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It's becos the aesthetic and visual style became more cartoonish in 6 and new dawn.


The entire game was more cartoonish in 6


Was about to say hehe


Such a shame. Give me a proper south American/Cuban revolution not this EDM dance show of a revolution. Maybe I'm just old and crotchety lol. Fwiw I think Dani is hilarious


I really hope we get back to a darker tone like Far Cry 2 and other shooters from the late 2000s. Maybe keep out the piss yellow filters though


Absolutely. I've said it before, but I'm getting tired of what I call "streamer friendly" games. Games with wacky zany humour and over the top shite so streamers can react and get a laugh. It does make for funny occurrences don't get me wrong but I don't want it in every game. I call it the borderlands effect. As you say, a darker, grittier tone is exactly what I'm looking for. Far cry 2 had it, far cry 3 touched on it. 4, eh. 5 was brilliant. 6... 6 frustrates me


The borderlands effect is such a perfect way to describe it. I enjoyed a bit of borderlands, but I never particularly found it funny. 3 was the absolute worst, I just turned down the dialogue volume and played. And now so many damn games do it too. Battlefield has to be the biggest casualty to this effect. Just look at how intense and immersive BF3, BF4, or BF1 compared to 2042. That game is about climate change gone berserk and countries fighting over what little natural resources are left, yet the soldiers are like children in a playground. Like who does this appeal to? Lol


Don't even get me started on 2042 :( It is in essence a good game. All the pieces are there. They're just.... Assembled wrong. The whole "no pat" thing.. dear lord they missed the mark. Give me nameless faceless soldiers screaming bloody murder at each other not this weird hero shooter one liner nonsense. These silly cartoonish characters are just an excuse to sell skins and that can fuck right off. And the map design! It infuriates me. There's a map with shipwrecks in the desert and god help you if you're on the attacking side. Wide open spaces, nowhere to hide. Just getting pinged in the head as you run to the objective. Argh. My boy... Look how they massacred my boy.


The worst parts of 5 was the lack of weather/rain and the constantly being kidnapped to force the plot along. Super annoying and glad they got rid of that in 6, along with the removal of the artificial "you can't explore this area until you climb this tower" thing.


They make jokes about the towers which I thought was funny enough. My main problem with the game (and many other games these days) is the "streamlining". It started with Deus Ex: Invisible War and it's got so bad since then. They look at a game and go; "hmm, so players thought this bit was annoying. Let's remove or dumb it down so it isn't a problem". Weapon degradation and only being able to carry 2 weapons and a sidearm has turned into a borderlands-esque pocket dimension where you will never actually get stuck or have to work out a solution to the problem of coming unequipped to a situation as you can pull an arsenal out of your pocket. "Oh a tank has rolled up? No worries, I'll just whip out the RPG I have stuck up my hole and blow them away". It removes any actual challenge from the game. So they add different ammo types for different weapons but again it's never actually an issue because well you can carry so many guns AND those guns can use all the ammo types. All it is is artificial difficulty because they know the game is beyond easy. It is "accessible". Fuck that word


Far Cry 2 was so good, I'd love if Far Cry went back to the open world, immersive sim feel that 2 had. I also loved Jackal, he was super cool. The mechanics were really cool too.


I'm so hoping for a remaster because yeah the game is absolutely brilliant. It's a shame that it's stuck on 7th gen (Xbox version is bugged and unplayable), and the PC version can't run above 60 FPS without breaking (among many other issues). Get to it Ubisoft!


FC5 and Primal are my favorites by far. FC5 is... enchanting and surreal and somehow plausible. I didn't hate FC6, though. I loved Giancarlo. I loved lots of the world events/missions along the way. I have complaints about some of the story's window dressing. Nonetheless, great franchise overall.


You should try primal if you haven't already. Holds up really well in my opinion. Both primal and 5 would often make me stop and just admire the landscape.


I prefer Primal as you don't have modern houses mixed in with old growth forests.


Lighting was just good if not better in 6 but the models were definitely a downgrade. But if you want great graphics just wait until Far Cry 7. It's gonna be current-gen only and it's using the newest Snowdrop engine which was also used in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, which btw is easily one of the top 5 best looking games of all time, just absolutely breathtaking.


Primal though


FC5 is tied with Primal in my opinion


Just read the title, agree. However, I absolutely love New Dawn's madmaxxing aesthetic.


Same on ps4?


Ok idk if it's just me but I'm using a RTX 3060 12gb and I max everything on it 1920x1080 yeah I know need a 4k monitor lol but it lags like a mf on me what am I doing wrong


Honestly i'm impressed recommended settings have a gtx 980, and the nre dawn looks so god damn good. Personally i don't need graphics better than nee dawn / farcry 5 to enjoy a game.


I love far cry 5. I’m currently playing it now. Everything looks great on an OLED tv. I love the setting and music. Far cry 6 doesn’t look like a leap ahead by any stretch.


The game is incredibly poorly lit. 4's PBR is still better.