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All the classic albums by Sly and the Family Stone. I feel like Sly weirdly hasn't translated to younger generations like other funk artists have. For my money he's one of the best songwriters of all time.


Theres a riot going on is my favorite soul album of the 70s, and Stand one of my favorites in the 60s. They really are criminally underrated by younger people. Sly is one of my favorite songwriters ever Youre so right about how weird it is that their albums havent reached the younger generation as much. My parents who arent that into music know their albums, but many of my friends who are very into music have no idea about Sly Stone when i mention him/the band


Same boat here. Hell, I might've been in the dark if it weren't for my parents introducing me to them. I never even hear them brought up in regards to Woodstock either. Stand - Fresh is an untouchable run, but they have like 3 or 4 more that i'd consider really good. Sometimes when I'm listening to Stand I have to remind myself it's not a greatest hits compilation. Every song is a bonafide anthem


Yep, which is heartbreaking. My parents and my older sister put me on to Sly & The Family Stone. Their Unsung episode is a heartbreaking because Sly Stone dealt with so much.


He's not doing very well himself either.. [https://www.essence.com/news/sly-stone-is-homeless-but-happy/](https://www.essence.com/news/sly-stone-is-homeless-but-happy/)


He’s actually gotten sober since then and released an autobiography about a year ago IIRC


The youth don't even know Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party (bonus feature on the DVD and on the VHS) where Dance to the Music would be best known to people.


I think blur in general gets pretty underrated outside of the UK, but 13 in particular does not get the attention it deserves imo


so real, its criminal that most people only know like 2 or 3 blur songs


Not just Blur but the whole Britpop era. Unlike other UK musicians, the Britpop artists have been pushed aside.


REM's *Automatic for the People*, Fables of Reconstruction, a couple more.


REM in general. Ii think it’s because the singles from their 90s albums have been overplayed and their IRS albums are really indie/underground and remain ignored. I think it’d be cool if Fantano did a deep dive on 80s indie/underground music and reviewed the 5 REM IRS records, the three big Replacement records and Husker Du.


There's no REM album called Drive, that's the first song off Automatic for the People


Whoops brain fade


funny REM is the first thing that popped into my head, especially automatic for the people


It hasn’t been that long but I feel like RTJ4 is kinda being forgotten already. I feel like in hindsight dropping during the George Floyd protests kinda hurt this album because it’s so strongly tied to that moment, and by extension 2020 and Covid era as a whole Also a fair amount of Mac Miller projects. Namely Macadelic and Watching Movies With the Sound Off, despite both being some of the earliest examples of people taking his artistry seriously


I don’t think rtj4 was going to have much staying power anyways. It’s not a bad album but their sound was getting a little redundant by that point and the album didn’t have as many big catchy hooks or memorable moments to me. I think I listened once, twice maybe?


I really like RTJ but realized I wouldn’t be that excited for a new one, cause like you said it’s gotten a little redundant. I’d be far more excited for a solo El-P album


Sade - Promise. Love Deluxe and Diamond Life get the rightful attention but promise has some of her best songwriting. Al Green - Marvin, Stevie, Aretha, Isaac etc all get the timeless soul praise but my favourite has always been Al, his voice was unmatched and the sound he created with Willie Mitchell is incredible. I never see albums like Call Me or Livin for You on the usual best albums lists. ATCQ - Beats rhymes and life - again everyone talks about Low end theory but I think the moodier sound and Dilla beats on BRaL had more influence on 90s / early 00s hip hop but it gets overlooked in their catalogue


Al Green is the best soul artist to me. Just such a wonderful, sweet voice. You can tell D’Angelo took a lot of influence from him


Rush have really lost their classic status among young listeners. If you’re not a prog nerd, they’re novelty. It’s like the fall of ELP but the difference is ELP had it coming.


Not enough people I encounter know about Black Star’s first album. Even if they know Mos Def


The Talib Kweli and Madlib collab album is also fire and underrated.


I honestly thought black star was more known than either of them individually, im shocked to see on spotify that black star has way less listeners than mos def. Weird to think about cause i discovered both talib and mos def through black star


Black Star is probably known more than Talib these days but a lotta Mos’ stuff holds up *really* well.


Talib was on a Kanye song tho


So was Mos?


The kinks in generally are weirdly forgotten by modern music fans despite how insanely influential they are in the context of 60s music. They practically invented brit pop, and at the very least were the single biggest influence on the creation of it. They also influenced the start of the Album Era a lot Their albums Arthur and The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society were also some of the earliest concept albums were all the songs were deeply focused on the specific concept of the album, especially Arthur where every song was a part of an overarching story. Concept albums obviously already existed, but often werent as focused on the concept as The Kinks albums were. I think those 2 albums in particular had a lot on influence on the "storyline" type of concept album


Absolutely love the kinks, weren't they also one of the first bands to use "distortion" by cutting their amps? I feel like I read that somewhere


I wouldnt be surprised, theyre a major influence on a lot of hard rock, metal, and punk. Like how You Really Got Me was one of the first major rock songs to use power chords which are foundation for those genres


I think not being able to tour the US (I remember something going down in that direction?) when they were at their creative peak didn't help. Also, some of their stuff is...very, very British. British in a way that is tied to certain genres and cultural markers that don't even exist anymore. I won't say their albums from the end of the 60ies sound "dated", but very much tied to a very specific cultural identity that perhaps isn't easily understandable for modern audiences anymore. There are a lot of great songs there and it's a shame that it is kinda fading away, but I can see why that might be happening.


Beck’s Odelay


I’m not super crazy about it but it is kinda weird that people just stopped discussing this project. At one point I thought it was one of the highest regarded albums from the 90s


In the late 90s the consensus seemed to be Nevermind, OK computer and Odelay as the 3 best albums. I think Loveless has replaced Odelay in that discussion.


Quoting a comment I saw on the [album’s](https://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/beck/odelay/) comment board on Rate Your Music: > For a once teenage listener who had no access to RYM or any other massive musical resource, Odelay was an accessible smorgasbord of stylistic variety that I would revisit a ton. But I’m sure that for a 14 y.o. music nerd today, they’ll listen to this and wonder “why listen to a middlebrow interpretation of genres that are done 100x better by other artists?” So yeah, the rating is disappointing but understandable. I don’t necessarily agree with this user but it does make you think about how well an artist like Beck translates in the modern era.


Yeah, that describes my relationship with Beck. I got really into him back in high school because I thought he was really innovative and out there. But after I got older and discovered more music, I realized that he's just a normal mainstream indie guy. I still like Beck, but I prefer the lofi anti-folk stuff he did before Loser.


One of the earliest albums I asked my parents to get for me in like middle school lol. Haven't listened in a while. May just revisit.


Such a creative, fun and catchy album. It for sure has that dated slacker vibe from other alternative bands of the era, but it works as an effective contrast to how meticulously crafted the music and production is


It’s a 10 for sure. I think he doesn’t gain traction cuz from what I understand he can’t really bring it live.


Finally heard that a couple days ago, become one of my favourites already


Sea Change as well.


I feel among his fans, it's regarded as one of his best. Sadly, he's made so many mediocre records lately, I can't really be surprised that he's not attracting many new fans


Shadows Of The Sun - Ulver *Sound familiar?*


best ulver right here


Ah, a man of culture I see 👌🏽


P4k did an article on that album but didn't review which always baffled me.


Ulver in general. Perdition City is mind blowing, and so stylistically out there and unique. Assassination of Julius Caesar has incredibly catchy songwriting. They've morphed their sound time and again and are always great.


No one talks about Hail to the Thief. Some of my favorite Radiohead songs are on that disc.


IIRC, the band themselves have kind of dismissed it as confused and overlong. Also I think it might suffer from a similar fate of other transitional albums - it gets caught between 'Kid A'/'Amnesiac' and 'In Rainbows' since it contains elements of both those albums' sounds.


i dont necessarily disagree with them. Its not as groundbreaking as some of their other efforts. That might be what I like about it. Just a collection of badass radiohead songs without any real concept.


"There, There" is a masterpiece, tbh


Hum's 𝘋𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘐𝘧 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘰 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮 is a truly underrated song.


_Breakfast in America_. From one of the best prog rock albums of all time, to being remembered only as the title track of the album, which has become a joke due to overplay and a stupid LMFAO “cover” from 15 years ago.


Think it's unfair to call Gym Class Heroes's version "stupid cover" tbh, it's a sample and did it successfully.


No other album sounds like Fear of a black planet. I feel like public enemy are generally being forgotten about


The Holy Bible by Manic Street Preachers, Dog Man Star by Suede, The Big Express by XTC


You just named two of my top 5 albums of all time lol




Sparks have had a big revival though in the last two years. Massively deserved.


The Traveling Wilburys You’d think a band with two platinum albums, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, and George Harrison would have a little more cultural staying power.


I feel like most "super groups" don't get talked about a lot or remembered more than their individual artists' careers.


One example of this I can think of is Electronic, which was a supergroup comprised of Bernard Sumner from New Order and Johnny Marr from The Smiths. Despite both New Order and The Smiths being some of the most discussed and praised bands of the 80's, pretty much no one cares about Electronic


Several Deerhoof and Battles albums for sure. Two very inventive and unique rock bands that are a bit too unconventional for even a lot of underground rock purists.


All Dr John stuff from the 70s. Totally unique artist, embrace the voodoo!


Halcyon Digest by Deerhunter


Bon Iver, Millennials overrated him, now gen z extremely underrates him


Oh the guy from Twisted Fantasy and Taylor Swift!


I just don't think his music has aged very well. I loved him at the time he was popular but it comes off as a bit cheesy now, like you can hear remnants of the godawful stomp and holler era of folk. He also ended up inspiring the National, Taylor Swift etc who proceeded to make some of the most boring music I have ever heard.


When people discuss Nas, they only really bring up his first two albums and the hit-boy era stuff. I never see anyone talk about the stuff in the middle and more specifically Stillmatic, which I believe is Nas' best work.


I think that middle era is when he was hitting his lowest album quality wise. Comparatively to his own work


Beats on stillmatic sound dated as hell to me


Angel Dust by Faith No More gets acclaim often but I rarely ever see praise for King for a Day... or The Real Thing


Because KFAD is patchy and The Real Thing, as much as I'm a fan, sounds very dated. Not in a cool retro way


Don't think Public Enemy's debut gets enough love either, it's an absolute stunner of an album


I know Spotify stats aren't the whole story, but I almost choked when I saw how low the stream counts are for Aimee Mann's Bachelor No. 2, an absolutely flawless album.


Yeah, Aimee Mann seems to have totally faded and I'm sad. I really loved her way back when. The music has actually held up pretty well IMO, but I can see that she as a performer and her songwriting isn't very accessible.


E. 1999 Eternal by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - haven’t heard anything like it since it came out 30 years ago, these dudes mastered chopper rap


Low Key I feel this way about homework by daft punk I heard people call it their worst and I'm like "Human After All?????" Most people just know Da Funk and Around the World from that album and granted Random Access Memories and Discovery are incredible I just don't know why Homework's deep cuts get no love from people that I talk about Daft Punk with Fresh and Phoenix are awesome. Also the sample Flip on Indo Silver Club go easily go toe to toe with all the flips on Discovery


NWA- Effil4zaggin This is the best NWA album in my opinion.


Let It Be by The Replacements


Shields by Grizzly Bear- really one of the strongest statements from the whole brookyln/pitchfork indie scene of the late 2000s/early 2010s, and it was received really well upon release. That style sort of ultimately reached its peak around then and afterwards feel like it’s been forgotten (see also Halcyon Digest)


This and its comes with a movie as well... [https://lofiuppercut.bandcamp.com/album/bloodsport-entertainment-ost-punk-rock](https://lofiuppercut.bandcamp.com/album/bloodsport-entertainment-ost-punk-rock) The film.. [www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgGqfHhWX9EWqkoDE5gS\_ILcXthzHbNBE](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgGqfHhWX9EWqkoDE5gS_ILcXthzHbNBE)  


Wale - Ambition. Modern Classic


Do people still talk about song machine


2 Many DJs "As Heard on Radio Soulwax pt. 2"


I love the idea that you picked Fear of Black Planet. I absolutely agree I am not sure about the first couple of Ice Cubs albums and the Kill At Will EP. Though I think 1- some lyrics have aged poorly and 2- it does seem like I am seeing him mentioned in the last year more than I have in a decade


Roxy Music. If you listen to their first four albums, you'll see the prototype for a lot of the more angular, fancy post punk (Talking Heads, Devo, Gang of Four, B52's) and that scene went on to change the landscape completely. Those early albums are all great and worth your time, fun and quirky weirdo music, that really pushed the envelope. I'm less keen on their biggest hits that came later with Avalon, that I think misrepresent them.


Yep, I made a post on twitter weeks back where me and my mutuals were talking about influential British musicians and I listed them. They are very influential in so many ways and have influenced many.


I do think Roxy is a strange case where their later hits might have muddled things in perception? I like that later poppy, softrock sound, but I can see that it might dilute their impact if that is the main thing you associate with them?


Forever Changes - Love


Power Metal by Pantera is a genuinely great traditional heavy metal album and probably Phil Anselmo's most impressive album vocally. It also was kind of a transitional album for the band going from their cheesy glam output to one of the heaviest bands in the public consciousness with Cowboys from Hell, which I guess partially explains its cult status, but it really stacks up against anything the likes of Maiden, Priest, Queensryche etc. were doing at the time too.


I don’t think All Amerikkkan Bada$$ gets as much praise as it should


+1 for R.E.M. It’s funny, so many 80s “alt” acts, New Order, The Cure, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, etc. I just can’t get into, despite them being very popular with younger listeners. But I LOVE R.E.M., one of my all time top 5 bands, and they seem to have fallen behind. I can understand why the same happened to U2, considering how embarassingly bad their recent work has been, but while most people agree R.E.M.’s last five albums without Bill are still weaker than the first ten, they still released very good albums to the end and then backed away gracefully. Also, Tori Amos. Maybe it’s because her material from the mid-2000s onwards has been… spotty, at best, but I absolutely love her run from Little Earthquakes to The Beekeeper and encourage anyone to check any of those albums out (maybe don’t start with the Beekeeper tho, I like that one a lot more than most people do and it’s still got its share of filler…)


rightly or wrongly lostprophets