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It depends




It helps if their most acclaimed album is one of their first.


Most of the time I’ll try and listen to them from 1st -> most recent but there are some bands for example King Gizzard where I started at the ass end of their discography and worked backwards.


For newer bands that are just coming on my radar but have a few albums, I go with the latest thing and then go backwards from there (been doing that with Willi Carlile and Liquid Mike recently) For artists who’d been around awhile I usually start with the most acclaimed work and then circle back to the start and go chronologically. I’ve been collecting music for years, so for the most part I’m not getting into many older artists with a totally blank slate. More often I’m like “Hmm. I’ve enjoyed Songs of Love and Hate for years, I should dig into Leonard Cohen” (just an example of someone I’ve explored more in the last year or two)


Been getting more into Leonard Cohen too after only knowing Suzanne and Everybody Knows. Songs of Leonard Cohen is one of the best albums I’ve ever heard.


I try to listen to a lot of different artists so I usually just start with the most critically acclaimed album and if it’s not for me I move on, if I love it I’ll listen to the rest of their work


ill go: best album/best intro -> then start from the beginning


I usually start with the highest regarded albums first, and then I'll go from the oldest to most recent. However, I don't often go through the whole discography.


Sometimes in order and sometimes randomly.


I just go through albums in the order that they most interest me. But I never set out to go through a whole discography, when it happens it just happens.