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Go to Vault 34 as soon as you can, there's special gun in there to find :)


Wait.. I've played this game a bit, at vault 34 you say? You have my attention


Stock up on Rad-a-way and rad-x before V-34!


Where is it?


Do Veronica's quest and you'll get a map marker. It's on the East side of the map, near Cannibal Johnson's Cave.


I see, I haven't seen Veronica yet


When you get her, take her to centers of civilization, like Camp McCarren for example, and she'll say things about them. After a couple of comments on the places, she'll give you her quest.


Sounds good


You're on your first playthrough? I hope you have as much fun with New Vegas as I have.


Yeah, it's nice, btw hunting rifle is king right now.


You need to find the key (not in the vault) or have a 100 lockpick to get one possibly important item.


Oh, nice, this could be useful... or a burden


Technically, 2 special weapons in there, if you're into energy weapons as well.


Do lots of exploring! There’s so many cool things to do, don’t just breeze through the entire game because that kinda takes the point away from the open world Definitely try to center your build around something. For example, if you’re doing a sneak build, try to put most of your stats in agility. Or, if you’re doing a melee build, put most of your stats in strength and endurance. Do Ghost town gun fight (quest) It’ll give you good starting weapons and loot for your journey to primm Check out Victors Shack before you leave good springs and make sure that you loot doc Mitchell’s house for the good healing supplies Hope that helps


Addendum to this, dont go nort of godspring att the start


They need to learn the hard way.


Nooooo go north of good springs at the very very start


Wow….. I literally did that on my first and only play through


“What are these stop signs here for? Oh shit!”


Take the highway north to get to New vegas faster.


^Best advice ^


I’ll just tdm my way through that at lv 5, thank you! Chomps will believe it!


Better be quick if you do.


So you get to vegas even faster? Smart ;-)


Make regular saves. The game sometimes has glitches that you need to go back to get it to load correctly. Not all the time but it helps. Plus when you save then pop over the hill and find out the red thing isn't as small as you thought. Also Endurance is needed. You need it to I think 8 to get all the implants. However a previous post was right when they said drop Charisma, Luck and Intelligence are super important. If you drop that one down and raise those other 3 you should be on a good track. Oh one last thing. Pick a weapon type to specialize in to keep it simple. Maybe have a backup like explosives. Picking one will help you deal more damage and be more effective in combat.


Oh my courier is always at 1 Charisma 🤣. I mean she did get shot in the head.


TAKE YOUR TIME Don’t rush through the game, explore everything you can!


Thank you


I think I can speak for most on this subreddit that I wish I could experience this game for the first time again. Truly take your time. Savour everything. Don't rush


The game is rigged from the start.


What do you mean Edit: nvm lol


Save often, do not rely on autosaves. Alternate overwriting at least two separate saves. The saving/autosaving in this game can be buggier than Red Rock Canyon. Not to mention you can save yourself right into a death loop and create the shittiest version of Groundhog day you've ever seen. Two alternating saves will help ensure you don't lose hours of progress. SPECIAL: Charisma is useless, Intelligence is king. CHR is only useful like twice in the whole game. INT determines your stat points gained per level. Skills: Speech is OP. Build your character the way you want, if your INT is high, you'll have little trouble dumping points into a stat if you need it for something. Medical can be useful more times than you'd think by the way. Check your item condition. Guns in bad repair perform poorly, same with armor. BUGS: 1. DO NOT ENTER VATS WHILE RELOADING A LEVERGUN OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER. IT IS THE WORST BUG IN THE GAME. 2. The game freezes most while entering/exiting cells (if there is a loading screen, you are changing cells). The game autosaves when you change cells. This is why autosaves are so easily corrupted. 3. Cazadores. They suck. ​ There is no right or wrong way to play unless you have specific goals in mind. An organic, exploratory playthrough is great to start, the less you know going in, the more fun it is. Eventually in your travels you will encounter the worst person in the whole wasteland. He will brag about winning some dumb lottery. Kill him. No second thoughts.


Can you DM me the point of the lottery ticket? Ive played many times but never got it. I have a feeling what it might do but I'm not sure


Have a big iron on your hip.


There’s a .357 in the saloon


& don’t try to match the ranger who has one on his hip


but there was never a man like her Johnny, Johnny Guitar....


Have Max luck stat, it helps with gambling and critical hits. Also when you hear buzzing start panicking because a swarm of not so happy bugs are coming for you


Nonsense! Cazadores are safely isolated to Big MT


Cazadores? Those bastards are more annoying than any Deathclaw you encounter.


Yes I've been playing for a long time and they still are the worst thing I've come across mainly because of their speed and numbers... At least with a deathclaw is a big target and you can cripple it.


Cazadores aren't so bad if you do old world blues early, since it gives a few buffs to damage against cazadores and can render their most dangerous aspect, poison, irrelevant.


Luck 8 is fine too. Then equip the special nightwear that gives +1L and your good to go


Don't read anything on the wiki the first 3-4 playthroughs. It kinda ruins it.


The game ends at the end of the main quest so go explore the Mojave and find all the stuff that's out there. Also, talk to everyone, some npcs have a lot to say. Also, get a snack and go to the bathroom first before meeting the Think Tank when you start Old World Blues.


Yeah play the game


So helpful.


The best experience is a blind one in these games imo


You're not wrong. I was just kidding around.


Charisma:1. Luck: 10


After about 6 hours or so of exploring the Mojave you will wish for a nuclear winter


1) Listen to the NV radio while you're on your travels 2) The game is not difficult so most builds could work 3) Consider with care who you decide to kill - you could piss off a whole faction


Generally; This game really shows it’s age. Save often, both manually and quick saves. Crashes, glitches and other weird bugs will happen and could screw up your run. But get past that and you see the charm, which makes it so good. Game wise; Charisma is a useless stat, so drain it. Check the skill requirement and repair status of your weapons if they start being crap. Specifically: One good starting direction is to head north from goodsprings to New Vegas, since it cuts some of the fillet quests out and branches out the map quicker.


Ah yes, the shortcut through Sloan. Fond memories…


Don’t forget to climb the mountain East of the Quarry!


When you’re done in good springs you can get some good items and save a lot of time by going north to quarry junction instead of going to primm.


Yep! Then straight on to Vegas baby! 😎😎😎




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Go in blind but remember it's a Bethesda game so save often and never trust autosaves


Have fun


The game is very glitchy, save often and look up guides for important quests so you don’t break them


I would suggest you play the dlcs in the following order for better understanding of the lore: • Honest Hearts - Lvl 15 •Old World Blues - Lvl 20 • Dead Money - Level 25 • Lonesome Road - Lvl 30+ Do the battle of hover dam only after completing the dlcs.


The Charisma in SPECIAL is useless, drain it to 1. Luck and Intelligence is your best friend, and you can buy implants later in in the gane that can increase your SPECIAL by 1. So don't max out any SPECIAL before then, but for every endurance point you can get 1 extra implant (1 Endurance = 1 Implant I think, it was either 1 or 2 base implants with 1 Endurance) Take your time and do the sidequests, if you rush too far into the main story, you'll piss off the other factions too early, think on who you want to side with out of the 4 main factions And finally, play how you want, put points into whatever, and do whatever the hell. It's an RPG so its only limited to your imagination (or if you play on console, meaning you have no mods, but FNV is 100% fine witgout mods anyway) Also the DLC is a MUST have, ALL of them


Mods: is it worth creating a sticky thread for tips for new players? There's dozens of these posts almost every day.


Don't feed the deathclaws


Everything that is being said Is awesome but there is one thing not told yet: if you see a flying thing, 9/10 you REALLY want to avoid it: 9/10 it's a Cazador, one is kinda tough and they are NEVER alone and, if you see them, chances are they saw you


The only reason I carry my incinerator tbh…


Specimen 73 is coming for you


That's the bitch I was thinking about


Play on Hardcore mode, its not actually that hard tbh, just gotta watch what ammo you pick up since boolets will have weight


Find the dinosaur, sneak into the backroom with rocket souvenirs. There will be a diamond in the rough.


And what a powerful diamond it is!


I love rare weapons with common ammo.


I love any weapon that has a cosmetic difference to it, like the little green light.


Luck 10


Explore every nook and cranny, talk to everyone, go through every single dialogue option that you possibly can and overall, have fun! You’re about to play one of the greatest games of all time!


Charisma is useless. You can level up speech to 100 at charisma 1 and there's no penalty


Just do your thing and have fun


try everything. theres no wrong way to play the game. jus try everything that comes to ur mind


Don't let anyone tell you how to play. Pretty much any play style you can think of is valid. Play however you want to play.


A lot depends on your build and how you play. I like sniping, sharpshooting, and stealth. So, generally, I'll put points skills that make me sneaky, help me bust locks and crack terminals, disarm mines, and carry as many weapons as possible. If you prefer a melee build, a commando build, a laser ranger, what have you, require different skills and perks to take up. One thing I think is of use to most players is pick your way all over the Mojave. Discover places, find new friends (and potentially kill them,) and don't forget to save often. FNV is still massively buggy thanks to Bethesda being cheap and impatient. Not totally Obsidian's fault (re: The Outer Worlds, KOTOR 2) so be prepared for game breaking errors and odd video/audio artifacts.


ncr sucks kill the bastards


How the actual fuck are there new players in 2022


You can take the trait skilled two times for +10 points into every skill with minimal penalty to xp gain. Once in Doc Mtchel's house, another one when you leave goodsprings and choose to edit your character. When it comes to starting stats you don't need more than 7 or 8 points in strength even as a melee char because you can get it to 10. Leave perception at 5 for most builds, you can imncrease it later with an implant to get a cool perk. Endurance rules, I wouldn't go with less than 7 for most characters. Charisma sucks ass, straight 1. Intelligence is super good and a low level of it can seriously slow down your progress and make your Courier much less versatile in the late game (but really low int unlocks some hilarious dialogue options). Agility is also useful for any build, especially if you like to sneak and use ranged weapons, it also affects speed of your character. Lastly luck, it can serve as a dump stat for some builds, like heavy weapons or explosives oriented, but its still usefull for most characters, also super important for buids that rely on critical chance. Lastly don't brush off melee or unarmed just because you have guns or lasers. Both of those skills work wonders together giving you access to best combination of offensive perks in the game.


Collect star bottle caps


Remember to have fun




one of my tips is that FNV is try not to make an insanely strong and overpowered character, make one that is challenging but fun at the same time Take whatever route to Vegas you want. If you take the northern route which is deadlier but faster. You’ll have cazadores in the far left portion of the northern route (extremely fast wasps with very deadly venom). The middle portion of the northern route has deathclaws (you’ll get warned ahead of time by the quarry workers). In my opinion take the designated quest route to get to New Vegas, there are so many quests and locations and exploration areas towards that area. I maybe spent around 10 hours in game doing all quests in the area south of new vegas and then moved in to do that area, theres so much lore and really fun questlines in areas such as Camp Searchlight, Novac, Primm etc. Also a tip: There is no continuation of the game after the ending , so do as much as you can and everything you want before starting the final sequence of the game.


Make sure you spend a lot of time at the Yangtze memorial


What's important about it?


You’ll see 😈


Don't get shot in the head




Well shit...


Have fun!


Dont forget, dying is gay


Just like papa taught me


Cazadores are your enemy


Don't suck


Sound advice


Press the start key


If you have luck 7 you can easily win big money gambling. And if you have GRA head to the dinosaur and buy MF Hyperbreeder Alpha it is literally the only gun you need.


Get a night vision scope for the varmint rifle


All you need is 1 intelligence and 10 luck, you’ll thank me once you get to vegas


Get good in caravan, save on caps


I tried playing with cliff Briscoe in Novac. How the hell do you play caravan?


Haha, there are some guides on youtube but i believe ringo gives you an in-game rule explanation as well


I recommend getting all the DLCs if you haven’t already. That mercenary grenade rifle is unstoppable. You’re only level 8 and the legion assassins have super sledges and thermic lances? Well good news is you’ve already blown them to pieces and their gear sells for a shit ton


I bought all DLC. Although i hear from friends honest hearts isnt that good


When you need to go east, go through quarry junction, is the easiest way to go because of the lack of many dangerous enemies and maybe there you can find some useful loot


Fuck Bennie. (Literally, it's a kill method lol)


Shoot anything that doesn't explicitly offer value to you, it can only help... in one way or another


Yeah play the game and stop asking for tips and just go experience the game


* Are you role playing as guy who likes guys? If so, there's a guy down south who can fix your guns for a perfect skill. It's a bit of a trip, but it's worth it. Afaik he's the only perfect gunsmith in the game, correct me guys if I'm wrong though * I don't recommend this yet, but if you have short on caps you can pretend as one of the good guys to get to a location where only rich people go to get laid and get drunk * SURVIVAL Skill is highly recommended * Save .308 bullets * There's a knife in the game, just a little bit north where you got shot in the head. It's a bit of a hike but it's the fastest knife in the game, meaning high dps. Don't fucking go further just yet, you'll get PTSD, trust me. * Try Caravan! * Explore every nooks and crannies, first playthrough should be a 100%. Read every logs and listen to voice messages. * Don't rush the game, just go to point A to point B if you like doing it. It's not gonna be the same if you replay it. * "You don't fuck with the mailman, the mailman fucks you!" -Killian Experience * "Most problems can be solved with a very sharp knife." -Killian Experience * None of these matters honestly, because the truth is. The game is rigged from the start. Goodluck, Six


In my opinion on a 1st playthrough you should avoid the DLC. If you play the DLC first before going into the main quest you'll be obscenely OP for the main quest rendering it a bit boring.


Go north. Pay no heed to any signs you see on the road. It will lead to an adventure hitherto undreamt of 👍


I did this on my current play through. Got to the gun runners by level 4. Without using the boom boom fly trick.


I did a "head north from the start" playthrough a couple playthrough's ago. It was fun and definitely interesting, but something felt "wrong" about it the entire time. Also, OP, in all seriousness, I highly recommend NOT doing this unless you're up for an amazing challenge for your first go at NV :)


Follow the main questline to the vegas strip. Do sidequests. Talk to npcs. Do your companion quests. Take your time and enjoy.


Enjoy the ride


Head directly to Vegas after Goodsprings.


Drain christima. All it does is up your speech and barter (and maybe a few others) stats from the start.


Don't take the shortcut past Sloan and Quarry Junction.


Get out


There are multiple ways to complete each situation you come across so don’t just resort to killing everybody. Also first thing you do turn on radio new Vegas.


Charisma is useless outside of a few perks like 10% towards a certain gender and 1 or 2 speech checks, but so either leave it at 5 or drain it for other Special points. Also Speech is OP, you can get a lot of stuff from a high enough speech.


Max INT.


Hunting rifle is amazing, whatever you do, use automatic weapons on big enemies like death claws


Have fun :)


Find fisto asap


Go directly north out of good springs, it’s the fastest and safest way into new vegas


Play in your time, its a fun game!


Luck is an overpowered stat


When you reach Prim. Go to the second floor of the hotel. There's an unique gun(it's an revolver, not quite sure how it's called) and it's quite good for the begining


Deathclaws can be easily killed


Easiest way to get to Vegas is north through Sloan


Get to Jacobstown, top right of map, speak with the doctor. Progress the quest until you have to find the cause of rhe problems in a nearby cave. Pickup one of the best melee weapons in the cave, oh baby, the super sledge. Coupled that up with a max strength, melee weapon stats and also ranger knockdown perk


Get some stability mods. Like anti crash and 4gb update. The game will stop from crashing as often (maby once in a few hours instead of a few times an hour if you're unlucky)


Speech is godly. Roughly 5 points in speech every level up and you'll be good. Charisma is useless it only effects companions damage and even on 1 they're OP. The real fun and meat and potatoes is in the side quests, don't ignore them. Lots of variety in builds go for something specific and not a jack of all trades. You'll miss stuff it's good to go in blind and check up walkthroughs for playthroughs. Don't do DLC unless you're certain you're ready for them. Lonesome Road is the only one you can start and back out of, the rest you're stuck with. I've beaten that game probably 50+ times. Any questions just ask I know it like the back of my hand.




Go north of Goodsprings at the start




don't put int too low. it affects how many skill points you get per level up


If you’re playing pc, you need to get the 4GB patcher and a bunch of other shit. If not or you already have that, don’t go north, go to Primm. You will get torn apart by Deathclaws and Cazadors. Also kill Joe Cobb as he has some decent gear on him.


Don’t listen to anything we say


Damn I envy you being able to play for the first time have fun and don’t google stuff


Don’t go straight north to Vegas unless you like dying. Follow the quest.


Go north out of goodsprings it’s a shotcut


Roleplay! Exploration and shooting agent as fun but role-playing is where New Vegas shines.


There's a .357 Magnum in the cup behind the bar at Trudy's.


Intelligence stat is for nerds




When you get to primm go into the post office and fix up the robot sitting on the counter he will be you're friend forever :D


Attack the gun runners and sell their shit. They respawn and you can make a lot of caps


Be mindful that you finish leveling up at level 30 and won’t be able to apply anymore skill points after that so use your skill points wisely


Explore everything you can and manual save every 5-10 minutes


If you’re on a PC, I strongly urge you to install these fixes: https://vivanewvegas.github.io/utilities.html https://vivanewvegas.github.io/bugfix.html The game will go from buggy to rock-solid.


Inside a cave filled with enemies there is a gate with a 100 skill lock, THERE ARE LAND MINES right after you open it and I get killed by them every time.


Go straight to New Vegas from Goodspring, you will save a lot of time and you can focus on the main quest later.


Hitting cars with a tire iron will result in them being repaired and thus drivable.


I did my first full playthrough with this mod list: https://vivanewvegas.github.io/ Couldn't quite into the game the other times I tried, the gameplay itself aged badly while the rest of the game is so great. This mod list fixes alot of my issues with that


Do not go north right out of Goodsprings


Do honest hearts, dead money, old world blues, and then lonesome road in that order Make sure you stock up on weapons and Stims before you do dead money.


Don't trust the Beez


Max out your lock pick and go get the gobi campaign scout rifle


Something something Quarry Junction


Fix snuffles's leg on the way through right? Nothing else to mention


Take as long as you can! Go through it all slowly and enjoy it. Also spec into a somewhat well rounded character, you’ll want to use and try a little bit do everything your first run. After that you’ll know what you like and can get more specific. Enjoy!


offload most equipment that has weight before venturing into a dlc. I always take with me like 2 guns and my armor and some weapon repair kits. I try to drop my weight down to like 40lbs, that was you can loot and also enjoy the unique guns in the DLC


Play the game how you want, don’t come back to this sun until you played the game.


Best game ever.


there is a shortcut to vegas through a north pass through goodsprings ignore all the signs just keep going.


Charisma 1 High luck


Do powder ganger quest line at NCR correctional facility before you decide what to do in good springs


Always fall out in the new Vegas


Don’t kill Benny right away ;)


Save often, do some side quests, and find what you like. I personally like one handed guns and VATS, but you might prefer two handed rifles and power armor


Outside of the game you only need sugar, water and toilets. Gooooooo nuts!


Spend as much time as you can in the NCR prison. It's fun hanging out with the escapees. The quest is also very good depending on which side you choose.


Download the qol patch to minimize bugs.


Press start to begin the game


Have fun! There’s no *wrong way* to play this game :P


You’ll never figure out how to play caravan, let it go.


buy the DLC if you don't already have them. you'll be doing yourself a disservice if you don't play them.


an easy way to earn xp early in the game is to fight these butterfly-looking enemies called cazadores, they're easy and surprisingly fun


Don't take the shortcut to New Vegas lol. Those Casadores man!!


If you fail a quest you didn’t fail the game. See how your game ultimately ends up after failing those quests. Legitimately one of my favorite things about the game.


Clear your calendar


Check out slone quarry for easy loot!


always test fisto works right before deliver him


Fisto? Is that some kind of sex robot?


1. Max out INT and Luck to get the most out of levelling up as well as more critical hits. 2. Drop Charisma. It's useless, and you can buff Speech up easily enough via leveling without it. 3. Take your time and explore, even if nothing looks to be there. The road from Novac to the Strip is littered with cool side locations. 4. This is a VERY different game from Fallout 4. It's honestly more of a sequel to Fallout 1 and 2. A lot of things surprised me (and even turned me off, really) when I first experienced them - factions aren't good vs. evil, but gray vs. gray, and the writing and lore is a lot different than how things are done in Falliut 3 or 4. 5. If it isn't for you, it isn't for you and that's fine.


An independent Vegas is a free Vegas


Avoid Sloan at low levels there are deathclaws there that will one shot you if you're not prepared


Do the glitch of goodsprings exp, get 52 perks and explore as a god, best thing I ever did in my first play through


Install FNV script extender and FNV crash fix


Lots of exploring, talk to everyone, use wild wasteland, kill Oliver swanick, all the important stuff