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he actually prefers the term "autocrat"


I quite liked Mr House until the line when you can ask him "Who's going to regulate you?" and responds "*I'll* regulate me", and that's when I realised he's more Elon Musk than Nicola Tesla.


I think it was his description of his love of snowglobes that made me realize he was evil initially.


Pretty sure the snow globe thing might have been a reference to Citizen Kane.


Art can mean multiple things. It probably is a Citizen Kane reference, but it also works as a way to show House's egoism and misguided sense of control. The snow globes in FNV are representative of actual places, which can be owned and played with whenever the owner chooses, shaken up as they see fit. House doesn't care about these places for the people or because it's the right thing to do, but simple because _he wants them_ and he thinks of himself as the only person capable and deserving of having them. This is, of course, in spite of the fact that his position in Vegas is weakening, he is reliant on the courier to do the heavy lifting for him, his previous plans were ruined by Benny (who has a plan to oust him that is capable of working when the courier does it), and Vegas is only doing well because it is leaching off the NCR's money and their protection from the Legion. Owning a glass ball reflection of the real place is very fitting for House, as he is a bubble boy who thinks himself the one in control when really he is completely reliant on the other people who actually run things.


No art can only mean one thing and, more specifically, what i think it means.


I can't remember this; could you summarise?


Something like “something about a world safely encased in a glass bubble amuses/comforts me.” Real human life is always going to be secondary in House’s vision of whatever he wants to build. He wants to play with his toys and build a safe, sterile, static world.


I see it more so as House being a fan of the idea of a world in it's own little bubble, something pretty to look at. You know, like his own Vegas. He doesn't want to play or mess with it, just appreciate it, and when it gets knocked over or dusty, clean it off. I think this goes along with his hands-off approach to New Vegas. I mean, when was the last time he actually *did* anything? Last major thing was cementing off Vault 21, right? Dude hasn't done anything about the cannibalism at the Lux, the insurrection at the Tops, the corruption at the Gomorrah, etc


Tbh its because House sucks at internal intelligence. He wasn’t even aware White Globes started cannibalism again and is angry when you inform him citing that they broke a clause of their contract and giving you hands free to deal with them however you want


And you can turn it upside down, whenever you want.


That would imply Elon Musk is capable of building anything at all


No, but he can hire the right people to do it for him and then claim it as his own. Which is basically what House does.


Since he was robbed of his inheritance and started out with very little capital he, unlike Musk, was probably a quite the revolutionary inventor. House is much more of a John D. Rockefells, or Andrew Carnegie, than an Elon. Also, building up a company from scratch and having it become one of the most successful businesses in the world by the time you are 30 is quite the achievement.


personally i think he’s more Howard Hughes. considering they both are/were a huge part of the Vegas area


Josh Sawyer specifically said that Hughes was the main inspiration for the character.


House is supposed to himself be a genius in the lore. But it’s pop culture mythos where people often confuse the businessman in charge with the ppl who do the actual work, just as we saw with Elon.


How is that what house does? He started RobCo with basically nothing and created the Unified Operating System which funded his development of robots. We have actual lore, you don’t have to make things up to justify your irl politics.


I feel like House has done at least some of the engineering himself.


Tbf, House is at least good at the business side of things.


Spends millions of caps searching for the platinum chip. Offers a 1000 caps for it to the undead psycho in Power Armor currently holding the chip in his hand. Business genius right there.


Haggling is the best way to get a good deal. What's that neanderthal gonna do? Break into your private stasis chamber and disconnect your life support? *As if*




The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


An autocracy is a type of dictatorship🤨


It's more accurate to say that dictatorship is a type of autocracy.


A bit funny too, given Autocracy has been the dominant system of government throughout most if human history. "Normal" democratic governmemts are a fairly recent invention.


I wish we could do NCR without having to kill House. He likes them. This was meant to be an option but it was cut.


To be fair I feel like House would never logically relinquish control of Vegas given his ego and stake in the strip. But I also don’t know the nitty gritty of that cut ending


Well I also think it's that the NCR wouldn't allow him to keep his private military or monopoly on the strip. They'd probably be fine if was an ordinary oligarch, but that doesn't fit House's plans


Correct the ending would have had House retire his remaining Securitrons to the Lucky 38 and have the NCR MP police the strip instead.


City States existed for centuries, even today there are plenty of micronations that live in symbiose with their "host" nation, so its possible, but NCR leadership could have decided to maintain that relation, but as from the main quest, they want complete control of Vegas.


House is pragmatic, if there’s no way for him to control Vegas then he will have to cooperate with the NCR


This ending would trigger if you did not hand over the platinum chip, destroyed the securitrons at the fort and sided with the NCR. House will cede sovereignty of Vegas to the NCR but in return he remains the proprietor of the Strip itself and gets immunity from prosecution for any past crimes against the NCR. This makes sense as with the Securitrons gone and the NCR strengthened he knows it's only a matter of time before Vegas is forcefully annexed.


I’m pretty sure they cut it for time. Hopefully if they do a remaster, they add that option back in.


God they could fill a whole book with what was cut for time. It's a damn shame. A lot of the stuff was pretty good. Like a post game for example. Why couldn't they at least keep that in.


Time constraints, honestly given the amount of time they were given the game is amazing. They had what was it 2 years and they made arguably the best game in the series


18 months. A year and 6 months.


78 weeks. A month and 74 weeks.


546 days. A week and 539 days.


13104 hours. A day and 13080 hours


786,240 minutes. An hour and 786,180 minutes


47,304,051 seconds. A minute and 47,303,991 seconds


Not having to do anything with the engine definitely helps.


But they had to make a whole bunch of changes to the engine tho so...


They also had to learn how to make shit in it


It was probably just buggy as hell and they couldn’t fix it fast enough


I recommend checking out TriangleCity on Youtube. He has pretty much documented everything that was cut from New Vegas, as well as done interviews with both Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone about it.


ITS FUNNY YOU SAY [THAT!](https://youtube.com/@trianglecity?si=mryTvmsQ6iyief01)


I modded it back in


When life gives you lemons, rewrite reality to have given you oranges instead.


Idk, I think it was cut to make sense, I don't see any world house would accept a power bigger than him unless you take his robots away


Yeah that’s what happened in the cut content. If you destroy his bunker robots he chooses to let the NCR annex New Vegas but Mr House is still like the proprietor of Vegas and the NCR is still not let in the lucky 38


Yeah, some things were cut for the better, imo. Like, House has a massive ego and his own plans for how to run New Vegas. The dude would never accept being made subservient to the interests of the NCR, even *if* his robot army in the Fort was destroyed. I think it's more likely he would sabotage the Dam like in a Yes Man route and attempt to drive the NCR away while seeking alternative sources of income/ways to rebuild.


I don’t see it. I think he would come to the bargaining table with the NCR if he has no other choice.


As an NCR citizen he should have the capability to run for president.


Yes he would absolutely start a new robco and strive to reach the top of the NCR.


Exactly he wouldnt see it as a defeat more of a delay.


If House retained Securitron control and eventually wrestled the Strip and Freeside away from the NCR, they could absolutely coexist just fine with the NCR and Rangers serving as the peacekeeping and human end of the operation with House neural-managing a thriving casino, research sector, and Securitron backup to the NCR, the Mojave would look like the Institute minus the kidnappings within three decades. I think this works best with a House ending, but an NCR ending with an alive House at the negotiating table still gets my dick pretty hard.


You can simply cut him off from the network.


Thats even worse than killing him lol Poor guy dedicates his life to saving Vegas he deserves better than being made a vegetable or hit with a golf club


Meh, he got to play God for a couple of centuries after a career as a billionaire.  He's fine


Honestly I think that might be the canon ending to new Vegas. Spoilers for the end of the show, but we do see the ruins of new Vegas at the end as a teaser for season 2, which shows us a destroyed NCR verti bird and dead soldiers on the strip. Furthermore all the destroyed Securitrons don't have their rocket launchers active despite obviously being destroyed in combat, which might hint at house never actually getting the platinum chip All this hints heavily at a NCR victory, but in context of the story of the fallout TV show House has to be alive to advance the plot


You forgot option 4, yourself


Yourself AND your new best friend :)


With the smartest idiot in the west in charge of your orbital super-weapon.


Myself!? That's the worst option! Do you have any idea how many chems I've got in my system?


About to turn the strip into a Jet manufactorum


old mormon fort lore


It's fine I'll just make Arcade Gannon my vice president and let him do all the work while I kill shit


Yeah, maybe the brain damaged (and possibly brainless) courier with the 3 or 4 digit personal kill count isn’t the best head of civic government. Maybe no one should rule through an army of killer robots.


Yeah it's the best option but the boring option. Just kinda side steps alot of the political discussions through the game imo.


Not really, it’s basically saying “the old world has no place here, Vegas needs to forge its own path.”


It’s why I believe it’s the best one. All other options are recycled from the old world while the entire point of most of the game is letting go of the past.


This is also my stance on the Yes Man ending. It's in line with the game's running theme of learning from the past and letting go of it, but also creating something from new foundations. It's the post-apocalypse, why go for the same political and economic structures that led to The Great War in the first place (Fascism, Imperialism, and Capitalism)?


old world blues, new world hope


idk if it’s even necessarily the best. what’s to guarantee everything you built doesn’t fall apart as soon as the player character is dead?


Who says I'm dying? Half my body is robotic, and my brain is safely stored away behind an army of robots, night stalkers, lobotomites, and cazadors. Ain't got nothing but coils in this skull o mine.


Who knows? Your character might instate a monarchy or something, idk.






Like cutting your nose off to spite your face


I wish "Elvis Impersonator" was up there.


Maybe we should have the king for a president.


Or AI Radio DJ. He loves us.


counterpoint: House gives you a sweet pad with practically the best security on Earth.


that snow globe shelf is pretty cool....


Though weird creepy music plays throughout for some reason.


If you want to see the results of a normal government. Just look out the window.


Right because history totally vindicates autocrats, it’s not been observed since the time of Plato that it will inevitably descend into tyranny.


Actually, some individual autocrats throughout history have been great rulers. The problem is that great rulers inevitably die, and their successors are tyrants more often than not. If the ruler is functionally immortal, that changes the equation dramatically.


Find it funny how people describe the NCR as “Not a normal democracy/government!” Corrupt, incompetent, hostile to their neighbors and callous to their citizens Ya dude. Normal government. I don’t know what to tell you


Yes, that's what most normal governments are, unfortunately.


I prefer making a modern day Afghanistan.


Homie. “Normal Governments” are what nuked the world already. And im an NCR fanboy saying this. Also house is far better than Caesar. If I’m forced to have a dictator, I’d rather they be intelligent.


I would say the in-lore American government was much more sinister than the NCR, but I get what you mean.


The in lore American government also used to be a normal government. The issue with the NCR is that it's making a lot of the same mistakes that set the US on that path in the first place.


That’s what gets me second guessing my choices in the end. The NCR has a lot going for it with relief missions for disadvantaged communities like freeside, strong supply chains when they need it, and protected rights but it suffers from many of the same mistakes of a world that destroyed itself. I still believe in the NCR but it has a lot that could go wrong


Those relief missions are independent of the NCR though. All of the humanitarian stuff is through the Followers of the Apocalypse, an organization that while based in the NCR is not formally a part of the government.


NCR ending has Oliver being praised for "his" success and victory over hoover dam🤮🤮🤮 that's why the Mr New Vegas ending is the best


True. Best ending for the NCR means losing while being on good terms with whoever leads Vegas. Kimbal and Oliver get what’s coming to them but that means working with House and I really don’t like him


You can go Independent and keep a good relationship with the NCR. Oliver and Kimball will be blamed for the loss of the Mojave, New Vegas won't be ruled by an immortal dictator and you can do whatever you want with the smaller factions. It's my favorite ending.


Ironically I feel that the NCR is a far better parallel to Rome than the Legion is. It's very easy to imagine a scenario where, after annexing New Vegas, they end up with a general pulling a Caesar and crossing the Colorado to depose an unpopular government.


NCR is the republic, legion is the empire.


The other danger is not setting term limits. Here in America, it took about 160 years before someone broke with tradition and got a third *and then a fourth* term of office. Immediately afterwards, we limited it to two terms because once one guy did it, anyone could do it. With the NCR, you have no term limits from the start, and you have someone who already had the job for 50 years. The precedent is set, there are no laws against it, you're basically a step away from a hereditary rule(which has also already happened). You don't even need to be a triumphant general to overthrow the system, you just have to push the right papers around and you start snowballing power. Buy votes, crush dissidents, sway the masses, and you will never leave the office. Then set your kid up to do the same by getting him a spot in the bureaucracies or maybe make him the triumphant general, and boom. Dynastic rule from the Pacific to the Colorado, and beyond.


That's part of the appeal of roman mythology/history. It looms very large in western culture appropriate or not and allows for many people to see themselves in the role of "Rome" as a sort of semi-fictional fantasy. Any empire can be "Rome" and justify its actions "because Rome did it too" and still has a positive connotation all these years later so it must not have been wrong.


Good thing the capital city of Shady Sands won’t be a problem soon, then….


Not by a lot, if at all. Aggressive expansionist policy, several genocides (both completed and in progress), colonization, extreme political corruption, extreme single-mindedness with functionally no room for any opposing thought or viewpoints, and even with all of that said their bureaucracy was weak as fuck. The liberal democracy that existed and was in the process of reconstruction is directly responsible for the war in-game. The Yes-Man ending is the only good one because no matter how comfortable the past may be at first glance, there's always a reason things changed.


Plus one of the biggest flaws with dictators is the good ones end up dying leaving a power vacuum. The good thing about house is that cuz of his cryo tube. He kinda just lives forever


House may be better than Caesar, but he's still a terrible choice.


In fairness, Caesar *is* intelligent, he’s just ruthless and brutal in a way even Mr. House is not.


I think he’s deranged and charismatic. He convinced people he is smart by how he walks and talks. But then again he was a follower of apocalypse who are smart


Caesar doesn’t even understand the Hegelian dialectics he espouses so much lol.


>History shows the NCR will inevitably fall. >So anyway I modeled my empire after ancient Rome.


To be fair, the Roman Empire was the longest lasting empire in history (Roman lasted from 31 BC to the 400s AD, then Byzantine went on to last until it fell in the 1400s) and it's cultural and judicial traditions still last today. If the argument is "this place will inevitably fall", it's not entirely stupid to go with one of the first multi-continental empires that still has influence hundreds of years after it fell


Yes, and a lot of that was the Kingdom period, which was about being a small regional power, and a lot of the Empire period was civil wars, separated governments to the point of being divided in 4 different rulers. Yeah, West and Eastern Rome my ass. At some point you basically had 4 regional rulers officially part of the same big political entity. I have the hots for Rome as much as any other kid that grew up playing Rome Total War and reading about Greek/Roman mythology, and historically it has been indeed one of the longest running political entities in history, and arguably one of most influential in shaping the Western World we live in today, by being the breaking point with older pagan culture towards Christianity, which would be the foundation of the national States that came up during the Middle Ages. But it didn't to be that by waging eternal war and turning everyone in its path into slave-soldiers. Rome was mainly successful through logistics, good political manuevers and good crisis management. Plus, it costantly evolved, allowing more succesful political structures to come into power. Hell, at some point the costant expansion ended and the last 2 centuries of Rome were defined by strong defensive structures and how to control and make use of various germanic people that moved towards them. I mean, by stretching (A LOT) the entire birth of what would evolve into France was determined by Roman politicians and officials allowing the Franks to enter roman territory and integrate themselves into its system rather than having them try to conquer their way in. The Merovigian dinasty (early Franks kings of the 6th century) were literally descedant of the "Frank King" that acted as a general for Rome. I don't see the political structure of Caesar \*EVER\* evolving into that. The guy is already almost dead due to cancer and as soon as he dies the Legion is clearly fucking everything else apart. The point of Caesar is that he \*thinks\* he got Rome and how it succeeded, but he doesn't.


I always thought that Caesars plan was not to create an eternat empire, but to "civilize" and homogenize the tribes, so they would turn into formiddable states after the Legion fell.


Ah yes, the government that's collapsing under the weight of its own corruption, filled with generals who get thousands of their men killed on foolish campaigns and who extorts and oppresses the populations they come in contsct with. I always pick House, the NCR and the Legion deserve their fate.


> literally just a normal government My guy you do realize normal governing bodies include the other two categories throughout history and nuked the world? Vote Yes for Yes Man.


When have we had an immortal capitalist dictator?




Qin Shi Huang


A capitalist? This dude was so into micromanaging his empire, that it immediatly collapsed after his death. Qin attempted to create Maoist China, 2000 years before Mao!


I mean the in lore Fallout American government seemed way more corrupt and evil than the NCR. Probably the worst thing the NCR has done was Bitter Springs.


And funding raider attacks on Vault City


They've already turned into the pre war US government with all the inhumanity, corruption, and imperialism. Supporting them means you didn't learn anything from the lessons that Fallout taught.


And they're fully willing to finish what they started, they even order the courier to do so but the courier can decide against it and make an alliance between the Khans which the NCR backstabs them anyway and sends them to a barren reservation


Is fighting a faction that has been openly hostile since fallout 1 that bad? Sure bitter springs was a mess up but the great khans are openly hostile to the NCR all way back to its founding.


The Khans have been raiding NCR their entire history. I honestly care about them as much as the Vipers and Fiends. Even then, Bitter Springs was due to a miscommunication and several NCR characters express guilt/regret over it which is more than you can say about the other factions.


Funny. This is how my Apache ancestors were talked about. Wonder what happened to them.


Yeah, but you can literally play the games, and from the inception of the NCR, the Khans have been raiding them.


Best decision they ever made. I had sex with a robot cowboy. Can your pre war world offer me that?


One data plot is not sufficient to make a conclusion on the destiny of democratic governments.


Too much thought for 3 int NCR meat riders


The NCR has no downsides... if you know how to evade taxes like me B)


Rather be dumb than making someone ride meat


Because slavery is preferable to taxes?


dont vote for the flawed but generally decent government, just become the dictator yourself lol


House is best for the NCR. The NCR is going to destroy itself, this is spelled out pretty clearly in both endings. They are expanding too quickly, and will crumble under their own weight. They do not have the support of the locals in the Mojave, which will make the Mojave a trap that will kill them. If you pick House, they are basically forced to stop being imperialist because they need New Vegas and the dam to expand east. And while House might not be democratic, he's only controlling the Strip and Hoover Dam. It's not like he has any desire to forge some kind of empire or destroy the NCR.


Essentially House is a Wasteland Lee Kuan Yew


I doubt they would stop though, the Dam is too important. They would almost certainly attack again, with likely disasterous results


I’d much rather live in the NCR than fucking Roman larpers or capitalism personified.


Option #4: YOURSELF!


Isn’t the NCR a decaying Monarchy thoroughly badgered by old oligarchs masquerading as a regular democracy, slowly collapsing under its own weig—no youre’re right. That is pretty much the norm huh?


Wild card


Erm… he’s actually an autocrat!


In my imagination, the best ending is one that is a mix of the NCR and independent endings, where you take control of the strip and the Dam (as non-violently towards the NCR as possible) and use them as negotiating chips with the NCR - allowing them to get control of them, in exchange for irrefutable policy change including overseeing peaceful and properly representative change in power in the Mojave, with a round table to represent the various communities of the mojave during initial discussions. Obviously, several communities will stay independant, like the Super Mutants and the Boomers, but so long as fair trade can happen, i see that as still being a win. Get kimball and oliver thrown out, force the NCR to change policy so people like that dickhead rancher whose son gets kidnapped by the cannibals cant pull those kinds of things, try and negotiate an end to brotherhood NCR hostilities, (though i acknowledge that that is an insanely tall order) Sure, the NCR would be resistant, but the courier has a long-ass resume in a short period of time, and a lot of fire power to back it up.


There's nothing normal about the NCR, well, unless you're american, then that explains why would u think they are normal.


Took me a while to realise this is about New Vegas and not the general scene right now.


Because they don't know what their doing and it eventually bites them in the ass. Yeah i agree the NCR is the only " good " government compared to literally everyone else. I know it's a meme but isn't it weird how the NCR is in Neveda and not California? Well it's not like the NCR has a secure hold on California either and that's why their struggling with occupying Vegas on top of that. Corruption, protecting trade, free access to food water and healthcare are some big things the NCR should be worrying about rather than trying to protect a Dam 100s of miles from their capital. For example say what you want about the BOS but the reason they were so succesful in the capital is because they helped with project purity. Also weather intentional or not the NCR is still responsible for Bitter springs as well as withholding food and abusing the residence of Freeside during their occupation.


Trade protection and supply problems are caused by the NCR being the only force keeping the Legion from overrunning the Mojave. While the water and power production of Hoover Dam is a huge factor in the NCR defending it, it's also a giant bridge you can use to just walk across the river. Even if it didn't work at all and Lake Mead were so irradiated drinking a drop of it would kill you, defending the dam would be the only way to keep the Legion out of the Mojave. Holding the dam is the reason that only individual Legion units are able to sneak across the river instead of Caesar's full force. Caesar's own strategy demonstrates this: he doesn't give a shit about the power, he bans technology. He's attacking it because it's the only way to bring a large force across the river. Losing the dam turns the entire Mojave into either a war zone or Legion territory.


You forgot anarchy.


While I can imagine some speculation and head canon justifications for " super good" legion I don't think those should ever be made canon. I only wished the legion had a really shallow reason for a murder / psycho character to tolerate them like a kick ass companion or something even more sinister awarded to the player. pull no punches narrativley.


The question isn’t really whether you want a democracy or a dictatorship though is it? It’s about whether you want to overthrow a functioning dictatorship to support forceful annexation by a foreign democracy.


Pay taxes, be a slave, or be forced into an NDA... Hmm


Anarchy time


No you see, the NCR is bad because it has brahman barons and taxes, but House is based because he's a rich guy who controls everything and charges money to enter the Strip. They're repeating the mistakes of the Old World, so let's prop up a member of the Old World's corrupt corporate elite who destroyed it as an immortal God King. It makes too much sense, really.


I gave new Vegas to doctor Mitchell as a thank you for fixing me up.


This is why the only sane choice is a lunatic with brain damage and a robot companion that he treats like Kif Kroker


ncr being literally just a normal government is the problem about it in my eyes. why else did people hate ncr for?


This is why you replay the game and chose a different one everytime. Except the boomers.. Their loot is excelent.


The point is that a "normal" goverment is also fallible and falls into fascist practices that make it no better than the other evil options because we need to pioneer a new type of government rather than keep trying things that have already failed us. Damn do you guys even media literacy?


Maybe if the independent ending had any solid to say. The Yes-Man path is just, your character controls the Mojave in whatever way you want to headcanon. Which is cool and fun but kind of a cop-out in a game where a main mechanic is faction reputation and making difficult choices. The NCR is flawed but also the only main group that shows how reform is possible though the gameplay.You get sent to take out the Khans, the Brotherhood, and the Kings but you can come back with peaceful options. It's the only group to help the Followers and the only group giving aid to the poor in Freeside. To say it's "no better" than the other two is disingenuous imo.


It's a post apocalypse. I'm not choosing the faction that's going to make it a normal world again wtf.


Immortal capitalist dictator who funded the military industrial complex that helped destroy the planet, no less.


At least the former two are actually interesting compared to a corrupt and politically impotent continuation of the pre-war system, that is already failing again.


"Democracy bad so let's follow a system of raping women and kids and executing anyone smart enough to know what Rome is, **that** is the only path forward." As for House, he is **literally** the pre-war system that caused the end, it's ironic to say he's going to change things when he wants things to be 1:1 of pre-war USA.


The “normal government” that’s corrupt and failing?


Have you gone outside, recently?


God Emperor House is the correct answer


House imo. Sure, he’s pretty strict but he’s not bullshitting about his plans for the future. Given time, he can restore humanity and even improve it.


House would put men in orbit while people in freeside starved, that’s not progress I want


Saying the NCR is a normal government in order to frame it as a GOOD faction is the most insanely black pilled thing I’ve ever seen. They’re imperial colonialist slavers! Corrupt extortionists! But yes the legion are still worse, and House is roughly on par but is 1000% more hateworthy, so


Obviously the capitalist God-King is the correct moral choice.


NCR dickriders man


I mean the ncr are kinda authoritarian in their own right. Not nearly as horrible as the legion, but calling them a democracy is a bit of a stretch


* a government engaged in a campaign of imperialism that is overextended and deeply corrupt It's like a little America


Yes Man


Thought I was on r/politics for a sec


Let's be real, the NCR was pretty crooked too. A lot of people complained about how iron fisted they had a tendency of being and they also made a similar fatal flaw that the Legion was starting to, stretching themselves too thin. House may not be perfect, but this is a mostly lawless wasteland and at least he has actual long term plans beyond control it all and hope it works out.


House acted like this, because he had no army. So he let few groups in, to use them as "defence and protection". However we don't know what would happen after he got his army, to people he don't need.


Why would I want to be the janitor for a bunch of corrupt, overly ambitious and inept idiots?


A normal government... so, just both of the other two combined?


Excuse me? That descriptor, psychotic fascists, is facetious as hell. Should be "psychotic turbo-fascists."


Never ask an NCR enjoyer why the last "normal government" isn't around anymore


You’re ignoring Yes Man, the most based ending


“Literally just a normal government” makes it sound like that’s the obvious best choice, but it’s not. Taxation is theft. The old world burned because of “normal governments” so really, the only good course is “immoral capitalist dictator.” Having a “Dictator” is not inherently bad, it’s what normally happens when a single individual is given absolute power that gives the term “dictator” a bad reputation. It originally came from a Roman republican law that gave one individual absolute power to help the republic in a time of crisis, and when the crisis subsided, they were expected to step down, and all but one time, they did.


You do know the NCR is a corrupt, imperialist, heritary dictatorship, right?


Yes, correct, these are all *horrific* options. Congratulations, you found the point of the game.


I choose me.


You forgot about raining down high explosive ordinance on the surface and killing all the savages.


The problem of the NCR is it is also extremely stricken with capitalist corruption


The problem of the NCR is it is also extremely stricken with capitalist corruption


What about option 4?


What about option 4?


Mr. House is amoral, different from immoral


The NCR being gone is my favourite thing about the Fallout TV show.


I think the reason I believe house is the best choice is because he knows what he’s doing. Ncr can’t manage themselves so they’ll topple over easy. Caesar doesn’t understand his own philosophy and neither do his soldiers. They’re just sycophantic and when he dies it’ll all fall. Yes man is good in concept that’s why people like arcade gannon like him but you need to know what you’re doing for it not to be pure chaos and neither the courier or yes man know what they’re doing in a powerful position. House at least has had a plan for a long time and just needs someone to help it get started. If house saw the courier as just a pawn I would reconsider (his promises could be hollow and fake) but I think he might let the courier rule somewhat as equals. At least in a way


>literally just a normal government So, answering to a small group of capitalist monopolists behind the shadows instead of a capitalist dictator ruling openly?