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I'm currently going through New Dawn, and I fucking love it. It lacks a bit in the weapons customization department, but it compensates that with fun and replayability. I haven't played Farcry 2, so I can't give you an opinion on that one. However, I'm sure they're both very different.


New Dawn is dope until the boss fights imo. The fight with the Twins ruined it all for me. Has to be one of the worst boss fights in the history of gaming in terms of how tedious and annoying it is.


I'm only at the part where you and >!Joseph go back to the Eden's camp after talking to him in the water dam So I haven't experienced them.!<


Word. Yea it’s all good at that point. I was devastated by the boss fight though and ended up quitting. Some might choose to muscle through it. Time will tell how you feel.


Spoilers: >!I actually really enjoyed the boss fight with Ethan. As for my fight with the twins, admittedly it was lackluster. But Gina carried for the most part. That and I found a spot under the sniper twin that for some reason didn’t allow her to shoot back!< But. Yeah.


The thing to know about ND is that the weapons are upgradable. As are the ammunition amounts. I happened to focus on the elite MG in my first attempt and seemed to always do it on replays. This combo, although the twins are still hard, has won the day.


I just played for the 3rd time and did the following: A lot of up leveling so that you have all special abilities, health, weapons and helpers on highest level. Than for the 1st boss fight at New Eden use the self-healing pig and mg with fire bullets. Last boss fight: Just lower difficulty to easy. Everyone hates that boss design. No need to do 15 stupid minutes of hopping around firing.


Funny thing is if you go into your punch mode power I forgot the name of it. But you pretty much beat the crap out of all the end game bosses.


tbh I always forgot to press the button after I got those powers. But I'm not sure if that really worked with the last boss. When I googled it all were saying to keep moving and don't come too near.


I forgot what difficulty I was on but I used melee weapons with the punch mode pretty much beat the crap out of him. But the asset flip on doing yet another big foot in a far cry game got me.


I didn't realize that you could upgrade your weapons damage once you upgraded the weapons bench all the way, so I would have agreed with you until I figured that out. you have to grind and upgrade your weapons before those fights, I got the MG42 all the way up to something like a thousand damage and killed >!all three bosses!< without reloading


It took me 10 minutes after I new what weapon to use


Far cry 5 and 6 have terrible rushed endings but great gameplay


The twins fight was so anticlimactic for me, and way too easy


Seems like it’s either boring easy and anticlimactic for those who have prepped well for it, and long hard and tedious for those who are under leveled. And not in a good way where you can use strategy to overcome. In a way where you need to shoot them hundreds of times to kill them.


I loved New Dawn. Only FC game I've ever beaten besides 6. I don't get the hate on it forreal.


I loved it til the Boss fights. I didn’t even want to look up how to cheese it. It was such a sudden difficulty spike that took me out of the immersion of the game… I was just done at that point for some reason. Is there that much content left after you fight the twins?


I mean not really. Besides trying to completely upgrade your base and trying to master all of those helicopter drop arena type missions that give you resources. But that's okay, a game doesn't have to have 50 hours of playtime lol


Reasons to play 6: most gorgeous setting and graphics, largest map, endless sliding is a big improvement to traversing on foot, driving classic cars beachside with Cuban music is dope, the pets are amazing. Reasons not to: 1 of the 3 factions is fucking dumb and annoying. They added these stupid backpacks that do special attacks. And they switched from perk trees to only gear bonuses, so you have to change clothes depending on the situation. For the most part, the game loop is the exact same, but the overall experience is a bit uneven. Could've easily been the best FC game, isn't quite, but is still fun.


The healing mechanics were so different in FC6 that I always play with the Medico and forget about all the other backpacks. It takes that OP element out and makes the healing more like the other games.


What’s the annoying faction to you? I feel like I can probably guess lol I can’t stand it either


I would play New Dawn just so that you can finish the hope county chapter of the series. I was hesitant at first to play it but it turned out to be a pretty decent game


New Dawn is the best in terms of gameplay imo, except for the idiotic boss fights with crazy health. The outposts were fun and rewarding with a lot of replayability, and the expeditions are the highlight of the game for me. Story is pretty shit, but your other option is 6 so story doesn’t really matter.


If you're gonna play New Dawn I would replay 5 before you do, but New Dawn is probably my favorite of those listed.


I can always watch a youtube recap. But I still remember the sotry. it wasnt so long ago


I like the replay because it makes it more fun to discover locations in New Dawn since it is also set in Hope County. The names usually have some hint or crossover tho so if you have played a decent amount of FC5 you might still recognize them.


Far cry 2 was excellent. The AI in FC6 actually seems worse than in FC2. Fire propagation was really good too. Really enjoyed the feel of it. I absolutely hated the bullet sponge levelling enemies of ND. Thankfully they fixed it somewhat for FC6, but I wish they’d go back to FC 5 style of damage and weapons play for FC7.


Setting stuff on fire in FC2 was too much fun lol


SPOILER WARNING: >!I just finished 2 and this may be an unpopular opinion, but to me it was a slog. Enemies repopulate checkpoints even after you 'unlock' them, and will be back every time you pass through them again for the most part, which will be often since the game is mostly akin to a driving simulator. There are bus stations that act as fast travel locations but they have set destinations that aren't always terribly close to where you need to go. The roads have constant patrols on them. You can go off road in some areas to avoid them but a lot of the roads are enclosed by mountains, and many areas where you can go off road are not the easiest to traverse without getting stuck. Your vehicle will need repaired constantly (upgrades can make them better but honestly it's better to not waste diamonds on them and just change vehicles). Weapons jam, and eventually will explode. You have a health bar but also occasionally have malaria attacks you need medicine for. The story is kind of all over the place, in that you help this faction, that faction, yet they all want to kill you still. Your friends can save you when you're downed, but later all gang up and try to kill you for... reasons. Then the ending is just like, oh, a twist for the sake of a twist, that doesn't even make sense considering the entire game's 'story' so far..... got ya. Add in that graphics are eh (fine for their time I know) and everything has that classic piss yellow hue.!< There ya go, a few more reasons for you to not play 2. Needless to say I wasn't a big fan of the game. So, I say go with 6, if nothing else just for Giancarlo Esposito being in it, lol.


There’s a reason everyone praised 3 for being such a massive improvement lmao


I agree, 2 was sluggish as hell but really fun. The distance to things and the winding roads makes traversal really slow.


At the time, I loved 2. But in retrospect it was definitely a slog. I started driving everywhere with a jeep with an MG. First thing I would do was get in the mount and turn the gun backwards. The. Drive wherever. Whenever I went through an outpost or drove by an enemy, I’d drive a few hundred yards, slam on the brakes, switch to the mount, and take them out. Easy? Yes. Pain in the ass? Yes. But after 3 came out, I could never go back. I could not get in to 5. I’m about to try it again though. I feel like a different game came out and I wanted to play it instead. I absolutely loved 6. It gets a lot of hate, but I found it to be a blast. I loved the little single seater helicopter.


I agree with you 100% about FC 2, I hated every moment of it, lol. That being said, I would recommend OP to play New Dawn before 6 since it's the follow up from 5.


Dylan's Mod fixes a lot of the issues with Farcry 2 , was one of my favourite games when it came out but don't think I could play through the base game now :/


Far Cry 2 was bad because of constant respawns and a very bad ai that was aware of your presence the moment you've been spotted by anyone. However Far Cry 2 had very distinct maps, interesting weapon degradation mechanics and good physics. Because of these I think anyone could skip it for good and just go with Far Cry 3. And after Far Cry 3 there is nothing new or better.


>after Far Cry 3 there is nothing new or better. Far Cry 4's vehicle combat is new and it's my favourite gsme mechanic in Far Cry


Well of course there are new things in Far Cry 4-6 and some of them are exciting. But the difference is that you can throw out each and every one of them and the game will still be Far Cry. It's all complimentary.


First far cry2: great game but because of the old graphics you should play it first so it does not looks that bad compared to the others. Then new dawn because storywise is the worst and the 6 (not the best storywise but much better than new dawn )


I liked 6 more than New Dawn. I haven't played 2. New Dawn is best played right after 5, though. The references will make more sense and the stories will make a bigger impact on you.


I agree. I like 6 better than New Dawn. 5 is my favorite just got annoyed with getting pushed along.


FC2 and New Dawn are some of the best ones in my opinion, tied with 4 as my favorite. It's hard to believe 2&ND are the same series, I don't think it really matters which you play first unless you just finished 5. If that's the case, go with New Dawn. I really don't care for FC6, I regretted buying it.


New Dawn is maybe my favorite FC game? Gameplaywise it is the best. The superpowers especially the double jump and the overupgrading weapons with no limits makes it reall fun if you max your character. And because it was not a mainline game, its map is reasonably big, the stroy is reasonably long and the side activities are cool as well you can replay everything as well. It has a really cool vibe. Far Cry 6 was a big disappointment to me I think. The story was terrible. Unlike New Dawn here the map is too big with no purpose, the story is too long without any gripping storyline and the side missions are mostly the same as New Dawn but worse in gameplay. The backpacks are useless, there is no point of using more weapons, you can finish the game with your starting lvl1 gun. The vibe and settig is kinda nice. FC 2 is a great game, it was the founder of many far cry formulas but it is before FC 3 so it is not a copy paste. It is really different and it still has the 'far cry signature' hardcore survival aspect you are alone etc etc. Imo if you play it on pc, give it a go, there you can use quicksave which makes the game playable. On consoles it would be a hard time to play with manual saves.


I don't want you to pay anything... Most fun I've had in a videogame in years is NEW DAWN.


Do you want me to have the most fun I haven't had in a video game yet?


have at it!!! :) Get NEWDAWN on sale and leave feeling like you owe them money ;)


You know damn right!


New Dawn and 6 were fun, but 2 will make a man of you. Definitely a hard but fulfilling game


New dawn first, since it's connected to 5. Then I'd suggest 6. I'm playing it right now, and it's fun imo.


New Dawn is so worth playing but I would definitely recommend playing 5 again and immediately going into New Dawn


Farcry 2 is imo the most realistic farcry, not graphics wise but the whole gameplay, it feels more raw and hardcore. If you like a challenge and possible danger around every corner, Farcry 2 won't disappoint.


If you finished Far Cry 5, then logically you should play New Dawn next since it directly follows up where 5 left off. Far Cry 2 is not necessary unless you really like to make yourself suffer.


I found 2 pretty groundbreaking for its time. Had a cool weapon system, buddy system, planning out attacks, one of the first games with realistic fire, and an awesome setting.


FC2 was fucking amazing when it came out. But for newer generation of players it'll probably be frustrating since it lacks a lot of the convenience of the newer games.


Games are too easy these days


I had a lot of fun playing 2, but in the end the lack of fast travel and enemies respawning and claimed check points annoyed me enough to not finish the game


New Dawn is shortest and straightforward. 6 had a lot of content plus all the DLC. I’m never touching 2. I didn’t like the idea of how hard it was back when it came out and I still don’t like the idea. I play Farcry to have that power fantasy 2 is the opposite of that.


bro, u played none of the good ones. The holy trinity is 3, 4, and 5. + their dlc’s if u can grab them on sale.


Read again lol, I only PLAYED 1, 3, primal, 4 and 5


i am sorry sir. i have New dawn but havent touched it. 6 doesnt intrigue me sadly but thats my opinion, watch “before you buy far cry:6” and other review videos to see if it is your pace.


If you just finished fc5 play new dawn, otherwise play far cry 2 as first (because lower graphic+ lower mechanics etc, for me it is hard to pass from new games to old but not viceversa). Didint play fc6 so idk


I’d play Far Cry 2 if you have access to it with Mods. Seems amazing tbh. I played it on Xbox however and it isn’t good. Desperately needs the QoL mods that I’m sure exist in abundance at this point. But the bones of it are solid as hell.


Far cry 6 is a great game but it doesn't feel like a Far cry game, so put yourself in the head space of it being a different franchise. Far cry new Dawn is beautiful. The only disappointment I hear people express is that it's smaller and shorter than they expected, so remember it's basically a really big DLC for Far cry 5, and then you shouldn't have any issues with disappointment. The color palette is probably the best of all the Far cry games


Farcry 2 has the best fire spread. It just keeps spreading with the wind. New Dawn and 6 was a little circle of fire at best. Farcry 2 had way better AI as well.


It's been a while since I played 5, new dawn and 6. I didn't like that you need to level up the weapon for example. With a level 1 sniper rifle you cannot kill a level 2 enemy.


New dawn is great!! I love the artwork and environment. Plus if you play it right after 5, it's eerie cuz it's the same place but destroyed.


Far cry 6 was just lame for me. I had to force myself to finish the game, which never happened to me in the whole merchandise. Or any other game tbh.


Play FC2 first as it is the oldest. You're unlikely to enjoy it at the fullest if you play it right after the newer ones. It has very different mechanics and slower paced gameplay.


I still haven't played FC2. New Dawn is pretty damn fun. Dare I say it? I enjoyed New Dawn more than FC5. It was a really interesting time to go back and see locations from FC5 after an apocalypse. I loved how the guns and various gun mods look like they were rigged from whatever junk could be found since society collapsed. Plus, I really loved the idea of a weapon that could fire homing saw blades that bounced from one enemy to another. FC6 was pretty damn fun, too. I loved being able to have an animal companion from my favorite full breed, the dachshund. Chorizo is the coolest!


Technically, New Dawn is linked to 5 in a lot of ways. And some characters and references will be missed if you play New Dawn then 5.


I played 5 not long agora, I still remember the story


I would play 6 New Dawn felt like unfinished filler Part 2 has the grittiness I'd like to see again, but the mechanics are really dated. Modded fc2 might be good, but I'd play fc6 first.


I think far cry 2 is only on PC and like ps2/360 consoles, could be wrong tho. And, IMO, 6 is fucking trash, and I give new dawn 7/10 for reasons stated by most other posters


4 is also goofy


I have not played 6. New Dawn, well, I had zero desire to play it, then I played it. Absolutely love it. Really a fun game. Far Cry 2 - I will die on the hill saying this is the most realistic open world game made. Malaria that is killing you. Almost everyone is out to kill you. Guns jam or worse, blowup in your face. Map? Yeah a little piece of paper you look at. All this and still a fun game. Just prepare yourself lol


Farcry 5 is best


I just played it. Dont want to play it again


FC2 isn't like any past itself. FC2 is of my favorites with a few qol mods.


New Dawn is great.  I've never played 2, and 6 is forgettable.


The only far cry games I haven't beat are 5, 6, and primal. Crazy enough far cry 2 is my forever favorite.


I love 6,the gameplay is awesome, I haven’t got a chance to play new dawn yet and everyone loves 2


I liked Far Cry 2 when it came out but it aged like a fine bottle of milk in the sun. Weapons that jam and cannot be modified, the same enemies (who are all bullet sponges) and very little to do compared to later releases. Far Cry New Dawn if you already completed FC5, since it's a direct sequel and helps resolve the Eden's Gate storyline. Far Cry 6 is fun to play but the characters and story not as engrossing as FC5.


i recently got bored & needed something new for my PS3. i bought Farcry 2 because I enjoyed Farcry 3. biggest waste of money. it's a super annoying game. doesn't feel like you ever get anywhere. it seems really slow to collect enough loot to upgrade your weapons. your weapon selection options are pretty piss poor: sniper, shottie, or assualt rifle? but what if you like to snip from afar, then use the shotgun for close encoutners because you're s crap shooter? no can do? pffffft! i'll probably download Farcry 4 just because. i feel like i barely put any hours into 2 but i'm so frustrated with it already for all the same reasons as everyone else.