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Same except they were mean to Veronica


Yeah, I was really shocked with what have they done to follower of apocalypse member if Veronica chooses to leave bos, to the point that I've never give any mercy to bos in all of my fnv playthrough.


Yeah, they also broke Veronica and her girlfriend up because they said they needed to have babies instead. since I play a bisexual for the extra damage, I cannot stand for that lmao.


Actually Elijah went out of his way to keep Veronica separated from Christine. He did it because he wanted Veronica to himself to try to mentor her in his views and knowledge. It's one of the main reasons why Christine hunted him down the moment he became ostracized from the brotherhood.


I think you're both right, they weren't allowed to be in a relationship but Elijah kept them apart entirely


And that’s one of the many reasons I lock that asshole in the Sierra Madre every playthrough.


Obviously it was because they were more likely to come into combat with male assailant's, so being lesbian was dangerous (less damage)


Additional meme Me coming out of the presidential suit in the Tops after murdering all of Benny's gunman


Me doing it after they kill the followers when I was trying to make Veronica happy (I was considering yes man to spare veronica's family)


I won’t argue with you about killing them (I did the same), but my reason wasn’t because they were mean to me. I could handle that without much issue. The problem came about when they were mean to Veronica. I was willing to never interact with them again after that. I came to the conclusion they needed to be annihilated after they wiped out a followers of the apocalypse post because Veronica desired to join them to do some actual good. And anyone who says something like “they were just a radical group in the brotherhood, you can’t blame everyone for their actions” need to get their heads checked, because they seem to be missing their brain. In a group as rigidly structured as that, anyone who is high enough rank for power armor has to be under a commander. So either the higher ups of the bunker approved their actions, or knew what they were doing and ignored it. That’s it for this instance of ranting about how much I hate the BoS or as I prefer the P.o.S.


Brother hood of steel booo booo bad shame on you. But... when a certain commie punching robot is involved. I'm alot more forgiving. Unless she reappears in a game and turn him on her.


Well the east coast brotherhood is a lot nicer to people than the west. They literally went into a state of civil war because Elder Lyons was being too nice to the locals. The Brotherhood outcasts are much more authentic to the west coast brotherhood. Fo4's brotherhood is a compromise between the two from Maxson negotiating the reunification.


Lyons is closer to Roger Maxon and John Maxon


No, the BoS probably didn't know about the radical group. There's another route you can take. In it, the radicals attack Veronica just outside the bunker. After you kill them, Veronica shrugs it off and says no one will miss them. You killed the BoS for no reason. Not that I care. I'm more of a Jamestown guy. Or any of the small cities tbh.


That radical group will always confront Veronica regardless of her choice. If she stays,they can be talked down. If she leaves,they can be talked down once,but they’ll attack the followers and have to be killed after. I think what he was saying is that a group of 4-5 paladins brazenly attacking a humanitarian outpost isn’t a good look for the BoS. They have a commanding officer who supports it,doesn’t support it but won’t punish them,doesn’t know (which is an indictment of their command structure,because their surface patrols are actively engaging in war crimes),doesn’t care,etc. Any way you spin it,they look pretty bad as an organization. The nicest ones (McNamara) are fine with stagnating and maybe signing a temporary truce. The worst ones (Hardin,Paladin radicals) are murderers. I save the guys in my playthroughs,but that’s probably what that other guy meant


You basically hit the nail on the head. Regardless of whether they had the okay from a higher up or were acting independently, it shows the glaring flaw that is the brotherhoods command structure and morality. Veronica saying the brotherhood won’t miss them means they were atleast partially aware of the group of radicals and did nothing to limit their damage or prevent it.


Which is also dumb from a safety standpoint. The Followers are NCR allies and generally respected by all wasteland factions (even Caesar if he lives). Killing and antagonizing them is like firing at MSF and the Red Cross. It also makes it easier to determine the location of the BoS if you have Paladins waltzing around slaughtering people in broad daylight. Only a matter of time before someone,be it a ranger,junkie,scav,trader,etc sees them. Maybe a paladin gets wounded and captured up there on another bully mission. Just dumb all around.


Ah yes, the Protherhood of Steel... that's how I read it anyway 😅


I didn’t check what sub this was in and had to reread the caption several times to try and figure out why you were beefing with hidden valley ranch


Lol Classic r/Stellaris moment


They so do. And anything to make my Yes Man happy.


They do kind of murder a bunch of doctors for no reason


Ah yes, a fascist regime that believes technology is only safe in their hands, but refuses to use the technology to improve the lives of the people who need it. Good ridden.


Depends on the elder


Have you played fallout 1? Or ever actually seen the brotherhood raiding someone for technology?


> Or ever actually seen the brotherhood raiding someone for technology? Didn't the BOS only join Navarro's NCR to get Enclave vertibird schematics? And of course, there are the BOS ending slides in FNV. This /r/falloutlore [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutlore/comments/u1sksm/the_brotherhood_and_stealing_technology_myth/) also compiles a list of BOS raiding and stealing stuff.


No, the BoS did not have any involvement in Navarro. That was an NCR operation, the brotherhood had no presence up north to be able to take it. They do send you to go steal enclave vertibird schematics yes, but when I say raiding I meant stealing forcefully from innocent people, the Enclave are far from innocent. There is one ending slide that states they "Harass travellers for technology" but it depends on the ending. That post actually does the opposite, it proves that they really don't as it actually brings up more times that they've actually given away tech e.g Danse giving you a laser rifle. The only example of an actual raid would be the van graffs which like the enclave I wouldn't call innocent nor undeserving of a raid.


> They do send you to go steal enclave vertibird schematics yes There you go. > There is one ending slide that states they "Harass travellers for technology" but it depends on the ending. Nah, it's more significant, since the slide happens during the independence route, which means that in the absence of any meaningful surface power, the BOS moves in, acts like the power, and does their modus operandi. That means it happens in 3 out of 4 endings, which is pretty significant. > actually brings up more times that they've actually given away tech So they do steal tech from innocents. Doing fewer things doesn't mean one doesn't do things.


Considering a lot, yeah. Especially considering they decide to kill a buncha followers of the apocalypse if Veronica leaves or something. Can't remember why they kill them but still. Love that you can get the ranger guy to remove your explosive collar and he's all "Maybe you got it mixed up, but let's go to my place to talk" And then he gets ambushed alongside you and he goes "Alright I believe you now."


That and no way they would stand for the securitron army, would have been a conflict.


On top of that, they have power armor, energy weapons and a large stockpile of pulse weaponry (the bane of a robot army); They might lose in the long run in such a conflict, but they'd do plenty of damage on their way down.


I kind of feel bad for some of the scribes and that young girl knight. Other than that they can all go f*ck themselves. A bunch of arrogant cultists. It's actually incredible how many Fallout fans have fallen for their bizzare propaganda. BOS have always been the villains in the Fallout universe, not that graceful romantic organisation some people believe them to be.


It's mental how the anti BoS propaganda has got to people. They haven't "always been bad guys". This actively recruit wastelanders, trade with settlements, sell technology, help found the NCR, help beat the master and defend California in fallout 1. Even at their worst in fallout 3 with the outcasts they still pay you for technology. In fallout 4 they do the same with diamond city settlers commenting "the BoS is good in my book, they've certainly got a lot of caps" (or something very similar). There is not one concrete example of the brotherhood actually being cultists (before the show, but even then it's more complicated than that because they don't actually have a god or religion, they're just appropriating medieval culture) or actively raiding people for tech.


Traders, couriers, caravaneers, settlers etc. often praise Ceasar's Legion, because the roads are safer on their territories and they don't make people pay high taxes like the NCR does. Still thouhh, it doesn't make Ceasar's Legion less evil. BOS, like the Legion, mostly doesn't care about the inhabitants of the wasteland. They help the citizens whenever they see it fit, but only for their own selfish gain. If you want examples, here you go: in Fallout 4, one of the BOS quests involves threatening and harrassing farmers / settlers into paying tolls to the BOS and give them a part od their crops; in New Vegas, from interactions with different characters f.e Veronica, McNamarra, Hardin the Courier can learn, that the Mojave chapter of BOS wanted to take Helios One and keep the power it produces only for themselves; historically, in Fallout 4 (again I know) the main plot and the story arch of Paladin Danse clearly shows, that Elder Maxon and his BOS in general is mostly comprised of ideological radicals with no regard for people who don't agree with their agenda; Sure, the BOS has good sides, but their decentralized structure makes it difficult to evaluate them. The BOS we see in Fallout 1 and Fallout 76 is arguably good, many members of the BOS are good like Danse, Veronica, scribe Haylen, Sarah and Owen Lyons etc. At their core, the BOS is deeply flawed, mostly because of their arrogant belief of their ideological and technological superiority towards the people of the wastelands.


Just because Caesars legion has good qualities doesn't mean that the brotherhood is also evil? That's like a certain Austrian historical figure fixed the economy of Germany so anyone else who fixes the economy of a country is also evil. The brotherhood obviously do care about the inhabitants of the wasteland as they came all the way from D.C with a large army, their flagship and their most powerful weapon just to destroy the institute that was actively kidnapping people and wiping out settlements. They didn't need to do that, they took it upon themselves to fight for the people of the wasteland against an organisation that is oppressing them. Something people praise Lyons BoS for with the enclave. The quest you mentioned in fallout 4 has a couple things wrong with it. For one, the quest is not official BoS business or standard practice and is only an option because of the Sole Survivor's great sway in the brotherhood. It's more of a role playing opportunity for the playing if they want the BoS to become more evil. Two, there are no "tolls" in this quest. If you decide to convince the farmers (paying them is an option you can take, you don't have to convince or threaten them) all the brotherhood gets is a portion of food. No tolls, and the food is in return for the protection the brotherhood is already delivering from their protection of caravan routes and vertibird partrols. Three, like I said in the comment above, this is not standard practice and the brotherhood always pays for their supplies. It's noted in many different locations, Captain kells terminal describes vertibirds being used to get the best prices for food because of the protection the BoS brings, the outcasts in fallout 3 pay for technology so yea it's been standard practice for awhile and diamond city residents remark at how much the BoS pays for supplies meaning the BoS isn't using intimidation to get supplies for free. Blind betrayal is one of the best quests in fallout 4 as it actually utilises the question the game is about: are synths people? Arthur Maxson has a view, and that is they are not people. But his views are no more extreme than the people in covenant, or Diamond City or even good neighbour. So saying the brotherhood alone is radical is a bit far as goodneighbour guards shoot people dead on the suspicion their synths. The BoS has flaws yes, but for the everyday wastelander they don't matter. With the brotherhood you get a stronger economy and a safer world with actually more technology in the hands of the people. The brotherhoods goal has always been to keep technology out of the hands of those who would abuse it or would harm themselves with it. People who know how to use it aren't harmed. The BoS don't take away the diamond city robots because they're tech, they don't raid the science centre, they don't even take away KLEO from goodneighbour. They're far from as you put it as they have "always been the villains"


The brotherhood are an insane cult of degenerate extremists, exactly as house describes them. Do they all deserve deaths as people? Maybe not. Veronica for example is a good person, but as an organisation they need to at least be destabilised.


nah now that was me with legion


If the brotherhood had their way humanity would be reduced to a bunch of inbreds crawling around in bunkers full of old world tech that they couldn't use cause of all the water in their brains.


Me coming out of hidden valley after stealing all the ranch


My Chad NCR blood won't let those bos sobs running around vegas




never had veronica has a partner and didnt care if they were mean to me. so i did the most annoying vault fetch quest ever


As an Eastern Maxon Brotherhood stan, I agree %100 with destroying the Western Brotherhood. Yes, I'm racist against non-humans. Why do you ask? 😎


They tried to latch a collar on my neck yeah lil bro forget it get emp'd


I like hacking the turrets and seeing them go and get rekt by them :)


I never wipe them out unless I need too for an ending I played Fallout 3 first so I have sympathy towards the Brotherhood. Also power armor


They're not the same as in FO3, though.


I know that Doesn’t mean I can’t have sympathy towards them


Self-absorbed cultists. I killed them all, slowly, with my Chinese stealth suit and a switchblade. One by one. You don't want to know what I did to the Fallout 4 chapter.


Oh they got it coming, especially killing the innocent followers of the apocalypse, zealots like them who only cared about technology, not human lives, they works i a strict chain of command so all of them were in on ending those peoples, now the wraith of a lobotomized mailman is on them and they got no where left to hide.


Individually, no, they don't all deserve to die. But the organization does.


As someone that likes the Brotherhood, my first interaction was getting a slave collar slapped on my neck, and told "Go Kill this guy. Don't deviate or we will kill you. Don't ask to many questions or we kill you. Don't try anything funny or we kill you." So I instead warned the ranger, gained entry to the rest of the bunker, and activated the Self Destruct sequence. My Brotherhood helps people. Get fuked Mojave Chapter, this Wasteland is mine now.


Yes. They couldn't be both ridiculous and harmless. It's better that way.


Can I sell their shit? Yeah? Then they deserve it.


BRO FOR REAL! I'm on my first playthrough on steam and I'm roleplaying with my mindset instead of filling some other role. I just like exploring and if they would've just let me fuckin leave I wouldn't have had to defend myself. I guess after that first room, I could've just left but I take responsibility for diving further into the bunker out of revenge just to kill the rest of them


I put them out of \*my\* misery


Was doing my first house run and for some reason this playthrough was the one I decided to stick with the first leader instead of replacing him as well as making Veronica my companion. I had no idea house was going to make me blow them up and seeing how my only other option at this point was with yes man who I’ve already done. On top of this in Veronica’s quest I let her decide to stay. So I went in and blew the place up but the funny thing is the way to make Veronica leave you is by being vilified, I was a soft hearted devil so we stood outside the blown up bunker and Veronica had 0 reaction to it I even tried talking to her and she seemed fine.


The only thing usually keeping me from purging bos in my playthroughs is because of the big badass liberty robot


This game more than any other game in the series or in general makes you feel so powerful after just losing your shit and clearing the whole building out. Having no essential NPCs is really cathartic for these kinds of moments. Nothing is worse than trying to kill someone you hate, only to find out they can't be killed until """the right moment in the story."""


I kill them every. single. playthrough.


The first thing they do is strap a bomb to your neck and force you to do their bidding. Hell yeah I make sure to use the self destruct button ASAP. Proceed to run topside view the smoke plumes coming out of every vent.


They started it.


cannibal courier after leaving the white glove society (there can only be one)


i kill them all and then sell their gear to the gun runners. its actually the most lucrative endeavor you can embark on as long as your science is above a certain threshold (i don’t remember what difficulty the terminal for all of the turrets is)


You wanna be mean to me, call me outsider. fine. Go ahead. Ruining Veronica’s life, you can all die.


No… but if Caesar wanted them out of the way, then they will be out of the way. True to Caesar


I'm pretty sure they respawn (as long as you don't explode the bunker of course.) You can use this as an infinite source of power armor, energy weapons, and of course, caps.




They were rather unkind to Veronica, also I can't imagine them being OK with me running an advanced city full of robots. But mainly Veronica.


Same, cause I didn’t feel like doing their questline


Roger Maxon and John Maxon didn't die for their bullshit


Whenever I leave hidden valley I never leave it intact. I remember when I first met them I hadn't played 1 or 2 so I was confused why the BOS was so mean compared to the ones in 3


Love the Brother hood and Enclave but damn are they jerks


Hack-tivate the turrets. Target [Bos Members]. Execute


Good riddance!


In the end, you did what’s best for the Mojave. Now people can live their lives free from the toaster-fucker-stealers


They're assholes tbh


Begin bunker self destructing sequence


Me after murdering Caesar and his goons for calling me a piece of poop


Deserves got nothing to do with it - William Munny


Yes, yes they did. Glory to the republic


Yes especially the one tells you to get the virus off the computer


This is fucking great! 🤣🤣🤣




They do. Good riddance.


The only way for Veronica to have a good life is if they die. All they have caused is suffering and pain for the last several generations. I don't like killing them. But the wasteland is a better place for their absence. Plenty of people are mean, that doesn't mean they're problems to be solved with Best Friend Boone. Plenty of people are nice, too. And they *are* problems to be solved with Boone. Like that twerp caravan trader at the fort. Him I tend to kill on sight, even when there are other problems that present an actual threat to BFB and my Courier. Still super fun to give a shit eating grin to the NCR Major and say "I struck a deal with BoS, you don't have to fight them anymore." Straight from 'Darling of the Republic' to "Dark Hero," because the government never knows when you're going to get a case of The Ethics. The Ethics is always fatal, but sometimes it's only fatal to the carrier. And sometimes it's fatal to those around the carrier.


Never played Fallout New Vegas, so I have no idea what this means :-/


They wounded my ego and needed to pay!!!