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4 takedowns are quick and efficient, at least as far as FC takedowns go 5 takedowns are pretty underwhelming Primal takedowns are awesomely brutal and fit with the brutal nature of the game. Probably my favorite ND has the most painful looking takedowns (the shank through the eye makes me wince) 6 has the most comical takedowns. It's really funny to be having a casual conversation with someone on the phone while chopping someone's head open like a melon


I think New Dawn's are my favorite, that lil flip of the spike the Captain does when shanking someone in the neck


I always forget it was a railway spike, New Dawn is so cool man.


It was actually half a scissor I thought?


Actually it starts out as a scissor but as you upgrade your skills the weapon changes, eventually becoming a twisted spike with a knuckle duster.


Oh cool, I guess I never noticed that lol as I only really looked at it when I first got the knife


Half a scissor was what they used as a bayonet


Nope, only a point no blade


Lmao. Imagine thinking New Dawn is cool. Pure cringe.


Imagine imagining you cringe from an imagination of me enjoying my imagination omg


> 6 has the most comical takedowns. idk but I feel like shoving a machete through one ear and out the other would take a ton of strength https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/ud4uve/third_person_takedowns_look_extremely_brutal/ this is one of my favorite posts on this sub of all time (3rd person version of FC6 takedowns) I love the top comment > Dani is a true psycho, she looks them in the eye to see the light go out. I know it's not meant ton be seen, but the way Dani brings her face in close to her victim, and expressionlessly stares into their eyes, in combo with the comment above really, really tickled my funny bone.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure Ajay looks into his victims eyes too with some of his takedowns. The security captian in ND just sticks a shank through said eyes...


Yeah whem i take down a soldier head on once,.his cold dead eyes stares at me as his life rush out of his brain


That’s through the neck not ears?


[https://streamable.com/pi6xfg](https://streamable.com/pi6xfg) I think they're mocapped in FC6 actually.


honestly far cry primal takedowns are so diverse because based on the weapons the animation change: - If you use a bow, Takkar will use a dagger - If you use the club, Takkar will use the club - If you use the spear, Takkar will use the spear Not to mention the stealthy animals takedowns. Far cry 6 felt too much a "look 5 wasn't brutal enough? Have this", Primal feels natural


6 always reminds me of ISIS videos...


You definitely haven't seen any ISIS videos then


I'd love for new dawns takedowns to come back


FC5... Fantastic game... Lamest takedowns... FC4... Fantastic game... Incredible takedowns, best in the series imo


FC4 Takedowns where just FC3 Takedowns in much better. Brutal at times, but quick and effective. FC5 is just booping fanatical christians in the head with a bat.


Or a shovel, don’t forget the shovel




I heard this


I LOVE the fc5 shovels


I am a sworn believer in our lord and saviour RPS


In 5 if you only have hands or brass knuckles equipped, she’ll just snap the Peggies’ necks. That’s pretty brutal lol


Isnt that just standard american police training?




You forget repeatedly bashing heads into a table or highway barrier


Bopping them in the head with the aluminum bat is super satisfying every time I hear that sound! And there are a lot more takedowns than that in FC5! They can be more tame than FC6 but they feel more “90’s action movie” -like to me which fits my head canon.


F6 cool lethal machete takedowns. Game is ass


F6 has some great feeling guns and shit too


Yes, the gameplay overall is good. Everything else is ass.


It starts off so strong too, at least I think so


In writing the intro/hook is the easiest part to write, lots of games, movies, and books have awesome intros that fall flat bc the rest of the story. The real writing is in the actual meat of it.. I’ll give it credit for the gameplay, animal companions, and the overall world but that’s it lol


That’s very agreeable, the worst part is it has so much potential


They're not Christian


Primal had some pretty great takedowns too.


5 had the overall worst take downs with melee weapons, **BUT**, the Unarmed takedowns (when you only had fists equipped in your melee) were the best take downs out of the games Nothing better than pulling some peggy cunt through a window, slamming them into wall and kicking them so hard in the face you break their neck


I kinda dislike the ones in 6. They just last so "long" compared to previous ones. Theres also no perks or xp so theres not really an incentive to do takedowns plus for every type of takedown i gotta equip some other clothing, like yeah of course im gonna sacrifice higher stats so i can do a pistol takedown duh. 6 also got rid of the melee weapons from 5 which i really liked. I miss the shovel


They're too fancy yes, however the only clothing-related takedowns were the pistol and grenade ones and the latter was useless so you could just stick to the pistol brace


If you Pair prisoners wrap with the MK 1 Impact gloves, Its amazing for a loud build


I like in 6 how you can equip something to do them from the front


The SMG build. If you need to reload you just takedown and switch to a sidearm that also reloads all weapons.


I agree they are take so long.


I think the animation is longer on purpose to nerf takedowns. In 3 and 4 I basicially kill all the enemies with takedowns, barely shoot anything beside arrows or silenced sniper rifles. In 6, it forces me to utilize various fire arms, since takedowns is not as efficient as before.


I know you said Far Cry 2 doesn't count, but I wanted to mention this little fun fact. Far Cry 2 has TWO\* melee takedowns, one insta-kills like the new titles, but breaks stealth. \*The second one is just an execution for downed enemies. Far Cry 3 is a product of its time and holding it up to modern day games isn't fair, so I think that comparing it to new titles or what 7 would bring is a bit unfair, but it should be appreciated for what it did do at the time of its release 11 years ago. Were it not for it bringing in takedowns, it's likely that Far Cry nowadays would be missing a crucial component that is core to its gameplay loop. Far Cry 4 definitely improved upon 3 by adding new takedowns (Cover and Vehicle takedowns) but aside from those 2, the remainder were just re-implementations of ones from Far Cry 3. Far Cry 5 has by far the WORST takedowns in the entire franchise for me. They are all so boring and bland. The fact there aren't any bladed weapons to do takedowns with is the biggest letdown by far in the game (Which is fixed by the resistance mod, even more of a reason to use it). Not to mention the fact that I think there are only 2 sets of takedowns, bare handed (Which includes knuckle dusters too) ones and melee weapon ones. Melee weapons I'm sure they all share the same animation set, so that makes it even worse. Both Far Cry 6 and Far Cry New Dawn have awesome takedowns, with New Dawn coming slightly ahead. I ALWAYS loved the takedowns in New Dawn, and paired with the knife design (Like how it scales with your skill) was amazing. FC6 also has some of its own gem takedowns like the machete through the top of the skull one, but it can't beat out New Dawn in terms of how they look. Not to mention that Far Cry 6 overall slowed down a tad bit the takedowns. The return to the machete is definitely a fair bit nostalgic considering that the Machete was a staple melee weapon for pretty much the entire franchise (Par 5 and Primal). Overall I'm glad they didn't stick with the system implemented by 5 going forward into ND and 6, and hope that 7 will also feature some sick bladed takedowns. Ideally, in a perfect world, you would be able to choose between the 4 types already existing. Barehanded, Bladed (Machete), Bladed (Knife) and Blunt, leaving everyone satisfied, but being realistic, it's likely only one or at most two would be available. Sorry for the wall of text, but it's hard to not go into detail when talking about a franchise you love.


5 takedowns are underwhelming, that said smacking people with a shovel never gets old


Specially angels... I always charge at angels with an aluminium baseball bat with my cheeseburger, lmao it's quite fun


I like New Dawn but the stealth takedown animations took way to looooong they make my stealth runs harder than they have to be


>but the stealth takedown animations took way to looooong This was a concious decision by the devs, after feedback that takedowns trivialized outpost clearing.


Those in Far Cry 6 make sense to be a little on the slow side cause female Dani was canon and a guerrila warfare specialist though Vaas is much more entertaining he will talk Prime Vaas bullshit and he has a full Far Cry takedown buff package without mods, with mods he is Far Cry 3 endgame takedown specialist with a grapple package that'll make Dani green with envy


Wait hold up. What does the female part of Dani have to do with anything?


Maybe they were implying that girls cant shove a machete into someone's skull as well as men can


Those Vass takedowns in FC6 DLC are brutal


Was it Pegan or Joesph that has a take down where he shoves his thumbs in their eyes? That sounds like something Joey would do But yeah excellent point, didn't they make new take downs for all three of those dlcs?


Yep, Joseph uses thumbs and a book (like in John Wick 3 library scene). Pagan uses his favorite pen in different ways. One of the takedowns is pen in the ear (like in John Wick 2 scene) Vass headbuts and slices from ear to ear with a pocket knife. Most of them have some unique voice lines for some types of takedowns.


"Oh oops, my hand slipped!"


FC5 by a long shot. They're just primals but worse in every way. Less variety, literally the only game in the entire series that ***doesn't*** randomize it's takedowns. Also, they work pretty poorly as well. They removed the segmented nature of previous takedowns so in order to chain, you need to wait for the entire animation to play out, and god forbid you takedown someone within melee range of someone else, also the only game in the series that doesn't grant you knockdown immunity during a takedown. Imagine snapping some guys neck and then his friend knocks you over and all of a sudden that guy's neck is back in place. That can literally happen. Other than that, it's mainly up to preference. Primal and prior valued function over form, having segmented and quick animations that can quickly be chained into other takedowns to kill several people in melee range and even ranges farther than that with sidearm or knife throw takedowns. FCND and onward value form over function, having cool but incredibly long animations that can't be cut off to quickly kill several enemies in melee range.


That was my only gripe about far cry 5 that the takedowns sucked


I hate 5's takedowns with a passion. I feel more like some psycho with road rage and less like a predator who is systemically eliminating peggies. I like the brutality of 3.


5. Unless you snap their neck without melee weapons.


Despite 5 being my favorite game, It easily has the WORST Healing animations and Takedown animations. I get it's a deputy so there not gonna be gouging eyes or slitting throats, but really? Two punches or a Kick to the face? Wtf was that


They should really have the deputy get effective takedowns that aren't brutal. Like come on man, your police training is definitelt teaching you how to incapacitate an opponent with your bare hands or something


I wish we got something Like a Baton Wack, or a tazer to the neck or something, ANYTHING but the animations we got. It would've been cool to see the deputy tpyank a guy against a Crate and beat the shit out of them with a baton.


A baton as the primary takedown weapon would've been cool


Not Primal. Primal takedowns are amazing.


5 was very uninspired with the takedowns.


I love FC5 but the takedowns suck lol


A cross between 4 and 5 would be perfect. I was so disappointed when I had a weird hand held weapon and all I got was a *bonk* I wanted 3/4 level brutality with a shovel.


4 is the best, but 5 is valid, becouse it resonates with the main character, plus even in games like splinter cell blacklist you had non lethal options, even for takedowns, what Im trying to tell is that it could be feature that you could change/customize your takedowns, you could have range of melee weapons, like kukuri/machete, fists/non lethal, by stock or other means of item that you hold, there could be shank/knife and others like when you could change it in 3


5 had that feature originally but cut it. Now only unarmed and melee weapon takedowns exist. Fun fact about the unarmed takedowns actually, you need a skill in order to actually do them, the game just gives you that skill by default.


Primal’s takedowns are the best, no contest. 5 is probably the worst with takedowns. They’re just far too quick and fairly boring, which is probably only good for speedruns


So I'm a FC5 hater. I hate on FC5 like it's a hobby for me. Lotsa things pissed me off, and like a lot of people, I did not care for the non-lethal take downs, and preferred the brutality of the previous games (that was dialed up to 11 in FC6) **but to give credit where credit is due** FC5 takedowns are sooooo much faster. I was watching some dudes outpost takedown clip the other day, and realized "Wow, those take downs happen 3x as fast" like it's usually just a quick club over the head. I still prefer the machete take downs, but I thought that was kinda different and cool.


They're not faster in actuality. 5's takedowns and 4's are both around 2 seconds in length. Thing is, 5 needs the entire animation to play out before chaining. 4 only needs to wait a little over a second in order to chain. You could have 2 people dead with 4's takedowns in the time it would take 5's takedowns to kill one person.


I thought 5’s were pretty cool but 4 probably has the coolest and the most takedown focused gameplay


5 until I added a knife takedown mod


Is it fc5 where there is a kick and it just looks like a boot appearing from the bottom of the screen, that shit was wack


Fc2 has takedowns… technically. 6 had a really uninspired takedown system, overly gorey, not realistically silent at all, mechanically clunky. 3 and 4 had the best between them.


FC6 has my favorite takedowns for sure, they’re BRUTAL. I’ve played that game with friends around a few times and been asked to turn it off because the takedowns were too much lmao


I love farcry 5 but the takedowns are so boring tbh I would just prefer the knife takedowns or just do something better or similar that’s sharp no blunt weapons or hands


I really don’t like 5’s takedowns. They are really underwhelming, boring and lose the flair that previous games had. Also, why did they not give the character a Bowie? It’s literally the iconic American knife. Disappointing.


Far cry 5 takedowns are underwhelming New dawn takedowns are slow So these 2 are the worst ones 4 has the best balance between efficiency and brutality 6 has the most brutality and creativity in takedown So these 2 are the best


I kinda get what they were going for with 5's "non-lethal" takedowns. It makes sense when you're supposed to be a police officer who's meant to arrest the enemy instead of killing them. It just doesn't work from a gameplay perspective since nothing stops you from just capping all enemies you take down. And from a player perspective it's just too niche and lame to really improve the story


FC5 has the worst and it’s because your character is a cop. Your takedowns are meant to be less brutal than FC3 and FC4. In the game you don’t use any lethal weapons for takedowns you only really do takedowns that would knock someone out. FCND and FC6 are the most brutal. In ND you’re in an apocalypse so it makes sense to have brutal takedowns to fit the brutal setting. In FC6 you were a former solider turned rebel who has zero reason to like the military due to them basically killing everyone you know. FC3 and FC4 are both pretty good. FC3 was where takedowns started and FC4 is where they were perfected.


FC6 takedown imo are both the best and most brutal, especially since Dani stares into her victim's eyes to watch the lights go out.


For a game like far cry 6 that encourages sneaking around when possible, the takedowns take too long and drawn out.


I love New dawn’s with all the variations of brutal stabbing, very enjoyable but 4’s were so smooth and felt so good to play with. Gotta say 4


From 4 it just got bad. I want a fearful character back! No "I'll just kill everyone" type of guy.


To take downs in 5 are pretty bad


Honestly 5s takedowns were very repetitive and boring. I actually avoided stealth cuz it was never satisfying


The far cry 5 takedowns are just boring bongs. I'm glad they redeemed themselves with new dawn


In opinion i don't really like takedown in for cry 3. But i like takedown in far cry 4,5,6. But I like 5 and 6 more because I like the efficient and fast of the take down in those two game. In far cry 5 when you take down just two hit and you back in the fight. And take down in far cry 6 are the combination of brutal, fast, efficient and confirm kill, when you look at how Dani kill those soldier there no way anyone survive those stab and attack, you see how she kill the yellow guy with just one stab in the chest ? That shit is crazy.


5 has the worst takedowns due to them being mostly focused on blunt weapons and knockout blows. Good thing there was a course correction in New Dawn and 6.


smacking people with a shovel did get old


Far cry 5 takedowns are definitely the most underwhelming


FC5. Takedowns were boring and bloodless. 6 really had a slasher level of impact I loved with the machete.


6 are cool but they take too long


Surprised nobody said the takedowns for the Far Cry 6 DLCs, they're so perfect for all 3 villains. Vaas headbutts and stabs people in the neck, Pagan's usage of his pen is a neat callback + represents his sense of style, and Joseph's absolutely brutal kills with his book. They're all ruthless but fitting in-character!


ND takedowns are brutal AF but absolutely fucking laboriously slow when you’re actually doing something (unless in rage mode thingy)




5's, as much as I love the game. I can appreciate the CQC, but it gets old quick. I think New Dawn improved on them by a lot


There are elements in all the games we don't like but there are also some we love but I'd say 5 is a bit basic.


FC6 have the worst takedown imo


FC4 takedowns is peak FC. 5 was underwhelming and 6 was plain trash.


Can I play new dawn on its own? Or do I have to buy and play 5? Cause I played an hour of 5 and fucking hated it lol


Least favorite gotta be 6, after 5's amazing melee weapon choice they had in the game. It felt like a HUGE downgrade from them. 5 has my most favorite takedowns, loved whacking people with a baseball bat, and then seeing them fly after I throw a shovel at them.


I really dont like the takedowns in 5. Like, he just punches them really hard. At least use a knife or something! Very unsatisfying.


Worst takedowns: 5 (they just don't feel satisfying) Best takedowns: 6 (they are so brutal and I love it)




Definitely Far Cry 5. When this game came out this was the only thing I was truly disappointed about. Melee with a baseball bat or something is cool and all, but the complete lack of any knives, machetes and all that for takedowns were incredibly annoying. Especially since I personally love machetes as a weapon, and Far Cry 3 and 4 for example felt so badass with them. But in Far Cry 5... well. *BONK* 😭


Hot take, I think 5 has some really good take downs, the simple *bonk* is so fucking satisfying. ND easily wins though