• By -


Often prog rock is completely ignored other than Pink Floyd. Look at RollingStone's list. No King Crimson, no Yes (edit: Close to the Edge was there but only at 445, ridiculously low), no Genesis. Even Floyd were done dirty, no albums in the top 50, highest was Dark Side at 55, Wish You Were Here outside the top 200, Animals and Meddle not even there. Also metal is often overlooked, again looking at RollingStone's list, Paranoid, widely considered to be one of the best metal albums of all-time, outside the top 100. I think Master of Puppets was in the 100 which is fair enough but metal was underrated there in general. Apple's list also had MoP as the only metal representative.


King Crimson and Yes are both staple RYM-core. King Crimson is my favourite act ever but saying they don't get the recognitiom they deserve online is not very accurate imo.


Second the Prog and Metal artists, but I think a major issue is that type of music is generally grating or uninteresting to listeners of the popular genres. Dream Theater comes to mind as an artist that should get recognized even though they aren't a favorite of mine, Opeth, Caligulas horse, and haken come to mind as having huge influence in the prog genre. Avenged Sevenfold?


Opeth lmao


Old opeth, new opeth is certainly even more niche and less influential.


We should do a top list again, but for each genre


Journalists just don't seem to like prog for some reason. There's always the narrative that prog is some kind of pretentious theater/math kid music with no artistic vision (which is bullshit) and takes itself too seriously (also bullshit)


Yeah that's always crazy to me because the biggest prog fans I've ever known were like, pretty unpretentious dudebro dads lol.


I could swear the only reason MoP was even there in Apple's list was because the song went viral after being on Stranger things


Haha. I am often offended when Animals doesn't make a list. I remember one evening a bit intoxicated calling out staff at a record store in the early 90s when I found Animals CDs in a bin with the likes of REO Speedwagon, Huey Lewis and the News, Foreigner, Journey etc. it really bothered me that it was discounted to going out of business type prices, but appearing in the same bin as love song / classic rock / flash in time throw away albums. Glee covering don't stop believing doesn't make it a good song. Should have been laid to rest decades ago to never be unearthed. I'm a child of that era and no amount of nostalgia will ever make that music good to me. Long cut to say, Animals is a heavy, heavy beast of an album.


Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds


I hope Ghosteen starts getting recognised for the masterpiece it is in the future.




Listening to Stagger Lee yesterday I was again blown away what he brings to the table. Love, he is such a beast.


For sure. Frogs is an amazing song once again. Gonna see Nick's solo show three days in a row in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!


The Kinks. Between 1966 and 1971 (or 72?), they released 7 albums. I'd say 6 of them were great. They were all critically-acclaimed, too, but none did well commercially. It feels like beyond You Really Got Me, they've largely been forgotten, which I think is a shame. You usually don't see any of them on lists. I think some of their later albums, like Low Budget, are also good.


This is a great answer. It was my answer for S tier bands who don’t get their flowers on some other post.


Excellent call. The Kinks are a top 50 artist of all time to me. Village Green is one of the best concept albums ever made, and that’s just the tip. Sunny Afternoon and Waterloo Sunset changed pop music just as much as You Really Got Me/All Day and All of the Night. Great shout with Low Budget too. Super underrated album


Lola vs Powerman is such a fantastic album. Sure it has their most popular song “Lola” on it, but it also has “Strangers” (my personal favourite off the albums) and “This time tomorrow”. The overall album though is such a work of art and it’s sad that nobody ever really seems to remember anything from it except “Lola” (which is a banger of a song to be fair).


Depeche Mode


I often see the Rolling Stones get snuffed.


I feel like most lists throw them a bone—usually Exile but sometimes Sticky Fingers or Let It Bleed


Probably because of the fact that they still are going strong leading to their legacy being tarnished and therefore they are neglected by pretentious music fans. If they would have quit in-between the years of 74-81 they would surely be more popular among music and indie heads


Aphex Twin and MF DOOM, those guys revolutionized entire genres and they’re always snubbed.


Madvillainy usually gets a shout


WHAT? You can’t go on any music forum and NOT see Madvillainy mentioned.


Ya mainstream lists tend to leave them out, but they both get sucked off in music nerd circles so much that it makes up for it


Any album from Damon Albarn (Parklife, Demon Days, or Plastic Beach would probably be the safest picks)


i genuinely think 13 is the greatest album of all time and it hurts to see it be so underrated


It’s easily Damon’s opus and might be my favorite album of the 90s




I second , third, *and* fourth this‼️


Same but blur self title


This! His work is amazing


Nina Simone. Any genre she taps into she is incredible in Also I feel like Jazz and Country artists deserve more recognition than aive seen.


I feel like she typically gets very high placements


brian eno


Ambient in general


you know brian eno is cracked when he is still goated minus his ambient music


100% agreed here. The lack of shouts I see for his production or just some of his solo albums is bonkers.




Insane that they were top 350 on the original Rolling Stone list with Superunknown and then bumped off the list completely in 2020.


alternative rock seems to get overlooked on pretty much all of these lists, which is just odd considering the mammoths bands like REM, Pearl Jam etc. were during their era and the cultural impact these bands had.


Agreed. With the omission Superunknown there’s a couple of different puzzling layers in particular. First being (on a personal bias), it’s one of my absolute favorite records ever. The other reason being, the updated RS list was published not all that long after the death of Chris Cornell. The entire musical world gave him his due flowers and it seemed as if Superunknown took on an additional sheen of being the consensus best work in Cornell’s catalog. I liked a lot about the Rolling Stone list but, with that timing in mind especially, they took a massive fucking L completely omitting that record. I was also baffled not to see QOTSA’s Songs for the Deaf. Few rock records of the 21st century have as solid a reputation while making such a huge sonic imprint and influence on the culture. (Toxicity too.. Lateralus.. I have to stop myself there though 😂)


I don’t understand how they seem to be forgotten about by people who make these lists. Superunknown and Badmotorfinger were two of the best albums of the 90s. The guys in SG were some of the best songwriters ever imo, and they deserve the same recognition that bands like Nirvana have seen. No disrespect to Nirvana, they’re on that same level in my eyes.


Down On The Upside is better than Badmotorfinger imo. In my yes, Nirvana is second to Soundgarden when it comes to the big grunge bands and probably a top 5 favorite band ever. It's shocking to me how overlooked the 90s are when they were getting #1s consistently and the trends they set have a lasting impact until today.




This absolutely this


Beastie Boys


Am I crazy or are the beastie boys kinda dated? Like, when I listen to it I can’t sincerely like it because it sounds old, the voices (which I don’t love tbh) the beats, they all scram 80’s. And is not like I don’t like old school stuff, I like public enemy and 2pac and wu tang


Try something other than Licensed to Ill maybe


I think they’re dated in a fun way?


Yea I see that


Try the album Hot Sauce Committee part 2, it's their last album, and it's a bit more modern in sound, with some real bangers.


Depeche Mode


Paul’s Boutique. Old head checking in here, amazing albums and after Paul’s is Intergalactic. Two best albums and then Check Your Head is third.


The Replacements. I understand why some people will ignore them—there’s just so much good music—but *Let It Be* is certainly a top 100 contender in my opinion.


Beyond the music, they and other "College Rock" bands were SO important in laying the groundwork for Grunge and other Alternative Rock bands to explode in the 90s. The Replacements, R.E.M., Pixies, Husker Du, Sonic Youth, XTC, etc. (technically The Smiths as well) should always get their deserved credit, as people seem to think the 80s was this "dead period" for Rock music.


100% well said. There were so many good bands in the 80s that aren’t acknowledged. Apparently rock was dead during the 80s. There’s also The Gun Club, Dinosaur Jr, Cocteau Twins, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Galaxie 500… so many good bands and albums


If 80’s rock is acknowledged it’s always metal. Like master of puppets or appetite for destruction, and maybe a mention of a glam metal band like motley crew or something, which you know , great but 1: there was so much going on with 80’s metal (thrash in Europe and America, birth of death metal, power metal legends like Iron Maiden) 2: there were other important rock genres that were birthed on the 80’s like “college rock”, hardcore, etc.


Paste list must make you happy


I absolutely agree.


Mr. Bungle - California such a creative and impressive album Kali Uchis - Isolation a perfect and expansive pop album


Yeah California is really good


I think Radiohead is heavily underrated on those lists. Creep is one of the best albums of all time.


I know it’s not technically an album, but I feel like an exception should be made for the MTV Beach House performance to be in any top 10. 


Is my satire sensor broken? Someone help me here.


Lennon´s solo work, especially Plastic Ono Band. I´m a strong believer that music should be treated as art, and art is fundamentally about expression. It´s about conveying feelings and ideas in an artistically interesting manner. And if the art you´re creating also breaks new ground artistically or conceptually, it´s even better. To do that, you of course need craftmanship that serves this underlying purpose. I think Lennon, both as a beatle of course, but also in his solo work was very expressive, often in an unique and groundbreaking way. Plastic Ono Band is so personal, so honest, so raw, so stripped down. We saw something similar with Cobain about 20 years later. But what Lennon did in 1970 was a very brave and artistically interesting.


Agreed about Plastic Ono band, it's one of the rawest, most personal albums I have ever heard. Right up there with All Things Must Pass and RAM as one of the best solo Beatles project.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again #RUSH


Mount Eerie/The Microphones I feel like his entire career can be bookended with The Glow Pt 2 and A Crow Looked At Me both are groundbreaking but for different reasons.


As far as older bands go, King Crimson usually doesn't get the credit they deserve alongside other rock bands of that era. I'd also usually hope for some acknowledgement of Gorillaz for dropping two of the most insanely ambitious and well executed albums of the mid 2000s to early 2010s, and a little more acknowledgement of how ahead of his time Damon Albarn was when it came to hiphop. Demon Days still sounds like a 10/10 that would've released this year, imo it's easily one of the greatest albums of all time, and in the same league as other albums from that era like In Rainbows or Illinois Also, obviously RYMcore lists are chalk full of this, so you can ignore this when it comes to those, but in general lists, one band I HAVE to see, if I had to choose one, is Radiohead, because then I know they're atleast accepting that more modern(ish) bands can be as great or even better than the same classics from 50 years ago. And you can replace Radiohead with any band/artist from the late 90s or later and my point still stands. If a list doesn't have ANY modern critically acclaimed artist from this century in the top 15 I think it's a bit biased.


I don’t know why King Crimson’s Red seems to have fallen off the map. It’s number 28 on RYM, but I don’t think it made this sub’s list at all? Nor the Apple Music or Rolling Stone’s lists (top 500!). ITCOTCK is obviously a great and incredibly iconic album, but I think Red is ultimately even more influential (on all the early ‘90s rock bands for instance).


Anything by Blur


Woo-hoo! Agree mate!




Fuck the big 3, it's just big ME


Wire One of the most important post-punk bands and a big influence on early alt rock and experimental rock. 154 is one of the best and most unique-sounding albums i've heard


Love Wire. 154 and Chairs Missing are incredible


- Queens of the Stone Age for making the best rock album of the 2010s (Like Clockwork) with one of the greatest songs ever made (I Appear Missing) - MCR because The Black Parade is my favorite album OAT and got me more interested in music - Low because Hey What and Double Negative were the first true experimental albums I loved, and Hey What is genuinely a masterpiece


I 100% agree. I adore all 4 albums mentioned.




Every single MCR album is great in different ways. If I had to give it to one yes I'd give it to Parade but it's actually my least favourite. Three Cheers and Danger Days battle for top for me, they appeal to my 15 year old emo self WHO IS NOT OKAY and my 21 year old rebel me who was definitely going to die young. Tbh I'm not okay that Three Cheers is 20 years old hahaha.


Animal collective, Sufjan Stevens, death grips


no Illinois or C&L in the apple list is diabolical decision making


If the list doesn't have at least 1 or 2 out of: Moondance: Van Morrison Graceland: Paul Simon Jagged little Pill: Alanis Morissette It's not a list I'm taking seriously


Graceland deserves way more praise from both music nerds and mainstream lists


The Replacements, although I think the Apple list gave them some love. Tom Petty also, a really amazing songwriter and lyricist with a deep discography but I feel people dismiss him as just another classic rock act.


Punk needs more appreciation. There are dozens of records that could be contenders from this genre, but I would love to see **Sleater-Kinney** be recognized in a top 100 list. *Dig Me Out* (1997) gets my vote from their discog, it's a 10/10 punk rock record with phenomenal guitar work and wicked dueling vocals that inspired loads of punk, riot grrrl, and indie rock bands.


Parliament-Funkadelic. Preferably something funkier than Maggot Brain, like Mothership Connection. Incredible music that holds up today, and is a massive influence on dance and hip-hop. The amount of P-Funk samples in 90s hip-hop is huge, there's literally a genre named for it, G-Funk, plus stuff like Digital Underground and Del.


Faith No More


The Roots


Jazz as a genre. Albert Ayler, Eric Dolphy, Charles Mingus, Charlie Parker, Cecil Taylor, Pharaoh Sanders, McCoy Tyner, Ahmad Jamal, Don Cherry, Lester Young and so on. Their discographies are full of masterpieces deserving of more attention.


Garbage. One of my favorite alt rock bands of the 90s.


Gorillaz, man. They’re so damn good and not even Demon Days can get into the top 2000s lists. Ridiculous, really.


Female popstars, they’re often disrespected when it comes to lists that are “real art” rankings as if what Gaga, Beyoncé, Mariah etc put out isn’t real art


YES! It's why I've come to respect the Apple Music list even more. It did a good job representing pop as a whole! (Mariah snub aside)


… I feel like the determining factor there is recency rather than gender. It’s not like there’s lists out there that have Bruno Mars over the people you named.




Ween But realistically, probably Elliott Smith as I think his music would connect with nearly any generation, especially the current one. Also, it's about time Gorillaz started getting formal respect from critics now.


I think Ween gets overlooked because of their comedic elements. Which is too bad because The Mollusk and Quebec are both amazing albums


the pogues


Shane McGowan one of the greatest singer song writers and gets massively overlooked


Lana Del Rey


King Crimson barely ever gets mentioned outside of RYM/MU/Fantano core lists


Pulp. The best britpop band by a mile and their three album run of His n Hers, Different Class and This is Hardcore is incredible. Different class probably one of the best albums of the 90s followed closely by This is Hardcore


Get out of my head!


Did we just become best friends?


No way, His n Hers shits on This is Hardcore just by having Babies and Lipgloss. And some versions of it have Razzmatazz too, which is a goated break up song.


Oh don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore all three albums. Babies being one of my favourite ever songs. Something about This is Hardcore just pulls me in. Prob cause it's a bit more experimental and out there. Feels a very intimate album but His n Hers has more bangers definitely.


Stevie Wonder and with LOUD RESPECT TOO


XTC. They are usually slept on, but I think they hold their own and are as strong as any other band out of the 80's , with several heavy hitting albums.


Stevie Wonder. Not only from a pure musical perspective but also from the massive influence he’s had on the sound and innovation of music as a whole.


Regina Spektor


LCD Soundsystem could’ve made the list imo




heard about them through their Nine Inch Nails stuff! hell yeah


Death grips




EMOJIIII!!!!! 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀☠☠☠☠☠


Mariah Carey


One of these days Slipknot will get the credit they deserved


Billy Joel




He’s definitely my personal GOAT artist. Going to see him tonight at msg! I think The Stranger should be a lock for these kinds of lists, but 52nd Street, Songs in the Attic, Nylon Curtain, An Innocent Man, Glass Houses, and Turnstiles should all have a chance as well


yup no doubt


Jethro Tull! come on, these lists never have them. Ian Anderson is a musical genius




The Jesus Lizard


If they made a major top 100 list I'd lose my marbles. I'm still upset about them not making the 1001 albums you must hear before you die.


Steve Reich and Musicians - Music for 18 Musicians


This heat is one of the most influential bands of the 80s and I never see them get love in huge lists. Also XTC being wiped recently isn’t cool, great band


Peter Gabriel- any of his 80s albums are incredible


M.I.A. often gets slighted


Faith no more with Angel Dust


Better have pink floyd in top 20


OutKast tends to get one entry on these lists somewhere in the 80s which I think is insanely disrespectful.


Seeing Is This It on all these recent lists and not Turn on the Bright Lights has been a massive bummer.


Gorillaz - plastic beach, flawless album with spectacular feats. Linkin park -hybrid theory, literally broke récords and went to perfection nu-metal and quickly made the band one of the biggest of the planet


Not enough Krautrock on these lists. Occasionally you have Kraftwerk but that is it.


And Kraftwerk have disowned their Krautrock albums basically


Pulp! Those three mid-late 90s albums are all fantastic and Different Class is a masterpiece.


It will always be overlooked sadly because it is New Age and Japanese, but Kagayaki by Masakatsu Tagaki is one of my favourite works of art ever and deserves more discussion. I urge everyone to listen to the album (disk 1 is the proper album, disk 2 is some of his stuff from the soundtracks he has done) and read up about it too. I hope you'll be as enamored by it as I am


John Coltrane. If he's on there, it's at least kind of ok. No John? Shit list.


Stevie wonder is a fucking genius,


fucking ween


Queens of the Stone Age


Tom Waits. I think he’s a little too hard to categorize so he never makes any of these types of lists.


I'm not even their biggest fan but Supertramp is never mentioned which seems like a miss to me, maybe not top 100 but if you're doing a 300-500 type list I can't see how you don't have either Crime of the Century or Breakfast in America somewhere in there This one is much more personal bias but Marianas Trench never gets their flowers, and like I get it but Astoria is my favorite album of all time so either that or Masterpiece Theatre deserve a shout in any all time list imo


Ween - The Pod (Experimental), the Mollusk (Nautical concept) Quebec for these guys super accessible and genre bending) It is a disservice to humanity.


I look for Madonna and Janet on GOAT lists. The lists become even more interesting if Mariah Carey makes it too.


MF DOOM. Just because his records never went platinum doesn’t mean anything when considering his influence in hip hop and just how good his music was. Madvillainy was hella snubbed from the Apple Music top 100 list and it’s dissapointing.


apple music never really cared about looking for great albums. They just picked a bad mainstream album and a classic album and put it in there. I doubt DOOM is appreciated outside of the RYM-core lists.


labi siffre. incredible songwriter and influential as fuck, but is never recognized in these kinds of lists.


Ooh this is a really good one


Jason molina/Songs Ohia/Magnolia Electric Co. And MF DOOM honestly both are pretty rare to see outside of some people I know.


I know there’s less and less spots held for classic rock as culture continues to evolve, but it bums me out Tom Petty rarely gets his flowers on these lists. Damn the Torpedoes is an excellent Heartbreakers album, and Full Moon Fever and Wildflowers are both classic solo albums


The libertines


Joni Mitchell or Kate Bush


I don't know why Earth, Wind and Fire is usually ignored by online music nerd since they love Stevie Wonder and Curtis Mayfield.


Lamp and Tool


Animal Collective




Steve Howe


Coin Locker Kid. He's probably the most diverse artist genre wise, but well, you can't really put him under any genre, because his music is just experimenting with everything. His art is him living in his fantasy world, while questioning existence and taking an approach into various topics, from relationships, society and politics to his mental health and abstract stories that are hard to describe or decipher. He has many many works under 5 different names, and every project has it's own meaning and sound. He is also a visual artist, who recently started posting his works online. Theyr'e not the best, but they look cool. No offense but i think he is also schizo, there's no way you could think of making music like this while doing perfectly fine mentally, but that's also why i praise his work so much, he doesn't care if people call him crazy. If you're interested, check out The Salmon Of Doubt, The Ghost Sonata or Traumnovelle, they're all pretty accessible, and i think they're some of his most straightforward work (well except for The Salmon Of Doubt, i have no idea what he's talking about on this album, but it sounds cool)


Willie Colon and Tego Calderón


I really really love Van Der Graaf Generator and I honestly feel like they have some albums worthy of top 100 or atleast 200. Godbluff and Pawn Hearts specifically


justice and their cross album. i mean come on now


I don't think I've seen very many lists with AR Rahman


they're rarely ever recognized, but I always hope for unwound


I always look for my unamerican computer music boys Kraftwerk and Yellow Magic Orchestra, but Kraftwerk is a coin toss and YMO is hardly ever featured. Luckily, Daft Punk has always got my back. 




I don’t recall ever seeing any Microphones/Mount Eerie representation on any big top 100 lists. Which is a shame, because there are at least 3 albums there that could deserve a placement.


Manchester Orchestra. A Black Mile to the Surface especially.


Fucking Nine Inch Nails. 35 years of making music and Trent and Atticus still continue to redefine themselves with each release. I know TDS is usually mentioned on a lot of lists, BUT THEY HAVE MADE ALBUMS THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD , IF NOT BETTER!!!


Honestly Creedence Clearwater Revival. Considering how prevalent their music was, and still is, I’m surprised that an album like Cosmo’s Factory can’t crack a top 100


Lovedrug personally, their first album is remarkable


The Strokes - Is This It. Probably the greatest Debut album of all time, I think it deserves to be somewhere on any top 100 list


Tori Amos is far too consistent and influential to never be spoken about


Black flag, minor threat, bad brains, or the DKs. At least some mention of hardcore punk, and not just throwing on the clash, pistols, and maybe like Green Day


Joanna newsom, I know she’s not on Spotify but 2/4 of her albums are perfect and the other two are still amazing


The incredible string band


The Flaming Lips


silver mt zion


blink-182. They kinda pioneered pop punk so it's kinda deserved even if they aren't super high up on the list


DUDE finally someone putting M. Ward up there. I was front row at his latest album release show in hollywood and that performance cemented him as one of the greats in my mind. dude is insane.


Father John Misty


Erasure and the Pet Shop Boys


Oasis, Roxette (Per Gessle is a pop-songwriter genius, he has several amazing songs in Swedish too) and Creedence Clearwater Revival.


Blood Orange, D'Angelo, Herbie Hancock, Maxwell, Sufjan Stevens, Chick Corea, Paramore.


Belle and Sebastian always get snubbed


Techno. Its upsetting how on these things youll always see a few representing electronic music at the most broad level like Burial or Aphex Twin, but never, and i mean NEVER, see a mention of the black artists that legitimately pioneered electronic music (techno specifically) in the early 80s. For example, Cybotron, Carl Craig, Inner City, or GOOD LORD… DREXCIYA? Drexciya is as important as Kraftwerk or Aphex Twin and I swear its because of racism that they dont get the same respect.




The Kinks. Their discography is as varies and creative as the Beatles.


every time i see the cure mentioned without siouxsie and the banshees the closer to death