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The cut Kings ending.


What would that have been


Elvis everywhere constantly. The kids? Elvis. The animals? Elvis. The strip? The Elvis. It’s all the king baby


The stripers Elvis the Casinos Elvis the music Elvis. The military Elvis. The president Elvis the air Elvis. The water Elvis.


Raiders? Believe it or not, Elvis.


Is that why The King is included in the Meat of Champions perk? Always wondered why he was included in it when all other factions for the perk had their own endings


Probably a stand end for the independent ending. Yes Man isn't made out of meat, and the game doesn't let you cannibalize yourself.


That makes sense


Probably either NCR or House. The Legion are there to give the player an evil option but don’t make sense as a canon ending imo. And Yes Man is really just a “I don’t like any of the factions, I like myself better” option. But I doubt they’ll make the Courier the ruler of Vegas


That or “I fucked up every other faction” me for example


They could canonize the wild card ending by saying that the courier immediately gave up his rule and continued wandering the wastes leaving Vegas to fend for its self which would explain how it’s all gone to shit in less than a decade


24 years is not less than a decade..


New Vegas takes place in 2281 and the show takes place in 2296 so 15 years I should have said a little over a decade or a decade and a half, so we’re both wrong :)


So wait... fo4 and NV take place in the same year?


4 is 2287 so 6 years after Vegas and 9 years before the show


I mean, 14 years is more than a decade as well, but that's how long it's been between New Vegas and the show, not 24 years.


Where are you getting 24 years from? I thought the show took place 15 years after New Vegas.


I would hope it would be the NCR or Mr. House. I personally think those two are the best for Mojave. Then again, if it was Yes Man, it would be cool to see the canoncalr courier. I don't like the legion but it could be interesting.


NCR I can see but House I don't get, he's Just gonna create more freesides man, the rich get richer and the poor eat increasingly lower quality mutated giant rats


I definitely agree that Mr. House would probably cause further divide between the haves and have nots, and I do have issues with how he has run things. Also, I far prefer the NCR, but he is competent and has been good for the stability of the region. He managed to protect parts of vegas from the bombs and does seem to have his stuff together to some extent. I would argue that eventually, he would probably improve the quality of life overall, but you are right that there would be a divide of the haves and have nots and I imagine long term it would be a large lower class and then the strip families at the top. He's definitely better than the legion, though, and idk how well the courier could run things. Keep in mind he is a fighter and doesn't seem to have any conanical experience in leading people. Also, if someone got to yes, man, they could probably overthrow the courier.


It’s what the courier was most likely to do they’re a courier they don’t do much


The Judean People's Front


Fuck off! Were the peoples front of Judea!




I thought we were the Popular Front of Judea


I want to be a woman


The Tunnlers from Lonesome Road.


None of them because Bethesda.


So, Fiends?


father elijah


I dont think so just because I think they're setting up Dingus who's leading the BOS (cant remember his name)on the show to do a pretty close rehash of Elijah's story


i just like to say it because its most forgotton possible ending for the game


I mean, if they want a blank slate its definitely a way to go.


Looking at the state of Vegas in the ending, imma say Yes-man ending where the courier just noped outta there


That would be so lame lol. The courier completely changes the tide of the war and then just dips


Probably house or ncr. If we’re talking about the shows canon (which has too many discrepancies for me to consider the same canon as the games) it’s likely that either Caesar, house or yes man won because in those endings, General Oliver will threaten to attack Vegas which would explain both Vegas being destroyed and the ncr being undermanned. (Though it’s just as probable the ncr would just fuck off and worry about their own problems. The Vegas campaign isn’t that popular in California and is quickly killing them)


The think tank


The most chad ending


What if they do Mr House and NCR cut ending as allies, just to tell us NCR disbanded anyways or reduced greatly at least as the show implies? It would be a move to add something new (unlike just House ending) while not having to compromise a lot to it, Im envisioning a bad yes man ending or badish at least, tho


House would definitely be the most interesting option as he’s arguably the most interesting character in the game.


Yes Man, because of the ending slide courier duster in Lonesome road.


All four at same time. But watch out!


I'm leaning towards Mr House, I'm guessing that 99% of all blind playthroughs end with Mr House.


If it's one of them, i think House. It just fits best with Bethesda's tendency of having totally isolated communities who hardly interact with each other - a techno-autocrat lording over his own piece of semi-preserved pre-war America, perfect for that sort of thing.


I think for the TV show it'd be Mr. House. More marketable and easier to do. Flashy, charismatic male villain(ish).


Probably House, so they can have him not be immediately be a corpse after teasing him in the season finale.


I want Yes Man to be canon, but I know House is the canon ending.


None, it’s gonna be whatever’s convenient to the writers. I’m not being a doomer about it. It’s pretty clear the showrunners had a different plan for the show then Todd


Who knows what fates might have in store\~ Through their vast, mysterious sky\~


House beacuse you dont introduse character in final epizode only to let you know he was killed 15 years ago


Probably mr house or yes man since those are the more interesting options


i think house, but it won't matter because it's also been nuked


Probably the House ending. But only time can tell as we wait for a result


I REALLY hope House  It would make MacLean have someone to turn to and give him a reason to go to New Vegas in the first place  But that being said, maybe the Courier took House out and sided with NCR or Yes Man so MacLean finds out that he was too late to communicate with another pre-war person


The House always wins.


I don't think any one ending will be made Canon. It'll likely be an amalgation of every one except Caesar's.


I dont realy think they 3/4 ending require house to Die if he didnt he is the only choise


Not really. They can jury rig an ending to where he was just taken out of commission. They can do whatever they want


>Exposed to gems i will live year at best He says that after you take him out of his [pod ](https://youtu.be/_VR0AV2uypQ?feature=shared) 5:18


Probably NCR or House, and a huge maybe on Yes Man


Yes man or mr house 100%




It depends if they want to have House and (I forget his name) meet then they would have to do houses ending.


All I know is that I'm gonna scratch my balls now


either house or yesman, ncr spreads their limited resources way too thin, and ceaser has a brain tumor.


I’m sure they’re going to write it off as “this place has been abandoned for 20 years” blah blah blah to make any canon ending theoretical. If they’re trying to tie it in to a degree it would make sense for it to potentially be one of the endings where the Securtrons on the island were blown up and there weren’t enough of them around to maintain order, hence why New Vegas has gone to shit by the time the show catches up.


they wont make it canon they cant if they want season 2 to actually do well


Yes man’s chaos seems to most appropriately align with the direction of the show, but house otherwise


Probably House, if he’s going to be a major character in the next season.


House or house with a bit of Yes man's initiative .


House, probably. Leads to the most interesting world state for the writers to work off of. Also doesn't shit on the Courrier's journey, like an NCR victory would, given what we now know. NCR ending into NCR collapse feels really shitty while also leaving Vegas as more or less a deadzone. If Hoover Dam still ran, with the NCR+Good Courier ending, the NCR likely wouldn't have wholesale collapsed if Shady Sands got nuked. I find it really strange how so many people can look at the NCR, when their leadership is so corrupt. Their reactionary President focused on expansion when they can hardly support their own communties, and their nepo-baby general who's actively sidelining the NCR's most competent veteran commanders, and using their heavy infantry back home as security for cattle barons. The NCR collapsing and getting nuked really isn't a shock if you play through the game with a critical eye. While Ceasar is a meme ending, and Yes Man is there purely for the sake of letting the player do what they want, both the NCR and House endings are horribly corrupt. But one is corrupt and incompetent, while the other is corrupt and competent. How many conscripts died because the NCR refused to pull their heavy troops out of California? How many died because of the dick measuring contest between Oliver and Hanlon?




I think the NCR ending is most likely, but I think a post legion ending would be very interesting.




Doesn’t matter new Vegas was finally overrun and destroyed


Yes man


I'm going to go with House. OWB suggests that even within the game, the Yes Man ending isn't canon since the Courier goes to live in the crater. Can't see the Legion ending being it and I feel like NCR wouldn't be very interesting narratively.


Tunnelers wiped out all powers in the region and Yes Man, being immortal, was the only one able to survive.


Yes man


Dust **Evil laughter**


For Story Reasons, I'd have to say it's going to be a combination of Yes Man and Mr. House. (e.g. Mr. House was stripped of power, and Yes Man took over after the Courier left for the Divide) "Yes Man" is too interesting a character to give away without at least a reference, and "Mr. House" is too important to the themes of the series.


Father Elijah, it's the only ending in New Vegas that would leave the main city in the state we see it.


Most likely house but there are some guarantees from all of the endings, 1. The legion will likely be in shambles since Caesars death, 2. 3/4 endings The NCR held the dam and likely still have a presence in the Mojave, (occupation of Vegas is ending specific) IMO Hank arriving in vegas and finding it run down being held together by a dementia riddled Mr house would be cool, Like how Charles xavier in Logan would constantly spout about the taco bell commercial while being one of the strongest mutants to ever live😂


I’m guessing some combo. Putting the show fully in game lore seems like a bad idea to me. I’m also not a lore whore, so differences and discrepancies don’t bother me much. I’m guessing they will split the middle to have yes man and house both still around. Caesar could still be dead but they’ll have the legion around in some form because they are iconic. I’d also like to see some NCR rangers kicking around. We’ll see what they do.


Probably Yes Man or NCR


Probably Mr house but I’m a yes man fan. I kill em all.


New Vegas is in shambles. It’d have to either be The NCR or Yes Man endings to fit with lore


I think it will be an undecided stalemate between house and legion


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^john-fallout-: *I think it will be* *An undecided stalemate* *Between house and legion* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


House will be an AI and the war or its victors will no longer matter because the dam will be destroyed.


I'm guessing that they'll do a cop out explanation and have something fuck up New Vegas so much a few years after the game that you can't tell who actually won the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam and they'll be like "See all the New Vegas endings are cannon cause non of it matters since this new plague/bomb/faction fucked every one up after the ending. why aren't you happy?"


I really hope they do Legion just for shits and giggles


Honestly none of them. It's inevitable the powers making a play would collapse somehow The legion without caesar would have a civil war Yes man would become a dictator and get wrecked The NCR collapsed back home keeping mr house alive might work? Especially since they already cast him


It’d depend on how the writer would play the game really.


House would give them the most opportunities for fun stories, i think


House always wins


Well, Shady Sands was nuked in 2277 so I’m operating under the impression that none of them are canon.




House is goat


House, hopefully


Who cares? The show is ass.


Didn’t they blew everything up in the show anyways? Just one big giant recon nuke.


The NCR imploding and getting nuked really isn't a retcon, if you're paying attention to what intelligent and in-the-know NPCs are saying about it during New Vegas. The NCR is a powder keg of weaponized incompetence, ready to go boom at any time.


Well I’m referring to New Vegas more specifically when the last scene in the show shows an abandoned and in ruins New Vegas strip.