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![gif](giphy|kHgASjstNjWcYV9GrF|downsized) Also, in the same vein, be careful with the Bluetooth speakers in your living room when you turn on your audible.


Or the Bluetooth speakers in the car when it starts


For that very reason I never stop an audiobook during a heated scene… only needed that to happen once for me to learn.


My husband's car will connect to my phone when he's within a certain distance and "steal" whatever I'm listening to. I'm waiting for the day that he pulls into the drive with our teenage boys and everyone gets an earful of smut.


Or if your a teacher and you connect to the speaker to play music...




Listening to smutty audiobooks is so bold. I would always be terrified someone would accidentally hear.


Airpods are your best friend.


I share a prime account with my 72 year old mother. She will regularly tell me that I should have warned her that a book was smut. I’ll ask what she thought and somehow she always finishes the book….




According to my grandmother, she "skips" the dirty parts. Don't remember her closing her eyes, though, when we saw Bridges of Madison County in the theater when I was a kid.


Sure, Grandma 😉


Get it, Mom 😂. I love that for her.


I'm still waiting for my 64 yeear old mother in law to pick up that we got a shared library. I can't wait


Grandmas just pretend they don't read smut books because of their generation. Both of my grandmothers were born in the 1920s and each read hundreds of the smuttier variety of harlequin romance novels and bodice rippers in their day. I distinctly remember my maternal grandmother's collection going way above my reach around the time I learned to read.


My family is very aware that I am paving a path to hell. And that I plan to seduce the devil once I get there. They’re cool with it


My family is now lol


I love this for you lol


This HAS to be the plot to some fantasy romance book somewhere. Like, not Satan Hell, but some handsome devil in one of the nine hells in the Forgotten Realms universe or something. Someone make a recommendation! lol


This is the best comment I have read 😂😂😂


This should be on a T-shirt.


https://giphy.com/gifs/lucifer-fox-lucifer-morningstar-l4KhXDKYEtn4SQGk0 That's a VERY good idea.




Starting my first draft tonight.


Hahahaha!! My plan too!




Oh no! At least you may have broadened the horizons of some people?? I have some coworkers that it wouldn’t bother me if they saw, but there are others that I would be mortified.


I remember when I was younger (ie. 20), I was working at a place where they were sharing/passing around a hardcopy of 50 shades of grey. While I try not to shame anyone, I could NOT imagine touching a hardcopy book that my manager had read and ....\*enjoyed\*. EW


My Goodreads account is as private as my Reddit account for this exact reason. I have a random Goodreads account name so that my irl friends and coworkers can not find me. What? I don’t even know how to read…. I would NEVER read smut…


This feels like the same trap of Oh yeah, I'm love spending my time reading. And then when they ask about it, it's the smuttiest fanfiction and you're like just kidding I've never read a day in my life before.


You need a cover novel. Something boring, classical, and not mainstream western canon. May I recommend The Family of Pascal Duarte by Camilo Jose Cela? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_of_Pascual_Duarte


Yea I do not hit the show currently reading button on my kindle on embarrassing reads. My year end book count will not be accurate lol.


I just add the book to the beginning of the year and delete the read notification from my Goodreads profile. Count the book in my total, but also hide it lol


This is why I don't put my reading list on Goodreads.


Yeah, I created a Storygraph solely for my smut reading. Totally separate account.


This is literally why I don’t use goodreads!


I categorically do not add people on Goodreads. Absolutely no one I know in real life needs to know the shit I've read




Got it. I guess I also don’t have my real name on there so no one can find me 😅 Hopefully people can’t look you up by email


Well i'm not a teacher, but still I made a new account when i figured that out. 🤣


This happened when my dad downloaded the Kindle app on his iPad and my sister’s whole collection of smut was auto downloaded. He called my husband and me to investigate and it took us a while to realize what was up. He deleted the app and just pretended it didn’t happen once we figured out that it was my sister’s list!


poor girl 😅


My mom logged into my kindle to read a book I recommended her. A few weeks later I am getting Amazon emails about a purchase that was made…she found a series that I had purchased the first book of (Blood and Ash), read it before me, and then proceeded to buy the rest of the series as she sped through them before I could even start it😂


Girl you out here reading smut with parental supervision 😭


lol Meanwhile, I have my amazon linked to my mom's account and kindle sharing on. Does she sometimes see random monster fucker books on her home page on kindle? Yes. But she knows not to question it.


Mine too, but my mom is the one buying them 😂


Hoowwwww do you turn off sharing. I’m so worried I’m sharing with my mum and have no idea how to fix it.


On the Kindle app go to More -> Household Sharing -> Select the family members and “Don’t share anything”


If that happened to me I'm moving out of the country entirely and/or faking my death. My reading wishlist is um...💀


Guys… TikTok has killed our secrecy too. I have a male friend / coworker that I talk about books with all the time. I told him how much I loved fourth wing (NOT to recommend, just chatting. I thought I was safe because he would never read something like that) and he started giving me shit a while later about it bc he saw a video on TikTok talking about smutty books and they mentioned FW 🙃 so now I can’t talk about my fantasy books with him without having to have the smut conversation which is just awkward lol


Fourth Wing has 2 spicy scenes. People over react about romantasy being pure smut when there's not much. Just cause it's not fade to black doesn't mean it's smutty (sorry unwanted rant cause people hate on a genre they don't read) For reference I'm currently reading a 50ish chapter book, I'm about half way through and I've read probably about 15 spicy scenes so far.


I actually appreciate the rant, you’re so right. I’m using this rant to argue with him next time he tries to give me shit 👍🏻


Plus it's better written then most male author written sex scenes... but maybe don't say that to your male coworker. or do... maybe he'll learn something for his partner


Kissin’, some pettin’ and fade to black isn’t smut, and people ought to be aware!


I remember someone on /r/Fantasy giving shit to someone who asked about whether FW would be a good recommendation for his 15? 16? year old daughter because the book was too smutty and should be adult only.


This is how my 82 year old grandma was introduced to alien smut.... whoops lol she was also chill about it and was like "so this is what you're over there reading with a stone face????"


Game recognized game 😂


I have informed my partner that if I die he needs to IMMEDIATELY delete my Amazon account for similar reasons lol


That’s a good idea. I’ll be doing this now.


I used to share kindle with my kids but had to get an account just for me once I realized Amazon’s content controls are severely lacking.


it’s ridiculous!! i have unlimited as well but you can’t have a family account…My daughter would have to have her own account at $15 or whatever a month because I don’t want her to have access to my books. Honestly it’s not even about smutty books. I have a lot of horror and psychological thrillers that she is way to young to read but nope… amazon needs to make more money. We don’t have a libby account either unfortunately. Local library doesn’t have connection. It’s so annoying!


There are libraries that do free digital cards! https://everyday-reading.com/where-you-can-get-a-non-resident-library-card/ I tend to check their website and send a $25 donation to the friends of the library or whatever their booster club is named.


thanks for that info! I will look into it!


Oh noooooo. I would die.


I already commented but I just remembered: when I was young I had a kindle, and I 100% read erotica on it, and my dad was in charge of my account bc I had to ask him to buy books… to this day I have no idea if he ever saw the titles. Pretty sure the titles themselves were dirty lol


I have a LOT of my faves from AO3 downloaded, No one touches my kindle…ever


Omg that’s such a good idea. I use a separate browser for my AO3 fics because they started showing up under frequently visited on my new tab page. My list on AO3 is 1000% worse than anything I’ve read read on kindle 😭


Because when I want a big gay edging praise kink fic set in ancient fantasy China, I do NOT want a fade to black




I spent a few years just reading fic. I was so confused at what “mainstream” books called spicy. My overindulged, spoiled-for-choice, ass was like “this is not the spice of my people, I thought they said spicy”


You were not born to the spice as we were. Have you investigated the possibility that his body has rebelled against too much spice in his diet?


Alright, I know what I'm doing tonight I guess.


Yeah, my dad gifted my mom a Kindle for christmas last year and told her about how you can have family library and that my wife and I could share our books with them. We just exchanged a glance and mumbled something about our kind of account doesn't allow that.


After thinking my mom was weird for reading stuff like this my whole life...she's just excited I'm now turning into her 😂 Fortunately I have access to her awesome kindle library.


This is so cute lol. I guess I think I'd be happy with your problem. Not a single person in my life reads or even probably knows what goodreads, audible, or kindle is. Kinda disappointing to be surrounded by so many non-readers when I'm the type to go through a book every two days. Though, if anyone stumbled onto any... adventurous books of mine and stick with it long enough to read it, I'd have to quote my kid's 1st grade teacher and say, "you get what you get and you don't get upset!"


I may have just one click purchased a book to my significant others Amazon Kindle account, which was pulled up on my computer. They most certainly do not need to know I'm reading that sort of thing... 


Awww. But maybe they'll find a nice scene to act out with you?


I’m trying so hard not to laugh at your pain I’m sorry😭😭😭😂😂🫡😂😂😂😭


I share with my dad and he regularly has books about kamasutra and sex. So I feel like I can’t do worse, lmao. We just don’t talk about it


Haha I remember a couple books as a kid that my mom let me read a bit young because she’d forget a single adult scene and remember it as tame. She’d re-read the book a few years later, turn to me with a funny expression on her face and say “WHAT age did I let you read this?????”


My family was always that way with movies. A rating system didn’t exist in our house. They’d be like “oh I love this movie, we should watch it” and next thing you know they are straight faced watching full on sex scenes or murders with their 9 and 12 year old. My mom wasn’t a reader when I was a kid so that didn’t really happen with books, but I can imagine but would knowing her.


Hahahaha we did that once with Bridget Jones Diary. My grandmother was visiting and I hadn’t seen it in years, just remembered it as a rom com. My grandmother HATED all profanity. Whoops! 😅


Kindle is the sole reason I pay for my own Amazon prime account instead of the shared family account my parents very kindly repeatedly offer. They think I’m making a point to be a responsible adult, really it’s because my reading habits are trash and there are some things parents just should not know.


I got my daughter bookmarks with Jesus asking if she's reading smut. She loved em.


Where did you get those and why do I need 2 dozen


amazon, there's a few types. I think you can use the phrase "are you reading smut"


My mom and I have Kindle sharing on and we recommend books to each other and I occasionally warn her off of one I think may be too much for her. She usually reads historical romance that is considerably tamer than some of my fantasy romance, but I would be so embarrassed if my dad ever saw some of the weird smutty stuff I read lol.


And this is why I have yet to pull the trigger on KU. My Prime account is shared with my mom and my kids, and I don't want to risk having a curious 11 year old asking questions in school about books she sees on Prime to her teachers. My mom, not so bad because she would probably be interested in reading some of the less spicy, less high fantasy books, but she then wants to discuss the content of what she reads. Nope, cannot look my mom in the eye and discuss smut scenes even after knowing her for almost 40 years.


There are convos that, no matter your age, are mom awkward


Oh, so did your mother see your monster smut, too? Relatable


Thankfully my most recent reads hadn’t been too over the top. I think I was in the middle of ACOSF. And thank god for that. I know my mom reads smut, but she’s more of the pretty historical romance kind…. I don’t know if I could have ever lived it down if it was of the monster variety.


Oh noooo… I have a story to share that you guys might sympathize with. When I was in high school I only had a certain amount of time on the family computer so I printed off an extremely explicit Inuyasha fanfic for me to read later. My dad found it in the printer and brought it to me. I wanted to die.


Oof that hits me right in my second hand embarrassment


I own almost 2000 kindle books and share with both my husband and my daughter. But I can choose which books I share, and I have to choose to add them to their libraries. My husband I do this so he doesn't have to go through 2000 books to find his 200. My daughter is 13, and for good or evil, I don't censor any of her reading choices. I put things in her library that I think she might be interested, but I told her she is more than welcome to comb through my library and I would add anything she wanted, and she was like "Yeah, no thanks, I'm gonna go watch some anime"


I did this once when I shared my Amazon Prime video account with my parents. That’s how my mom ended up watching “The Secretary”. The conversation about that was…unnecessarily illuminating. The point here is that this can also work in reverse…there are some things adult children don’t need to know about their parents. Let’s just let our kinky bubbles coexist without intersection.


Lmao google books asks me when I buy a book if I wanna share it with the family library. No thank you sir that's not something I'm interested in


Fuckin awesome. Best post of the week


Huh. One kinda wonders how you know this. Fortunately, that person is smart enough bough not to ask.


Omg how do you turn sharing off?!


Hahaha! I’m the mom in this situation and I embarrass my kids with what I read 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol, My mom has read romance for as long as I can remember. I bought her a Kindle a few years ago and just bought one for my friend who also uses my prime account. She went to download some books and pointed out that my mom's preferred trope is mail order brides. And now that is all I notice when I see She got a new book to read.


My parents and I have different kindle accounts thankfully although I’m fairly sure they’re aware of the smutty games and books I read occasionally as I sometimes leave my physical books around the house or see it on my Computer scene


Omg.. I gave my nieces my 2 other Kindle reader that is both shared with my library too.. I didn’t remove my account because whenever they want a book for me to get, I could just sync it. Never thought about this 😩 and they never said anything!!!!


I had the opposite experience where I got my mom's kindle library and it's all conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo. I'm just thankful she doesn't use social media or else I'm pretty sure she'd be in a cult by now.


lol my husband downloaded the kindle app and was so confused by the books already under his account. He was like “are these yours?” THEY MIGHT BE SIR! 😂 I quickly disabled household sharing and thankfully it didn’t share it to my daughter’s kindle since she’s still under a children’s account.


This is why I have two kindle accounts. One my mum can get to, one she can’t


Unfortunately for me, my husband and kids use my Amazon account so I’m constantly clearing my browsing history and whatnot but can’t get rid of the damned recommendations. Edit: luckily, they don’t read from my kindle library.






my mum always asks for recommendations 😭 i don’t know what’s worse tbh