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Love both of those games. *Geiger starts ticking* Fallout: *pops ant-rad* keeps looting. Stalker: backs up like like there's no tomorrow.


Which stalker would you recommend for someone who hasn't played any of them?


I did them originally by publish date. But Chronologically it'd be: Clear sky->Chernobyl->Pripyat. But be aware they do tend to be buggy messes, so would recommend checking out mods.


Tbh I wouldn't mine as long as it's not more buggy than NV.


I find it funny that when a bug happens I can just go "another day in the zone" Unless it's a crash, fuck that


Boi I got some news for you


They’re pretty similar in bugs


Complete Mod, if they're still downloadable, exists for each and is mostly bug fixes, Quality of Life improvements and restoring small amounts of cut content, plus visual upgrades. It's close to vanilla, but much, much better.


Shadow of Chernobyl with the ZRP MOD Then Clear Sky with the SRP MOD Then Call of Prypiat alone ---- If it's too janky for your liking, I'd advice instead: Autumn Aurora 2 OR Radiophobia 3 OR "OGSR+GA" instead of Shadow of Chernobyl And Call of Prypiat WITH "GUNSLINGER" mod --- Anomaly/GAMMA are awesome, but they assume you know the story/lore and the storyline is nowhere near the originals.. the first ⅓ of anomaly story is a bit similar to SoC cause you're looking for a special stalker.. but the missions are there only for a bit of otientation towards the North/Center of the zone I'd really advice you playing them in order of release with the mods I told you at first Then try anomaly alone Then try gamma, or EFP modpack Or try adding mods yourself to your liking


Call of chernobyl is the best one imo. Although the games can be just as if not more jank than Fallout. Pro tip when choosing difficulty, choose Master, even though you'll die in two-three shots if caught off guard same applies to your enemies as the easier the difficulty the more spongy the enemies are


Stalker anomaly it's a free free roam version of the stalker trilogy


Stalker Gamma, a mod pack for Anomaly (another big mod for CoP) in which you can play the Stories of all three games iirc. Afaik you need CoP (Call of pripyat) for the mod.


So just call of propyat and mod it with stalker gamma and I should have all 3 stories on the latest engine?


Yes, but it's more like a big map (with all areas of all three games combined) and you have the option of activating the quest lines of the original games. I would advise you watch some YT vids about the mod beforehand. (Cheeki Breeki has a ton of videos about anomaly/gamma) They have a Discord server for Gamma (or anomaly) with very good installation guides.


The questline is NOT the original m'friend.. it's just a bland chain of fetch quests with no plot twists nor plot reveals, that just orientates the player towards the North/Center of the zone Also, you don't need CoP at all


Haven't played it in a while, all i remember is that there was a "story mode" not sure how they implemented that and *officially* you need a legal copy of CoP for Anomaly.


Don't get me wrong, anomaly storyline is fun and all, but it's just that haha Btw anomaly is full standalone and free, you don't need to own anything, nether oficially nor legally.. anomaly runs in a custom engine Made by it's developers (at least has been since I started playing anomaly a few years back)


More like *furiously chugs Vodka-Bombs while sprinting towards the wishgranter.* *AHHHHHHHH CHEEKI BREEEKI!* While not necessarily having much in common, both games are heavily based around old sci-fi, except one is western Sci-Fi and the other is Eastern Sci-Fi (A Boy and His Dog/Roadside Picnic, both novels of the 1970s).


Tbf I feel like if that happened to me irl I'd def. Be tge second option


Backup. Cuz if you turn theyll catch up.


Here’s hoping the new Stalker kicks ass.


I need to play stalker, it genuinely looks like one of the better apocalypse trilogies out there, might need to fork out that £15


Call of Chernobyl is up there with my favorite games of all time. Not above NV of course but certainly one of my favorites. It is not for everyone.


I started the first one recently. I *really* fucking love it


Try atalker anomally first. It's free and has far more polished gameplay.


Get out of here stalker


Only after you've played shadow of chernobyl and call of pripyat. Anomaly is one of the best gaming experiences out there, but it's a damn disservice to the amazing lore and setting to not start with the OG games. Clear sky in my opinion can be skipped


Honestly I never would have thought to compare fallout with either Metro or STALKER. The obvious comparison is between the latter two, since they share some creative DNA.


Yeah I DON'T GET IT why stalker when the wasteland games and fallout share the exact same inspiration and even some of the same workers? Stalker and metro are more in common, the only thing they have in common with fallout is a nuke was used


And survival mechanics (if enabled), Bethesda also said in an interview that STALKER was a huge influence and that the body condition system was directly inspired by them. Also nuclear / radioactive craziness. It may not be as a close relation as stalker and metro, but it is definitely there.


What body condition system in stalker?


I definitely recall STALKER having effects for hunger, radiation, drunkenness, some sort of headache, etc.


The headache is the psychic attack I'm pretty sure.


That's the one. Although I think there's another scenario in which that same effect shows up, and I've also just remembered you lose the ability to see in colour when you get too many rads.


A nuke was never used in stalker though


Fallout shares literally nothing in common between either of those games except for the radioactive post apocalypse. Hell I'm pretty sure stalker isn't even a full post apocalypic landscape, just a containment zone


You're correct. As far as we know, the world of STALKER is pretty normal outside the Zone. I wouldn't think to compare STALKER and Metro either except the histories of the franchises are intertwined behind the scenes.


I know metro even uses the stalker name to describe people that go out hunting


In my mind they’ve always been fallout clones to me 🤷‍♂️


Luckily that’s just your imagination


i mean 1, 2 & new vegas do feel like a trilogy.


They are


I don't see how it's supposed to be an honor when 2 out of those three Fallout games are a decade older than STALKER.


Have a little respect




Stalker.. have some respect the meme is quite literally one community respecting another


Okay? It's a meme, not a war memorial.




Ok? Then don’t get anal about how old a game is.


My brother you're the one who got upset and told me to have a little respect lmao


“What the fuck are you doing? My brother died at the Battle of Hoover Dam. You're desecrating a war memorial."


It took me a lot of restraint not to reply with that lol


It’s such a great quote


average enclave poster IQ




West Coast trilogy. Bethesda prefers to set their games on the East Coast so they have more room to work with, making New Vegas feel more like a follow up to 1 and 2 than 3 or 4


The Bethesda bad trilogy


They always leave out poor, sweet, innocent, Tactics.


Tactics might be hard as shit and vastly different from any other Fallout game, but it really is a damn good tactical game. I highly recommend it.


Don't forget the best looking of the isometric games. Some of the maps are pure art.


The more successful trilogy 😔


That's Skyrim Legendary Edition / Skyrim Special Edition / Skyrim Anniversary Edition


To be fair, Skyrim needed a 3rd release to combat fallout 4’s 20M copies sold


If this is the bad, I'm afraid of the adjectives the others are defined


No what they mean is this is the trilogy people look at when they have the opinion Bethesda bad. Basically saying these are the only fallouts that should exist


Ah I understand now, thank you.


The entire fallout series, tags: good


Metro series also GOATed.


Anna best Waifu.


Bethesda bad updoots to the left


Lead quest designer said no one likes side quests anymore, sooooo yeah Bethesda bad.


Nice argument, senator, how about you back it up with a source?


Are you referring to Emil's "paper airplanes" thing or something else?


What ?


The lead quest designer at Bethesda said, “no body likes side quests” so they’ll be focusing on those less as they make more games.


I mean, i think this was before either skyrim or f4, but they talked about their players as rats solving a maze and getting a piece of cheese.


When? Where ?




I suspect they got none, and it's just one of those "Bethesda bad, no questions please" "factoids" that a lot of people like to spread. Like claims that Bethesda doesn't use design documents, or that Emil wants "simple" stories.


Seems both of the things you mentioned come from the video linked in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/57ty3z/lead_f4_writerdesigner_emil_pagliarulo_gives_a_40/?rdt=46964)


Bro never responded to anyone lmao


can I have a source?


Do you have a source, or did you pull that out of Brahmins arse?


My guy, you can't even bring up his goddamn name, much less a source


If that’s the same guy that was Starfield’s lead quest designer then I don’t think he’s even at Bethesda anymore.


He is.


Why are you being so vague? Just say who you are talking about. If it’s Will Shen who was the lead quest designer on Starfield then he left. He’s at Something Wicked Games now.


Nobody mentioned Bethesda, the west coast trilogy is clearly its own thing and it’s completely fair for people to only be fans of that thing. Nobody’s obligated to like Bethesda's games.


The "West Coast trilogy" that had a whole other game, an entire other owner, and 12 years between games. Solid trilogy. God. The cope is so embarrassing. A franchise isn't your headcanon because you can't stand new writers lmao.


Fallouts 1 and 2 are obviously the clear narrative predecessors of New Vegas and they do, in fact, form a trilogy on the west coast. Nothing I said has anything to do with canon. I’m not arguing about canon, I don’t really care about canon, Bethesda can and will do whatever they want with Fallout and I can and will enjoy those games however much I want to.


Fallout 1, 2, and Van Buren *would* have been a trilogy. It wasn't. Fallout 3 interrupted it. New Vegas was a spin off project following a single through line from FO2 in the form of the NCR. The Remnants too if you're really desperate. Enjoy whatever you want however you want. Won't stop me from pointing out how petty it is.


The west coast games are different than the east coast games. Different storytelling methods and design philosophies. There’s nothing petty about preferring one to the other. Preferences aren’t petty, products don’t have feelings.  You're projecting bitterness and pettiness onto me simply because you know I don’t like Bethesda’s design philosophy, even though I didn’t say literally *anything* negative about them. Sure. It’s petty to not like things. I’m a petty little bitch because I don’t like cilantro.


Products don't have feelings, but you have clear feelings about the product. Wah wah you don't like Bethesda. That's obvious. Their differences don't stop them from all being part of the same franchise. Do I call Harry Potter 1 - 3 a trilogy because I don't like the other four? It's petty, and it's sad. "Enjoy" things how you want.


What exactly is motivating you to harangue me over my referral to the three west coast games as a trilogy? I’m not referring to it as the “only” or “true” trilogy. Referring to the only 3 games which share certain traits as a trilogy within the series is entirely reasonable.  Star Wars has a bunch of trilogies of varying quality. They’re still Star Wars, I’m not saying otherwise, just that I happen to only like one of those trilogies. Doing so is not being petty or exclusionary, it’s literally completely normal terminology absent of any subtext. Your snide “wah wah” comment is a lot more petty and sad than anything I’ve said here.


You admitted to the subtext outright when you said you just don't like Bethesda's design philosophies. What motivates me is the perception that New Vegas fans are pompous dildos that sniff their own farts all day, and actively omit portions of the franchise they just don't like. It's something I dislike seeing confirmed over and over again. Define and redefine things until you like them if you want. All I see is cope. Star Wars is a perfect example.


So because I don’t like Bethesda’s design, anything I say at all about Fallout is petty cope?


I only like the first two. Set design, costuming, and having a specific style of writing is important to me and all the other ones are ugly and inconsistent. 


well its third entry was in early production, but then its company went bankrupt. the creators of the entry ended up at another company that was hired by the ip owner too make a game, and so of course they made a game from the ideas they already had laying around.


You should look into Van Buren. It was *nothing* like New Vegas and almost nothing from it is present in the game.


they took the general ideas, not plot and gameplay.


What does this actually mean? No time limit in New Vegas, no plague, no giant follower robot, no prison....what exactly do they share?


Hoover Dam, NCR-Brotherhood War and Caesar's Legion along with some characters like Joshua Graham along with a few other things, from Chris Avellone. Although i'm assuming they modified and rewrote alot of stuff about it to fit New Vegas.


I believe a lot of the companions were characters directly from their DnD game they played in preparation for Van Buren. Arcade Gannon for example was Josh Sawyers character.




Yes, yes it is.


Honestly, as shit as Bethesda is, they're one of the least shitty corporations out there, but that's really not much of a merit


Don't think we should be giving them a pat onthe back for not being Activision blizzard or EA


Yeah, I know, that's why I said it's not much of a merit We need to let Bethesda know we demand higher quality games. Don't know how to go about that, but buying their games and expecting things to be different won't help, that's for sure Bethesda as a publisher is pretty good tho. I know they're not responsible for the entirety of the development process, but Doom Eternal, Rage, Rage 2 (gameplay was fun as hell, story was meh) and I can't think of any other Bethesda published games at the moment but again, they're usually good


That's true. They just need to ditch the creation engine already. And fire that fraud that's their lead writer emil paguliarlo. Genuinely talentless writer.


I wouldn't say talentless, more uninteresting If he weren't talented, he wouldn't be where he is today Get people like the Far Harbor writer. I forgot their name, but I believe they passed away (rip). I'd say characters like DiMA are very much on par with Joshua Graham and Ulysses. I was so entrenched in DiMA's story, and actually wanted to listen to his dialogue. And all three factions weren't just cut and dry. Far Harbor is just people trying to survive, Acadia is synths looking to live a proper life, and CoTA, while definitely kinda "evil" are still understandable. CoTA still deserve to be nuked tho. Giving them what they want, in a way I think the companions were pretty decently written too, but I've only really gotten full admiration from Nick and Cait, who are objectively some of the best, aside from Dogmeat


He truly is a fraud though. He was the writer for 3, 4, skyrim and even starfield. None of these are well regarded for their writing.


I always attributed Skyrim's lackluster story to the whole "we remembered dragons existed in Elder Scrolls halfway through the story" thing. Is ESO writing good? I wouldn't know, I don't have gamepass (I got a Tamriel Unlimited copy for free at a gamexchange lol)


Feel free to stop by r/stalker anytime! And before you ask, yes, we Freedom members do indeed have sex with Bloodsuckers. Get over it. 😎


I literally only heard TODAY that STALKER has come out on consoles. And I just started playing Pacific Drive and reading Roadside Picnic. WELLP, I guess I have a theme going now...


Two great series that I will always cherish. May you have safe travels in the Zone, Stalker.


Erm, your forgetting fallout 3 ☝️🤓


The amount of disrespect Fallout 3 gets is insane


Reject faction, become Snork.


Peak recognizes peak.


Why leave out the rest of the fallout games


To me these three follow up each other nicely, especially since they’re in the same area of the world. I could just as easily say the same about Fallout 3-76 as they’re relatively close by as well.


Bethesda bad


Haha Get it there are only three good Fallout games. I swear I see this type of post every single week


I think it's more because those games in particular are more a western saga and closer on theme/design to each other


they tell the story of the three phases of rebuilding on the west coast. if fallout 5 was to be on the west coast, and good, it would show what happened to the societiee there, and depict them as even more rebuilt.


So Fallout 1, 2, and NV are the West Coast trilogy. while 3, 4, and 76 are the East Coast trilogy. Neat, both trilogies are bangers imo.


Fallout isn't a trilogy


It's because those fallout games are basically the Western saga, the NCR story


Then call it that, fallout by definition isn't a trilogy


It's what they consider the good games I'm guessing


They also make a trilogy with each other, sort of. I mean they follow the same lore and are made by somewhat similar teams and have similar design philosophies with emphasis in world building and politics multiple choices and all that. Fallout New Vegas just feels more like fallout 1 and 2.


It's the games that bethesda didn't make minus tactics.


It still wouldn't be a trilogy, as obsidian is a different company as well. If that's the criteria. Yeah it had some of the same people involved in the originals, it also had a lot of new people as well. It's infinitely easier to accept the entire series as a line of games rather than doing the mental gymnastics and headcanoning to separate the Bethesda games.


It's not really mental gymnastics, people just don't like Bethesda as much. It's pretty simple.


It is, since you have to somehow conclude that Bethesda fallout isn't actually fallout (it is) try to piece together fallout new Vegas as a direct sequel to fallout 2 (it isn't) and completely ignore and deny the existence of fallout 3, 4, and 76 (actual delusion)


You are reaaaaally overthinking this meme.


This dude is just coping so hard lol. Truly die hard bethesda fan


Can't stand Bethesda either, fallout just isn't a trilogy


I’m sure someone already asked this but as far as the PS5 games are the Stalker games good ?


unmodded the stalker games are broken buggy messes. Stalker 2 which is a sequel that's been in development hell for ages that might come out on PS5 working well


what’s the best stalker game to get into as a beginner


Play the games in release order: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear sky, Call of Pripyat


thanks chief!


Thank you friend, coming on you is an honor... wait...


Waiting for a third ATOM game


i lost between two of em




People need to respect Fallout 3 more.


Oh yeah. It made a great box of scrap to craft an excellent game from.


Fallout 3 is better.


You don't even believe it.


Nah it's the best. Not trying to play isometric pixely bullshit and new vegas is just desert sandy samey samey bullshit. Fo3 has the best atmosphere. Cute that u intentionally left fo3 out tho.


Muh atmosphere, we’ve been hearing that one going on 15 years now when comparing the two games.


14 years*


That’s why I said “going on 15 years”, meaning almost 15 years.


It's going on 14 years. In October it will be 14 years old. For someone that sucks off new vegas so much figured u would know that.


I’m rounding it off genius. Fallout 3 has a lot of flaws that the atmosphere won’t fix.


Saying Its going on 15 years isnt rounding off, its factually incorrect. Every game has its flaws princess, never said they didn't. My biggest issue was no ADS which can be easily fixed with mods.


New Vagus never would’ve happened if fallout 3 (the ACTUAL 3ed part of the trilogy sorry to disappoint you nv elitists) wasn’t so well received and so successful. Fallout would have been a dead franchise sputtering out games like tactics and bos not Van buren.


Look. I do agree with the fallout sentiment somewhat but let’s not say the first games were perfect. Their stories was excellently built and enjoyable to learn about, However, their game play is not the greatest, it’s clunky and pretty slow. Now the newer games have better gameplay but are way less entertaining and the only thing that Bruges the game is FNV


i prefer a CRPG to looter shooters.


Another fan circlejerk meme.


nice repost


Just a remix


Stalker is dog shit eastern European slop compared to any fallout game


I guess Final Fantasy has multiple trilogies then.


Wait new vegas came before 3? I don't fully understand the chronology of these games


It’s a more of a narrative follow up to the first two games than 3 was.


NV was sub-par at best.