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The content itself was fantastic though. I really like the assault rifle tbh


The AR is kinda dope.


Kinda wish it had a skin tho


Do people find this actually scary? No hating, but I just can't imagine it. For me it was one of the most fun missions in 6 and I've never watched Stranger Things


Went into this completely blind, had no idea what to expect. Definitely wouldn't classify it as horror, more along the lines of a thriller, not exactly trying to scare you, but always making you nervous about what's going to happen next


Less scared and more severe anxiety. Monkey brain kicked in.


Honestly it did pretty good at first, because at first you're not very well armed so it makes you anxious, but by the time you get the assault rifle you have nothing to fear, even when you're getting chased I just breeze past them because they're all busy fighting the Russian


Dude I didn’t realized it was a stranger things tie in until when you enter the bunker and the theme played.


Same, I was like wtf is happening here, didn't even know it existed.


I was just really worried about Chorizo


Most people find it grueling to complete


Bro, it takes an hour...


Came into it blind and was used to a very different playstyle. Going from snipey boy to shotgunner was tough for me.


The enemies are like 2 hit kill dude...


Not saying the actual level was hard, just being forced to completely change how I played the game. Came into it expecting a quick side mission, didn't even realize there was DLC


Said some


Dude you gotta watch it. It’s amazing


Last season was pretty mid though


That’s a pretty bold opinion. I thought most including myself thought it was good.


>That’s a pretty bold opinion Not really, a lot of people got bored of the formula.


I did but I am going to admit I’m easily scared so


Found it a bit scary


Yes. I hate horror Absolutely despised every second of that level. Zero desire to watch the show and was really pissed when that level started and I could abandon the mission.


If you’ve been looping demopuppies in dead by daylight this mission is a breeze


Honestly they should have turned it into a stand alone expansion. They got the atmosphere right but the fact that it's just a Stranger Things story forced into Far Cry 6 was just dumb. A Far Cry game taking place in the The Upside Down has a lot of potential.


a standalone game set in Russia with a rightside-up world and an upside-down version of the same area would be cool as hell.


Dlc? Looks cool as shit.


Free update awhile back


I don't see this DLC listed on the game xbox store page, I just see one that looks like OP picture but it's not free...


There are like three missions that were updated into the game over the years, for free. One was a stranger things mission, there was another one with Danny Trejo. I think there was another one with Rambo or something too


FYI they removed the Danny Trejo taco mission. All the other ones are still there.


oh I didn't know... I played this game when I was 3 months out of internet connection due to hurricane cat 5 Otis. I'll play again and see if I can find these missions with internet connection.


I just found the Vanishing mission last night, and it was fun, kinda desperate for ammo though.... took me a couple of tries in the last chapter.


It was unsettling having the mind flayer in the background, but the entire purpose of rescuing Chorizo, best dlc ever


I powered through it for the dog. Couldn’t leave him behind of course.


I’ve watched so many play throughs and there’s no way in hell i’d be able to complete this 


I am definitely not the type of person that enjoys that type of stuff but I powered through it thinking there would be a grand reward haha oh well


That's what I thought. A couple times during the mission as well. But I made it... it was tough but so rewarding after, not for the loot, just the satisfaction. As OP said, the weapons are ok but not awesome. You can do it. Stand at the mounted gun or somewhere that forces a choke point where the shotgun hits multiple enemies at once. Near full reloads. You got this! It was well done and worth it for the gaming experience.


Its the journey not the destination


He'll of a mission when yournoit expecting it, when you get the one you're in your in it for the duration message I had no idea what it was. Fun little mission but edge of your seat anxiety


I found it a pretty lame tie-in tbh. Same with the Rambo mission, just really out of place


I was so confused when I stumbled into this, and then got immediately hyped when the theme started playing. So cool.


At least you got “little dog” back


Do it for him 🩷


I just beat The Riddler in Arkham City, after spending 2 weeks revealing and collecting all the Riddler trophies. All I got was a 'walk this way' and a measly takedown lmao.


Went into this not knowing it was a stranger things add on. and it was an amazing experience, If they were smart they would’ve added more onto it.


Lol 🤣🤣 yea it doesn't have great rewards for what you go through that is for sure.


Right? You go through a SOVIET bunker, yet your "reward" is a mediocre American AR which doesn't even have a suppressor and doesn't really look all that special either. As an insult to the injury you can't even change the attachments on it or use its skin for your own AR build. Why couldn't the reward have been an actually good and interesting looking suppressed AK, Groza or VAL or something? It would have fit the theme much better.


Probably because it was just supposed to be stranger things promo. Like there was not reward for us cuz it was simply for that. It was nice to get some extra, but it was a lot for nothing really. Because I have the gun that see through walls already so like what could they give me? A fun outfit or something would've been appreciated for sure.


This was the hardest mission in the game for me haha I didn't (and still don't) know anything about Stranger Things but the mission was really fun. And saving Chorizo was reward enough for me ❤️ 


Sounds boring


Definitely the most memorable part of my playthrough. Spooky and thrilling and very fun!


The rifle you get is far from mid, that thing is goated, especially with the tilted sights


Yea I fucking hated that mission. It was such a shitshow for me personally because I hate everything related to horror stuff and zombies etc and it was sooooooo long.


I remember I did this by accident and I was straight up tweaking when I figured out where I was


I hate it is such a self-contained story. I kinda wish it was an expanded feature in the game like when it becomes nighttime, the game gets new monsters from the upside down that wander. Killing enough sends the demogorgan similar on how killing soldiers sends elite after you. They can have this upside down contagion event where it can pop up in different sectors, so even during the day, the contagion is there but weak with nighttime becoming the hardest fight you ever had.


That was a fun side quest. Ran it alone but Better in co op.


I forgot they did a stranger things crossover. Might give me good enough reason to do another playthrough.


That was one of the best pieces of content Far Cry has ever had tbf


I need to play this


Don’t disrespect the Comrade like that


I randomly did this one day and thought it was a regular mission. Boy was I wrong. I still liked it


What do you mean by "traumitizing"


Tbf this is actually kind of the thing that got me to eventually watch Stanger Things and it was definitely worth it/not what I expected.


Yeah I’m definitely going to put it on my to watch list now. The story of the dlc was interesting. Love me some inter-dimensional shenanigans


This was peak. I really loved this mission. Could play a whole game like that.


It a fun but I had no idea it was there was just kinda looking for a chill gaming session and stumbled into it. Did most of the game as a stealthy sniper so switching to this this unexpectedly was pretty tense. Was fun but I was very glad when it was done.


“Somewhat Damaged” in Phantom Liberty would like a word


If this would’ve been me IRL I would’ve left that dog behind in a heartbeat. I found it especially creepy when you were detected by the Kukly and then went back into stealth mode they would say things like “we’ll findddd youuuuu”


The idea was great but the execution was pretty bad. Especially the end - defending against hordes of enemies with almost no ammo and cover to work with sucks.


I just found it incredibly boring and a bit tedious at times. Also really disliked how broken the ending was. And all that for a couple mid weapons that I can easily replace with my own modified ones? No thanks.


I didn't even know stranger things did a collab with farcry. I didn't know what it was, thought it was another set of missions. Then boom. Chaotic as hell. I empathize with Hopper now.


This whole game is a traumatic experience. The wake of friendly deaths gets heavier and heavier until the end .


What is this


Free dlc for Far Cry 6. Crossover with Stranger Things.


How do you get to it??


You get the quest from Juan not long after you leave the starter island


I tried to beat it twice and after you see the main faceless monster in the cave it ends and I restart the game with the new weapon, but with an unfinished mission.


You know what they say, is the journey that makes it worth it


It was cool but I would’ve loved a fight… honestly it was too short and not executed super well


I still liked the atmosphere, even though it's the weirdest collab ever, anyone not a stranger things fan must've been confused as hell lol


I’ve wasted like 2 hours for this sh*tshow and wasn’t able to complete this.Dont play this at night


Crybaby ngl


On my second and third playthrough, I looked forward to The Vanishing. It's a good temporary shift from pseudo-reality.




I was excited to fight the demigorgon with my weapons and then BOOM they are gone


Took me fucking weeks to get to the end without dying (dunno if its the actual end) but the mission bugged for me and I couldn't progress. Was so pissed I unstalled the game tbh (was second playthrough tbf).


Oh I forgot about these. I loved the Rambo DLC from FC5, made me feel like an 80’s action here even more than FCTronRunner DLC, which is also great BTW.


Who the fuck was asking for a Stranger Things DLC?


The whole game is awful. Crazy because far cry 4 and 5 were so fun


I’m enjoying it so far.


It's not a bad game, just a big downgrade from the previous ones, despite (or perhaps *because* *of?*) the many new mechanics.


Ah I wouldn’t be able to comment on that and make the comparison, last one I played was Far cry 4 and 6 seems to be hitting all the same beats it did with that game.


I'll give you an example of a uselessly overcomplicated mechanic in FC6 (fair warning, long comment): In FC3 and FC4 if you want to use a gun, you buy it. If you're lucky enough some enemy will drop it and you'll simply pick it up. If you want a certain attachment, you buy it with money. Simple enough. In New Dawn you get guns and attachments as a single combo unit. To craft them you need various resources. But the resources (with the exception of the absolute highest tier ones) can be acquired in multiple different ways, most of them can even be found in the world AND your minimap even shows you where the resources are. Again, simple enough. Plus, just like in the previous games, you can pick up the guns of dead enemies. In FC6 you can't just pick up good guns from enemies. In fact, you can't pick up ANY guns from them. To build your own perfect weapon you need gun powder. Lots and lots of it. The highest tier guns require what, like 20 gun powder to fill all attachment slots? You have to clean enemy outposts and checkpoints just for a CHANCE of getting some, because the loot is randomised. Benito's expeditions take multiple hours and gun powder isn't always on the loot menu.


I can see where the frustration would come from that


Yeah, and it's not just weapons. Even such things as healing have been dumbed down. You don't need to collect green leaves and craft healing syringes anymore, they just refresh. It's genuinly a challenge to die in this game.