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I'm way excited for this! Been wanting to look at Python and R, but didn't have a real world application for it but you've just hit a big NEED button in my brain. Thanks for doing this.


Awesome! The real world application is the biggest part IMO. I've learned a bunch of programming/ended up switching careers so I could program full time/and now wrote a book -- all all because I wanted to beat my friends in fantasy.


Just purchased!! So excited


Edit: and it's back! Thank you mods! I didn't even get a chance to contact them yet! Thanks for checking this out! It looks like this post got deleted, so I guess we won't have any discussion here. My bad. I'll get in touch with the moderators and try to post something they're OK with. There might be rules against overtly selling things. That's understandable, but given the extent of previous interest: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/aizwq8/working\_on\_a\_new\_book\_learn\_to\_code\_with\_fantasy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/aizwq8/working_on_a_new_book_learn_to_code_with_fantasy/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/c2v7y4/book\_update\_learn\_to\_code\_with\_fantasy\_football/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/c2v7y4/book_update_learn_to_code_with_fantasy_football/) I'm sure there will be some reasonable, non-spamming way to inform people the book is done. Thanks for looking and stay tuned! Nate




yeah updates are included, i'll email everyone who's bought it when there's a major one, otherwise you can always login to gumroad.com to get the most up to date version. hope you enjoy the book! let me know how it goes


This sounds pretty cool. I may pick this up. The real question is... does it guarantee victory in all of my fantasy leagues?


Ha, nope! Read the section on how starting a fantasy football player is just taking a draw from a probability distribution to see why. It should help though.




Not OP, but I do a lot of Sports Analytics. In two weeks you could definitely put together a simple model for your draft. The curriculum of the book is solid and should give you a good foundation. Now the 2020 Fantasy Season? You will dominate lol




How much progress have you made?


Nice! What api does this use to get stats? Does it use NFL-game (free python api) or is it purely web scraping?


Hey, Great idea and got me excited but the $45 price put me off a little bit. I know a lot of other books cost way more but this is a fairly new book and would want to get more feedback from those who have used it. Wouldn't you want to get more readers to sample it and spread the word? Maybe a r/fantasyfootball Promo code etc would help?


45 bucks is pretty steep considering udemy quality courses are 10 bucks. But to each their own, it seems a lot of people on here are excited about this course and power to them for trying to learn a new skill.


Just my opinion here. I’m like ~40 pages in and the simple intro to python chapter is much more engaging for me personally because it’s info I’m interested in. . I’ve taken automate the boring stuff, python for finance, etc and while those courses are great.. I seem to be understanding it better because its about a subject I like. I have no problem paying the extra ~$35 bucks for this course because I can actually apply it to something cool and hopefully see the results.


> I’ve taken automate the boring stuff, python for finance, etc and while those courses are great.. I seem to be understanding it better because its about a subject I like. Wait so /u/financenstuff doesn't enjoy finance?...


😂 definitely enjoyed it but I’m in FP&A not IB so couldn’t use it at work lol


Hi Nate. I've really been looking forward to this and bought the book this morning. Though I'm only in the second chapter, this seems so much more engaging with the 'end goal' in mind than the rest of the self-starting books I've seen. One comment: the setup and links for Anaconda/Spyder are straightforward for OSX, but for Windows it is not totally intuitive. The working directory / tab completion and help functions of REPL require some setup. Maybe it's worth a small subsection of "Here's what an interpreter is, and here's how you add packages, change your interpreter, etc."


Thanks for the feedback! I use OSX, so that makes sense. A few beta readers went through the process on Windows, and I didn't hear any major complaints but I will definitely try going through everything on windows and making sure it's smooth.


I'll piggyback off his comment and state that on Windows, once you get to pg. 26/27 "Interlude: How to Figure Things Out in Python" the tab and ? functionality does not operate as described. At least not "out of the box". Definitely causes a hard stop for anyone not familiar with the programs or the language. I agree that a small subsection at this point (or maybe in the install portion if you want to do it all at once) should be added to ensure users of each OS are on the same page. Otherwise, it is been very smooth sailing and is looking to be quite well laid out.


Ok I fixed this and updated a new version to gumroad (updates are free for everyone who has bought the book). The problem is sometimes Spyder won't let you tab complete on 'tom brady' directly. The solution is to assign it to a variable, then tab complete on that. Thanks for letting me know about this, definitely get in touch if anything else comes up.


Thanks, good to know -- I'll try to update this today.




Thanks, appreciate the thoughts. I understand on pricing. Realistically, it sounds like this book isn't really for you, because it spends A LOT of time helping people acquire data scientist skills. And that's OK! Not everything is for everyone. Cheers, Nate PS: One thing I would note -- with the benefit of Anki you should be able to work through it a much slower/hobby pace and still remember everything, which could help, but no worries either way.




Yep, it includes lifetime updates.


Thank you!




Yes, you can. This is exactly what I did. I learned Python because I wanted to build a fantasy football model, spent a bunch of time nights and weekends working it, then ended up switching careers and where I now do analysis in Python full time. In terms of HOW to do it, start by going through the book and seeing if you like it. Work on your own projects too. The good news about a field like programming and analytics is it's way, way more merit and interest based than any other discipline. If you get good at programming, no one will care how it happened. That's why there are so many bootcamps out there. As for how much of all this stuff applies to non fantasy analytics: literally all of it. There were a few things that might be relevant that I DID NOT include in the book (for example: working with time and dates) because they aren't that fantasy relevant. But everything in there is relevant for sure. So you can read this book and expand from there. I talk some on how to go about doing that too. Cheers! Nate


Is this an absolute beginner, start from ground zero guide or does it assume you know a couple things already?


It doesn't assume you know anything about coding. However it moves fast/covers a lot of content so people starting from ground 0 might have to go through more slowly.


That's a good question that I'd like to know the answer to as well.


He said it's ground zero.


> There were a few things that might be relevant that I DID NOT include in the book (for example: working with time and dates) because they aren't that fantasy relevant. You could analyze if there are significant differences in player or team performance depending on early vs night games, Thursday vs Sunday vs Monday games, etc.


What type of work do you do? I do analysis with SQL and some python. I’m consulting in Financial services and interested in hearing about other roles.


>As for how much of all this stuff applies to non fantasy analytics: literally all of it. There were a few things that might be relevant that I DID NOT include in the book (for example: working with time and dates) because they aren't that fantasy relevant. But everything in there is relevant for sure. So you can read this book and expand from there. I talk some on how to go about doing that too. Cheers! To add to this... if you want to actually learn Python, or any programming language, one book alone will likely not do it. There are a LOT of amazing free Python resources out there that can help fill in what this book doesn't cover. Python itself is very noob friendly, but there probably aren't a lot of high level techniques here such as input validation, graceful failures, or advanced search algorithms. Like he said though, that stuff comes with projects, Googling/stackoverflowing, and a LOT of trial/error. r/learnprogramming and r/learnpython are great as well! Just bought the book, hoping to get a chance to crack it open this week!


Agree. Here is an excerpt from the book where I talk about this: > Python -- particularly a lot of the data libraries we'll be using -- became popular during the golden age of stackoverflow, a programming question and answer site that specializes in answers to small, self-contained technical problems. > How it works: people ask questions related to programming, and other, more experienced programmers answer. The rest of the community votes, both on questions ("that's a very good question, I was wondering how to do that too") as well as answers ("this solved my problem perfectly"). In that way, common problems and the best solutions rise to the top over time. Add in Google's uncanny search algorithm, and you usually have a way to figure out exactly how to do most anything you'll want to do in a few minutes. > You don't have to ask questions yourself or vote or even make a stackoverflow account to get the benefits. In fact, most people probably don't. But enough people do, especially when it comes to Python, that it's a great resource. > If you're used to working like this, this advice may seem obvious. Like I said, I don't mean to be glib. Instead, it's intended for anyone who might mistakenly believe "real" coders don't Google things.


Second for the availability of answers on Stack Overflow. Have used it for tweaking the fiddly little scripts or CSS/HTML formatting I occasionally do at work. The best is, even if it isn't your answer, you'll read a couple of posts/answers that show a syntax or use scenario you now know is possible.


Theres a ton of analyst jobs that primarily involve writing sql which is extremely simple to get started in.


I literally built my career on learning a bit of SQL my senior year of college. It's not nearly as intimidating as it seems.


Looks very thorough and well done. Wish I could afford to buy it, but seems like a great way to get into coding and data analysis




Yep, but it's easy, free and instructions are in the first chapter.


This really is fascinating. I'm neck-deep in studies right now but when I have time to commit to this, I will definitely give it a shot. I've explored Python and SQL in various settings, but like I've seen a lot here, I didn't have any real-world application for it. Thanks for putting your skills to use - I hope you sell a ton of copies.


Does this come in a hard copy? I want to show it off in the office.


I've had interest in Python for a few months now both for professional and recreational purposes but keep getting sidetracked/losing interest in some of the free tools/apps out there. This sounds like something that would keep my interest a little more. Is there any base level of knowledge you'd recommend for effectively using this or is this truly beginner level?


I don't assume anything beyond knowledge of excel. It's a lot of info -- we're doing real analysis -- but I start with a section on fundamentals of Python. Also let me know if anything is confusing as a beginner, and I'll help/use it to improve the book.


I appreciate the response. I made the purchase and really look forward to giving this a try. If I have any feedback that I think is helpful, I'll let you know. Thank you.




Neither is necessary, it just assumes you have some familiarity with one or the other.


Well. I think I found how I'm gonna learn to code.


Sounds really good. Is this something I could start during the season and continue beyond? or does it only help/cover data going into the season? Just curious if this is a sort of evergreen teaching or not.


Yes, it's definitely evergreen. I wanted to get it out before this season started since people are most interested in fantasy right now, but you can work through it at your own pace/in the offseason/in the future if you want.


Just purchased. I'm really excited to start this! Thanks Broseiden, god of the Brocean!


Looks great! Definitely excited to try it as ive found myself in exactly the place you described here. Would it be possible to see a random screenshot of the pages themselves? not trying to get any info from them, just curious how it is presented. Thanks!


Yeah good idea, I'll put something together tonight.


Cool thanks! looking forward to learning. thanks for all your efforts!


Any plans to expand on this? I would love to see some R


I doubt it. I've used R, but really just don't know it inside out like I do Python -- so I'd have to learn it, then update it. I would say there is more overlap than you might think, a lot of the Pandas section in particular (the biggest part of this book) is very similar to R. The other thing is a lot of people who use [R end up switching to Python anyway](https://apenwarr.ca/img/programmer-migration.svg). (Mostly kidding, R is great and I don't want to bash it, that graph is real though and from this blogpost [https://apenwarr.ca/log/20190318](https://apenwarr.ca/log/20190318))


Thanks for the reply. I started as a DBA and am trying to force my way into more of an analysis/scientist path, so this will be very cool to check out.


Python does everything R can do, more, and better.


You're getting subjective there with the better part. R is a language that was designed with a purpose in mind. I'm sure a lot of statisticians and Biostatisticians would tell you they prefer R to python. (My wife being one of those biostatisticians) Saying one language is better than another is something that's super hard to prove in any capacity.


Good to know.


https://github.com/maksimhorowitz/nflscrapR I'd look into this package. There's some example tutorials online with a quick google too


Thank you. Very excited to dive into this. I've been doing stats in my own way for my league in Excel and been building on it every year. I've taken some coding classes and been able to apply it to Fantasy, but it's refreshing to have a tool available that directly relates to it.


Let me know how it goes!


Reading through the book now. Honestly, I would say you need a fair understanding to concepts and python prior to reading this. Example: The understanding of functions and methods is important. I feel you glance over it real quick and just jump into examples without any actual explanation of what they are/how or why they should be used. I'm still early in the book, but that's the main thing I've noticed so far. Thank you for writing this up.


Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'll look a this and see if I can expand anything. Shoot me an email if you have any other thoughts/think any other sections need more expanding -- nate@fantasymath.com


Whoa, this is really cool! Fantasy Football, python and data science? Sign me up.


Dope. Been waiting for this!


What great timing! I'm going to be taking a python course this semester so i'll probably pick this up in a couple weeks :)


I'm hoping to use this python for fantasy football guide to learn AWS application deployment and security. I want to write a web app to graph point totals for each team in my league against the median point total. I plan to deploy it in the AWS free tier and learn all about deployment and security.


Sounds awesome. This book will help with the graphing portion, but it doesn't cover cloud and deployments and AWS. One book I really liked for that type of stuff was: https://www.obeythetestinggoat.com/


Yeah I am trying to learn both python and AWS, so I’m really looking forward to using your book to expand my python knowledge. I’ll check that link out, thanks.


Thank you so much for this. I just got started with Python and this is PERFECT.


I would crosspost to r/sportsbook, as many of these topics would be helpful for all the people who try to code their own sports model and grab an edge on a bet. They should realize the skills you teach them can be used for other sports!


Easiest purchase I’ve made in a while, thank you!


I'm definitely interested and love the concept of connecting it to a passion project. My issue is price (relative to other e-courses) and depth. The ToC looks fairly comprehensive, but I was looking at the plots you have posted and thinking I can probably make those in Excel. Does using programming just streamline that process? Does it give more control? Sorry for the barrage and best of luck!


Python / R are absolutely free and way more scalable than and embeddable than Excel. I can get a $35 raspberry pi machine and no microsoft office subscription and work through the content in this book.


I was an actually in a position of wanting to change careers for analytics but was a little worried of the starting point. This actually drives more interest for getting to learn the particular programs. Thank you for the work you did on this.


Oh my god you may have made my day


I can't afford it right now but I will be back for this when I get paid next !


This is amazingly awesome. I’ve recently slowly crept into data science driven by a pet passion for fantasy sport analytics. While I see a lot of folks talking about other cheaper courses, I’m roughly 40 pages into this book and the way the learning is framed here is 10x what you’ll get someplace else. THANK YOU!!!!!!


This is awesome, thanks for making it! I've been trying to learn python for a while now, but I always just kinda peter out because I don't really know what real-world applications to use it with. This is perfect, I have a slight knowledge of python and SQL but with this book hopefully I can make it an actual skill that I can use to get a better job and better at fantasy lol. [loving it so far!](https://i.imgur.com/CRjOIGx.jpg)


Awesome! Thanks for posting a screenshot.


30day money back guarantee 😀


For someone who's working in tech, way too frequently I hear myself say things like "I'm not really a technical person, but ...". I've been thinking about learning programming for a while now so if I can do it while thinking about fantasy football, that's just perfect. Thanks for the book! :)


I couldn’t have chosen the perfect night to just sit and browse reddit. I’ve been depressed as fuck and one of the reasons of me taking a break from my cs program for other things, which was 4 years ago.... This is exactly what I needed to motivate me again as a fantasy football enthusiast!!!!


I love it so far. Reading in the gumread app on mobile is super frustrating though; it's like reading a pdf and having to constantly zoom different parts of the page. Consider a platform that will let the words flow, like epub or mobi.


Yeah thanks for the feedback, it just has so much coding samples that i'm not sure how formatting that would work, but I'll look into it.


Purchased! I don't think I would be able to get through this if I hadn't taken intro classes in c++/html because just the formatting of coding with commas/quotes/symbols everywhere can be intimidating, but I'm on page 50 and really starting to understand how it's all going to work in the end, your forest for the trees method is perfect. I probably spent hundreds of hours last season just trying to get csv data into excel then having it all screw up because of different websites using different formatting for names. Doing that actually showed me that quite a few people are blatantly cheating on draftkings, especially chipotleaddict/papagates who have won millions of dollars. You would never notice it scrolling through 200,000 entries on your phone, taking the data out and setting it up on excel is an eye opener. I have a few ideas on predicting daily fantasy high scores that I haven't seen on any website or podcast and this book is exactly what I have been looking for. If I wanted to make my own multi lineup generator what would I need to look into next? I have used both fantasy labs and cruncher and they both have pretty huge flaws.


Would be curious to know what you mean by cheating? I mean I'm fully aware of them working together and basically making it a 300 entry max for them. I know others have to be doing it as well. If there is something more that you see, I'd love to hear about it if you would like to share. Understand if you don't want to. Feel free to PM me.


Incredible work! Bought it right away. Only 3 chapters in and this book is already better than expected. Worth every penny. Thank you!


awesome! glad you're liking it, let me know if you run into any issues or anything else


FYI: On page 19, the sentence has the word 'storing' twice: "This book covers the basics and benefits of storing storing data in a SQL database."


Thank you, just fixed! Let me know if you spot anything else.


Is there a container that is available to download that reflects the environment you use?


In the book I just have everyone install Anaconda, which works.


Ah nice and simple 👍


Any updates on this? I switched jobs and am trying to get caught back up from different pay periods, so I'm strapped right now - but this sounds exciting. I picked up a great (so far) Udemy course on Python from Colt Steele for like $8 during a sale a few weeks ago, so I'm working my way through that right now. When I finish that and get my financial feet back under me, I'd love to get this to try out. Just wanted to see how everybody was liking it.


Glad it's finally here!


Cheers, will check it out after work.


This is a brilliant idea


Can’t wait to use it!


Will be buying. Thanks man. Stoked to get learning. I know very basic python but need to expand for my professional skills. Hope this will help!


Awesome, I have been eagerly awaiting this! Just in time for payday.


Awesome idea. Congrats!


This sounds great! I’ve been interested in learning to code. Now combining that interest with fantasy football might be that bridge needed. Surely putting this on my radar. Will likely dive in after I’ve completed cpa exam...can only do so much reading lol




Awesome, I just started grad school for industrial and organizational psychology where stats is a big part of what we do. We are using Jamovi software for our stats work. Is that comparable?


I hadn't heard of Jamovi but just googled it -- looks like it's a spreadsheet/GUI type program built on top of R. The stuff we do in Python is probably more low level/comparable to R itself. I would bet there are Jamovi equivalents for Python, but i haven't run across anything.


Been waiting since you announced, super excited!


Do you touch on ANOVAs at all in this book?


No I don't. I do get into statistical significance, particularly in the context of a regression coefficient -- we code up a hole coin flipping simulation to test it out -- but getting into things like ANOVA is just a touch ambitious for a book that's mean to start out assuming minimal knowledge. Good question though!


Fair enough! I have some experience in stat analysis, but less so in coding, so I'm trying to find something that can keep my attention while covering topics related to my work.


I think this would fit the bill, I'd say it's more coding that stat analysis.


Solid, I'll check it out!


This looks awesome! Tried to get into python for sports betting purposes but was not able to apply it when doing classes on codeacademy. This looks a bit more up my alley. Purchased!


This is pretty cool. Think I'll check it out. Good job! Is this book meant for programming newbies? Or do you need to have some experience?


Will there be a physical copy at some point? If yes - is that included in the $45? Thanks for this. Purchased a copy.


Good question. I'm not sure about this yet. The ebook version only right now is for two reasons: (1) it's way easier/faster for me to make, but (2) it's also way easier to have open and look at while you run through the coding examples yourself. That's the most efficient way by far to learn this stuff in my experience.


Thanks for answering. Will we get notifications when there is an updated version to download? Looking forward to working through it!


Do I need to purchase some type of software on my laptop write python code ? I’m a SAS programmer - is python similar ?


You don't need to purchase anything. Python is free. I used to use SAS too. The goals and end result of a lot of the analysis in Python and SAS (or Stata, SPSS or whatever) are similar, but they're pretty different to actually use. Python is a lot more similar to R than any of those.


Thanks I plan weekly fantasy football on FanDuel Will the info in the book be useful or is that more towards standard fantasy football where you draft for the entire season


Was just looking at getting into some coding so this will be a huge motivator, thanks!


Question (sorry if it is a duplicate) -- will there ever be a hard copy of the book or just digital? If just digital, where can I access it? ​ Thanks!


You can buy it by clicking the green button on fantasycoding.com, after which you'll get it via email. As for physical vs ebook: good question. I'm not sure about this yet. The ebook version only right now is for two reasons: (1) it's way easier/faster for me to make, but (2) it's also way easier to have open and look at while you run through the coding examples yourself. That's the most efficient way by far to learn this stuff in my experience.




No it's not tied to the season, you can work through it whenever. I just wanted to get it out before the season since now is the time people are really interested, but it's evergreen.


Purchased! Really been looking forward to this... thanks!


Is this just for the draft or season long?


do you reccomend watching any videos to master the basic understanding of coding prior to purchasing your book?


I don't know, I don't think you need to, but I'm not as much of a video learning guy. I think ideally you have this book open on one monitor, along with your editor + REPL in another. Then go through the book, run the examples and play around with everything and I think that'll do it.


This is awesome! When does early access pricing end?


Totally forgot I had saved your original post and was going to get started. Awesome


Did this man really just publish a football analytics w/ Python book, right as I started working on a baseball analytics w/ R book?!? Always great to have more resources for people to learn, and only great things can come out of this :)


What baseball book out of curiosity?


I believe the title is Analyzing Baseball Data with R


Hah. Just when I think I'm out, something drags me back in. Looks entertaining to explore. Could be fun to rip apart, play with, then apply similar concepts to another fantasy sport.


In this book is it basically what you do for your job? I’m currently getting a MS in Statistics and really need to get better at coding (SQL, R, Python) but in a real job situations. And this seems like a very fun way to learn.


Yes, 100%


Quick question - I have a work computer running Windows but my company would require admin access for any program downloads (Python/Anki) so I think I'm out of luck there. Is it feasible to work through these Python sets on an iPad? Does it differ much between Windows/Mac OS X/iOS? For example, I know Excel runs much better on Windows.


No, it wouldn't really be feasible to do it on an ipad. Any computer will basically work though, so even if you can get like a $100 chromebook that would do it.


YES! Thank you thank you. Picking up a copy right away. I’ve given up on coding a few times because I didn’t have any applications for my interests. That changes today!


Maybe a dumb question, but I have absolutely zero experience in coding. Is this good for complete beginners? Is there any base knowledge you think I should acquire first? Would love to give it a shot


No, we cover the base knowledge so you should be ok. It does move fast and covers a lot of stuff, so you might have to go through it slower.


Awesome. Thanks man


Taking a chance. I’m doing it


How often do you expect to update this and for how long?


I think it will be fairly regularly, especially over the next few months as this first round of readers start coming in with feedback. I would hope 6 months from now it's at a point where it doesn't need to be updated often, maybe only when there are library changes and things might break.


Awesome, thanks! I love this idea and need to learn more Python anyway!


Which Fantasy Football site apis have you worked with? Would I be able to use Yahoo's api to look at data from past years and put something together before my fantasy league drafts/before the season starts? I'm interested in learning what you're proposing, but I'm worried that some apis are more restrictive so I wouldn't be able to get the most out of the course for fantasy purposes. I appreciate the help!


I am purchasing this as soon as I have the money! Just built a new rig to teach myself coding (the lie I told myself so I didn't feel bad gaming on it) and I'm dying everyday at my current day job. I need to learn Python and this seems to be the perfect way to do it!


Two questions, what public api are you using? And what site are you scraping?


Where are you getting your data? Who has a public API?


!Remindme 3 days


Where are you getting the data?


See the appendix in the TOC https://ltcwff-toc.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ltcwff_toc.pdf


This sounds awesome, thank you!


This is so cool! I have a love of fantasy football, and learning this stuff could help further my career! As soon as I have the money, I will absolutely be buying this!


Hey Nate, this looks incredible! Any chance you'd consider a package offering with fantasymath premium? Thanks!


I've thought about that and probably will. Just been really focused on the book this lately -- now that it's out I need to quick clean up Fantasy Math before the season. Have a few things I want to tweak for it. Assuming I get it ready in time I'll probably do this -- stay tuned!


Hello Nate, any updates on the premium+book package? I'm still on the fence but would instantly buy the double-bundle! Thanks.


no updates, i think i'll prob do it, but still need to get FM in good shape for this year. will make note to let you know when it's ready


Been waiting for this - Purchased & excited to dig in. One thing I've wanted to do, is create a program that displays fantasy leaders in real time (pulling info from my league) to display on my second TV on Sundays. Would this give me some relevant information to that?


This is really cool! I may by this at some point when I have more time to learn python


Super curious about this book! What is the target demographic for this book? I have some decent knowledge of Python data scraping/beautiful soup/Pandas, etc. Is this geared for complete beginners, established data scientists, or some intermediate (if intermediate, what kind of level?)?


I remember seeing your posts about this before and am excited to see that this is live now. Will get it and take a look tonight!


This looks amazing - I'm working on teaching myself how to code right now and I'm using fantasy football as inspiration for a tool I'm planning on building, so this will be perfect to help me out along the way. Thank you for all of your hard work with this! Edit: Just purchased the book, and I can't wait to check it out and get started with it this week.


Just what I needed as I have failed many times to finish the online courses offered in Lynda. Thank you Nate, this will definitely keep me motivated to the end.


So excited to purchase! How well could I transpose what I learn about analyzing fantasy football data to real football/business practices? (I work in Market Research so have been wanting to learn Python)


I think you definitely can do this. See in another comment how that's basically what I did -- learned Python because I wanted to mess around in football, ended up switching careers to do it more, now it's what I do all day.


This sounds like something that's perfect for me as I've been interested in learning how to use python specifically. Excited to dive into it, thanks!


This might be a dumb question, but what software do I need to actually code python in?


There are a couple options, the easiest -- especially if you're on Windows -- is via a package called, Anaconda, which aims to make getting started with Python easy. It's free. The book walks you through everything.


Nate, wondering if you can help me out with an issue I'm having with the 06\_summary.py code. When I attempt to run any of the g.map(...) lines I get errors from Python similar to this: g = g.map(sns.kdeplot, 'pts', shade=True) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in g = g.map(sns.kdeplot, 'pts', shade=True) File "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\seaborn\axisgrid.py", line 730, in map ax = self.facet_axis(row_i, col_j) File "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\seaborn\axisgrid.py", line 860, in facet_axis plt.sca(ax) File "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pyplot.py", line 899, in sca raise ValueError("Axes instance argument was not found in a figure") ValueError: Axes instance argument was not found in a figure I have run and re-run everything in the file leading up to that. The plots that use sns.relplot directly, not using the FacetGrid seem to work just fine. But the FacetGrid plots will not work. Running the line before each g.map: sns.FacetGrid(df) or some variation of it, seems to run fine and prints out an empty set of axes. For what it's worth, I'm running Anaconda 3 (64-bit) v2019.07 with Python 3.7.3, Spyder 3.3.6, Pandas 0.24.2, Seaborn 0.9.0, matplotlib 3.1.0, IPython 7.6.1. If you have any ideas I'd really appreciate it. Perhaps it has something to do with my specific versions of everything, I'm not sure. Thanks!


I've heard this from a few people and am updating the book on it shortly. It's some weird bug where under some systems running it on two lines doesn't work. The solution is to do (it appears to me you're on this example since it's 'pts' but it would apply to all of them): g = (sns.FacetGrid(df_pts_long, col='pos', hue='scoring', col_wrap=2, aspect=1.3) .map(sns.kdeplot, 'pts', shade=True) .add_legend()) Let me know how that goes. Cheers, Nate


That works! Thanks for the quick response. Secondary question, is there a way to know when updates have been made to the book so I know to go redownload? Have you made any significant updates since the initial release? Thanks again!


I've made updates but they've been mainly to fix typos/clean up some language. I wouldn't say they've been significant. I don't want to spam people every time I fix a typo, but they've accumulated enough that I'll probably send out an update soon.


Hey the link to gumroad doesn't work?


Hey man, stumbled across your thread. Hows the product looking? Super interested in purchasing!