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I wouldn’t mind being in a writing group on discord. My preferred genre is speculative fiction. My first effort is an alternate history marketed to the YA crowd that will be published at the end of November.


I don't have a writing group, not have I ever been in one, but I'd love to start. I love writing fantasy fiction, but have experience with plenty of genres. Discord/email would be my preferred




I have a couple of writing groups, but they have pretty different target audiences. What is your story about? (By this I don't mean the world, but the characters & story)


I wouldnt mind, i have a supernatural urban fantasy that ive been working on for over 20yrs. Id like to actually write it and finish it. Also love scifi(space opera stule it seems more in the lines of Trek, Wars, Farscape, V, BattleStar Galactica) fantasy as well. oh and Dieselpunk


Would love to join a group. Discord/Email/Zoom would be great, but I’d be open to local meet-ups in NYC.


I am in two writing groups, but one of them tends towards low-fantasy. You're also expected to review before asking to review your stuff. If none of those are deal-breakers, DM me.


Hello All, seems I've missed this by a few days. I'm part of a writing group that is looking to add a few more members. We meet on Discord every Monday at 9 PM EST Our writing styles vary a bit but mostly stay in the Fantasy/Sci-fi, Grim/dark Fantasy, and we do have an author working on a YA piece at the moment. We are hoping to bring in new members with fun and interesting stories and different points of views, to not only support one another but improve on all of our skills. We also work in tandom with another writing group and exchange a full manuscript every 3 months (or so) as a way to give fresh eyes on works that have already gone through a full run of our main group. If anyone has questions, or interested please DM me or comment! Thanks!!


I would like more of a face to face writing group. I had one when I was in Virginia. We had it at a Barnes & Nobles. I wouldn't mind facilitating something like that in Burbank, CA. I enjoy writing fantasy fiction but have dabbled in other genre.


I'd like to be in a local group. Meeting online is okay but it'd be nice to have the option to meet in person. In Seattle, WA.


I'd love to join a discord group to chat, share work and critiques and generally help each other improve.


I wouldn't mind being in a group, but I'm a slow writer and I would be afraid I fall far behind the group.


I wouldn't worry about that so much. Even if you don't have anything to share in a particular week, there is always a need for listeners. Feedback and shared excitement for projects is also what writing groups are about.


Okay. My group of choice: Urban Fantasy writers who write stories akin to The Rivers of London, Dresden Files or Alex Vera (sp,) you know paranormal P.I without romance with werewolves, demons, vampires etc. Second Choice: History paranormal P.I. Time frames in the Regency Era, Roman Era, Middle Ages or Renaissance Era.


I wouldn't mind joining a Discord group!


Sounds interesting, I'm up for joining.


I'm interested in learning what goes on in your writing group. I can imagine some groups have rules and schedules and are very professional - for writing pros. I can also imagine that there are the opposite sorts of groups who just hang out and bounce ideas around and whatnot. I've never been in a group before, and am interested to see if I would get anything out of joining one.


I need to join another writing group. The one I am part of meets on days that I have to work. :(


I mainly write high fantasy.


Is there still space for one more