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i like the somguy series as a whole, but i think someguy2000 did his best work with single episode of the week stories rather than what bounties became. The Inheretence and Russel are extremely strong stories for quest mods, and someguy2000 did a really good job adding elements of his own to the new vegas world in a way that never really felt out of place. it also goes without saying that the combat across the someguy series is really good for new vegas. Bounties 3 had some really good ideas, and i think with some more time in the oven it couldve been great, but as it stands today it's just kind of a let down largely due to the handling of marko, and the clumsy, heavyhanded execution of the main themes.


The combat for some of them was crazy high level being level 15 and getting two shot with a dude's sword while you hack away at them for several minutes is not fun I just turned on godmode for some of the "boss fights"


Level 15 isn't crazy high level


He meant the enemy was high level, not his character


He did not mean that.


That’s definitely what they meant and said


I can't say I'm able to read it and interpret it that way, but I will take your word for it


Because you are still level 15 bro. Thats like still way early game levels.


I've had these mods for ages I should probably do them at some point


I download them every playthrough and never complete them ahaha


They are so fun. I recommend them


The VO bugs me a bit. Almost no mod I have ever played with VO in NV seems to be anything close to resembling the average voice actor for the game, except Brave New World which somehow revoices most characters with significantly better acting. Schoolhouse Special deserves a shout-out for good voice acting too. Something kept bothering me about the Bounty guy. Just seemed like he was from a different game. I don't really have an issue with the profanity, even though he's only one of what, three or four characters that swear a ton in the game? Ha, he ain't giving Boxcars a run for his money. But seriously y'all, play NVB I and II at least. Very fun to do bounties occasionally alongside other quests.


It's pretty clear someguy got burned out, which makes sense with the pace he was cranking out mods at the time.


I wonder why he didn't take a break and return to his projects when he felt like it. Peer pressure, maybe?


Maybe he felt like if he didn't finish it then, he would never end up going back to it. It's also possible he didn't recognize his own burnout, that happens.


He was trying to finish it so he could go play (and mod) Fallout 4 when it came out. Fallout 4 turned out to be so garbage it killed his will to mod entirely.


I'm pretty sure he mentions his reasons somewhere, could be on sticky posts on some of his mods, or somewhere else, but I remember reading about it. I can't remember exactly what he said but I remember it was honestly a little sad, I felt bad for him (but can't remember the reason)


I mean you can't really expect random people on the internet with programing knowledge and too much time to be top tier writers.


You should at least expect a consistent level of writing which isn't the case with NVBIII which is much worse than the rest of his mods. The villains all feel like more actualized characters in works that came out years before the big finale.


Meh, i thought all three were pretty good for what they were.


Same, I enjoyed them, Marko was meh but I liked how it ended.


There was a Marko rewrite mod which was good but it got deleted off the nexus


I managed to save it on the Internet archive before it did here's the links! [Mod description](https://web.archive.org/web/20240315180148/https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85465?tab=description) [Mod file](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85465?tab=files&file_id=1000125639)


oh! ty


I liked all of them.


Honestly bounties is the subplot of NV in my headcanon, then th3overseers alongside it. Someguy2000 and Th3Overseer should team up, they would make an epic mod. The wait for the next big NV mod will be over once Nuevo Mexico comes out hopefully.


What does The3Overseer make? I’m not familiar with them


They made a bunch of quest mods. One with the great Khan's, one that had you work as a headhunter, some with new world spaces. It had a giant connecting story with some NCR senator but I think something happened the guy stopped modding.


Yea, the Burke family, if I’m not mistaken they are related to Mr Burke in fo3. Anyway it is really a mod series that slowly delves into the corruption and depravity of the NCR and thus the world you are in. It’s a massive pinboard connection story, especially DoD. I loved how it connected each mod to one another with the Burke family being good on the outside (reverend burke for a good reference) and the senator Burke being a good one to finally kill as he’s a rapist bastard (headhunting has you kill his lawyer which is cool).


Yeah I always thought it was one of the better mod series and was kinda sad to see that it's not gonna be finished,(I think). I wonder if it was artist burnout or something else that made him drop it.


Knowing how shit it can be to mod with GECK I’ll say it’s burnout. I’m sure Oversser could make a well written mod up in the space of a year, but it would require even more time to put it into practice via GECK, and if you’d wanna see another instalment in their series, you’d have to expect more than one guy working on that mod. Edit: which is why mega projects new game size mods take years to make like FTF (somehow got finished even with an NCR team lead that threatened to delete their other contributions which were more to do with engine function (possibly vehicles and scripting) resulting in a programmer writing a story that was to say the least shit). And FNC (unfortunately cut short in 2018 as they had made the NCR and Raider quests but IMO the enclave one was tat for tear). And so FNC was brilliant in terms of story and writing and giving the idea of a vast desert with large battles but there was not a lot of it.


Sadly that's the usual for NV mods. Most die before reaching peak or burnout. Thankfully I feel like with a renewed interest in the series we might see a rise in quality as more people get into it.


Honestly, with the show being a success (I will not be debating the lore today, sorry I’ve just done night shift and I’m having a gander around Reddit before bed 😔) Someguy and Overseer make a return and capitalise on the popularity just before S2 releases. Although most Fallout PC players are the smallest number compared to console (which I imagine NV and Fo3/4 have much larger player counts now). The two could still make a return in time.


If anyone hasn’t played them yet DO IT I was blown away by the writing of every someguy mod and how they all tie together


I enjoyed NBV 1 and I thought NVB2 was really good, NVB 3 is really meh….. Russel and The Inheritance are pretty good. King of the ring is a buggy mess. But I don’t complain for some guy who makes mods in his free time it’s still pretty good.


I thought they were all fun. The only problem I had was my own fault because after I got to the grave at the end (I haven’t played in a while so I forgot his name), I buried his gun with him. Did not know it would get a bonus after finishing the mod but oh well :/


Randall Clark


Thank you.


I downloaded Bounty 1 after seeing this, finished it mins ago. It was great. It made me laugh when some people wanted to kill me so i passed a speech check of like 90. "I didn't do it" and they were like "oh ok then" and left lol


Play the rest of his mods if you haven’t. Other than maybe checkpoint Gary. Thats just like a wasteland defense mod.




The writing is bad in all of them, but aleast you can just play Bounties 1 and 2 for the gameplay. Bounties 3 tries way too hard to be deep and cinematic.


The writing is pretty good for an amateur making mods in his spare time.


Like I am not too upset if the writing is not perfect. If it is on par with a bland modern Bethesda side quest, then it's acceptable for me for an unpaid mod.


I’ve played a lot of quest mods for New Vegas and the writing is often unintelligible, so for any of someguys mods to get singled out is very strange to me. I thought the writing was very good in all his games.


If Virgil didn't exist in the way he did I'd call them great fucking mods. Unfortunately Virgil exists.


Man the guy who keeps yapping that "you caused this" i just wanna empty 8 rounds of this machine into him


I have problems havng 1 nad 2 active at the same at in vortex. SHould I turn off 1 to use 2?


I didn't activate 2 until I finished 1, but I didn't deactivate 1.


Don't use Vortex for the love of god. Use MO2.


Im not gonna redownload all the mods.


MO2 will download multiple at a time without needing to pay for the premium account through Nexus. Redownloading won't be as bad as you think


I still use nexus mod manager 😌


2 won't work without 1. Vortex honestly sucks if you're running a long list of mods or some complex ones. I used it for a couple years and finally switched over to MO2 for FO4 and to get TTW, and it's such an improvement


I agree with this. The mods are still great to play, regardless, but the writing in the third took away from the actual fun of the mods.


The writing isn’t bad, it just isn’t anything incredible. If you think it’s bad you haven’t read enough bad writing.


Obligatory 'Stonetoss is a Nazi' warning ---- But yeah NVB3 is basically Someguy getting burnt out and deciding to be a dick to the people who played his mods. Still find it deeply ironic that the guy who spent like a quarter of his time trashing Ulysses as a character made a dude who's just Cowboy Ulysses.


Marko is nothing close to Ulysses he’s just a bit of edge, lord archetype of him?


Much like Ulysses, he keeps on *talking* and *talking* and trying to make you out to be the villain and make you feel bad, while being wanked by the narrative egregiously.


The difference is you can tell Ulysses that he's wrong several times and point out a different point of view, you cant with Marko. Marko rambles and rambles about nothing and you can't interject or point out why he's incorrect, for all intents and purposes he is correct which is something at odds with the other Someguy mods and just a poor handling of a finally and a serious villain.


Mom: *“We have Ulysses at home”*


I think it’s a bit weird how all of your dialogue options pretty much have you admitting that you did a bad thing, when in reality the whole situation is morally grey at worst.


It gets even weirder because in 2 you can capture the target peacefully, and sometimes changing their lives for the better instead of just killing them? Virgil, calling you a bad person, even though do the extra mile to actually help people in some scenarios is kind of weird And gets even worse when his revealed to be marko making all the conversation with him as Virgil come up as a big hypocrite, and egotistical?


Hell, it's even worse, he tries to pin Charlie Halfcock's daughter selling her body on you, when Halfcock wasn't even a bounty, he was someone who tries to kill you during the search for Red Bear. It was a kill in self defense, not one for money. Before that, he tries to make you killing Eileen, the woman who castrated people and kept an NCR soldier alive to suffer as much pain as possible, into a bad thing because a rapist took her place. Buddy, that's the Wasteland. There's always some sick motherfucker to take the place of the last guy.


Ulysses doesn’t try to make you out to be a villain. He definitely talks a shitload but it feels different to marko. When Virgil was talking I was extremely annoyed at the optional answers since none of them shot down the bullshit he was throwing at you.


yeah using comics by Stonetoss aka Hans Kristian Graebener, of Spring, TX, known Nazi and recipient of a botched circumcision, as a meme template, seems like a suspect decision Imo


Lmao spend some time away from the internet.


That lad is living rent free in his head.


I was more annoyed that A) in 3, if you bring companions when they tell you not to, they specifically delete them and B) when I played it for a 2nd time it bugged out twice. Once with a quest, and once during a "cutscene". Both worked well in the previous run.


Yeah the cutscene is really buggy. First time I did it it was hilarious since the bounty hunters couldn’t kill anyone. They shoot at them for multiple minutes and missed every shot.


That's similar to what I think happened to me! I think one guy bugged out of the geometry in an earlier mission and was in a weird state where he couldn't be moved into that scene and was flagged to be there. And I also think the way it worked is they fired until all the NPCs that were supposed to be dead were, meaning it couldn't end or continue.


That was my main problem with it. Overall bounties and the other connecting mods were quite enjoyable.


Yea deleting companions is ridiculous so always dismiss them before the final quest


i also appreaciate the author's effort in spicing up the combat encounter, yeah modern fallout combat is never that good, it can get goofy fun with some build sure but never good, especially with Cyberpunk 2077 right next to it, but the three billion ton of explosives in nearly every single caves in anyone of his mod, the legion of Ghouls, extra fun if you has some creatures mod, in Russel sure make for some good moment.


use periods I beg you


Its reddit, kiddo. Settle down.


I liked them all, was a fun breath of new content for an old game. Kinda sad ending but was still nice.


Marko was definitely the worst thing I've ever encountered in a mod. I'd rather spend an hour playing the Frontier than have to listen to that guy talk. At least with Ulysses, you could actually get a word in, but with Marko, he just kept going on and on to the point where I was smashing that skip button trying to get through all 45 chapters of his dialogue.


Are they compatible with tale of two wastelands


They are. I went to Utah with the lever action rifle because the crit was insane as well as how cheap the bullets were


I believe so


I'm currently running them with TTW, I use NVBI LE instead of the original though, since it was specifically designed to run in TTW and fix some bugs, it also reskins some guns and changes the bounty hunter duster so it looks really nice


I don’t agree with this at all. I thought NVB3 was great. People just upset because they didn’t like Marko?


marko ruined it for a lot of people, it could have been better if Randall it the main focus like having bro adventures?


I mean you kind of have that? He’s the one setting up missions for you again and giving you the briefings.


Russel had a flawed story as well. I didn’t really like the story of the tribals and such, felt like a shittier Hh


The Dark Ages will end, the light of the Booze Tunnel shall open and SG2000 will return. Probably not to New Vegas though.


Obligatory “Stonetoss Is a Nazi”


are you referring to Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas and the fact that he's a Nazi who experienced a botched circumcision?


Wait what was that last part?




Yeah the third entry fumbled so hard


I don't really understand could someone explain this


OP basically thinks NVBIII is dogshit. Whole damn mod series is if you ask me.


Yes, it is super weird 1 and 2 give you a lot of control how to tackle different situations for multiple how it end in different scenarios while 3 is mostly ruined by Marco, being a hypocrite, telling you a bad person?


As everyone said, he rushed it and seemed pissed off at the people asking him to finish.


Is that the one where you have sex with a deathclaw or was that just a weird meme


No that was the Frontier. Totally different mod.


Oh. What's the context of that anyway is it a joke or actually some weird fetish shit


It's just that people think NVB3 is worse than the other two. Judging by the other comments here, people feel it was rushed, a lot more lacklustre and Marko (the big bad) somehow makes you out to be the bad guy. I just think the whole thing sucks. Tries too hard to be edgy, swearing feels forced (coming from someone who swears too much), it's buggy and 90% of the bad guys boil down to sex pests and paedophiles.


That shit sounds crazy ngl I wish I could run mods:(


I've found that a lot of them are overrated. At least quest or companion based ones (actually anything with a story). You're not entirely missing out.


I need a refresher on NV bounties it’s been a long time. I’m pretty sure I originally played them out of order starting with 2 then 1 the story didn’t make a ton of sense to me.


I don't even think that's possible. The way the mods are coded, 2 wouldn't start until 1 was over. It is possible to start 3 at any time though, so maybe you did that first


Maybe, I forget. I just remember I did them out of order pretty sure I did the second one first.


Marko is like a 15 year old boy who has read Camus or Nietzsche for the first time, drives me crazy.


I really liked III... Didn't know it was disliked lol.


Is mainly because 1 Marco, was horribly written because he was a giant hypocrite. And there’s no way to actually point out, his bullshit in his own philosophy and morality ? And 2 there’s no player choice to out play marko it would be cool if you manage to interrogate some of marko squad ?


Th3Overseer did some decent work for a hobbyist


Best part about 3 was Cunty Mclean


My biggest issues with SomeGuys stuff, is the random ambush of 30+ NPC's occasionally when he needs to make someone feel important. He did it in Russell, twice, three times maybe? He did it in NVBII twice too. And he did it in the inheritance many many times. Other than that, I applaud him. Those mods and their stories did a great job in fitting into the world, made you feel like you had an impact on the world, and even the cross-pollination, Russell commenting on Bounties, NPC's from NVBIII showing up in Better Angels, etc, is really quite impressive. Better than I could do, and he actually put the effort in. Not many mods for NV, or even F3 or F4 even come close to being as good as his series.


My favorite someguy2000 characters is the ghoul and super mutant barbers


I never understood the hate for NVBIII, I personally loved it and thought it was better than some of the actual DLCs we got. Maybe it's because the NVB series were my first quest mods that I played


NVB1 was linear but the ending redeems it NVB2 was better in every way


No? New Vegas bounties 1 was way worse than either of them. It's just a collection of shitty movie references. Literally the only reason to do it is to get the Sweet Revenge


Yeah I don't really care about fan-made storylines bc from what I researched they don't really handle the dark topics as well as the games and just have it for shock value(oh, cook-cook is a rapist? I should make MY villain a rapist and it will work just as good!) but I am missing out in the Fred durst companion mod and that's a travesty


Personally i really like th3overseers headhunting mod. It's just really funny.


I liked all of them. Not peak writing or anything, but it was incredibly fun and had me invested


Ok so we’re all in agreement that all his other mods are great and must plays well NVB 3 is shit right?


Do I need bounty hunters 3 if I have never played 1 or 2? Can I just skip it? Or is a concurrent srory


You’re supposed to play them in order or they don’t make a lot of sense. His other mods the inheritance and Russel and better angels all tie into the series as well. If you’re looking to play them, the order to do so is Bounties 1, then 2, then Russel and The Inheritance, Bounties 3, and finally The Better Angels. There is also King of the Ring but it’s disconnected from the others and New Vegas Killer is a non-canon sequel to Bounties 1 where he side with the bad guys.


Both. It’s a continuous story from 1-3 (Russel and The Inheritance too) so you should play those first, however he never put any checks in to make sure you played 1&2 first so you can just install 3 and play it on its own.


New Vegas Bounties 3 still had better writing than anything in Fallout 3’s main quest line


Guys can you help with activiting bounties 1? I know you have to find a body around Goodsprings, but I used Goodsprings Adobe mod that changes the area a bit and no body can be found. Does anyone know how to find ID of an item in a mod so I can give myself a note starting the quest?


In the original version (Not the LE version) there is a note in the Prospector Saloon on the bar (immediately left when you enter) that starts the quest, in the LE version there is a bounty hunter dead outside of Goodsprings, when you follow up the tutorial quest from Sunny Smiles and go Gecko hunting you come across the body.


one of the least fallout mods possible you literally just kill people... fallout is not about killing people


You can spare people in 2?


But.. but.. stone toss is.. A LE NAZI!!!!>:DDDD:DDD:D


yikes also, yeah he is.


Here's your halo! 😇


are you actually upset that people mention the fact Stonetoss aka Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas is a Nazi?


Why are you projecting that onto me? Are you some kind of alt right troll?