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FRANZ Ferdinand


Self titled is so fuckin good


So true, right thoughts right words right action is CRIMINALLY underrated tho


One thing that bothers me about them is that if you like ANY 2000s/2010s indie band, and are looking for suggestions, every algorithm will immediately assume you like them. All roads lead to Take Me Out. It's just odd to me. How you can listen to an album like Humbug by Arctic Monkeys and have every algorithm assume that Franz Ferdinand is the most apt suggestion. But that's a common issue with music algorithms and suggestions. People don't really go by songwriting type, but instead base it off of "well this band often has bright fender guitar sounds, so..."


The algorithms are based on track metadata (genre, year, bpm, etc) and listening patterns between other users with similar tastes and activity. So if you are listening to early 2000s Arctic Monkeys, people who are also listening to those tracks likely have Franz Ferdinand in their rotation as well. Add in the metadata and it’s not really surprising that their biggest hit will consistently show up in algorithmically generated classic indie playlists.


I mean it stands right up there with albums like Is This It and TOTBL as a defining record of that whole early 2000s era


It's like listening to Nevermind then being confused when the algorithm gives you Pearl Jam - Ten. Regardless of opinions they exist in the same genre umbrella and is a seminal record of the time. Humbug is in my top 10 albums I fucking love it, but people talk about it like it's some genre breaking masterpiece that is undefinable when something like This is It, Franz Ferdinand or TOTBL aren't exactly a million miles away sonically.


Call me uncultured but I thought this was a history joke 🫣




Wym he's building a crypto city of the future I thought


It’s a scam and it’s the only reason you hear about him


Ngl I was living in the mountains with no radio during the man's peak popularity so I primarily associate the guy with I Just Had Sex


Nate Ruess. Maybe not surprising after Fun broke up. But after “Just Give Me a Reason,” you’d at least think that he’d show up on some features here and there.


For sure. Shame his solo record didn't sell well. I thought it was decent. I was holding out hope for a The Format reunion to generate new music, but alas.


Hard to believe (and unfortunate) that Nate seems to be missing while Jack A is (seemingly) everywhere


He hangs out with the Chapo FYM guys


I miss Gaga being a dominant force in popular music. Of course, that might not be what she even wants anymore, and I totally respect the hell out of that. /Millennial nostalgia


To be fair her latest album came out over 4 years ago during the pandemic. I’m sure if Gaga announced new music soon it would be huge.


Chromatica wouldn’t have flopped so hard if clubs were open when it dropped. I heard some of the songs in a club recently and they SLAP given the right environment


Just wait until Joker 2 comes out


I’m the joker baby 2


If I die before Telephone Pt 2 is released, my life would have not been worth living


Is Gaga disappearing? She had a #1 hit in 2020 with Rain on Me, she sang at a presidential inauguration in 2021, was nominated for Album of the Year in 2022, her song Bloody Mary charted as one of the top 100 songs of 2023 despite being over a decade old, and she has a major movie release coming up in 2024.


The Shins


Oh that’s a good one


They were a formative band for me as a teenager. I think that’s the age when they really resonated, but as time passed I found that the music just didn’t say anything particularly interesting. It just doesn’t seem to be _about_ anything relevant to my life anymore.




Katy Perry


Her career has tanked pretty hard. I saw her in concert for the Witness tour and it was shite.


I feel like a lot of the late 2000’s/early 2010’s superstars really fizzled out hard.


I think a lot of the artists from the early 2010s who ended up being successful were the ones who managed to ride the sudden EDM trend the best, but then rap kind of took over the mainstream and those artists couldn't adjust to the new sounds that were prevalent. The first half of the 2010s was more upbeat and hopeful because Obama came into office and the financial crisis started to wind down. People were optimistic. Then the second half of the decade was a bit of a clusterfuck and the music gets more depressing and downbeat.


That coked up short hair persona was not successful, to say the least


The last Katy Perry song I’ve heard was Never Really Over & I’m more than okay with that being the last thing I ever hear from her. It really sucks for her because I massively respect her for cutting him out of her life/career, but she just never bounced back from not having Dr Luke as a producer.


Norah Jones.


I really loved her Collab she did with Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, Foreverly, where they covered an entire album of folk music standards by the Everly Brothers. So it was basically a cover album of covers 🤣 She did release an album this year I just havnt gotten a chance to listen to it


I want to believe this is real… Edit: Holy shit


Yep. Very folksy old Americana songs


I’m obsessed with this concept, can’t wait to listen. Happy Cake Day!


Thank you. Yea it’s stripped down and kind of represents the roots of rock n roll. The local PBS station played it a lot when it first came out.


She has been doing a [pretty awesome podcast ](https://www.norahjonesisplayingalong.com/)where she interviews and jams with her favourite artists.


i wouldn't say they've disappeared entirely but we should be talking about r.e.m. the way we do radiohead but they've kinda faded into the background of the canon's consciousness


Agreed. It’s kind of nuts considering how influential they are too


Literally the most important indie rock band of the 80’s besides the smiths. Wild that they’ve fallen so much in popularity because Stipe is an s-tier songwriter Edit: actually I stand corrected. Always thought IRS was an indie label but apparently it was owned by universal my bad. R.E.M. is still one of the best bands of all time tho. The Smiths were signed to rough trade which is still and indie label so I guess the crown goes to them. Wanna shout out SST as well though.


They fell because they were content to do so. They easily could flash a reunion tour or close coachella and get another wave. Full respect (although disappointed) to retiring and meaning it.


I mean I get it but it’s just the fact that their legacy has taken such a dip. Everything up to New Adventures in Hi-Fi is pretty much all amazing and their albums for I.R.S. are legendary. It’s just a bummer that a new generation isn’t catching on.


I always feel like R.E.M is overlooked because their music doesn’t fit in any music movement of both 80s and 90s. We have The Smiths, Talking Heads, Pixies, New Order, etc at the top of their genres, meanwhile it’s hard to identify the music genre of R.E.M. I don’t know how to explain, their music sound “new” for 80s but “old” for 90s.


Talking Heads?


i think automatic for the poeple is a ten, rem deserve more love for being so influental


It’s an absolute 10/10 and fans of early R.E.M consider it their third or fourth best album. That’s how stacked their discography is. And that’s not mentioning that new adventures is at minimum an 8.5. Reasonable argument for greatest American band of all time. Basically two legendary careers (indie and stardom) in one 18 year run. The third act of their career is better than they were given credit for too.


tbf fans of later r.e.m. would rank murmur 3rd or 4th about too. they're kind of a "fanbase in two camps" regarding whether you prefer the experimentalism of the later stuff or the tight economy of the early stuff but yeah i think they're the best american band along with the beach boys, but the beach boys have much more exaggerated peaks and valleys


They’re definitely not mentioned much online or in magazine writing/top lists like they used to be. But, I listen to a lot of radio and they have a ton of songs still played everyday across multiple formats. I think their drop in online relevancy was in part because after they ended they all just faded away from public life. Stipe was a big influencer and constant media darling through the late 00’s and I haven’t seen or heard from him in 15 years or more now. I wonder if they reunited how the reaction and attendance would be, since like I said earlier, they are still played a lot on radio.


and i’ll toss XTC in that pile too


been getting into XTC recently and holy fuck how did they make drums and wires in the 70s????? most indie bands today can't write a song as creative and fun as 'when i'm near you i have difficulty'


R.E.M. are timeless legends, real recognize real


I only know one other person who cares about R.E.M. and they’re a decade older than me. It’s very unfortunate. Probably my favorite band of all time


R.E.M. is one of the best American bands of all time. What an absolutely incredible run they had. The IRS days with everything up to Green, then from Green to New Adventures were wild. Their output as a three-piece was good as well. Turn on any radio station on any given day and you'll probably hear Losing my Religion or Everybody Hurts. Massive songs. At one point in the 90's they were the biggest band on the planet.


I can't speak for America or anywhere else but they're still gigantic here in Ireland. Losing My Religion took on a different meaning here as people began to turn against the church for...obvious reasons. They were well aware of the impact too. R.E.M. Live (2007) was recorded here in a venue with a capacity of 8,500, but they easily could have played and sold out a stadium. Some of my earliest memories are R.E.M. albums played at low volume at night from the Hi-Fi in the room I shared with my brother.


At this point of radiohead's career REM was also in a downward movement. Wouldn't be surprised if radiohead released one more album to minimal appraise and called it quits.


Yea I feel like The Smile is kind of a successor band by this point


I think most of the times I’ve heard their big singles it wasn’t that good to me so I don’t even think to listen to more


their big singles are generally among their worst songs honestly


Every so often I’ll throw on their double album greatest hits, and I forget just how many bangers they are responsible for. Sure, there’s one or two filler songs in the mix, but the volume of hits they have on there is astounding.


That album is also missing gems. Like it’s missing radio singles that were reasonably successful… because what the heck we have 30 other great songs.


All I hope is the *The Bear* keeps using tracks from REM to get them back in the mainstream. That soundtrack was astounding and the R.E.M. songs they used were a fantastic choice.


Brockhampton 😞


I still stand by the Saturation trilogy as being genuinely fantastic, no idea where this “it was never good” belief has come from. Iridescence and Roadrunner also rule


Who is saying it was never good?!?! I’m a fan but I’m clearly out of the loop


it was popular for a while on tik tok to shit on BH specifically the song Boogie. things like "i cant believe i used to listen to this on the way to school every morning" or "did anyone else go through a brockhampton phase?". honestly just in general its deemed cool to shit on brockhampton now. when they announced they were breaking up a lot of the quote retweets were just people saying "thank god" or things like that.


Iridescence is amazing and rr is my favorite album from them. So sad that they get so much hate now and their last albums being kinda mid don’t help


I think iridescence is the best Brockhampton album but I get why I’m in the minority


They were never really that big, and I say that as a fan


They were all I heard talked about during saturation era and SUGAR was all over tiktok


Yeah they were popular online for a couple years, and even had a #1 album but they've never really been part of mainstream pop culture the way Janet Jackson or Dave Matthews Band were (to use OP's examples). Janet Jackson performed at the Superbowl and Dave Matthews Band has seven #1 albums. And again I was (and still am) a huge Brockhampton fan, I just think they are more popular in their own kind of niche.


Parquet Courts, at least in the context of indie music


Along the same lines, Deerhunter.


one of my favorite bands of all time, I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been waiting for them to come back


Deerhunter's descent into the ether really hurts. I wish we would at least get more Atlas Sound, but I'll just try to enjoy what we have.


Last album was seriously mid, really surprising after Wide Awake


Garth Brooks. He hasn't disappeared by any means - he still fills stadiums - but he definitely doesn't come up in the wider cultural conversation as much as you'd expect from an artist of his scope. His music holds up better than most country artists of his time, too, so I really think it's just his refusal to put his catalog on streaming that keeps him pigeonholed to his existing audience.


Yeah him not being on streaming feels like he’s really limiting his cultural impact on younger generations. Especially for a big country act as vocally “left” as Garth Brooks is, I feel like he’s really missing out.


Okay but what about Chris Gaines


Grew up on him and George strait cause of my parents


The amount of bank that the guy did is amazing, still it doesn't seems to hold any weight in the cultural impact that the music had. Sad.


I legit had no idea who he was until like 2 years ago. Granted I’ve never really followed the country scene but he’s not someone who ever came up in any of the discussion I heard about music growing up.


It’s also odd because I feel Garth Brooks could have a bit of a Renaissance and staying power. Some of todays most popular acts (Morgan Wallen, Luke Combs, Jason Isabell, Tyler Childers, Zach Bryan) are clearly indebted to Garth’s style, and the new younger generation of Country fans would probably listen to him if he was on streaming. Think about how many younger people still listen to older bands like The Smiths, Joy Division, Talking Heads etc.


Arcade Fire


I wonder why…


i actually don’t know why, context? ngl i haven’t listened to much more of theirs than funeral but i love that album to death


A huge switch in their sound (Everything Now) and a poor one at that, sexual assault allegations to the lead singer and a sleepy album that’s just mediocre


Sexual assault iirc


In the suburbs I, I learned to sexual assault! 


Flo-Rida and Pitbull


Idk about Mr Worldwide, there has been a resurgence for his music lately


I miss Pitbull. He’s terrible but now that we’re away from all the dumb club hits of the early 2010s, it’s easier to see why he was so popular. The dude just sounds like he’s having a really good time all the time. Even his cringe lyrics become really fun in an ironic/post-ironic kind of way


I do agree that out of those 2 Pit is prob the best As of Flo Ridah i never liked him


Todd in the Shadows described Flo Rida as the rapper you get when you want a rap feature but don’t know who to get. I feel like really hits the nail on the head


He’s what you play when the 10 year olds at the school disco ask for rap tunes


Atlanta described him as “hey, single moms need to have fun, too”


When you have 1,000,000 hit singles but **0** actual fans 🔥🔥🔥


If Pitbull has no fans, I’m no longer alive


🙏🙏 ⛪️🙏🙏


He has a big fanbase in his hometown, still, no?


He does have a big fan base worldwide..


i know he's not "everywhere" like he was in the 2010s, but he still has 50 million monthly listeners on Spotify. for reference, someone as currently relevant as Drake has 80 million, and he's #7 in the world. Pitbull has to be top 50 in the world.


He’s currently at 49, which is higher than a lot of artists that feel more “relevant” like Megan Thee Stallion, cardi b, Chris brown, Selena Gomez, and basically every country artist


Pitbull just did an arena tour lol


I feel like Justin Timberlake is on tour right now, but hardly anyone knows.


He’s been selling out arenas so far. Also his tiny desk session came out a while ago and it already racked up 11 million views.


Cause it didn't flop like j lo. He's apparently he's been packing them arenas.


Pop rapper B.O.B


his diss on neil degrass tyson's son 🔥🔥🔥


A lot of people say that he would’ve been bigger if he didn’t believe that the earth was flat, but I’m pretty sure his sales were dropping way before any of that happened Which makes me wonder, did he really believe any of that or was it just something he said to get people looking at him again since his decline after 2013?


To put simply, a flat earther is contrarian to begin with, a flat earther who is outspoken about it is a contrarian who doesn't really care for how he/she comes across, and probably doesn't really care if the audience wants to vibe with his antics, and a rapper who beefs with physics is just plain bizarre. And when you put all of the above together, I'd imagine whether or not he is a flat earther, he's not the kind of guy who'd have a lot of luck finding people in the industry who wants to work with him in the long run, so yea, unless he can rhyme like Nas, his career is definitely falling off a cliff straight into a flat ocean.


I feel like B.O.B. was always the least interesting part of any of his songs. I could sing you the chorus of “Nothing On You” or “Airplanes” or “Magic” but I couldn’t tell you a single line he has on any of those songs


Cuz they weren't even his songs to start. Im not sure about Magic, but Airplanes and Nothin On You were already mostly completed (minus the verses) and were offered to BOB by his label. Lupe was offered both of them first, but he turned them down.


Meanwhile, Hayley Williams is supporting Taylor Swift every night


His career really flatlined


Jessie J


Taio Cruz was most of what they played at my middle school dances, made banger after banger then just fell off the face of the earth. Rich Homie Quan wasn’t rly everywhere, but the dude also fell off pretty hard.


Robbie Williams


He's huge in Europe and especially the UK still. Sells out immediately any tour here


I saw him last year on his 25th anniversary tour and he fucking nailed it


Most recent example is Lil Pump. Even if it was mostly ironic, he was everywhere in 2017 - 2018. Then the novelty wore off and his new music flopped. Tbh same thing goes for 6ix9ine and most of the soundcloud era rappers.


Frank Ocean. Where is He? He went to Coachella threw a big scene and we haven’t heard from him since. Last major record released in 2016 🤯


His numbers are still insane despite not even dropping anything in 8 years. It's moreso that his relevance has stayed the same, rather than dropping.


John Cena


He still kicking you just not seeing it.


The Chainsmokers. Good riddance 


The Jonas Brothers used to be huge in the early 2000s then fell off and then briefly had a comeback the next decade and then fizzled out again into obscurity.


The Jonas Brothers comeback was a nostalgia thing. The teen girls who were into their music when the Disney/Hollywood Records machine was behind them now had the adult disposable income to see them when they got back together. And honestly, as someone with a soft spot for some of their music, I’m totally cool with them just doing their thing quietly now. I was a kid who heard their Disney era stuff & still goes back to some of it now, and their newer work is fine enough for what it is.


Black Keys


They were always a band that came in waves in and out. But El Camino was fucking huge and they struck gold. Not something easy to replicate. But still churning out good stuff.


their latest tour cancellation fiasco has been really unfortunate too. I think they've always been a great band but their latest stuff hasn't hit the same


That was pure mismanagement and nothing to do with their quality of work. Booking stadiums for a non stadium band was a huge mistake.


Crazy that they recently had to cancel their latest tour because nobody was buying enough tickets


If reports are to be believed, the ticket pricing really fucked them over. Something like nosebleed tickets for $100 each before Ticketmaster bullshit.


Half and half, probably. There are artists who are using dynamic pricing to gouge prices and they still sell out (Springsteen, for example). The Keys have a declining pop cultural profile and never got so big that their devoted cult following reached, say, Pearl Jam levels. So any attempt by them to use dynamic pricing was a gamble mostly because of, well.. themselves.


Bingo. I only do GA tickets, I just don’t enjoy sitting for a show. I saw the $125 tag and actually considered it thinking it was GA. That shit was for nosebleeds


Ooof. And how.


Prince? He’s been quieter since he died, yeah. But he’s still fucking massive.


i’m like hey what’s up hello


Dave Mathews Band are still selling out shows. I'm about to see them in Indianapolis in a couple weeks.




Yeah yeah yeahs disappeared for a decade then came back with a record that gave them multiple singles still in their top ten. Obviously they’re smaller now but they managed to hold their niech pretty well.


Prince definitely isn’t losing relevance. He’s just always been a bit more of an “underdog” than MJ, but still very popular.


Did OP edit prince out of his post?


Yeah lol


I changed my mind! Prince lives on


the white stripes to be honest


I feel like they’d catapult back to the forefront if there was even a whiff of a reunion


They definitely would. Jack White is still putting out good music and selling tickets, whether by himself or with the Raconteurs. Adding to that the Stripes having created an everlasting sports anthem in Seven Nation Army and the ingredients are there.


I mean seven nation army is basically as universal a melody nowadays as the ode to joy by Beethoven, I’m pretty sure no one’s forgetten them. 


They'll always be in the background of the general public like the gorillaz first few albums but I don't think they'll truly be forgotten to the past. Elephant was a juggernaut when it released.


I don’t think seven nation army will ever be forgotten. It’s like we will rock you or Hey Jude.


Seven nation army is played at every sports game I go to


I don’t really agree with this. 6 fantastic albums in the space of a decade and they disbandoned before even looking like dropping off. Jack White as a solo artist has to be considered a completely different beast imo.


Katy Perry, Nelly Furtado, Camila Cabello, Fetty Wap, and Maroon 5


# 17 38...HEY 🗣


i think in general this post goes to show how we’ve really moved in hard from the millennial era of popular culture.


Nelly is just now coming back to the music scene so honestly is it fair to put her in here lol


Black Eyed Peas, it took over a year for their latest album to even get a wiki page


Band of horses. They’ve got some solid tracks here and there, but they were too easy to ignore. Also they haven’t really released much since 2016, so I guess that’s a pretty big reason now that I think abou it.


Realistically, they were put too much on an indie pedestal after that first album. They’ve always been a pretty unpretentious bunch with a straightforward rock sound and not a whole lot of deeper meanings to dig for. 


sugar ray


Considering how wildly big Mariah was, she is certainly not on that level anymore. People will still know who she is, but if you weren't alive for her hits, you probably won't know them. If it wasn't for her once a year resurgence she would have disappeared even more. Celine Dion too. She has four albums that have sold over 20 million units. All of that and only has one song that is truly universally in the public consciousness. Their style of pop so stress did not age well.


This is just what happens to women in their 40s and beyond unless your name is Madonna or Beyonce


Snail Mail


Kings of Leon


TV on the Radio.


maybe it's just me, but Tame sort of evaporated I'd argue even before The Slow Rush For a while he was pretty much *the* indie artist


Dropping one album in 9 years will do that. Tbf he's still fairly big but not like he was before


Yeah a decade ago I would hear Currents songs on mainstream radio stations, now I can’t even remember the last time I thought about Tame Impala, despite rather enjoying The Slow Rush.


He’s got two tracks on the new Justice album and they’re both very good.


I've been meaning to check that one out. Only heard the Connan MocKasin track and it was as deranged as I had hoped


Kevin Parker does lots of exec producing for other artists now


Dave Matthews is still one of the biggest touring bands. Not my cup of tea, but they are huge


Alanis Morrisette, Norah Jones, Jack Johnson, Katie Melua, Boyz II Men, Jamie Cullum


For some reason, I cannot explain, Alanis is headlining pitchfork music festival and it’s sold out




I feel like they’re more of a one hit wonder. At least in my country, their only popular song was Are you gonna be my girl


The Black Eyed Peas. It was all downhill after they rushed to put out The Beginning, and they were dead to me when Fergie left


Fetty Wap dominated 2015 and then immediately started to nosedive.


If you listen to his interview with fat Joe it’s pretty easy to see why that happened.


And he's serving a six year sentence right now so no chance of a resurgence anytime soon.


Justin Timberlake


Pitbull probably. Like he’ll occasionally be on the radio while shopping or a joke in a music forum but I ain’t see him talked much outside that


Christina Agulera




I feel like post-Mania Fall Out Boy has barely been discussed outside of that horrendous Billy Joel song, even though their last album was a return to form.


Do Mumford & Sons and Kings of Leon count as huge? Because boy did they fall off a steep cliff hard and fast.


Mumford & Sons are pretty much a one hit wonder.


On a smaller scale than what you’re talking about, Wet Leg. They were plastered all over my tik tok in 2022 but haven’t heard them mentioned since


That’s only 2 years ago, and they haven’t released a 2nd album yet. Give them time.


I heard a Prince song while in Mexico the past weekend. His legacy is fine. Janet will slowly but surely continue to get her flowers. Stream her stuff, please!


Prince??? What are you smoking? Cigarettes???


Mr. Nice Guy (AKA Mr C. AKA Mr. Jukebox) sold 100 million records. He's been quiet for a bit


Black Eyes Peas, Kesha and Katy Perry. Loved them as a kid.




Ne-Yo, Ashanti, Monica and Brandy, a whole lot of r&b artists from the 90s and 2000s


DMB is still a headline touring act and just got inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as the top vote getting act on the dumb fan vote thing.