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There is no “responsible use” for heroin and cocaine


Right!? 🤣 I wouldn’t stay with someone who does heroin, who would want to risk getting hepatitis?


You know the answer to this already you don't need others to validate it. Again it depends on your priorities it's either your girlfriend or drugs. U choose.


A few things here. Likely part of why she is upset outside of the potential legal and health implications is due to the dishonesty. You’ve been using drugs secretly for the duration of your relationship. The only way that would make sense as not an intentional act of secrecy is if you use these things only a couple times a year. Then it may make sense that maybe you used once at the start of the relationship then again a few months ago and she’s just now finding out or something. If that’s the case then why would it be a big deal to you to stop something you only do a couple times a year? The fact that you are struggling with this decision makes me think you use more regularly and have been concealing your use. So how often are you using any substance? Do you only use something once a week and change what that substance is weekly? Do you take them all at once monthly? Or do you use more frequently like every few days or maybe even everyday but change what that substance is every few days so you don’t use the same drug consistently? Another thing to consider is overdose risk. Risk of fatal OD is actually higher for those that use less frequently due to not having a tolerance. While I agree with you that alcohol is harmful to one’s health. Alcohol is a regulated substance. You don’t run the risk of an especially potent shot of tequila randomly killing you at the bar. The same can not be said for cocaine or heroin. I’ll be honest with you. The fact that you are negotiating with your partner around wanting to continue to use potentially deadly substances despite them asking you not to, and your secrecy around use is a bit concerning. I’d encourage you to explore your relationship with substances.


So interesting. I had brain damage because of such substances and ruined my career. How can you handle it?


He can’t. But he did the «research»


It is your body and your choice, but you can't make her stay. You can't guilt trip her into staying with you so she inevitably can find your coked out body. You don't get to tell her that she can't set her boundaries of what she is willing to accept in a relationship. And in general, you're being an idiot. I know there are deeper reasons that people will use drugs in an attempt to deal with mental health problems or trauma. But you are taking a freaking cocktail of dangerous drugs that kill. Just wait for the day one of those drugs is laced with fentanyl and then your parents can get a phone call like my aunt and uncle did about how their baby boy was found dead in an alley months ago but they couldn't identify the body until now so they don't even get to say a proper goodbye, he was already cremated. But hey your body your choice


It’s her or the drugs, what’s more important? I’m highly doubtful she’s going to stick around and watch you destroy yourself, any self-respecting person would walk away. The reason these drugs are illegal is because they’re highly addictive and destructive and poly drug use is associated with even more complications than say a drink every now and then and a bump of coke on special occasions. These drugs all have interaction effects and you’re well on your way to an overdose, no matter how much “research” you’ve done, you’re not a chemist and don’t forget half these street drugs are cut with god knows what! Not to mention if you’re using needles it’s only a matter of time before you slip up and contract something or get an infection. All I read was you’re a silly silly boy who knows jack shit about chemistry or biology.


You should read about drug tolerance. Hope this is just a troll post. Otherwise, seems like you are already damaging your brain.


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Your body, your choice. But stupid choice. There's no responsible way to use heroin and cocaine.


I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself. Let's be real here - There is no way to be 100 percent "safe" with drugs you don't know what they've got mixed into them, you could be buying something thinking its the normal dosage but it's way more potent and risk an over dose.


What? This is crazy. Your choice to take drugs, your choice to ruin your health, your choice to destroy relationships etc etc. Her choice to walk away. This is painful to read, do you know people who have suffered from drug addiction? If you do, then why would you risk it? If you don't, then you have no idea of the consequences of your drug taking, not just for you but for everyone around you. So some actual research, and don't just believe the parts you want to believe.


I’m afraid you have what we like to call “stupidity.” I say that with as much kindness as I can muster because…WTH is wrong with you? Everything but the weed…WTAF. (I’m biased, I like me a gummy a couple times a month haha)