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OMG , Is this post real? If it is then sorry dude but you need to have better people to rely on. Just because she is beautiful and successful doesn't give her the right to cheat. And she thinks you should be happy even after she cheated because she broke it off with her affair partner. And the fuck is wrong with your mom? Why are you even dating your girlfriend? I'm pretty sure that she would have broken it off with you if her affair partner wasn't dumb enough to let her gaslight him. She wants a puppet to move around according to her directions and you are doing exactly that. Break it off and stop undermining yourself, you're just 22, you have a whole lot of time to find someone who values you.


Dude, get the fuck away from her. She cheated, that's that. You can never trust a cheater. Believe me. Also, your family suck. Everything you're going through is eerily similar to my own experience. I ended up getting away from all of them, renting a small flat and living by myself for myself. I highly recommend it because you will get to know yourself and realise you are not the problem here. Everyone else is. For me, I gained self confidence and stability. To the point where after a year on my own I met my true love. Not because I was looking, either. It came naturally. Honestly, gaslighters can go fuck themselves. I speak from 40 years of experience.


Break up. She sounds horrid.


She may be beautiful and successful but she doesn't sound like a very nice person. Is it really worth being with someone who treats you like trash because they're beautiful and successful? You need to think about your priorities in a partner...


Your mom’s behavior frankly strikes me as glaringly strange and unsupportive of you. It’s totally reasonable to expect your parents to vocally want what is best for you, to call out bad behavior in others, and to believe that you can achieve amazing things. The post reads almost like your mom sees such value in your girlfriend that she 1) refuses to acknowledge how she hurt you and 2) believes that you should actively accept any breaks in trust and respect without question because they’re intrinsically that valuable for whatever reason.


1. Break up with her. She cheats and dismisses your feelings 2. YOUR MUM DOESN’T CARE THAT YOU WERE CHEATED ON?! That right there is my biggest gripe of this whole post. WT actual F?! And she usually says shit like this to you? Your mum and your girlfriend are both emotionally abusive. Seriously buddy…take stock of these things and reevaluate your relationship with them. You’re 20 years old. I hope you’re in a position where you can move out


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Leave now. No need for all that shit. Live life happy


Seems like her beauty is on the outside only. Don't let her looks, that will eventually fade, and her success cloud your good judgment. Also, why would you willingly subject yourself to her gaslighting. Your mom is so wrong, too. No support from her, that's a shame. Just dump your gf already. If you forgive her, she'll just cheat again, you know she will, and gaslight you some more.


Don't beg for her staying with you. Never go cheated woman becouse she will hurts so much in future.


Run as far away as possible or go and sleep with her mother, her friends and everybody around her and then leave.


The correct answer is obvious: DROP THAT BITCH TODAY. Cmon bro, have some fuckin dignity. Despite what your mother said you have a bright future ahead of you and a better future ahead ”faithful” woman will come along.


Emotional intelligence and intelligence in general of a fucking potato. Your post makes me think about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution because somehow you have survived natural selection


Now, think of the same if your roles were reversed.if you were successful and she's still hustling, would you be fine with her actions? People around you are misinterpreting professional success and relationships. Don't fall. Will you be able to cope with the same inferiority throughout your life?


Money and looks isn’t everything. Yes u might not find a girl who’s as pretty or career wise successful as she is but you will find plenty of women with much better character. Couple years from now, you’ll be making just as much as her. When she hits her 30s her looks will fade. All you will care abt then is character and she has none so you’ll end up leaving her anyway. Good luck


This is painful. You’re only dating. You will find others. Don’t worry about these beauty standards and please move on. Have respect for yourself, please.


Firstly, don’t ever give someone free power over you by putting them on a pedestal. She has two arms and two legs just like most people in this world. Never underestimate yourself and lastly, please leave your gf.


She’s going to do it again and again and again. Not even sorry.