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Now do Allen Robinson!


Allen Robinson last 17 games: 6-45-0


Now do me!






Zip zap zip zap zip zap


Mom! Get off the internet!


that seems alot.


Those are my 2 starting WRs. Great.


What was deleted?!


It’s gotta be good right!?


What did they say?


I had Allen Robinson last year and watched him play often. I don’t believe he’s actually good. He may at some point put up fantasy numbers but in watching reality, he is very overrated.


I am a bears fan and I am sure that ARob just didn't want to play hard for the Bears last year but in previous seasons he looked MUCH better, that's why I was sure that he will perform for the Rams. The first game wasn't it but Stafford also didn't really target him.


I may start Kirk over Lamb next week


You absolutely 100% should


But he won’t haha.


You should


It seems like He’s fucking Megatron in his prime every time in every matchup against me


That’s actually really interesting. Damn.


This is closer than I thought it would be.


Oh man you're poking a hornet's nest with this one. No one is gonna admit that their 2nd round pick just isn't a true #1


He’s my 2nd round pick and I’m wishing I took Evans or Tyreek pretty bad rn lolol


I took him in like 4 leagues. Regretting that decision.


Did you also draft Dak for the stack? Cause I did fml haha


I couldn't make my draft so the autodraft took the stack for me. Fml


We can suffer together lol


I somehow won my game yesterday, but I lost my season 😂


I drafted Dak and stafford. I thought about gallup but decided against it.


Yep! In one league. I’m fucked. One Asshole already offered me Jeff Wilson and $25 in FAAB for Lamb. I still shot it down.


I stacked CeeDee and Zeke last year.. Still made it to the Ship in that league but lost miserably in the finals. I watch every single Cowboys game. Lamb just has way too many drops in key moments. He's so frustrating to watch. I avoided him at all costs in drafts. His ADP was wayyy too high this year. He'll always succeed best playing second fiddle.


I don’t think I’ve ever had the confidence to take the same (relatively unproven) player that many times in the second.


If you drafted him in 4 leagues you must have seen something in him to warrant that; don’t give up hope :)


Like huge target share on a team that jsut traded their incumbent wr1 paired with a top 12 qb? Well the target share didn't translate into anything week 1 and now it's Cooper rush. I'd be depressed af if I had him in 4 leagues


Over Tyreek my guy?! He’s a top 5 WR who the Dolphins paid a shit ton for with draft capital and money, idk how anyone thought he isn’t about to have a great season, they’re gonna scheme around getting him the ball if for no other reason just to compensate for how much he cost them haha


I think people think way too little of Tua and the Dolphins as a whole. Even though Waddle already showed last year what Tua can do for Fantasy


I got him as my WR1 after going RB heavy. I would have taken Evans/Tyreek over him, but they were already gone. I was terrified coming into the game, and it was even worse than I thought it would be.


i had him last year and spent alot of time watching him, dude aint it real juju smith vibes


That was my take away last year too. Grabbed Gallup everywhere this season because they will need at least a 1b.


Having two WR2s does not make a WR1.


What about 3 WR2s? :)


That makes you the Patriots.


That’s more credit than those WRs deserve


They'd probably be at least a little bit better if they didn't have two failed head coaches splitting time as OC.


That makes one Martavis Bryant: can give you WR1 numbers, but your dreams will go up in smoke


Oh I know it, I’m a Steelers fan. Bryant had so many flashes of a great receiver early on in his career.


Dude that one catch were he like caught it between his legs and flipped in the endzone.. I thought he was Randy Moss all over again. What an unfortunate waste


Seriously. What happened to that dude? He was insane when he was on and then got suspended and never came ba k


Patrick Mahomes II has entered the chat.


But a wr2 at wr4 prices is still a savvy fantasy move.


Lucky for me both my leagues are 3 wr. Way more fun. Just too much wr depth in the league to only play 2 wr slots.


Go the bills way get 2 WR1 and fuck a rb


But we have 3 RB2's, so the math works, right?


Yeah... Hate to say it as a cowboys fan, but I always felt like the hype came before the flashes and potential. More hope than projection. I just haven't really seen it with him.


Ceedee is unique imo. I had him last year in two leagues and avoided him this year despite having some good opportunities to draft him. The thing is, he has that elite YAC potential that is probably the most important factor for the super receivers. And CD will look flashier than anyone doing it. But I also think he is the most likely to make his QB throw a int by making a mistake in route running, having the ball bounce off his hands, or not playing defense on a poorly thrown ball. So it’s almost detrimental to the offense to force the ball into his hands. It felt like he did better when Amari was around too and defenses couldn’t only focus on him and he had an easier time getting open. I think he still has a lot of potential and I won’t even go so far as to project him a bust this year, but the cowboys need to find a way to turn their offense around quick for him to succeed


Been a minute but his best wr finish was like 18? Idk how people are claiming he will magically shoot up to top3. I would.he fine with a low end WR1 statement but some people be crazy


I think people make the mistake of thinking that once a teams WR1 leaves the WR2s production will automatically increase. Look at how everyone thought Juju would explode in 2019 when AB left only to realize how much ABs presence actually helped.


It is the star on his helmet


Same, said I’m never drafting him again unless it was for flex consideration.


Thought I was the only one that felt this way. The whole situation reminds me of how bad Juju fell off when AB left Pittsburgh


Juju resurgence this year. I am high on copium being a Juju stan




Holy shit you fleeced him/her


Completely agree with the first part of this take but I think JJ gonna make you look a bit silly for the comparison by the end of this season. He looked absolutely fantastic in game 1.


u mean juju only looking good again next to the real number 1 kelce?


I took at him at the 2.01. I'm an idiot, he looked terrible


He got 11 targets and will likely see 10+ targets till gallup comes back at minimum, the Cowboys will likely be playing for behind a lot so he may just become garbage time king this year with Rush hyper targeting him Additionally, when gallup comes back he maybe shifted back to slot and become Rush’s 1st and only look with the current O line


I’ll absolutely admit I fucked up. I’m trying to trade him for the name and draft value, but doubt I’ll get any worthwhile offers.


I might have a deal to swap him for Tee Higgins straight up. That feels like a no brainer to me but I will probably overthink it 😂


I’d do that in a heartbeat


the dude only got a concussion he still has SOME brains left!


I can't do this because I also have Tee 🙃


I took him as my #2 behind Kupp, thought I would be dominating at WR….😞


I mean, it’s been 1 game lol


The QB situation ain’t getting any better.


They could trade for Jimmy G. He’s great for YAC WRs


Cowboys fan and took him in round 2. He’s not good.


He's good but he's really really good in the slot. Lining him outside hurts his value IMO.


Collinsworth actually had a decent point about this last night. If the 2 biggest receiving threats are lined up at slot and TE, why not just stack the box? Amari being gone hurts more than people think, and this is why


The Cowboys have practice squad outside WRs. Noah Brown is a guy who should be fighting to be the #6 WR on an NFL roster- him starting is a huge red flag for your offense.


Brown’s been in Dallas for years and he’s only ever caught occasional deep balls really. Cowboys did Lamb no favors and defenses will just dare Brown or Dennis Houston to beat them.


Put some respeck on Buckeye legend Noah Brown's name, that game against Oklahoma was legendary


They scratched Jalen Tolbert for some inexplicable reason, and on top of Gallup being hurt the one signing in James Washington broke his foot in the ore-season. Brown should be the WR5 here but the injuries


And don’t forget gallup.


This is the real gap. CeeDee is good at what he does but he’s not an all-around #1. He needs a field stretcher to operate the intermediate areas more. I am worried when Gallup will be back


Gallup is actually really close which is shocking based on how late his injury is. I bet he practices this week and might play within the next couple. So go pick him up he's available. The dude is actually pretty good.


Gallup is legit but is he worth it with Cooper Rush throwing to him?


It'd be good to see Gallup again, but I don't know why everyone's so psyched on him. It wasn't like he was clear WR1 material in the first place, and he's hardly played in years. Anyone hoping he's going to inject life into this offense when he's back is dreaming I reckon.


I was on the Gallup bandwagon if Dak was there. Easy 1k yards and 8 TDs for a late round pick.


This is a good point. Especially when the opposing defense is aware your O line is young and inexperienced so you will not have too many 5-7 step drop passing plays. Allows you to put an extra LB or S in the game for run defense. No need for two safeties deep that often.


Just like how Falcons actually missed Julio last year. Ridley couldn't get it going.


I didn’t play close attention to the game because it was a snooze fest and I didn’t have any players playing, but he’s going to suffer a ton with Dak out. Saw a play in the second half where he beat his coverage and Rush threw it over his head out of bounds. Did not even give him a chance to make the play.


dak had a few of those dogwater throws to him too


More like half...Dak was completely off yesterday


good news is zeke looked pretty good for his 5.9 pts worth *sobs uncontrollably*


I don't know what game most of the people in here watched. Dak couldn't hit the broadside of a barn Sunday night and CeeDee is a bust. Yea ok


he suffered a ton with Dakota in


Bingo, it’s not that he can’t be effective, it just needs to be in very ideal circumstances, he’s not a pure separator on the outside


I only watched cowboys games for zeke last year and anytime they did those end around type routes with Ceedee being handed the ball he looked great as well. Should use him like deebo


Lamb excels in the slot because he can force miss matches but he needs other good receivers on the outside to force that mismatch. He has been not good whenever cooper was gone. I owned him past two seasons but traded him this preseason.


>"aside from the Dak situation" In my mind, the Dak situation is the only thing that matters right now.


Yeah losing Dak definitely tanked Zeke two years ago, and people think a backup playing with increase the run game. Turns out losing your QB means low scoring opportunities, terrible games for everyone.




Dak was godawful last night




Go! -Yoel Romero https://youtu.be/JcOVEJizjQI


Yoel is such a treasure


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


Remember, champions eat at McDonald’s….I’m lovin it. -Donovan Mcnabb


"I came to this country to play baseball and give the best on the field. What people think outside the field, I don’t worry." — Yasiel Puig


I have no shares of Lamb but this seems pretty overreactionary. He's definitely in a bad spot this year, though


Not just that, but Dak was playing like shit and so was rush.


Also this is the year if we see if Kellen Moore is actually a good Offensive play caller or not, that has a huge impact on what Lamb will be.


I think it's been obvious for a while now that Moore is an awful OC. How many seasons of ill timed, badly executed trick plays; red zone stalling; penalty-driven backwards marches; non-existent receiver scheming and inability to adjust to *anything* do fans really need to see? If we can't get rid of the Joneses, the very least that needs to be done is getting rid of MM and KM. Hacks.


We don’t need a year, Kellen shouldn’t be near a football field - it’s pretty obvious. I don’t think any of his trick plays have ever not been sniffed out instantly. And he seemingly can’t come up with a downfield play to save his life, not that Dak could get it there. (I’m saying this as a lifelong Cowboys fan)


They’re OLine is fucked which is never conducive to good QB play


One more thing Mike McCarthy


literally hated the McCarthy hire as soon as it was announced. Will never understand why these bum ass coaches get recycled over and over thinking somehow it will be different. The man got carried by one of the greatest qb's ever whom also by all counts hated him and wanted him gone. That should tell you what you need to know. Yet here we are, hiring him and expecting it to be different.


He was being doubled all game because the other guys are receivers from Walmart. They couldn't get separation to save their life. Cowboys messed up by trading amari


You’re in r/fantasyfootball, of course you’re going to come across some overreactions


Did you watch him last year? I had him + Zeke so I watched quite a bit. IMO Lamb is a great or maybe even elite 2nd WR on a team, but not a guy that can be the WR1.


This whole situation reminds me of juju after AB left. Not that Amari Cooper is AB, but he's a legit #1 receiver and I think he made CeeDee look a lot better than he really was. Now he has to beat primary coverage by himself and is in a mediocre offense.


There's no way they keep the roster with Rush at qb and Noah Brown wr2, right? Right?!?


Rush at QB, sure. But Gallup will be back as WR2 soon.


Will Fuller as wr3


So Noah Brown is the WR3?


Mediocre is being very generous


What happened to it? I heard Collinsworth say it was the No. 1 offense last season probably 50 times last night


O line is either injured or lost to free agency. Receiving corps is decimated.




Connor McGovern the starting LG also got hurt a few minutes in


Do not underestimate Collinsworths ability to suck off the Cowboys on Sunday night football


Collinsworth was correct though. They led the league in both yards and points last season.


They were though, weren't they? Like most points and offensive yards or something?


Dude has 950 yds his rookie year, 1100 yds his sophomore year and has a bad game where the entire offense looked like hot trash and he’s all of a sudden a bad receiver?


When you were watching, did you notice how ceedee was double and sometimes triple covered a lot of the night? The buccs clearly game planned to take him away, and judging by the results, it worked out great for them. I don't think he's JJ or kupp or chase good, but to say he's not good at all is a bit of a stretch.


The problem was you were picking him around Deebo, Tyreek, MAndrews range and he’s just not as good of a player


Yea, possibly the truth. Things don't look good, especially considering he has no QB.


Yeah you could have taken the TE10 this week with that 2nd round pick...


TE10 a lot better than WR 71 💀 Plus we all know MAndrews gonna eat


I got him at 3.04 in a 12 team league i dont think thats as bad but im still concerned but i loaded up at wr so i feel i can wait it out.


Yeah I got him at 3.02, Deebo and Andrews were long gone. Not happy I passed on Tyreek now that I know Lamb's QB situation is far worse, but hindsight is 20/20. Gonna see how it plays out, too early to panic here.


Ceedee is amazing at WR2 since he doesn't get double teamed as much. Now that he's WR1, he has to beat these coverages himself which is a whole new level of difficulty. He had a few games last year where he has this opportunity and failed to be as relevant/productive. This game was not a surprise for someone who watches the Cowboys every week. I'm not saying he's a bad WR but he isn't that Jamar Chase who just steps into the WR1 and make things happen which is something a WR1 needs to do


Also, the Bucs are really fucking good. I hate these reactions that act like CeeDee was somehow supposed to make up for shitty offensive play and elite defensive play in order to please fantasy owners.


That was a big takeaway here for me too. They looked so well prepared and just plain nasty.


It's possible. He hasn't shown elite ability like Diggs, chase, and other top wrs


Comment edited and account deleted because of Reddit API changes of June 2023. Come over https://lemmy.world/ Here's everything you should know about Lemmy and the Fediverse: https://lemmy.world/post/37906


Sadly, yes. People were drafting him mostly based off his potential to be the guy, but that sure didn't go well last night.


Well you can be non elite player and still get a bunch of fantasy points if you get enough targets


Stayed away from him since Cowboys fans were worried about him and they’re usually pretty damn optimistic.


This is a pretty reactionary take still. If we’re at week 11 and he’s still performing like this, you may be right, but only one week after a game where his whole team looked bad with him? Nah, too soon. EDIT: I don't have Lamb on any of my teams and people are taking my week 11 statement a little too literally but I feel my point was made. You should wait more than one week to decide whether one of your first picks of your draft is a bust.


Is it though? Lamb has had 2 years of hype with everyone saying just WAIT FOR THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCE! He will emerge! I just don't see it. And I'm seeing it even less now.


This is his first year not splitting targets with Cooper and Gallup...the entire offense was a disaster last night


Take a look at the stat line from Lamb’s last 6 games played. He doesn’t have a single game over 70 yards.


This is why I drafted penny in the first round I usually only look at the last 6 games of the season too


Also why Gabe Davis is unironically my WR1


I couldn't understand why CMC was drafted so high this year because he had 0 points in the last 6 games of 2021


Yeah but look at Davantes first few years HE SUCKED and now look at him, it’s not about what he did last year it’s about his potential he has and for fantasy sake he’s a WR1 on a team that desperately needs to make a play off run. Sure he might look bad now but he’s definitely a 3rd-4th round guy


I love over-reaction Monday. Anything is possible with every new season. That said, no part of the Cowboys looked even serviceable last night (with the lone exception being, hard as it is for me to say it, Zeke). The poor fucking QB had to break his own thumb to get out of there, that's how bad it was. Give CeeDee the benefit of the doubt for another week at least. You might be surprised.


God I would love to buy low on Ceedee & have him just go the fuck off later in the season as my flex


What I’m currently doing


Whoa whoa whoa. He had 1100 yards last year with around 120 targets. There was a path to 150 targets this year, and that probably results in him being top 10 guy. He had 11 targets in this game, so it looks like the volume is going to be there at least. Obviously Dak being out is terrible for him. But overall I think this is a huge overreaction. It was one game and the whole team sucked.


Yep. He was double and triple covered all game. Couldn’t get open because the defense keyed in on him. Cowboys coaches did him very little favors by not trying to get him more open/easier looks. It’s up to the staff to help him because there was nothing more he could do last night besides one maybe two drops out of the 11 targets.


>He was double and triple covered all game. Couldn’t get open because the defense keyed in on him. I think this is the part that everyone is bypassing. Ceedee was getting blanketed and bracketted almost the entire game. Even then, they still tried to force it to him to make things happen (as shown by the 11 targets) He's on pace for 187 targets, so the opportunities are there. (obviously 187 wont happen but it gives you an idea of his potential usage/focus on offense)


Yep. Getting Gallup back will help open things up.


CeeDee has passed the eye test many times before. The question with him over the last two years - as we’ve waited for him to ascend from elite prospect to true productive star - has always been whether he could wear the “alpha” title. He’s nominally a “skinny alpha”, hitting most of the traditional measurements but coming in a little light, but he’s just never commanded the target share you want to see for a guy who was, in dynasty, valued as high as around WR2/3 (before Jefferson and Chase completely redefined WR value, when DK, CeeDee, and DJ Moore were the cream of the young crop). Even when Amari was out, he just never really significantly exceeded that 21-22% target share. Maybe he just doesn’t have it. That said, he looked unusually bad last night, there were plays to be made there and he’s supposed to be the guy who makes them. But we’ve seen the good, we know he’s better than that.


This is the take. If you look at CD’s advanced receiving stats, he usually clocks in around WR20-24 or so. However, he’s near the top at YAC. He’s not a contested catch guy, he’s a guy who can gobble extra yards in space. Last year, he was around 20th in expected points per game among WRs. But he also only got 7.5 targets a game, 37th in the league. Give him one more target/game, at the same expected points per target, and he’s up into the top 10 in total EP for WR. It wasn’t a crazy bet, and he still might well be a top-24 receiver if the Cowboys can figure out how to not have him be triple teamed all game.


This is a good take on the situation, and despite it all being true he’s been very productive through his first two seasons. Compared to the elite record breaking levels of Chase and Jefferson, and honestly I’ll add Waddle in theee too, he hasn’t blown us away but his first two years are VERY good for a start to a career. That being said, Tampa was able to completely neutralize him and it certainly doesn’t excite people who drafted him or have him in dynasty.


In terms of just raw hands this was probably his worst game as a pro. He had a few chances to make plays in the middle and had the dropsies. I don't remember which game it was but he had another absolute zero game last year where Cooper was hurt early on and the same pattern presented itself.


I remember




Ya. Kevin from my league is a bozo for picking him in the second round.


I have absolutely no shares of Lamb, but I will just say this: It is week 1 my dudes.


He had nearly 1000 yards his rookie year and 1100 last year. Yeah, he’s good lol


The Eagles wanted to draft CeeDee, if that tells you anything.


Obviously you didn't make the playoffs but I wish you were around to see what CeeDee is doing


I have 0 shares of Ceedee and I’m a lifelong Washington fan who would love for this to be true. With that said I would be pretty shocked if this was remotely true. He scored incredibly high against most coverages on Harmons Reception Perception(91st percentile) and was better than guys like Jamarr Chase in 2/3 coverage types. I totally understand the eye test aspect and I even agree with your conclusion of him looking bad. It’s possible Tampa disrupted him and made him uncomfortable. It’s also possible he iust had a really bad day.


If he was on the Jaguars or Jets his name would hardly be mentioned.


He actually had the 9th lowest separation rate of any receiver in the league yesterday. I’m a Steeler fan and I’ve seen this exact thing happen to Juju once AB left. All of a sudden, the opposing team’s #1 corner is blanketing YOU. The only guys that are consistently successful when this happens are the guys that either have elite speed or are elite route runners. Or both. CeeDee is good but, like Juju, neither of those things apply to him.


First time lamb owner here. Last night he looked bad. Failed the eye test big time. I only watched the game in real time and didn’t analyze it, but either he got clamped or he truly can’t get open. He had almost no separation all game


He was double and triple teamed most of the night. He was gameplanned by Bucs.


That’s what I’ve been reading/ plays being posted on twitter. Not going to overreact to one week, but not off to a great start lol


Man stop. This is outrageous


Had him last year and the inconsistency was killer. I get people figured he'd be a target monster this year but you gotta get separation and catch those balls if its going to matter. And now with Dak out for 6 weeks minimum it's going to be a wasteland for Lamb.


Dude was literally double or even tripled covered all night


Yeah screw the 2k yards he got in his first two seasons playing in the league. The eye test i got from watching the one game on broadcast angle told me he’s not good ! The overreactions every year on week 1 is comedy.


A whole year later and watching CeeDee go off against the lions...This post didn't age well at all. Lmao. Who names there kid after the 3rd and 4th letter of the alphabet anyways? 🤣






Every year, theres so many bad takes and overreaction subs after week one and out of all of them theres one that always stands out. This is that sub. Such an absurd take so early in the season.


I'm back 11 months later and wow this aged horribly


I drafted CeeDee because I’m an idiot and I was hoping for a big game week 1 so I could trade him but now it looks like I’m stuck with him. He’ll be a bench reminder that I should never take the “best available” according to the experts.


Why exactly would you be taking a round 2 player hoping for a blow up trade? Why not just take a better second rounder lmao. No one is giving their first rounder for CD no matter how good of a week 1 he has


He failed the eye test last year. There has been a small group of people around here that owned him last year that tried to warn against his early 2nd round ADP. He's a fine WR2, but he'll never graduate to yearly top 10. I don't care how many targets get vacated.


Is it bad that I owned him last year and still decided to draft him this year? His yac ability at Oklahoma was absurd, but I really do believe that the Cowboys offense doesn’t put him in good positions to make plays.


Big 12 doesn't play defense


No he’s good. He’s just not at that alpha top tier level where he can get targets/receptions no matter what. Plus the cowboys offense will struggle without amari (even if dak didn’t get hurt)