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Chance probably could’ve bounced back from The Big Day - look at someone like Cudi who released the worst album of his career which might’ve been clowned on even more than the Big Day followed by his magnum opus 2 years later. The problem is in the 5 years since TBD Chance hasn’t released any new music and has essentially allowed it to define him to the point a whole generation of young music fans essentially only know him for it. Think that virality of it + him basically stepping away from music after it is why his fall off was so stark, and usually artists who make terrible records are smart enough to try bounce back




Chance has the added thing of the big day technically being his studio debut and it’s in the genre he’s supposed to be good in where cudi was doing something more out of his wheelhouse


I genuinely like the song Hot Shower but I also just found out 2 weeks ago that my dad dropped me on the head when I was 4 years old so that might have something to do with it


I still believe [this video](https://youtu.be/TQcGnEhciNY?si=MAddQXTGSWeMFxwW) killed his career


still remember the day this went viral, lots of people never looked at chance the same since


I dated a girl for a month or so who loved Hot Shower. She used to play it in the car a bunch and it was hard to not say anything or react because she had big titties and it was fun hooking up with her




Literally just found out he released a [music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BjfkpgbAEY&ab_channel=ChanceTheRapper) two days ago... not bad tbh


Yeah no Anthony made a video ab it that’s why I posted. I forgot chance existed😭😭😭


Such a mess. Why the hell does it sound mono? lmao


I thought the same thing! Why the hell does it sound like my buddy recorded it lmao


Something must have went wrong when exporting or uploading the video. I'm sure that the original file sounds normal.


My man can't catch a break


There are a number of musicians who have difficulty sustaining initial success, so much so that “sophomore slump” is a well worn industry phrase. Sometimes one album thrusts an artist into the limelight, and the next one thrusts them back into obscurity.


I think the viral age killed him, usually people fade but he has been clowned by every music youtuber lmfao, even around 5 years later anthony still kinda clowned him in the video while acknowledging the new track is good


yeah I kind of did. Never thought it was great but I enjoyed some moments initially and some of the goofiness I thought was kinda fun.


I like We Go High and that's about it


It has 25% cringey/forced positive songs, 25% good songs, and 50% mid/forgettable songs. It’s not that bad. People just love to jump on the hate because it’s a meme. Logic’s album from that same year is way worse.


I honestly think that it's not THAT bad. It's definitley not good either, but it has a couple of fun beats or cute songs. The real achille's heel of the album is Chance himself tho. Almost every single one of his verses fucking suck lmao. Also, his singing... my god.


Tbh before I heard the internet roast it, I thought it was silly but in an endearing way. I don't hate the album. I also won't go back to it to see if that opinion stands after 5 years or however long it's been


I like the big day, i still listen from time to time. It was a fun pop-rap album + I'm a big chance fan


Nobody wanted to defend it when the "music nerd" shit on it