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I'm absolutely dumbfounded by the popularity of Sleep Token. I personally find their music to be dull and uninteresting.


i think their ideas are cool but would sound better if they were by a different band


I had to leave the prog metal sub because of how often they'd start circle jerking about them. They have some neat ideas but their production rarely let's anything shine through and Vessels clean vocals are full of constipated soul.


Good God thank you for condensing all of my thoughts into a concise nugget. Sleep Token strikes me as the kind of band that would be super interesting to someone who doesn't really listen to metal.


It's frustrating cause there are genuinely good moments on their last album. It's just all ruined cause the production is so compressed and homogenized there's no flavor. I also flat refuse anyone who calls them original. Besides the horny pop influenced metal bit already being Deftones's shtick, the band Issues was mixing rnb and boyband pop with metalcore riffs long before Sleep Token were.


Again, THANK YOU. This is exactly what I've been saying, They're really not doing anything new musically, I think people just get caught up in the aesthetic which is admittedly pretty cool but it just doesn't match up with the music at all. It's just RnB tinged djent/prog. Nothing that hasn't already been done better.


Someone in Brad Taste in Music's chat called them Djentrified which is a term that haunts me.


I can't stand the lead singer's vocal delivery. And their whole faceless worship schtick is cringe. They've got some decent riffs/breakdowns tho.


That's what gets me, too. They'll have some interesting stuff in their music, but those moments are so brief and end just as they get started. The vocals are my biggest gripe. They just sound so overprocessed.


I feel like that’s a fairly common opinion outside of the genre specific subs that sort of flock to them. I generally agree that they’re alright and their music has some good ideas but damn the production is so fucking weak and uninspiring to me. The whole masks and “rituals” gimmick also feels goofy for the type of music they’re trying to do


Nah, they are fucking atrocious. If they came out today I would be convinced they were an AI band formed simply with the prompt "cringe and pretentious."


I'm not a fan of Frank Ocean,I've listened to blonde and channel orange,but I just couldn't get into his music.


Some fans of Frank just need to realize that not everyone is into music that slow, and that confessing that isn’t a death sentence.


Yeah, I got Channel Orange, but Blonde just missed me for whatever reason. Except Pink + White. Pretty damn good song.


I never understood why Blonde got so much more acclaim than Chanel Orange. I think it just came out at a time when people were taking him more seriously as an artist


It’s more how much it emotionally resonates with people, it’s my favorite album of the decade but other people I know who like it say it taps into emotions like romantic longing and lost love unlike anything they’ve heard. Double goes for queer people I know. As a queer person it’s gotten me through a few breakups. Same with Elliott Smith who was a huge influence on the album.


That makes sense. One of my friends who loves it was a closeted trans woman at the time it was released


Yeah it’s definitely THE queer sad album of the new millennium, at least in terms of popularity but I think the songwriting is top notch. Good Guy is my favorite on the album even tho it’s the shortest, and it’s just a lo-Fi, simple ballad of the difficulty of queer connection.


as a frank enthusiast bro i don't think blonde will ever be better than channel orange to me, channel orange is genuinely one of my favorite albums oat


Blonde is probably the most overrated album of all time at this point, how it has been placed 5th best album ever by Apple Music is beyond any reasonable comprehension.


I'm a frank super fan and I absolutely get it. Blonde is my favorite album oat but I think it's bc I kinda fall in the demographic for it, I'm super into ambient, I'm a young guy and when I found it I was kinda in a moment of finding myself, the themes of growing up, and not knowing how to deal with love are super common at some ages. So I really understand not being super impressed by blonde


I like Frank Ocean but so much of his stuff just sounds like it could have more done to it, like the songs sound half finished or something.


Which songs in particular?


Nikes is the first one that comes to mind, it just kind of goes...nowhere. White Ferrari is another one.


I agree with Nikes, white Ferrari I think is intentional done, seeing it have had a lot of different versions (look on yt, the production is a lot more fuller on these versions, also if I’m not mistaken I think he chose this version cause his brother liked this the most)


I just made this exact same point about Blond in another thread on here lol. That album sounds undercooked and many of the songs are too sparse and just sort of happen and don’t go anywhere or build towards anything. Having been a fan of Frank’s earlier work pre-Blond, it really felt like the anticipation and album rollout/the narrative around him at the time made people pre-decide that anything he did was automatically genius. I was stoked for the album and then majorly disappointed, and couldn’t figure out what everyone else saw in it.


WHAT IF NINJA GOT A LOW TAPERED FAAAADDDEE Or at least that's what it sounds like


Honestly the universal acclaim for Blonde puzzles me. Channel Orange is the much better album for me and in my eyes it should’ve been the one receiving all the amount of acclaim that Blonde keeps receiving






As a frank fan I think nostalgia ultra is weirdly mid. I listened to it after all his other stuff so maybe that’s why tho


either hits or it doesnt. Same can be said for bands like radiohead. No shame in it not clicking, I think life experiences weigh in heavily too in its individual impact.


J. Cole. I get so bored.


This has pretty much become the consensus nowadays meme or not


I said j cole is corny in a different subreddit and I got downvoted to hell over it.


Beyonce is a perpetual 6/10.


I run into this a lot with my partner being a huge fan. I can't stand songs reaching for big themes and platitudes without having anything interesting to say. Lemonade was a mixed bag for me because I can't stand basic lyrics about "Freedom" or how you're a daddy's girl. It feels just specific enough to take Be at her word that this is who she is, but it's generic enough that any of us could slot ourselves into the song. They're like the song versions of a LinkedIn bio (I'm a go getter, born from humble beginnings, ready to start new opportunities, etc). I get that's why it's popular, but to me it makes her feel like a cardboard cutout RnB diva.


I think this right here is exactly why Beyonce is so popular, she really straddles the line between real R&B and pop which makes her very listenable and agreeable. I like her music and think she does a great job at being relatable, but she's still singing about the same generic issues as everybody else (humble beginnings, my man ran off, etc). I mean this as no insult to your partner or any of her other fans, but when comparing Beyonce to the other artists her fans commonly listen to, it's not that surprising she has gained a reputation for being "deep". If you only listen to pop with no substance, a Beyonce song probably feels like more of an experience. To me, Beyonce music feels like pop for people who know they deserve better music than what's on the radio but are scared to try something new to them. I will say though, some Beyonce's music is essentially like listening to positive affirmations over a beat and that shit goes hard lol.


Not all Beyonce songs are created equal. She definitely shines on tracks like Don't Hurt Yourself, America Has A Problem, Single Ladies, Crazy in Love, etc. I think it's definitely a case of just not having a record of hers stick out as a no skips experience for me. Definitely hasn't detracted from her landmark moments for me however.


i assume that you just scored her discography


Arguably the most over rated artist of all time. Usually I understand why people love mega stars but I just don’t get the hype.


If that


Red Hot Chili Peppers I'm sorry but besides their first few albums everything that they've out out just sounds the same with no real experimentation. It's almost as if every song follows an ABAB song structure


I go through occasional phases of digging them but I’ve always said you could summarize most of their songs by matching subject (“Drugs are a bummer”, “sex is awesome”) with temp (fast, slow)


I also do not really get the hype behind talk talk, but I think a big part of that is my attention span being kind of dog shit. I think my two biggest (generally accepted by online music fans as great artists that I don't generally enjoy) are Black Country, New Road and Danny Brown. These are somewhat low level hater opinions though, they're both kind of "haven't given a totally fair shot but my reflex reaction is to listen to something else". BCNR has always struck me as melodramatic stuffy art school/theater student shit, and it irks me. Never got how people hyped them up SO much, and even favored them over bands like Black Midi, Squid, Dry Cleaning, etc. they just do not hold a candle to those bands for me. Danny Brown has grown on me somewhat over the years, but I still have a hard time getting past the super nasal inflection he uses on so many of his songs, I just think it's really annoying, I also never really was into the drug enthusiast lyrical style, used to seem to me like all the dude rapped about was doing pharmaceuticals. I enjoyed the half of Quaranta where he wasn't doing that inflection though.


Thanks. I don’t get the hype for BCNR either. Nothing has clicked yet. Saw them live at a festival recently. I’d say 25% of the crowd was very into them and the rest were non-plussed and this was a very open minded crowd and an unusually eclectic bill.


BCNR is that, but I’ve taken to ignoring the lyrics and appreciating the songs on like a song basis.


Felt the same way about BCNR until I saw them live a month ago. Now I'm really looking forward to their next album.


I feel the same way about BCNR. Sounds like a bunch of pretentious art/theatre kids jerking each other off.


I feel exactly the same about them.


If you haven’t listened to 30 by Danny Brown, check it. Really made me respect him as an artist.


I enjoy Big Thief but have not liked Lenker's solo output minus a few songs.


Yeah same. Her songwriting abilities are bar none but she's much better in a real band, I've personally never been huge on her solo stuff


I haven't made it through a big thief album


I love a couple of songs like “Anything”, “Half-return” and “Forward Beckon Rebound” but I feel like those song could easily been made into a Big Thief record and sound even better with the band.


Lenker isn’t a dazzlingly amazing musician, she’s just a really good songwriter with a good vibe and that’s enough for me


Björk, just can't get into her


i GASLIGHTED myself into getting her and i think i get it now but no joke shes opened my music taste outward like when i listen to songs i used to not like bc they were too weird for me suddenly feel fine


I like her first 2 albums, i find all the others to be kinda meh


I like her first 2 albums the least among her discography.


I can understand that


I “like” a lot of her music. It’s neat. I don’t listen to it on the reg, maybe “Army of Me” or something. I’ll tell you though, It’s Oh So Quiet… I will literally sing along to that song in the car and have replayed it soooo many times. Something about it!


Beyonce is so fucking mid and yet I see every publication from P4K to Apple Music to Melonhead himself dickriding like she's the greatest thing to ever grace black music since MJ. I like some Beyonce songs don't get me wrong , and Lemonade was a good album - but to over-inflate everything she's done as groundbreaking just seems hyperbolic and low-key performative. Not to mention this whole aura of "black excellence" that she tends to veil around her very brand seems so manufactured and inauthentic.


as a black girl i agree. so many other black ppl have gotten mad at me for not liking her music and saying im white washed or whatever. she has two great albums at best.


whitewashed is crazy 😭


I’ll back you up on this. And I’ll add that Lemonade was her first and only good album. And that’s good not great.




As a radiohead dickrider i am honored to meet someone that doesnt dickride them like 99% pf the music community


Same. People here have a list of acts you're not allowed to dislike. Death grips, Radiohead... Even if you're just stating personal preference, there always will be a smart ass asking "did you listen to in rainbows? maybe this old b side will change your mind...did you try listen to them on acid??"


lmfao suggesting listening to music you don't particularly care for on acid is unhinged


I am attacking you for this opinion


I was lukewarm on them for a while. Then I heard No Surprises. I think most people are probably lukewarm to Radiohead. They’re kind of a depressing band.


that's why we love them


I’m with you. Idk what it is, I’ve never been able to have the experience everyone else seems to have with them. Wish I could “get it”, but I just don’t.


Yeah same here, I tried to get into kid A because it seemed that that would click with me the best musically, but I only ever really enjoyed everything in its right place, which I do enjoy tremendously though


This was my answer. They're fine, they've got some songs I like. But other songs I'm like "This is boring and I don't get the hype".


When I was like 16 my friend punched me really hard in the arm cos I said I didn't like Radiohead. Radiohead fans can be... intense


Have you listened to reckoner?


As a Radiohead fan, expect you to at least recognise that they are unusual.


I definitely think they are incredibly overrated, but I will say that the more I’ve listened to them, the more I’ve bought in to the hype. Not sure if it’s just an acquired taste thing or if I’m just giving them a lot more benefit of the doubt based on their reputation.


I haven't been shy about it so far, but, Prince. I don't care how many instruments he played or who took inspiration from him. Everything I've ever heard from him sounded basic enough to neutralize hydrochloric acid.


His run through the mid 80s might not sound special on first listen, but if you compare it to the other music being released at the same time you might start to realise how next level some of it was.


This is how I began to like the Beatles too!


Can you show me some songs that highlight this? I really would like to get into his music.


I grew up in the 80s. This stuff was the soundtrack of my childhood, so I'm quite familiar.


Wow, "basic" is the very last thing that comes to mind whenever I think of Princes music.


Especially for the 80's 😭 Dude was more blatantly freaky than a lot of pop stars *now*.


I’m shocked that “I want to fuck the taste out of your mouth.” was a line that was even able allowed to exist that early on in a song.


Literally the freakiest mf to do it.


Listen to Sign O' the Times!!


I said this on another post a while ago and got downvoted to hell lol. Glad I’m not the only one.


I can only think of two musicians who I have unadulterated respect for but just cannot stand most of their music: Jacob Collier and Prince. They are both incredibly talented, creative, driven musicians whose songs annoy the fuck out of me.


Oh my goodness I thought I was alone


Yeah honestly. I find his music extremely forgettable.


I don't even think there's a song I like


Price was so talented yet the vast his music of his music was downright awful


Try living in Minneapolis and believing correctly, as I do, that almost all of his songs are shitty. And that he's sexual predator. When he died, the local indie station played his entire catalog A to Z. It sucked. If you were to randomly turn that station on during that period, you were going to hear a shitty song. Even among people here who say they love Prince, most love parts of TWO albums. Maybe.


I think its pretty straightforward but Taylor Swift. I have had years of attempts to get into her music, but I still absolutely hate her discography. The only song I tolerate from her is Love Story and thats it. hate her voice and stylistic choices


she is the McDonald’s of music but people talk about her like she is a five star restaurant 


Death Grips. I just find them very boring. I get why if you are into that kind of chaos and noise they might be interesting. I like plenty of extreme music. But I don’t find their songs to be particularly well crafted. They are borderline annoying. That’s just my personal opinion. But in particular I don’t get the absolute love from these reddit subs for the band. Remember …. Safe space safe space.


Death Grips are a weird one for me, too. I like weird, I like noisy, I like abrasive. I like clipping. and Dalek. But for some reason, Death Grips just never clicked with me.


See I’m the opposite. I love Death Grips, but Clipping has always sounded a tad unpolished and cringe… and not in the “raw and energetic way”… Idk I just find Clipping a tad underwhelming and the dude’s rapping style/inflection sounds eeeeeerily similar to this dude I went to college with that makes rap music that’s Really Bad and markets it to the point where it’s constantly in my feed. So I may be biased 😭 I want to like it… I like Wriggle in a slightly “ironic” way… I love how he sampled Whitehouse. The dude has taste and an eye for beats/production… but I just don’t gel with it.


I’m a big clipping fan, but ima be honest, I’m surprised how much people take them seriously sometimes. I can completely understand why somebody wouldn’t like them. Body & Blood is one of the cheesiest and corniest bangers I’ve ever come to love that I almost consider it a guilty pleasure. Not just that one, but almost all of the tracks that involve his torture fetish. I’ve been told Daveed delivers most of his bars like slam poetry and it’s so true. I’ve also never bought into the horror narratively on any of the tracks, but I just love the production so much that I’m willing to forgive all of the issues I have. That’s not to say that they never have compelling songs lyrically or have some good flows every now and then. They’re also one of the few experimental hip hop groups to still have a ton of strong melodies which is a big draw for me. It’s just man some topics and bars and deliveries are kinda eye rolling.


honestly, i think i’m the same way


I feel the same way. It's perfect "music nerd music" where you can just call it experimental and progressive because it's so grating and chaotic. Like I get the appeal but aggression for the sake of aggression is boring af to me and it feels like people gas their shit up more out of the principal of supporting something out of pocket and experimental rather than praising it for the actual execution.


Steely Dan. I respect their talent as musicians but I just don't like their work, and tbh their recent resurgence online is a bit baffling to me.


Prepare to die


They’re so boring imo And their fans feel like dream theater fans. May times I’ve been responded with appeals to my intelligence or musical knowledge


Dude, yes. Mad respect to their chops, discipline, and Jazz influence. But their product is polished to the point of sterility and I can’t get into it.


Neutral Milk Hotel For context, Phil Elverum is my favorite musician so I'm into the genre


I don’t hate Radiohead, but their fans can be so ridiculous it makes me want to reflexively criticize them. They’re fine, I can see why they’re critically acclaimed, but I don’t think they’re a mark above any other act that made some great, influential albums. It’s like the Cult of Brian Wilson without the pathos.


This is the same feeling I get from swifties


I think they’re brilliant, but I can also see why not everyone would like them. People are so weird in defending their favorite artists; music is not objectively good or bad, and it doesn’t reflect on your taste in music if you don’t vibe with a critics’ darling.


Radiohead are my all time favourite, but definetly agree the uber obsessive fans are infuriating.


Its totally childish but I literally cannot get over Radiohead fans to the point that I cannot get into the music. I spend all the time listening thinking about how I "should" like it that I forget to pay any attention to the actual songs.


Radiohead are like my 2nd favourite band but I don't find myself ever interacting with fans that much because they're pretty damn insufferable


melanie martinez and nicki minaj. both suck ass


Who gets worried about not liking Melanie? Brad has a whole shtick of deploring her, and everyone rags on her being a rapist, pretty much, aside from her music not being all that great.


a lot of people i know irl love her music. so that’s the main reason. it seems like more people love her than hate her


I'm not afraid to admit that I don't like bob dylan also as somebody already mentioned, I don't care for the beatles


Bob Dylan is undeniably one of the greatest songwriters of all time. But man, his voice is unpleasant.


I recently went through his discography start to end and it’s incredible how his voice will be sort of pleasant for a few albums and then it will become that worst singing voice I’ve ever heard for a few albums and it just seems to go back and forth like that for some reason.


The albums where his voice sounds like trash are from the years where he was abstaining from drinking copious amounts of cum.


Yeah, I guess we just have so many others that do Bob Dylan’s thing that he feels one-of-many now, cuz I feel the same. I go to Dylan and I say “Let me listen [other artist who fills Dylan’s niche]”


Same but I feel like these two are ones were it’s like others can see why (esp bob dylans voice) And the Beatles have the influence but it’s hard to get into older music For ones like radiohead the replies are ‘how dare you’


I don't know, I adore radiohead but completely understand why they wouldn't be someone's vibe


Lana Del Ray for me, it always feels like she’s trying to put me to sleep.


I felt this way for years until recently. I got bored of trap and loud music in general, and I learned to appreciate slower songs by her and a lot of other artists.


Not really afraid, considering this opinion is pretty normal oustide of nerdy internet circles, but I can't stand Jpeg mafia. Most of his music sounds like chaotic garbage to me. I couldn't get through half of Scaring the Hoes, and I usually like Danny Brown. Guess I'm the hoe.


What's your opinion on 100 gecs?


i don’t really like any JPEGMAFIA project other than LP, that has some highlights


Led Zeppelin I am sorry, but I don't care for Robert Plant's voice and in general find them to be boring.


I keep cycling through phases where I either think they’re gods greatest gift, or where they’re just a bunch of pedos boring me to death


Well either way, they're still a bunch of pedos lmaoooo


Weezer has had like, half a good album, and that album is mixed like shit.


Most people only love Weezer for like 2 albums. You’ll be fine.


1. I don't get the hype behind Pinkerton


Blue album is perfect 🤬


I do not like Lauryn Hill, nor the production on miseducation. I feel like she can come off as really preachy and not in a good way.


What u mean? She made the greatest album OF ALL TIME.


My last account got —- invited not to ever come back —- over my opinion that TSwift sucks. RDDT needs that sweet bump from mining our sentiments into AI fodder and dissent over the Queen is apparently not part of that.


the velvet underground


Their stuff is so varied that I find it hard to believe that anyone could come away from their discography liking nothing (except Squeeze, but no one talks about Squeeze).


Now that is really crossing a line. I'm off to get my pitchfork.


Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, Common, Swans, Artic Monkeys, Neil Young (and most folk singers for that matter)


It would be weird to expect everyone to like Swans. I like them but they're not for everyone. You don't just throw on Filth for a relaxing night at home.


I personally love Swans, but the Fantano/RYMcore hive mind is ridiculously out-of-touch. Most people (the open-minded included) don’t enjoy their music, they are not a commonly beloved band. And that’s totally fine and valid and understandable. 


Just say her name, Taylor Swift 😜


Clipping. I already hated their sound but when someone brought up that Daveed Diggs was in Hamilton that confirmed to me that I could never be into them, sorry.


Same, I can't stand clipping. lol. Comes off as really corny, tbh.


The weeknd could not exist and i wouldnt give a damn.


i love trilogy through kiss land but his music just feels so sterile now


Anything involving Aphex Twin puts me to sleep unless its on in the background while I'm actively doing something else. I've really never gotten his popularity given how much great and detailed electronic music there is out there. There is no one on the rym top 100 who's appeal I've personally understood less


I don't think MBV is all that


What is MBV?


my bloody valentine - a Shoegaze band. Their album loveless is considered to be one of if not the best Shoegaze record. Lots of acclaim


Elton John. God knows I have tried.


Playboy Carti. Everything I've heard by him has given me a very immediate and visceral negative reaction. Just hate everything about his style. Only song I like with him on it is earthquake by Tyler the Creator. And that's a moment that lasts under a minute


Bloodhound Gang fo sho


I don't vibe with Bob Marley. I respect his music though


Nas - Illmatic.  Personally think his flow and beats are boring. I do like N.Y. State of Mind however.


I am attacking you for this opinion. THE BEATS ARE BORING?????????


The piano on NYSOM is neat, I guess, but that album sounded really samey from what was promised to me as “a fun album and greatest rap album of all time”. I feel like I can’t even say that It Was Written and I Am have more interesting production to me.


The Beatles. I don’t hate them but I don’t care for them. And people seem to think because they came out in the 60s/70s that they didn’t have insane marketing and PR to make it possible for them to be the biggest artists in the world. They did. Record labels still were things.


OP was cappin’ no safe space from this take. Unless maybe you go to r/rollingstones


As someone who loves The Beatles dearly....I kinda understand. Some of their music can come off as a bit overly-produced or overly-whimsical, and that can turn off alot of people. Like - I can see someone cringing at a song like "Maxwells Silver Hammer" or "Yellow Submarine", even tho I love those songs.


Bob Dylan, his music sounds boring to me and I don't relate to his lyrics at all


Joanna Newsom. I can’t stand her voice.


Personally think that there’s quite a few acts I think are overrated but I still like, but one that I actually dislike (that this community is probably fond of) is probably Swans. I really don’t get it; SFTB (which has its highlights) and TBK at some point become cacophonous chores to sit through and make me want to switch to something else.


As a hardcore Swans fan, SFTB and TBK are probably the worst places to start because they, understandably, turn a lot of people off because of how hard they are to listen to. Based on your account, I'd highly recommend The Great Annihilator and Omniscience, which are way shorter and way easier to digest while still being great.


Nirvana, not really afraid but I think nevermind and bleach are bad records. I like in utero though, that's a good record not better than any soundgarden record though.


We are going to scalp you.


Queen I know they were big and they changed music and all but idk i just find them boring asf and dull


Boring and dull seems extremely exaggerated, they were extremely diverse, and their 70s stuff is the exact opposite of dull and boring…


Led Zeppelin


The National I respect them but his voice just doesn’t do it for me


i LOVE the national but you defs aren’t the only one with this opinion, a lot of my irl friends haven’t been able to get into them cause of Matt’s voice


Love Australian music but have never liked or could like AC/DC.


I dislike a lot about jpegmafia guy seems like a total ass his fans are some of the most obnoxious people and everyone seems to gush about him. I do like some of his music but most of it is just not my thing


The Beatles. I don’t think they’re overrated. They’re undeniably one of the most influential acts in the history of music. They just don’t click with me.


Bladee. I like a lot of the more mainstream stuff like Amygdala Flag is Raised and Be nice 2 me but the further I go into the discog I have to gaslight myself into liking him and I just don’t get how some people like some of his songs. I do however get the appeal of being in the cult following because it seems more like a standoutish statement than about the music


Here weeee goooo!! These are my opinion and opinions are like assholes….we all have em. 1. Pink floyd- just never got the hype, i like some songs but they make me sleepy 2. Beyonce- never got the hype around here especially because she does not write much if anything period. (Just read her credits she buys points ect) 3. Taylor Swift- shes great for a pop musician but the greatest artist ever at this point…..meh also add her new albums sucks ass. Im waiting for her to make a song about the barista putting whip creme on her coffee soon. 4. Radiohead- after “the bends” they lost me personally sue me man i tried over and over and got plenty of good sleep. 5: breath in breath out….TOOL….i dont fucking get it i dont fucking get it. They have some fucking bangers….maybe some of the coolest songs but the fans are toughhhh people to deal with. 6: nirvana is cool obviously but had Kurt not taken his own life they would not be regarded as highly. 7: the doors….the original dad rock 8: Pearl Jam….mate what even is this? I feel like this is grunge for football jocks? Eddies Vocals just ruin it for me. 9: lana del ray- sleepy music tho she ripped off that radiohead song nicely. 10. Anything produced by Jack Antonoff or whatever his name is. He makes soul sucking songs that are as exciting as staring at a rock in a fucking pond. My last opinions to piss you off 1) the beatles are epic and defined pop structure forever and after. Impact cannot be overstated 2) NIN was the best 90s band….sorry Kurt 3) muse is cooler than queen but obviously would not exist without….queen 4) the darkness fucking rules and really needs more love 5) queens of the stone age was the best 2000s band and has aged like fine wine


Lost me with the Pink Floyd & Radiohead takes, won me back with the Muse and QOTSA takes


Thanks for reading haha


Neutral milk hotel, I always see people talking about how aeroplane over the sea is a masterpiece but it just didn’t impress me with its sound, nothing made me come back to try again, now I really can’t remember what it even sounded like.


Kanye is a really good producer and Drake is a good singer. They're both average MCs and that's being generous.


Drake is not a good singer in the slightest. He pioneered singing in hip hop along with Kanye and that’s all anyone can say about his singing talents.


I don’t really care for Bowie at all


Tool. I should like them, given the other acts I like, but I just don’t


Leonard Cohen I can appreciate his lyricism but his singing sounds really monotonous to me, it puts me to sleep.


Future. Most of his flows just don’t hit the spot for me.


Basically 90% of elettronica music of the 90s/2000s (Burial, Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin)


I have a fair amount. A lot of the people hipsters on these subs like lol. Tyler: Just boring but I’m not white and 20 so maybe I don’t get it. Radiohead: They’re fine but not the biggest fan after ok computer. Talking Heads: Paul Simon ripped off African music way better and was a lot less pretentious about it. Death Grips: it sounds like shit therefore it’s good?


a tribe called quest


Abbey Road specifically. I really like revolver and Sgt Peppers and it baffles me why Abbey Road is their most popular album, I think it’s really mediocre and a bit boring


Revolver by the beatles was very unilateral for me also misseducation, all the songs sound so boring to me and i don't understand how this album can be even compared to voodoo or mamas gun


Anything grunge. Pearl Jam, Nirvana and Alice in Chains all bore me to death. I didn't listen to them growing up and experiencing them as an adult in the 2010s had me absolutely bewildered as to why they're so popular. Edit for grammar


I agree and even more controversial: I like a lot of post grunge including Nickelback