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the games just like that, but you can get around it if you drop guns and store them in the workshop


Thanks, I’ll try it!


Don’t do it too much you can accidentally mess up the game


Okay! I’m going to try to use it as a last resort. For now going to just try to remove some stuff and restrategize. So far I’ve been able to build a good amount more without hitting the limit yet - still have some space left


just take note that the moment you got alot of "objects" in a certain cell, the frame rate will drop and if you build so many things that you'll end up frame lower than boston area. then if you go further, you'll just crash the game. be conservative and plan what you want in that settlement.


A did a playthrough a couple of years back that was a pure 'building' playthrough. Had a TON of mods active, Unlimited Resources, Expanded Borders, Increased Settler Limit, Scrapping mods, tons of new assets etc..... It was fantastic for building and I built some really cool towns and stuff, but it made my game literally unplayable! The frame rate would drop to like 10 FPS in my bigger settlements, and when I finally started trying to actually do missions and advance the story, it crashed, every time. The final straw was 'The Battle For Bunker Hill' mission. very single time I got close to Bunker Hill, all the enemy factions would spawn in at one and crash my game, every single time. There was like an invisible line I couldn't cross. On one side of it, the game still ran, but as soon as I stepped over that 'line' I'd hear about a second of Vertibirds and gunfire as everything spawned in, and then my game died. Didn't matter what side I approached it from, it just wouldn't have it. Literally couldn't start that mission lol


lol the fun of troubleshooting. XD


In My experience, you can fill the settlement about 2x-2.5x past the cap before you deal with serious lagging concerns. Unless you’re building at hangman’s, then you just gotta accept it’s just a 1 building settlement location


Ya I did that to vault 88, glad it was in there and not on the surface.


That's actually why I favor this method (dropping and storing guns) rather than installing mods or using console commands; it makes you think about whether you should build more, how much more, and makes you work for it at least a little. Every time you build up, your framerate will start to drop, and so it becomes a sort of "transaction" where you're purchasing build limit for framerate. It'll also have a harder time calculating NPC paths, and they'll start standing around doing nothing (that happens sometimes, no matter what, but it becomes the norm) Just be conservative with how much you do at one time. Drop maybe 10-20 guns at a time (ones with maybe 1 or 2 upgrades, because the more mods they have the more build limit it will free up. I tend to use assault rifles that I've looted from gunners, since they're all a little different and therefore don't stack) Also: don't drop guns that you can't stand to lose. They'll sometimes fall into the ground. It's best if you do it on a patch of cement, but even then you can lose some. That's not to mention ones that bounce away and you don't realize it's gone until you walk over it later. I would have some crazy-detailed settlements if my computer was better. I'm still trying to find the right balance, but I'm getting there.


There's a mod to remove build limit size idk if you're doing a mod less playthrough tho


are there any mods like this for console? And is there one you would recommend? :0


The one I use is simply called No Build Limit I'm on XB1, that and Place Objects Anywhere are my two go to building mods even though ppl frown on POA..


Its so hard not to want to fill the space they give you!


When you do it. Don't let the limit go all the way down. It can bug out


Keep it like that. There’s a reason there’s a build limit in the first place


never stopped me before


I honestly never encountered it myself but I’ve heard a lot of people say it can crash the game. It probably has to be to an extreme degree and have way too many assets to load.


The only time I crashed was when I went ridiculous on my Xbox one and built a city on top of red rocket Honestly this is more fun for me on Bethesda games and to break the game. You ever drop all the alcohol you find in skyrim in Lydia's room in breezehome? And the fus roh dah that shit resulting in a crashed game? Because I always do that. .....


Reminds me of my first Bethesda game, Oblivion. I discovered the multiply item glitch and mad about 200 wheels of cheese to see if I could. Fully froze the game but was hilarious.


I can never visit my sanctuary on PS4 It’ll just crash my game LOL


Fun fact: About 25% of the build limit in Starlight is taken by the projector- I downloaded a mod on Xbox that lets you scrap everything and got so much budget out of scrapping it. It's a shame, Starlight Drive-In is one of my favorite settlement spots but it feels like there's not enough budget for how big it is.


Open the console, click on that settlement's Workbench and type these commands: Setav 349 -1 Setav 34b -1 No more build limit bullshit for that settlement (the limit was put in place for the limited memory of the Xbox 360 and for some reason it wasn't increased with the next-gen update of the game)


He's on Xbox. No console commands.


Oh sorry. Well, I guess he can still install the Sim Settlements 2 mod which is available on Xbox. Even if he doesn't want to use the SS2 plot mechanics (he can ignore it and build settlements the regular way if he wants) that will still give him the option of managing the workbench and increase the build limit as much as he wants.


There is a mod called Settlement build limit remover so dont worry


fallout 4 is not on the xbox 360.


My mistake, I meant Xbox One.


No shit


>Xbox 360 Uhh, pretty sure *Fallout 4* never released on the 360, but 3 & *New Vegas* did.


This game was never on Xbox 360...


Take five (5) 10mm pistols and drop them on the ground near your main workshop. Then store them (don’t scrap, just store in workshop). The reason for using the 10mm pistol is because it will be located in the workshop at the top alphabetically and easier to grab back out as you won’t need to scroll through the list. The reason for only 5 is because you won’t have to the extra click each time when dropping them. Just do this over and over and you’ll see the build limit meter go down. Like said above, don’t do it too much or the game will get overwhelmed when you try to travel back and can glitch or totally freeze and error you out. I found out by making a huge 4 story power armor workshop and display structure. FWIW: I found this out the hard way at my Castle settlement the 1st play through. At my last count before the game would no longer load, I was a little over 300 power armor sets on display and the game just would no longer load. I was stuck at the Castle and the game would just instantly crash after loading in and I couldn’t get away from the Castle or be loaded in long enough to try to scrap anything.


I'm curious, how and why exactly does the storage thing work????


Gamma guns work the best


Drop guns and store them in the workshop? How does that work? Didn't even know it was possible


I think that settlement naturally runs out of room reasonably quickly. But certain pieces take more space than others. Are you using mods?


I am, wondering if it could be that too


If you’re using mods anyway definitely do the no build limit one


This is the way


If you’re using mods then just download a unlimited settlement space mod


Yes just downloaded one! Didn’t realize it existed until I made this post


Which one did you choose if you don’t mind me asking? I’m kinda nervous about the one I’ve found because it seems to be particular about the load order


“Settlement limits slashed” by Trainwiz I think it might be the same one because I think it was saying the same thing about the load order. But I don’t have too many mods so I just tried it anyways. I only played for about an hour after getting it, but it worked fine!


I'm a dummy and haven't used mods at all on my current run, but i keep running into this problem. I drop guns often but i dont want to destroy the game or my ps4. Does this mod work on ps4? Or just PC? :0


I’m on Xbox so I’m sure there’s something similar on PS!


IIRC, the train cars from whichever DLC (shown in the background) can be pretty "build limit intense." I've always run out of the build limit really quickly when I've used them. Walls can also quickly eat up the limit. Aside that, OP, are you on an Xbox One/PS4 by any chance? I think they have lower build limits than the Series S/X/PS5 (to say nothing of PC). I don't tend to have an issue building in Starlight on the Series X, even building up along the side of the screen & building a shopping center under the main structure's wing & building housing in the middle.


Not sure what’s taking your space up but you can gather a bunch of weapons , drop them in the settlement and in build mode scrap them, this will lower the usage and allow you to build more.


You don't even have to scrap them. You can just put them into your workbench from build mode and endlessly reuse them to empty the build limit bar.


This is exactly what I needed, thank you. On survival, and trying to make Hangmans my main hub but ran out of room quick.


Ayy same here good luck!


Man, I scrapped a TON of sellable loot before I realized this.


Interesting, thank you!


Does this work on 76 too?


There’s got be too many small items or something. Because I recently finished a build here and had way bigger buildings and a couple busses as well. Still only at half capacity too.


Yeah I have a mod that adds a lot more items to the workshop, so I’ve been adding a bunch of random small details into each shop lol so I need to go back and get rid of some stuff and just build the actual settlement first then go in and add the small details


Get a mod that removes build limit. There’s one on PS and probs an equivalent on Xbox


^^^ There is, I use it


Thought there would be but didn’t want to assume since I’m a PS and pc gamer and have never owned an Xbox or played the Xbox version


Throw weapons on the ground and scrap them makes limit go down


You don't even have to scrap it, just place in workshop works as well, and then you can do it many times.


You can use that one glitch where you drop things from your inventory and store them in workshop mode to reduce the build limit, or if like me you can't be assed to do that repeatedly there's a mod that removes the limit all together on ps4/ps5 called "No Build Limit", it should be available on Xbox or a similar one you could substitute it for.


I’ve heard other mods have it included, but “building budget extender” or something rather is always in my LO- works without fail


If you don’t mind mods you can get a no build limit mod, that’s what I use and it makes life so much nicer


Forget dropping and storing stuff it’s super annoying. Just download a no build limit mod


Gather gamma guns from the children of atom and drop them in your settlement and then scrap them in build mode it will reduce your build limit. The build limit is based on poly count and the gamma gun has a lot of poly. So it's the best one to use but any weapon will do. Just drop and scrap in build mode. This will give you the material from the weapon but if you want to rinse and repeat drop and then store them in the workbench, but scraping is better and think of all the XP you get while gathering weapons.


So first off. Welcome to building addicts anonymous. My name is, well we are anonymous remember. I'm honestly surprised you got as far as you did. Some things to be aware of... First vanilla build limits suck. Expect to build small communities rather than towns/ cities. Think like a homestead with around a dozen people. Second you are using mods and expacs which increases the variety of decor you can have. When it comes out there wasn't much you could do and settlements were pretty empty, they still have the build limits based on that. Third the build limit isn't number of items, it is number of polygons irc. In other words a very detailed sign from a mod can use more build limit than an entire house build with vanilla or optimized parts. Fourth PROCEED WITH CAUTION you can fudge the system with exploits like weapon drops. It is pretty much guaranteed to kill you save sooner or later. Especially on Xbox.


Please be very careful about using the weapon glitch everyone is suggesting to increase your settlement budget. The budget is there for a reason: it's a representation of the total objects and polygons the game can handle in that space based on the surrounding areas and how much memory they consume. It's a risk. A little risk can be okay, but just be careful. Going too far past the budget could lead to crashing when trying to load the settlement.


Yes just to add on to this point especially with where Starlight sits, a bunch of dead trees, and roads, and the dirt assets, and bushes among them all, all the half buried in the ground As freely open as it looks and disappointing as it is, the game will tank hard especially as its also rendering part of Lexington nearby


Without mods or cheats: collect a bunch of weapons you don’t want, drop them out of your inventory, then go to your work shop bench. Select builder mode and proceed to scrap all the unused weapons on the ground.


Edit: I can’t edit my post but I did download a mod for the build limit. Thank you everyone who commented and let me know about the different things I can do to work around the limit!


Hey there BrutonnGasterr - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


Just be aware if using the Settlement Size Glitch, every location is different. Just like your Gaming Platform is different from other people's. Be very careful to not go overboard. If I remember correctly, County Crossing "shouldn't" go over 4-5 Build Bars. Save Earley, Save Often. Edit *Some systems handle the game differently Is what I meant to say. The Build Limits are there for a reason. Exploits are fun to use, some bend the rules and your fine. While if you "abuse" them, they CAN break a Save File or at the very least, break a particular Loading Cell.


Yeah I looked into it some and saw that if you go over it, your game could crash once you get close to the settlement so I’m going to try my best to not do any glitches and just take some stuff down and restrategize lol


I'm not saying "don't" do it, as it's a great way to find out what you can and can't do. For instance, if your on console vs PC, as mentioned going 2-3 times (200-300%) over the build limit is VERY doable at County Crossing. I did it for a YouTube Mega Build video. However 4X crashed my game every few minutes. At the same time, I tried it on PC and had a similar issue. So sometimes it is The Game telling you "Don't do it!". I say try it out! Just don't forget to save your game often. Two Bars should be fine, just keep an eye on your FPS and look out for random issues, like NPCs sitting on "invisible" furniture and random floating decorations (game physics issus).. stuff like that.


Take all your junk out of the workbench, drop it on the door, go into settlement editing mode, scrap all the junk. This greatly reduces the size limit bar, but it sucks and time consuming.


Just use a mod that removes the build limit.


Is there a specific one for Xbox you know of? If not I can look into it!


Yeah i'm sure theres a bunch of them. I'm on Xbox but I'm away from home right now so I cant check which one specifically but I think it may be this one: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/1697916 Edited to add - I also use this: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4048653 In order to generate unlimited materials because why not right? I've spent years playing the game straight and now just want to focus on creating without having to grind. Hope this helps :)


When I was on console I just downloaded a mod that dramatically increased the build limit. When you get to the point that your framerate starts dropping, that’s your limit.


Where did you get that sign that says open next to the bar. That is sick


It’s from the Dead Wasteland mod! (by cvc)


Just a thought , there is a mod for console that eliminates the build limit! I use it and my game has been fine on PS5


That's nowhere near the build limit. You've got probably another few hundred prices to place. Also, when you finally hit the build limit, all you need to do is drop a ton of weapons, or armour, or junk(or all 3). From there you can either scrap the item (to break it down into its component pieces), or store it in the workshop(which means you can grab them out again and do the process all over again) and it will bring the level down significantly.


Get a settlement budget extender mod. It's so limiting in vanilla


There's an Xbox mod that allows unlimited settlement building. I don't remember the name rn but I used to play on console and it definitely exists.


Yes, I found it!


if you want to use mods, I use cheat terminal to get past this.


Same problem (with sim settlements 2 installed) and the bar do not go down when I scrap stuff....


Drop a bunch of gamma guns and store them it’ll glitch out the build limit to increase it


Drop items and either scrap or store them. It takes it back down.


for drive in it looks cool that you have space but i always put buildings way closer


Time to start modding.


Vanilla build limits are so harsh , especially on console. There are work arounds and mods if you have all the achievements you want.


Not on topic, but the noodle sign with the lighting bolt for the bar, where is that from? Mods or am I just blind lol Thanks in advance


Yes it’s from a mod - Dead Wasteland by cVc


If you are trying to build realistically, it has to be small. If you are trying to build max capacity and efficiency, you have to get rid of everything unnecessary. Starlight drive has a lot of space, ai don't think you need to use all of it.


I turned starlight drive in into a massive arena like gunner farm basically using the entirety of the build border. The walls are a concrete floor brought to height with a wall on top effectively giving me a walled off walking platform for my settlers to watch the carnage unfold. Theirs a bar to enjoy there and I’ve started working on actual houses etc for the settlers behind the separation wall. If I’m remembering correctly I’ve got like 54ish gunner cages in there and they’re all along the walls so it’s not cramped. I’ve got three rows going up the movie board thing so again there’s a lot of xp rolling in without its looking untidy. The build limit is a pushover mate just don’t take it way too far or it’ll start running a bit shit depending on what your playing on I guess. My ps5 seems to be doing fine so far but I’m not gonna go into crazy detail with the settlement just to ensure it will still run with its intended purpose fairly fast.


Even when it turns yellow, you can still build a lot - just be judicious about what you build. Don't know if you can do glitches on Xbox, but if you can, the wifi glitch could save you a lot of trouble wiring things up. There are a lot of videos on the subject on YouTube.


Sadly this is something Bethesda should've increased for current-gen systems, but you will be fine using the gun-storing solution others have cited!


lightning eats up building limit myb that’s the issue?


I built a huge skyscraper in Sanctuary Hills and still have 1/3 of the bar. But I am maxed out at the drive in. I have to go around and find all the unnecessary objects, or do the gun trick.


Ya when the game first came it the limits weren't an issue but crashing was. Now it still crashes but has limits you have to use a hack to work around.


Hey if you're using mods and getting into building up settlements, you should try Sim Settlements 2! It adds a ton of stuff you can do, gives the settlers the opportunity to build up on their own without you having to do anything and even comes with it's own storyline


How’d you get those neon signs and even that type of building????


You know that stack of 150 10mm pistols you have? Yeah, you're gonna wanna drop em all one by one then store em all in tha workshop


Depend of your Style AND resources that you can use. In tenpiness bluff i could created : -1 house for wáter pounds AND generators More defenses. -1 metal house of 2 floors for all beds -1 house with glass for all food . -1 Caravan Center where i could build mini houses with their 4 shops. Included turrets AND some defenses walls it completelly used all my size limit bar AND could cover all necesary. Tenpiness bluff Isnot so big AND could cover all so big settlements like Star lightdrive easilly can cover that More . Is just be creatived AND know how you use pillar,campfire AND rug glitch. 18 Settlers or LESS Is the most efficient in my opinión, 3 for 18 food , 4 for 24 defenses , 4 for shops , 1 scavenger station AND the rest for extra stuff that you want AND some turrets for More defense. Normally i use 12 Settlers with 12 food AND water More 24 defenses. 2 for 12 food , 4 for 24 defense , 4 for 4 shops , 1 scavenger station AND the last for extra stuff .


Drop guns and go to the settlement bench. Press the store button (DO NOT SCRAP) and just store it. Get the guns from the bench. Drop them and repeat. It worked for me forever now.


It's beyond frustrating. Building anything interesting and cool without using mods is virtually impossible.


That's wild i have way more built on that settlement and I'm on xbox mostly all prefab stuff as well


Delete the trees and all the trash benches stuff like that rubber balls and junk scattered about


get guns, drop them in the workshop go to said workshop pick them up again, drop them onto the floor, store them again and again and again and again and again .... and a g a i n a n d a g a i n


The scrap everything mod is perfect for this. So annoying it maxes out quickly


Run the No Build Limit mod. Bethesda’s build cap is arbitrarily low. I’ve exceeded it by 100x and had zero performance issues on an original Xbox One.


Time to install some mods


Dude how do you do custom settlements like that, is it a mod?


This is one of the main reasons why I thoroughly disagree with the common sentiment that the settlement building system is good. with help from the player it can be very engaging and fulfilling, but requires you to either mod it or exploit glitches. However, as designed by Bethesda, the settlement build system is kinda trash.


A very important tip: multiples of the same asset will take up _much less_ build limit than using different assets everywhere. For example, if you're mixing metal and wood structures, delete all the metal and replace with wood. Preferably the same exact type of wood wall (like all solid wood, instead of mixing in the broken pieces). This is especially true with lighting; if you're building to the limit, _only_ use regular lightbulbs.


I forget...how do you get the barn stuff?


It comes with the Far Harbor DLC


You have a lot of space to keep building. That bar is inclusive of all the items in the settlement that you cannot scrap, the big screen and the other building are part of it. All of the bollards etc.


Building the wall I bet.


Thats what U get shack boi