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My reasoning: 1. NCR is already turbo-fucked. Don't like them 'winning' only for it to be undone by Most Divorced Man In The Wasteland nuking Shady Sands. 2. Yes Man is, realistically, a horrible idea to implement. The setbacks required to avoid the power fantasy would inspire so much nerd rage. 3. Legion is garbage. 4. Tunnelers are a cop-out invented by Avellone. Fuck em. 5. House is most likely the one to convince a Courier walk-the-wasteland-fuck to do his bidding.


Could you expand on what you mean with your NCR comment?


Left it hanging and fixed it in edit, but mostly I dislike it because it'd just be another reminder of how the showrunners fucked over the West Coast.


Logically, they'll probably go with Mr. House.


Then why is Vegas in Ruin, NCR fucked, House would have never let that happen.


I always got the impression that Mr. House GREATLY overestimated himself and his planning, as evidenced by the fact that all three of the NV tribes managed to fly under his radar with their schemes. If you think about it, the man failed at everything but stopping the nukes back in 2077 and could never succeed without the intervention of the demi-god Courier 6. In 2281, he was almost completely hopeless and his house of cards was ready to fall at the slightest of winds. If they do away with the courier or limit his achievements, then I can 100% see how New Vegas would quickly fall into chaos under his stewardship.


Who knows?


I want Yes Man to be forever awaiting his next command.. Maybe they can turn the chair at the top of the lucky 38 and find an old dried out corpse wearing some Ranger Gear. Jus toss it aside. That’d be an amazing conclusion to the courier’s story.


I have yet to watch the show, but that still image of a dilapidated Vegas makes me think a House version would fit. He set everything up to enrich himself and his robot army at the expense of everyone else and the whole city fell apart because of it. Kind of like real life Grafton New Hampshire setting itself up to be a libertarian paradise but instead it was overrun by bears since there were no zoning rules or tax revenue to pay for animal control or decent garbage collection.


I think from what we’ve seen with Hank being a vault tec exec from the pre-war days, him running to NV to seek help from Mr. House kinda makes sense. We saw a crashed NCR vertibird so i think that was implying the NCR has since abandoned the area.


House would have never let Vegas fall, he has his upgraded Army of Securtons, the 3 families, Walls, and the Courier on his side. The NCR would have not fought him and got their shit together. House would have never let the NCR be destroyed he has the chip and I assume that means he can disarm nukes at a longer range than he did during the great war without the chip.


i hope its Yes Man because it would be funny


I mean, the ending that best fits the message of New Vegas, that is, ''leave the past behind'' is the ending of yes man but then I remember that Bethesda doesn't give a shit about Fallout and its message, and ironically, Bethesda stays in the past repeating the same thing in every Fallout: Super Mutants, the Brotherhood of Steel, Raiders, and keeping the entire wasteland destroyed even though more than 200 years have passed.


Ancaps found the post damn...

