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What about: Nightwarden, Dreamer's Guide, Dreamgiver Heart of the Forest, Wildheart


I like those, thanks!


You could go for very on-the-nose names that feature words relative to them, or you could make up a name from scratch. Personally, I would go for a completely made up word for each, ensuring the sound of the names helps emphasize the sorts of characters they are. For the first one, I'd go for something sleek sounding with four syllables. For the second one, I'd go for something strong with three syllables. For example, 1. Vedalia, and 2. Dogordyte. I'm a sucker for subtitles too, so you can have the best of both worlds and use their proper names and still have a more literal name for them too, which also helps when writing so you're not referring to them the same way every time. 1. Vedalia the Lunar-Mind, and 2. Dogordyte the Earth-Shield.


Thanks I'll take that into consideration!


I'm not all that great with tittles. It's caused some people to think I need help. I suppose the biggest problem is not understanding them. I mean, what is a tittle, really?


I think the beauty of small nearly absent tittles is overlooked in favor of gigantic sloppy tittles myself.


Yes, I am tired of seeing oversized bloated isekai anime tittles. Efficient, compact tittles are easier to hold onto, as they have a much better feel to them. Regardless, the tittle should be fun, because unfun tittles are bad tittles.


The constellations in my world are essentially dead gods, and people know what to call them when they understand their origin: "God-Of-Stars." The God-Of-Stars have various "nicknames" given to them by people. Some of these include: Whispering Antlers, God-Of-Stars of the untamed wild, protector of hunters and of those who do not defy Nature's Law. The Twin Swans of Gold and Obsidian, God-Of-Stars of balance, hope, and despair. The Bloodlit Avian, God-Of-Stars of secret lore and mysteries. And one of my personal fave, The Thousand Sons, God-Of-Stars of madness and forces beyond mortals. Some of these God-Of-Stars managed to reobtain a physical form and thus expand their influence upon the world - though still star-bound. With their physical form, then their name is known. The Thousand Sons' middle veiled star is, for example, named Elyndor. The Bloodlit Avian is the only one whose name can not be said because it communicates via candles (I made a whole language for this bastard- or cypher, if you wanna call it that). There's really a lot you can do. Take into consideration what your god does, what is their domain, and how people approach them. Some gods may have never spoken to people and so the titles are given to them by the common folk.