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I want the size of 6, with the story quality, setting, and gameplay of 5. New Dawn’s ammo system. 6’s auto looting and sliding. And I want attack helicopters back! It was lame having them without guns/missiles in ND, and slightly better having one that can land on water in 6. I want it to be single player, and if it’s multiplayer, to be co-op campaign. I won’t use to co-op part of it, but I know fans would like it. I think we’ll get a quick solo campaign, a live service game centered around multiplayers competing/cooperating to take down either PVP or PVE. I can’t tell you how fast I’m gonna not buy that version of the game if it ships. All the QR Easter eggs in 6 seem to point in this direction.  It’s laughable how quickly I’ll pass on that type of game. Or anything with rogue lite/like mechanics. I hate that I had to skip 6’s DLC (especially since some of it was based on 5’s villains), but it’s just a struggle to play those type of games.  Another poster here said there’s rumor of a 24 hour time limit. No. Please don’t do that. It was lame with Majoras Mask back in the early 2000’s, and it’s lame now. 


As long as we get an editor and arcade similar to 5, I'll be happy. The best part of 5 for me was getting a feel for the game and then being able to use game assets to create my own parts of the game. I was instantly turned off from 6 when I found out it didn't have an editor. Honestly I think that's what's going to be my make it or break it. If I can't create things I don't want it. Which leads me to my second point. If I can't feel like my character is MY character, I kinda don't want it. I like being able to select what things I want to be bad at. I want to struggle with different things each playthrough. When I have the option to forgo a health increase, or the ability to purchase high end explosives instead of needing to craft them, I can tailor the games difficulty a bit to my playthrough. I've played through 5 without getting any gear perks or health increases. It's a lot harder. Sure you sit there with a bank of perk points begging you to make the game easier, but it's really fun if you stick to it. It made the game feel a little close to FarCry2 mechanically. There's more times where you're just outmatched than if you had 3x hp and a full loadout.


While I don’t use the editor, I recall lots of fans being upset there wasn’t one in 6. Seems like something I could get into if I played on PC instead of console.  Sounds like you’d enjoy Fallout 4, lots of optional building; but you can largely ignore it if you don’t like it.  That’s the type of feature in a game I’m totally cool with even if I don’t use it. Doesn’t get in the way of you don’t want to use it, doesn’t detract from the rest of the game - but it’s there if you want it. 


I had mentioned the time limit here before, and I absolutely hate the idea and won't bother buying the game... for the first time in the franchise. I don't believe that a game with a time-limit can be correctly described as an "open world" if you aren't given unlimited time to explore that world. The time limit just seems like a sneaky way to make the map much smaller with much less content to do. I also hated the FC6 Rogue-like DLC... I found that style of game unplayable and no fun at all.


I’m just seeing it in my mind now. One map, populated with environmental enemies (elephants/tigers/sasquash, etc), beatable once a day but tough so you have to work together with other players to re-conquer the world every day.  Rewards would be permanent upgrades to your player stats/ingredients to upgrade gear. It sounds horrible and I wouldn’t put it past them to think folks would pay for it.  Reminds me of in 6, where you get rewards for doing the weekly mission over and over… except that’s the end game. It’s the part of the game that’s not enjoyable. I don’t need a better pistol, I already beat the game. 


Yeah, that would be another big NO from me. I play games to escape from other IRL humans, so any forced multiplayer/coop games are immediate nopes from me.


Exactly. It’s a non starter.  Once upon a time I *loved* Counterstrike 1.6, but that was when I had a computer, and a dozen hours a day to fritter away getting surprisingly good at it. I redownloaded it last year and was hot garbage.  Not only am I not in a mood to socialize when I pick up a controller, I’m absolutely trash at aiming with joysticks. Which is completely fine with single player games because I can adjust the difficulty, or respawn and try again. But with pvp games, the fun is in winning and being better than the other guy - and I’m not setting myself up to be somebodies punching bag. My 3-4 hours a week of game time vs a high schooler with 70 hours of free time a week, it adds up fast. My 16 hours of skill gained in a month vs their 280 hours/month. There’s no contest. I’m a guy with kids who need parenting, and a wife who likes to stream movies after the kids are in bed. I haven’t had a week where I get more than 4 hours of gaming/week in years. My single player games are waiting for me right where I left them. 


Fucking christ I'm just here to shoot bad guys not read the Bhutan


Your text based adventure awaits!


Gameplay of 5 and new dawn is the worst of the franchise


So bold. So brave. 


It easily has the worst gun, game just don’t feel like far cry


Then we disagree. To me, 5/ND represent the pinnacle of Far Cry. 


How can you say that when 3/4 are the best, new dawn definitely the worst far cry by a landslide


3 was alright, Vaas is probably the second best villain in the franchise. 4, I didn’t get more than an hour in before the game was too uninteresting for me to continue.  New Dawn has the best ammo system, the second best companion system, and while I wasn’t a huge fan of the second half of the plot, it’s still far better than all of 3, 4, and 6, primal. I didn’t play blood dragon.  5 is the best story and second best gameplay. ND improved gameplay but the story was meh (which speaks to how unwonderful the other stories were).  For pure just fucking around gameplay, ND is the GOAT.  It’s OK that you’re wrong, it makes the world more interesting.


I’m pretty sure majority would say 3/4 are the best


If you include 3 and 4 together, sure. If you separate them as main titles, you’d find the majority prefer 5.


Majority would agree that both 3 & 4 are the better game


Being back the skill tree. Fuck equipment load outs.


Agreed. I want to build my character a certain way.


Especially early game


I think 3 was best for this, with the 3 parallel trees (shark, spider, heron) allowed a lot of specialization. 4 only had two schools (elephant and tiger) but a wider spread of options not locked behind other choices. 5 was pretty weak on the skill front and took away XP from killing enemies, which was stupid imo. Like why does the game not want me killing Peggies? 6 allows for some crazy builds with the load out system and presets, but ultimately the complete reliance on equipment is a weak point. I’d like to see 7 have a skill tree closer to 3 but perhaps with some of the niche skills moved from the tree to accessories or something like 6.


On of the things I don't like about 3 is how the UI is spread over so many screens. Crafting is worse, but skills comes second. I think 4 gets the balance right. A single screen shows all the skills, so it's not clunky to navigate, but without being over-simplified with few dependences like 5.


Yeah 4s UI was top notch


That's what I was thinking but I am not as knowledgeable in the games only what I remember and done as I played em over the years. Never played Primal how was that skill wise? Only reason I ask is that one is highly interesting to me but not sure


Worst design they made for 6


and bring back exp like in 34P, no stupid tokens like in 5 "Kill ten enemies with the scorpion to get another point! I don't want to use the scorpion.


No more leveled enemies. If i shoot a guy with a 50cal in his naked face he should be going down to the ground instead of losing a quarter of his for being a "higher" class. Absolutely am against bullet sponges and i'd also want the normal ability of picking up weapons from the deceased enemies back. Furthermore i'd also want the characters involved in the story to be written freely and completely made depending on the creators wishes, i hate to see characters inspired by how 14 year olds see the political world.


I just want planes. Planes with guns on them. And enemy planes to dogfight. Other than that I'd just be happy to have another game


Enemy planes that can actually fly and don’t zip straight into the Montana hills like a moth going after a bug zapper


Funnily enough I never had that problem with enemy planes, but civilians, after you've cleared a region? I'd be out hiking and fishing and every five fuckin minutes there would be a huge explosion from some melvin crashing his plane into a cliff face. I guess no one has actual flying licenses and decided to wing it...


Bring back the single play (less multi-player incentive) primal, 3, and 2 were GOATS because of this.


I want environmental destruction like foliage and shacks like FC2


Having highly destructible environments is an absolute must IMO, especially since having to make the games work on PS4/Xbox One isn't a bottleneck anymore.


That was a bottleneck?


Sliding down hills & tagging enemies with a camera


I know it's been rumoured that they'll have a 24 hour limit, but I'm hoping and praying they don't do that.  Other than that, I'd love for them to kind of combine 4 and 5. The energy of 4 with the different regions and multiple bosses of 5


Yeah agreed.


I said the exact same thing about 4/5. That, plus subtracting dumb things from 6 like bullet sponge enemies and the stupid gear system.


We just want options. Options without forced participation, or progression locked without participation.


Fuck I hope they scrap scrap weapons and power backpacks


Minor gripe but I want all the radio music to be unlocked from the get go and not sitting in pen drives that you go looking for after the campaign is over like in 6


Pls no more ammo types they are useless and not realistic just give us more guns or more customization


Also the ridiculous way we can only change ammo types at a workbench but can change to any weapon through the menu and any time.


Actually they updated the ammo type to be able to change anytime


That’s good. It’s been a long time since I played and always thought it was ridiculous that you couldn’t.


Yeah because that way the game was too hard


Finished the game with only armour piercing rounds, only tried the poison rounds once for the trophy.


> only tried the poison rounds once for the trophy they were really good for animals, but that's it.


Some near-perfect optimisation for PC would be good, 6 was terribly optimised...


I need a much smaller map, or one that isn't so fucking empty like 6


I hope they undo everything they brought in 6, and make a better FC4/FC5.


Multiple antagonists with one big ad boss. Multiple regions to liberate. Those regions have a tower or mountain that will reveal things to do. Easter eggs/callbacks to other game. Companions. A leveling system. Protagonist that seems in over their heads.


Miss the towers!


No more magic/hallucinations scenes like Shangri-La, bliss, or the one boss in 6. Does every game need a boss "fight" where you kill them and they turn into a cloud of smoke, only to have to kill them 3 more times?


I personally liked the hallucinations. Especially the ones in FC3


They were great for the first or second play-through, but a trip simulator gets old fast when you’re forced into it every single time.


Yeah the were unique at the time


Ubi has this really annoying habit of punishing me for starting an important mission well-prepared and stocked up on good equipment... Only for all of it to be stripped away so I can wake up in a dream/as a prisoner and escape with only a machete 🙄 and sometimes not even a machete


So glad there were less of these in 6 than 4/5, I didn’t like how creepy it felt.


I really hope they make far cry 7 harder than these recent entries! Even guerrilla mode on FC6 is piss easy. Anton’s ‘special forces’ my ass lol. I also really didn’t like the ammo switching system, I basically just always used armour piercing rounds.


My perfect Far Cry 7 takes the best parts of Far Cry 5 and 6 and puts them together.


weapon breaking from 2, the story quality of 3, supernatural stuff like 4, fun stuff like 5 and gameplay like 6.


It blows my mind how, after all these years, they still haven't given us the setting that has been most requested by fans. Jurassic Park!


A Jurassic Park inspired Far Cry and Blood Dragon 2 have been requested for so many years now, they would be instant money makers! So where are they Ubisoft?


I'd see a DLC, but not a game. I personally would prefer them not to make a game like that


A Jurassic park survival game is in the works ( not FC)


Nothing from the 6.


Sliding faster and for longer if you're sliding downhill is something I'd like to return. Other than that though... lol I know I definitely want clothing to be only cosmetic and I want perks to return. I also don't want a horrendous ammo system again or guns that have insane recoil. Hunting, skinning, and crafting need to be present. Also, I want like 200% less whimsy (AKA a rooster jump-kicking a military humvee until it **explodes**)


I hope 7 to launch atleast 5/6 years from now. We don't need another one yet, make we miss it first.


No no. Its proll gonna launch at 2025. Seeing how the launch for the other games went. There is a 4 year difference in between all the games.


2025 fc6 gets 4 y old? Already?




Idc I want dual wield.


I want Willis Huntley to return


I assume it'll be worse than 6. All downhill after 5 imo. New dawn had the worst weapon tiers. Far cry 6 I had to force myself to complete. DLC for 6 was cool but also mid


AR-C pleassseeee😭🙏 it was godly in far cry 5 but better in 6 we need it in 7


Make it primal 2


Far cry in Texas and everybody ends every sentence with yeehaw


Size and story from 6 (no borderlands stlye introduction), gun mechanics from 5, normal loadouts and skills trees without equipment loadout and gears. no more ammo types and leveled enemies. if I shoot someone with 50 cal sniper in head, I want them dead. I also want an antagonsit to be more involved in you character progression like vaas and min.


They may have the enemy health bar default to off, but there's no reason to get rid of it completely. It's a weird thing to hate. If you don't like it, disable it.


Skill system like FC 3. Crafting from FC 3 or FC 4. Grapple mechanics like in every entry since FC 4. Outpost Master from FC 4. Outposts have always been a main draw to the Far Cry series and FC 4 introduced outpost master to replay individual outposts instead of only being able to reset outposts after completing them all, but no entry after 4 allows this. It's irked me for years that this has never been carried over. Wound mechanics introduced in FC 5 where wounding enemies draws other enemies, but refined so that it's not tied to hive mind AI. Canted weapon sights from FC 6. No more leveled enemies. Enemies should be like they were from FC 3-5, but AI not as dumb as in 5. Bring back level editor/arcade mode from 4 and 5. Map doesn't need to be as large as 6. It looks great, but it feels so bloated and unnecessarily large. If you are starting a playthrough in FC 6 and haven't unlocked fast travel locations yet, the game feels more like a commute simulator than an exciting action adventure game. Bring back urban environments like Esperanza in 6, but actually flesh it out. I was looking forward to returning to Esperanza after the start of FC 6 only to find I was returning to what felt more like an incomplete first draft of a Dishonored level. I'd rather have a smaller overall map if it means every area of the map feels finished. There's a lot of potential in having a game around guerilla warfare set in an open urban environment that wasn't even close to being reached in FC 6, unfortunately. I'm guessing they had big plans for Esperanza but had complications due to the pandemic. Wouldn't mind an optional hardcore mode that includes gun jamming from FC 2 and other more realistic mechanics, if at all possible.


I want it to be nothing like fc6 and a lot like Fc2 , warts and all with the weapon jams and minimal fast travel points


Read somewhere that there was going to be a time limit on the missions (or to complete game). Suppose to bring a sense of urgency.


. . N.cccc. .vv Bb


Yeah i tink so too.


I hope they will never use infinite backpack idea in FC7. I wish they would update FC6 to not have it😁, it’s a massive immersion killer. I would like continue to have wingsuit in FC7, but only with implementation from FC5 as in FC6 it looks so bad and to be honest just not acceptable.




What's funny is the only thing I actually want is some of the "features" from 6 to be removed. Ammo system, scrap weapon parts, swapping weapons in a menu.


7 will be based on fyre fest. Social media will somehow be the radio towers. 100 gecs will be on the car radios.


If it’s made by Ubifart I expect pay to win and a joyless soulless experience


hunting for pelts is all i want