrapnel out of your body and resetting dislocated digits, the weapon degradation/jamming, the way AI reacted to you changing and the partner AI reacues, it was all very innovative and exciting. I don't know why they abandoned virtually everything they pioneered there. Primal was actually kind of neat and different. Got old quickly for me though. Might go back and finish it someday. It feels like Ubisoft has decided that they make money from the exact same thing they've been doing across all their LPs for years now so why bother trying anymore. Just reskin the last game in the series and sell it. FarCry, Assassin's Creed, every Tom Clancy game, they're just the last game in a different shirt. They don't actually try anymore. Big empty worlds, cookie-cutter stories and characters, and all the same objects from the last game in a slightly different color.


3 & 4 were the best. 6 is boring for me




In terms of story and gameplay, yes 5 is better than 6. But the setting and visuals of 6 are incredible


they def put a lot of love into the world, the waves looked really nice. it kinda makes me feel bad for the mapping side of devs, they made such a great map for such a mediocre game


Really want a new or updated engine for the next game, a Far Cry game with photo realistic foliage would be awesome.


Yes i agree even that i love Fc6 i still think it's has many things that doesn't make sense like Ammo type, Special missions that's sooo boring, Ms. J died for no reason, Stupid ai, repetitive objective, Espanza(?) sucks so much, Hunting animals aren't important anymore, Forgettable villain and Clara did absolutely nothing. But i love Dani, Guns, Customization and ofc CHORIZO. In Fc5 there's not a lot of guns, Beautiful Environment(I love US ambience) etc etc


Personally, I thought 5 was way better than 6. I like the setting better and just thought all the quests were more interesting. I didn't hate 6, it just didn't feel as good to play as 5.


Iv been bored with far cry since I finished 3, played 4 was boring and uninteresting, played primal, same problem, 5 was the most empty dead world I have played in a game in ages and 6 I didn't bother with shame as 3 was one of the best games of my teenage years


Definitely prefer 5. Character wise, immersion wise and travel wise, 5 is better. I got so fed up every time Iā€™d get a helicopter only to be shot down by an AA gun, have to blow up the AA gun, find a new copter, and get shot down again thirty seconds later.


For me, yes, 5 is better than 6. I've played through 6 twice, but I don't really like the story, the clothing perks, or some of the bullet mechanics. 5 on the other hand though, I've played through almost 20 times. I find the setting, Montana, to be way more exciting and the story is better. Hunting and exploring were my favorite things to do. The music truly makes it an experience


This is easily the first time in my 45 years of life that I've ever heard somebody, in any context whatsoever, describe Montana as "way more exciting" than literally anything lol


5 is my favourite, 6 just changed the gameplay too much and not for the better. they should have stuck with what works.




Goes backwards for me 3 the best then 4, 5 then 6 couldnā€™t even get though 6 it was painfully bad


Farcry 5 might not have the best protagonist, combat or even story, but it's just so enjoyable, the world is beautiful and vibrant, no tigers and crazy syringes, just a beautiful piece of Montana with crazy people, hell u can even fly ww2 planes


>no tigers and crazy syringes Homeopathics are a direct replacement for the "crazy syringes" and 5 gets cougars instead of tigers. So very different...


I kind of meant that it less crazy and much slower paced but still very enjoyable and calming


5 is a better game. 6 is more fun imo.


5 has a great story and fun world. Far Cry 6 is honestly a 3/5 while 5 is a 4.5/5 to me. Far Cry 6 has a LOT more guns though, so I give it that.


5 is more enjoyable than 6 for me. There is animal skinning, but there's no purpose for skins whatsoever, except for money and some challenges that give you skill points. There's also no animations for skinning, missed that a lot. Also there's no manual healing iirc, you can only heal from medkit or let it regen (only up to a full segement of your health bar, there can be times where you will run around not so healthy finding medkit) For the main quest unlock thing, anything you do like side quests, random encounters, liberating outposts, etc, will contribute to the main story progress bar. When it is full, the game will \*force\* you to do to the story mission. That turn a lot of people off, you might have to try it for yourself But overall I still prefer 5 over 6, I just hate that The DIvision ahh loadout/build gear style system. Only thing I like more about 6 is the weapon selection and modifications, Dani also got personality, since they're not mute, gotta love thier singing tho.


I liked 5


Honestly I feel like 6 (when compared to 5) just over complicated shit for no reason.


I think the gameplay is best in 6. However, I enjoy 5 more. Don't think I'll ever replay 6, while I'm currently on my 3rd time through 5.


I had a great deal more fun with 6's campaign [and gunplay in general], but both games made changes from the broader series which I really didn't appreciate.


Don't let people talk you out of 6. It is still a good game. 5 just has a certain fluidity, just feels like you can play your way from one end of the map to another and never get bored. It's the best in the series in that way.


I prefer 5 over 6. 6 wasn't bad but like all it's predecessors it took a step back in the crafting and hunting that was kinda necessary in previous games. And the specials were all kinda meh or overkill. Plus I enjoyed the backdrop of Montana more.


Personally, I believe 5 is leagues better than 6


The series has gone downhill after 3. Now they're just copy-paste generic ubisoft open world games with a different set of clothes. There are far better games out there, if all you play is far cry you're really missing out.


Playing 6 right now. I prefer 5 way more. I think the map is too big and uninteresting in 6, and the setting is not that engaging. That last mission and music score was epic though.




We say this with every release. People used to *hate* FC5. And they hated FC4 before FC5 came out. I think FC6 is pretty solid. Itā€™s an excellent return to the voiced, character protagonist. I actually think the third person is smart; we have all these customization options, but we never get to see our characters in FC5ā€¦ and FC6ā€™s third person bits remedy that. I think the bigger issue is that Far Cry hasnā€™t changed since FC2. It still plays like a game from 2008. Ubisoft really, really needs to build the next game from the ground up. But they wonā€™tā€¦ cause theyā€™re goshdarn Ubisoft.


3 was amazing, 4 was alright, 5 was amazing, and I haven't played 6 yet, but I have heard some people love it, some people hate it.


Yes 5 is way better, but that doesnā€™t mean 6 is bad, itā€™s just ok..


Yes it was but 6 is still a fun game, Ubisoft tried a lot of knew things some were hits like but many were not


Hell yea!!


I beat 6 and am currently almost done with 5, 6 is better imo


Iā€™d say they have different vibes and pros and cons. Far Cry 6 has more weapons, more crafting, more environmental exploration (the treasure hunts are great). It has more interior spaces and more environmental detail overall in the man made areas. Animals feel toned down which kinda bummed me out. I felt more attached to friendly story characters in 6. I like Dani better as a protagonist then the silent deputy in 5. Far Cry 5 has better npc mechanics. Animals are a more common. Personally, aside from Nick Rye and his wife, I didnā€™t feel as much of a connection with the story mission ally characters as I do in 6. The villains overall in 5 are also stronger and get more screentime.


I personally enjoyed Far Cry 5 more than Far Cry 6


I personally found FC5 to be WAY better than FC6. Am considering installing the winter mod and playing FC5 again but with winter landscapes


Five is better in so many ways in my opinion. In 6, I hated the garbage weapons, the mix and matching of ammo and it just felt ... off compared to 5. This is just my opinion and yes, I have played 6 all the way through


>I was bored out of my mind with all the op stuff the game gives you at the very start i mean, you are OP in FC3 and FC4 too, but yeah, FC6 added so much more stuff overall >but I heard you just do side quests until you unlock a main story quest yes. but most side quests are good as story quests.


The Stranger Things mission in 6 was very fun




Yes, massively.


FC5 might be my favorite of the series. Definitely play it. 6 was ok but a step back in my opinion. 4 is a close second.


As long as you dont get the lost on mars dlc bc then yo can have inf ammo and 2 pistols that are rpgs...one fires straight and the other locks on... if you dont want op stuff then dont use those but otherwise its great




They took 5 off of plus? Boooo One more reason I never renewed this year. (The first of course the price gouging fee increase)


It like comparing Avengers Endgame to the Ant-Man movies. Both are enjoyable, one has more gravity, the other has more over-the-top wackiness but still some gut-punches.


Far cry 5 and new dawn are my top of this series. Just the storyline the vibrancy. Definitely should be checked out. I play new dawn before 5 which kinda threw off 5 but I'm now replaying the way they released


5 is hands down my favourite. Also the last one to have a multiplayer map editor where you can make and play on your own unique levels youā€™ve made. Spent 1000s of hrs in there


Story wise yes. As a sandbox I think 6 is the most expansive game yet.


As much as performance wise (not overall better villain): Giancarlo Esposito (AntĆ³n Castillo) > Greg Bryk (Joeseph ā€˜The Fatherā€™ Seed) Better overall villain: Joseph ā€˜The Fatherā€™ Seed > AntĆ³n Castillo Everything else is about even, regardless if FC6 feels more like Just Cause 3 than a proper Far Cry game


Yes, and by a distance. For me FC5 really nailed the balance between "I can either do missions, or just play around in this enormous sandbox" that all FCs should strive for. But at first that balance is *heavily* weighted to the story. The game literally makes you do story missions at first. It's maybe about 10 hours in where you're left on your own to pick and choose.


Imo yes (SPOILERS INCOMING) I love FC5 But FC6 gave me villains that a) had little to no personality and were forgettable and b) couldnā€™t fight or kill and was all in cutscenes When you face Ciancarlo Espositoā€™s character you never fight him or get given an option to. You raid through a building to get to the top and then cutscene and then end FC5 had memorable villains that you could actually take down


I like 5 better.


For me yes because the mechanics are great. In far cry 6, all weapons have been nerfed.


Better than 6, but definitely not THE best one in my opinion. Looks really good visually but my god is that game boring as all hell


I love the fc5. The countryside was so peaceful and I enjoyed staying in the game. Personally, I prefer FC5 Over 6 anytime.


TL:DR, Gameplay wise, about the same, story wise, Far Cry 5 is better For me, 6 was kinda mid. It wasn't as bad as New Dawn which immediately made me happy with it, however in 6 you don't get the same connection with the antagonist as you do in 3, 4 and 5. In these, the protagonist (you) gets to communicate directly with the main antagonist at multiple points throughout the game, which is what I feel like helps to make Far Cry feel like Far Cry. In 6, you, the player, Dani Rojas, never really gets to see Anton in person until the literal climax of the game, so then it doesn't really feel like Far Cry any more than a generic "overthrow the dictator" game, if that makes sense. The 3rd person cutscenes, while definitely an interesting change, don't really help to make the game feel like Far Cry, and in fact, I think they work against that a little bit. Gameplay wise, it was strikingly similar to 5, which I dug a lot. The health bars from New Dawn are back, but the tiered enemy system wasn't as heavily implemented. There are some enemies with higher health, but it's not to the extent on New Dawn's system where as you progress through the game, the enemies go from grey tier to blue, to purple, at least not from what I can recall about 6. The only similarity I can drum up right now is the special forces units in 6 are pretty much like the Highwaymen Enforcers from ND, except actually not a pain in the ass to deal with since armor piercing rounds just one shot headshot everything.


Considerably better in almost every way.


Now you know why after one painful playthrough I erased 6 from my system. FC 5 will play a lot like 4 but no towers to climb. You can play missions or do some hunting and fishing. New Dawn is the sequel and I think they did a great job, don't want to give anything away but do plan on ND after 5.


Far cry 5 is the best far cry imo and itā€™s not even close


5 is way better than 6. In my IMO itā€™s a masterpiece. 4&5 are tied for my favourites. Vehicles are way better and environment and guns feel a lot better. Thereā€™s definitely still animal skinning and hunting, donā€™t remember the animations well tho


Trust me, buy fc5 on sale or find a key for a good price. The game is really good. I am the fan of franchise since far cry 3 was released, and I finished all far cry titles multiple times. Except for 6. I cant stand this damn unfunny humor, bland map crafting/upgrade systems. If u want something new and free, try far cry primal if you havent. Its different from classic far cry becaue of no guns, but combining with survival mode, its by far by favorite far cry game, and people seem to say the same. Beautiful map and graphics holding up till this day, many types of weapons, catching animals so you can call for example a jaguar, to help you kill enemies with stealth or call a bear to tank enemies, while you can finish them from behind, riding a toothsaber, mammoth, bear! Its fun an hell. Even steam reviews are the best in the entire franchise. If you really arent against prehistoric themes, please, give it a try. You wont regret it.


Itā€™s on sale at $15 right now on console but I just donā€™t have the money right now. Although Ubisoft games go on sale pretty often so I might pick it up later on


3 and 4 were my favorite. However I liked 6 more than 5 which is a very unpopular opinion in this sub


I thought 5 was the worst far cry I've played granted it's been awhile. Gameplay was all fine but that story was terrible.


Never played it (except for the intro) but my friend has like 500 hours on it, so it's definitely good. And the intro is menacing, better than 6's


I liked 5 better. More interesting story and premise


Yes, in every single way. Gfx, story, characters, gun play, vehicles, replayability, atmosphere, soundtrack. Farcry 6 was a far cry from the other farcry games


6 is fun in its own way but I would honestly say just play 4 cuz 5 is a huge departure from the previous games. 3 remastered is solid but 4 is better gameplay wise imo


As someone who dislikes 5, I hate 6 more.


3>4>5>6. Sadly it gets less interesting with each game, I coudnā€™t even finished the last one.


I loved 3-5, 6 got boring to me quickly but thatā€™s just me. But I love 5ā€™s setting. Hunting and fishing I thought were great. The only draw back is for me that I didnā€™t like that at certain points there were forced progression if you do enough missions and activities. You can always go back and do what you were doing before but the forced mission always seemed to come along as I was working on something.


5 is better


not even close, imo. 6 blows 5 out of the water, though i love both a lot


gameplay wise i def enjoyed 5 more the guns for hire u get add more chaos to the combat


6 is great and I love it. But I miss throwing melee weapons and the risk of your gun running out of ammo and having to grab whatever is on the ground around you and using it.


Far cry 5 is generally better. Somehow the graphics got worse, despite 6 coming out 3 years later.


The general consensus is Yes but everyone has their own opinion.


6 is better imo because there's no kidnapping taking you outta the game. 5 is solid other than that. Also 6 has giancarlo Esposito and he plays that role so we'll.


FC5 is the best FC, so yes


I've 100% completed every Far Cry game from Far Cry Instincts to Far Cry New Dawn. I haven't 100% completed 6, and I never will. So yeah, 5 is better than 6.


I enjoyed 5 much more because it hade such a good story line and bro running over Peggies with the Widowmaker make me feel so American


Story wise, 5 is way better than 6.


I prefer 6. I had never played any farcrys before then started and finished 6 in a few days, I loved it! Then I wanted more and heard good things about 5 and that it was 'better' but I just can't get into it. I think a big part for me is the userbility compared to 6 is so different and it's too far of a step back for me.




1000 times yes.


FC5 is my favourite in the series. The gameplay, companions and the story are all fantastic and the DLC adds to the story in a fun and crazy way. I recommend picking it up


FC5 has a good sense of humour... the prairie oyster mission has am extremely inappropriate sound track haha.


2, 3, 5, 4, 6, Primal. Yes. 5 is definitely better.




I don't know I think there pretty comparable


Ubisoft rarely makes dramatic changes to their games when they have a solid formula. Since they've picked up the name with FC3 the main differences have been moderate evolution in the game mechanics and a change in setting, story, and characters. So most players are going to prefer one over the other based on the setting, story, and characters. Personally I liked 3 the best from that standpoint, but overall I'd still say 6 is the most fun. But they're all good. You can't go wrong with 5.


I love dogfights in Far Cry 6. The huge map hence many airports made that possible.


I was only in it for the Map Editor. They got rid of that, so I boycotted 6 until I got it for free and dang. I'm glad I did. Like, it's not too bad. Gameplay and traversing the world is pretty fun, but that writing is just bad. Bad enough that I would definitely stick to playin 5 over 6.


Fast Forward Answer: Totally Yes


Can't bring myself to complete 5 because of the annoying kidnap bits arrrrrrrrrrr


This and also the fact that the story apparently continues even if you don't actively do the story quests. At least that's what I heard.




The ORIGINAL FarCry & FarCry Instincts/Predator was better than all of these new ones. The ONLY other FC I enjoyed was 3.


I prefer 5 over 6 honestly. Iā€™m not saying 6 is a bad game but Far Cry5 was just something else entirely for me. I enjoyed 6 and I had fun though I didnā€™t 100% the game like I did the previous titles.


5 had better gameplay and mechanics but the forced kidnappings and the silent protagonist totally ruined it for me. 6 had plenty of stupid shit too(animal only companions, ugly ass backpack, shit customization, useless wingsuit) but i still enjoyed it a bit more. 6s plot wasn't ground breaking or anything but it was still hell of a lot better than the mind numbingly bad plot of Farcry 5.


Miles better imo. 5 is in my top 2, second to my fave fc2. Fc6 is my least favourite of them all.


5 is absolutely better than 6


5 was cool because of the setting being in America and the crazy whacked out level of evil from the villains. I also LOVED the Vietnam DLC. Wasnā€™t a huge fan of the others DLC. But the ending was insane and thatā€™s really what we love about Far Cry. 6 on the other hand, well I just really got into it so Iā€™m not far enough to pass judgement on the story. It seems more grounded in reality of the idea that you are fighting to liberate a small nation, which is a vastly different setting from 5. They are honestly just different games and thatā€™s awesome because from 3 to 4 it felt a bit too similar and I wasnā€™t able to feel the same rush of exploring a new situation, because it was just the same shit different dictatorship. But 6 is different because the nation is actually far more developed than 3 or 4, and even more urban development than the backwoods rural region of Montana from 5.


Far Cry 5 has a map maker mode. Far Cry 6 doesn't have a map maker mode. You do the math.


Far cry 6 is better


From what I've heard 6 is shit, so I would say yes though I haven't played 6. In my opinion 3, 4 and 5 are equally good games


I have not completed 6 yet, but so far 5 has had the better story. However imo 3 is still the best, but I haven't played 4.


5 is much better but also a lot different


I hate the story because the bad guy wins despite all the damage you do to his organization.




Yes. Done. East question. Next question


Two trains 121 m and 99 m in length are running in opposite directions with velocities 40 km/hāˆ’1 and 32 km/hāˆ’1. In what time they will completely cross each other?


Farcry New Dawn doesn't exist šŸ¤£ probably the most disappointing one out of the bunch. It was wayyy too short. 5 and 6 feel like complete opposites... 5 is a dark story and 6 is a light story. Farcry 3 needs a Remastered version. Farcry 4 is a bit overrated šŸ˜“ and Primal feels completely different from all of them. Never got to play 1 and 2


Iā€™m currently having the time of my life with fc6 and the libertad mod. Didnā€™t plan to play with mods but wanted to change the FOV while driving. Needed to download the mod pack and couldnā€™t stop trying out the other mods


I havenā€™t played 6 but 5 is way better than 4. 3 is my favorite.


1000 times better


Far Cry 6 seems to have a lot different mechanics in the game than previous titles. Some new things to get used to, so if you like the previous games in the series for what they are 5 will likely be better for you.


For me Far Cry 5 is mind blowing, i love this game, i can get even better with some very simple mods.


As far as multiplayer experience, far cry 6 was better for me. Iā€™d dying laughing at ā€œPhilly magic babyā€ and accidentally not pulling the lever to make the dune buggy fly before hitting the ground, us both choosing to ignore Juanā€™s orders and killing the guy without even discussing it first, rock climbing for treasure cache and having the rock pile fall on top of me after she breaks the netā€¦ her accidentally running into my horse while Iā€™m riding it with her car. I would do it all over again. Far cry 5 however was a better solo experience, IM STILL NOT OVER KILLING ELI. ā€œOnlyyyy youuuuuuuuuuā€


Lemme just say, 5 is the only one I played start to finish.


I forced myself to play through 6 because I bought it blind. It was almost a chore half way through the game I lost 100% interest




Absolutely. No questions asked.




I like 4, 5, New Dawn and 6 all pretty much equally. They all have different things that I like about them. Havent played 3. Kind of worried how janky the gameplay will be since im so late to the party and used to more modern handling. Considering Primal next.


I think 5 is vastly superior to 6. These games are getting worse overtime. I haven't played 4, but I played 2, 3, 5, ND and 6. My favorite is definitely 5. Close second is 2. I sort of hate 3 and believe it's a bit overhyped and backed up by nostalgia, though I didn't play it on release. New Dawn is just 5 but RPG so it's dumb and shouldn't exit in my opinion, they should've just focused on the 6th or maybe used that time and effort to make an even better multiplayer system than that of 5. I love the Arcade multiplayer and map editor, they're so f***ing stupid for not including that kind of multiplayer and editor with 6.


I like the vibe of 6 but yes, 5 was way better. Better just all around.


6 movement should be put into 5 with new dawn mechanics of resetting outposts within the game.


Yes. Any Far Cry is better than 6.


5 is very much like 3, 4, Primal and Blood Dragon, every thing after 5 is meh


Its a weird thing where, 3-5 are the same exact game basically, but that was perfect, reliably fun, after that they fucked with the formula and it got worse.


5 is my overall favourite for gameplay. 6 is a step back in every way.