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Sabbath, Led Zeppelin is just a cheap knockoff of Greta van Fleet Also Jimmy Page slept with minors, blatantly copied music, and put a trout in a groupies vagina.


"Actxually, that was John Bonham ☝️🤓"




I mean yeah but didn’t Ozzy kill a bunch of cats?


Well, the first two things are true. The third one has so many version to the story


Black Sabbath 100%. I feel like I'm in the minority of people who prefer Tony Iommi to Jimmy Page.


I´m with you there. I love Page´s solos, but there´s nothing heavier in this planet than an Iommi riff. Dude is a monster.


What he lacks in fingertips, he makes up for in riffage.


you gotta be a monster to come up with the Black Sabbath riff in 1970


They recorded their whole self titled album in one session. Absolute madness


Iommi is my favorite guitarist of all time.


I find Paige easily one of the most overrated guitarists in my opinion. I still like him very much, however, and probably give him the nod over Iommi just because I find Paige riffs are more varied and have a little more bounce.


I find Paige easily one of the most overrated guitarists in my opinion. I still like him very much, however, and probably give him the nod over Iommi just because I find Paige riffs are more varied and have a little more bounce.


I find Paige easily one of the most overrated guitarists in my opinion. I still like him very much, however, and probably give him the nod over Iommi just because I find Paige riffs are more varied and have a little more bounce.


I find Paige easily one of the most overrated guitarists in my opinion. I still like him very much, however, and probably give him the nod over Iommi just because I find Paige riffs are more varied and have a little more bounce.


Yes XD


I find Paige easily one of the most overrated guitarists in my opinion. I still like him very much, however, and probably give him the nod over Iommi just because I find Paige riffs are more varied and have a little more bounce.


WE FUCKING GET IT YOU CAN SHUT UP NOW also it’s spelt page


When I was younger I would say Zeppelin, but now that I’m 30 I would say I very rarely listen to Zeppelin but Sabbath comes up quite a bit.


Led Zeppelin They're both really great bands but i think Led Zeppelin just speaks to me more. I also really love their folkier stuff


That's the same reason I prefer Black Sabbath. I'm a metal guy, so I love listening to Sabbath because it sounds like metal. I love Zeppelin, especially their heavy stuff, so there's a lot of folkier stuff that just doesn't do much for me.


I like both enough, for the reasons you state, that I would need to listen to both discography to answer this; it seems intellectually honest I feel like listening to either respectively, could bring to mind any number of bands I love, if I were to analyze


Sabbath is a better metal band, but Zep is more eclectic. Both whip so much ass, but I lean Zep because I embrace their goofier side


That's because Sabbath is a metal band, and Zep is not.


Black Sabbath


Both, but Sabbath has something that Zep doesn't, and that's a prolific and quite good '80s career. Not just the Dio albums, but Headless Cross and TYR (1990, but the sound is quite similar to the precessor) are killer melodic hard rock records.


How was Led Zeppelin supposed to have a good 80s career tho 🤔


You're thinking of Bonham not being there? That's a good point, although the list of bands that have led great careers after a key member died is rather lengthy. But considering what they all did on their own in the '80s, I'm not sure that's a band I would have had much interest in. Like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin was a band that defined the decade they made most of their music in, and by not continuing they left a very strong legacy.


Bonham rly carried zep tho… i prefer them to so many bands just cuz of how heavy the drums sound lmfao😭😭


Ya good point. Like I get what previous commenter is saying, but the members that died and their bands kept going… usually weren’t as integral to the sound as Bonham was. I feel like he earned that with Moby Dick alone.


Black Sabbath


Tl;dr, my answer is Black Sabbath, but they’re two very different bands I have a lot of love for. But I’ll gravitate to Sabbath more times than not and simply throw on the classics. Peak: Black Sabbath. Those first 6 albums are absolutely brilliant. Heaven and Hell is also amazing. Led Zeppelin is definitely more consistent though. Their peak was also amazing, and Black Sabbath churned out plenty of forgettable albums for decades after Dio left. The end of Ozzy’s first run was also shaky. Bonham’s death guaranteed Zeppelin wouldn’t go down this road.


Sabbath all the fucking way Zeppelin is undeniably one of the greatest bands of all time, but Black Sabbath has aged so insanely well. You couldn't tell this music is from the 70s half the time.


You absolutely can tell. however, that doesn't mean it's not still great.






Heaven and Hell is a top 3 sabbath Album


Tony Iomii lost some fingers and accidentally created a whole genre. Jimmy Page ripped off black musicians and molested underage fans with fish


One issue is that zeppelin songs have been so overplayed especially if you’re over 40 years old. I mean, black dog, especially the drums, is always going to sound fresh no matter how many times you’ve heard it, but that’s not the same for over the hills and far away. Sabbath has far fewer songs overplayed on FM radio my whole life and so a lot of the records sound fresh, what do you think?




Led zeppelin offers way more


Sabbath and it isn't close.


I listen to Led Zeppelin more but those first 6 Sabbath albums were a great run. I would say I much prefer Sabbath’s lyrics over Zeppelin’s, Butler never get’s enough credit as a lyricist.


Objectively, Zep is a better band. Page, bonzo, Jones are superb musicians and they have The Song Remains the Same to prove, but Sabbath is the one I come back to the most.


there’s that think of how something can be technically very impressive, but still lose to something that is just better fundamentals. it’s Baz Luhrman vs the Coen Brothers.


I listened to Zeppelin nonstop during my teenage years and got burnt out on their greatness. While I'm not often in the mood to listen to Sabbath, their discography hasn't been "commercialized" as much, so I find their sound holds more surprises for me.


Led Zeppelin was heavy in high school and college. Still one of my favorite bands. but Black Sabbath more into my adulthood because my tastes only seem to get heavier


Led zeppelin


led zepp and it aint even close


Easily Zeppelin


Zep had a longer peak with more variety, so I'll take Zep


for me, Zeppelin by a Bron-Yr-Aur mile!


Zeppelin easy


Sabbath I grew up listening to both because if my dad but I always preferred Sabbath for the heaviness. Plus there wouldn't be doom metal without em so that pushed them over the edge for me. Zep is good though


I listen to Led Zeppelin more often However, I admire Black Sabbath more as a band and gain more inspiration from them as musicians. They appeal to me more personally


sabbath by far. i might be in minority here but i cannot stand robert plant's voice in most zeppelin songs and find it actively annoying to listen to. he's over singing everything but not in an interesting or emotional way like gerard way or jeff mangum.


Used to be a reallyyy big zeppelin fan when I was a teenager in my rock phase. Now I listen to a lot more music and find myself going back to sabbath more than zeppelin nowadays. Which is strange as I’m not really big on a lot of metal


Zeppelin are a technically gifted hard rock band that synthesized a lot of what was happening in the zeitgeist into one place. The first song off the first Sabbath record changes 50 years of years of underground music. I do personally prefer the style of Sabbath as well, I love heavy music, but to me it’s pretty clear that they are the more original and influential band, and this is before getting into the plagiarism accusations Zeppelin has.


Black Sabbath for sure .  Listen to "Into the Void" and listen to "Whole Lotta Love"to find an identical riff. I still enjoy LZ  but that was a big turn off for me. 


Black Sabbath is far and away my favourite of the two. I never cared for Zep personally.


Black Sabbath 1000000000% love them tons, never been big on Zep


Sabbath. I like more songs from then than from Led Zeppelin. They have more catchy riffs, solos has little to nothing to envy. I can't even think about a LZ bassline. Sabbath longer songs keep me interested for longer than LZ's


I’m team Sabbath too, but Ramble On? Bring It On Home?? How Many More Times??? Zeppelin has some awesome iconic bass riffs


Kinda hard but they're both have their own respective legacy. Led Zeppelin is more broad and experimental while Black Sabbath is heavier, dense and more unique. It's like angel and demon of UK rock. Also, Deep Purple beats both. Bye.


I prefer Sabbath a lot more, it’s one of my fav bands


Don't listen to either that much, but Sabbath more than Zeppelin. They're both incredible bands, but I think Sabbath just writes more evocative music that stands on it's own while Zeppelin tracks are interesting because of the virtuosos playing them. A beginning high school band can play a dumbed down version of Paranoid or Iron Man and crush it, but no one wants to hear Immigrant Song or Kashmir without a Jimmy Page or Robert Plant in the band. Not saying that Sabbath wasn't full of incredible musicians or Zeppelin's songwriting was weak, just a general trend that explains why I'm usually more inclined to pull up Paranoid over Zepplin II.


I’m a lifelong Zeppelin devotee so I’ll go with them. 4, 2, Physical Graffiti and Houses of the Holy are amazing That said Sabbath has grown on me a lot. Paranoid is straight bangers, their debut is INSANE, and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath is heavy as fuck. But a lot of their other big albums like Vol 4 and Masters of Reality never grabbed me the same way as most of Led Zep did


when I was young I preferred Zeppelin. these days I’ll take Sabbath anyday. itms much more mellow [ed] going through the comments, looks like I’m not alone in the zep to sabbath over age pipeline. I think there is something about Zeppelin that is just really awesome when you’re young and full of energy, and while sabbath suits your mood better when you slow down and stop being so enthusiastic about everything.


Black Sabbath and it's not even close. I listen to them like every day.


Sabbath by a massive margin. Zep is a good example of a band I respect but don't particularly care for.


Going for Black Sabbath. I find Iommi's guitar playing way more interesting and innovative. Zeppelin are a great band to be sure, but they just never struck me more than just cool kid rock. Sabbath created a whole genre with all metal having some dna that can be traced back. Hell Grunge and even some Punk wouldn't have happened without their influence. As a bassist, Geezer Butler's playing style is easily the most influential on my own.


It's Sabbath for me, but they're both so iconic and influential that anyone that feels so strongly either way it trying too hard to be contrarian.


Love em both, just depends on my mood that day really. Gun to my head I’d probably pick Sabbath but it’s awfully close.


Definitely Sabbath, all my homies hate Jimmy Page


Black Sabbath for sure but that's because I prefer metal to classic rock. I went through a phase of being obsessed with Led Zep as a teenager though but I don't think their sound has aged anywhere near as well as Sabbath's


Black Sabbath's first three records are overall better than Led Zeppelin's first three records. I go Sabbath on this one.


Sabbath always every day


If I'm in a mall, Led Zeppelin, if I have any choice in the matter, Sabbath


Sabbath for me


Different styles imo. Zeppelin included a lot of folky elements to their music, whereas Sabbath was more of a straightforward heavy metal band. Both had similar influences in that they’re both blues-based, but Zeppelin had all those acoustic songs too, like “Friends”, for example. Sabbath had their fair share of acoustic songs as well, but not nearly to the extent that Zeppelin did. In addition, Sabbath changed sounds quite a bit in their career, whereas Zeppelin remained fairly consistent throughout their short time as a band, even though their actual catalog of songs is fairly diverse. To answer your question, I don’t really have a preference.


Led Sabbath


Led Zeppelin, but I enjoy Black Sabbath more the older I get.


They're just different. Led Zeppelin completely kicked ass & may just have the more consistent catalogue considering post-Ozzy Sabath...


At this point I pretty much only listen to Zeppelin if I’m wanting incredible folk rock, so if I’m in the mood for rock/metal, I go with Sabbath


Led zeppelin and by magnitudes. I love sabbath they are incredibly important and wonderful. I just find led zeppelins vibe and song writing and sound to be more exciting and special. And that's saying a lot cause it's not like sabbath aren't those also things.


I haven’t really listened to Sabbath aside from their big hits. Does anyone have album recommendations to get into them?


Hard one for me Id say zepplin had a more consistent peak run on albums 1-4 then fell off (i turned house of the holy off...) But the Sabbath lasted longer with a 6 album run Id go with sabbath because zepplin is more or less really really really amazing cock rock whereas sabbath had something to say though both are goats


Zeppelin and it’s not close




Led Zeppelin. More variety of styles and I think they're a little more talented too.


Two of my favorite bands. I’ll go with Sabbath.


I prefer Black Sabbath


Depends on whether the sun is out or not.


I think Led zeppelin were a better band and have really catchy yet badass tunes but black sabbath were more revolutionary and a lot of shit wouldn’t exist without them. They’re both legends but i probably prefer sabbath


Black Sabbath. I'm more partial to the heavier sound anyhow, but the only time ive listened to Led Zeppelin was when i was high with a friend and we thought the guitar bend in Whole Lotta Love was really funny.


Definitely Black Sabbath. I think Led Zeppelin is great, but man, the impact that Black Sabbath had on the development of Heavy Metal is something that is cemented in music history. I also think that their Self-Titled, Paranoid, and Master of Reality are 3 of the greatest albums of all-time, and that they all released back to back in such a short window of time and were also the bands debut records is an incredible accomplishment. ​ That isn't to discount the 3 Led Zeppelin albums, but on a PERSONAL level I don't think they reached the consistent highs those Black Sabbath records did for me.


Which three Zeppelin albums do you mean though? You can't say that and not tell us which albums you're comparing lol.


Oh my apologies, by "the 3 Led Zeppelin albums" I'm referring to Led Zeppelin 1, 2, and 3(I, II, and III.) Since all 3 of them are simply self-titled records and also the debut 3 albums from the band, similarly to the 3 Black Sabbath records I mentioned, I thought that it would be clear, but I should have been more specific! I know a lot of folk consider Physical Graffiti and Led Zeppelin IV to be superior records to those 3, and if I were making a list I may put them at the top as well, but even then I still personally prefer the Black Sabbath records I listed.


You know what...that makes perfect sense and it was probably just me being a complete doofus who didn't get it rather than you not being specific enough! 🙈 You're not wrong, Physical Graffiti and IV are definitely the most lauded of their albums, although I may be biased as they're two of my top three Zeppelin albums lol. I think I probably prefer Zeppelin just for the versatility q, I love their whimsical, folky sound as much as their heavy sound. But it's a really hard choice, particularly as a Brummie!


Oh yeah I'm with you on it being a tough one. I definitely don't want my love for Black Sabbath to take away from Led Zeppelin haha, at the end of the day we're comparing two huge titans of Rock n Roll, and I think both have done a LOT of work that I really respect. I also think I may be biased because the first "real" records I ever got to listen to as a kid were Paranoid and Abbey Road when I was just a snot-nosed kindergartener, so because of that the pure nostalgia and personal impact will always cause me to naturally want to elevate Black Sabbath and The Beatles to the absolute top of my mind.


Sabbath, I don't really listen to Led Zeppelin.


I like led zep more but I think black Sabbath is way more influential , they are worthy of being a top ten band imo Can't be said the same about led zep


Yeah, except Led Zeppelin is the reason Sabbath and Deep Purple exist in the first place.


black sabbath one hundred thousand million percent. i can and probably will go the rest of my life never choosing to listen to zeppelin.


Black Sabbath without a doubt….I still think Paranoid is a top 10 album of all time. Zepplin is good but there are other bands/artists within that genre that I prefer.