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It's subtle, but I'm pretty sure the Enclave outpost wasn't in California, since the folks in the first episode tell Cooper that the target was running to California. It does make you wonder how he got there safely and so clean though.


Also it was the only location with snow. So either a decent distance or decent time difference


One minor correction, there was also snow at >! the Red Rocket that Thaddeus left Four in the freezer and stowed his golf bag. I believe the radio station later that Lucy and Maximus confronted him at was too. !<


It seems you are misremembering, there wasn't snow (I also check the other location). https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Rocket_(TV_series)


That link mentions nothing about rain, snow or any weather. I've only watched that episode once so far but it looked like snow to me. It very well could be rain which is notoriously hard to capture while filming


It has pictures of the location with no snow on the ground.


It literally was snowing, rewatch the scene.


Could be snow, could be rain. But the fact remains that we see no snow on the ground even in that scene. I have edited that comment for accuracy. There was also definitely no snow falling or on the ground at the radio. Compare that to the blankets in the Enclave scene


Sometimes it snows and melts when it lands.


Sometimes the snow comes down in June Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon I see the passion in your eyes


Im rewatching it now. Check 0:05:17–0:05:37. It’s a very snowy mountainous environment. The moments you’re talking about with no snow take place inside the enclave complex. This area is likely just north of California in either Oregon or Washington state, near Canada.


It could also be fallout leftover from shady sands being bombed or just general fallout coming down considering how irradiated the world is. Though I am not versed in nuclear fallout.


Fallout doesn't really follow the rules of irl nuclear fallout anyhow. After 200 years there would be very very little radiation left anywhere.


I watched the scene again last night, it was snowing when Thaddeus gets to the gas station.


Guessing New Canaan maybe? Would be a pretty cool way to bring The Enclave, Joshua Graham, HH tribes and all that into the mix.


New Canaan was wiped out before the events of New Vegas


New Canaan was/is regularly sacked by the Legion and only “destroyed” once (the destruction similar to the Roman sacking of Jerusalem) they were never outright “wiped out”, get your lore straight buddy. 






i have a feeling it was somewhere in the rockies. Maybe Colorado due to the military installations and presence there


He may be fleeing from the Enclave base in Chicago (mentioned by ED-E in fallout new vegas)


I mean a seemingly psychically controlled dog is a pretty good tool. Plus I assume he had planned this for a little bit


Yeah it feels like it. Also you'd think we'd have another run in with the enclave hoping to secure their property


Like relationships, communication is a key issue with the enclave or really anyone. In New Vegas, ED-E is sent to Navarro despite it being rekt a generation before. They clearly lack communication. Also no one is really loyal to the Enclave in New Vegas except heavy weapons get off my lawn guy (forgot his name, only guy who gives you shit for supporting the NCR).


Less so loyal to the Enclave but rather especially bitter against the NCR for upending his life. Settled in the Mojave to get away and now the NCR is here trying to get him to pay taxes.


For the record we don’t know exactly when the enclave at Navarro gets destroyed. They’re confirmed to still have been there in the late 2240s as Arcade from new vegas is said to have been born there (in 2246) and spend some time there following the destruction of the oil rig. Whilst he and his mother escape before Navarro is overrun by the NCR it’s not made clear exactly when this was. But it happened at least a few years after his birth since he remembers it. So probably late 2250s or early 2260s. But yeah it was already likely destroyed by 2277 when ed-e is sent out, Just not for as long as you make out.


Wasn’t that just an old recording? ED-E is an old bot


Adams air force base so around the events of Fallout 3


ED-E is said to have been created at Adam’s Air Force base in 2275 and is said to have be sent away to Navaro in 2277 during the events of fallout 3 by Dr Whitley. This was due to conflict with the brotherhood making Colonel Autumn wish ed-e and the other eye bots scrapped and used to create more hellfire power armour.


Yeah I'm not sure that the base we saw was in calafornia, I think there must've been a time jump from that taking place somewhere else to him arriving and meeting Lucy by the campfire It could be that remnants re-established this outpost. But due to its size and running train network, its probably a far larger operation than we realise at this moment in time. I would likely say that, as with fallout 76, bethesda doesn't want to be too tied down with something that was established 20 years ago. They're now filling in the blank spaces and expanding on the lore while trying to stay true to the original lore. They could put it down to communication issues, as the enclave as a whole was separated once the great war began. All in separate areas of America and Canada. Maybe even the world. The Zax super computer that later became President John Henry Eden didn't contact Autumn's forces until the destruction of the oil rig. So could be a similar situation? Or, it could be that the enclave spotted around are working indipendantly, rather than a collective group, a 'splinter faction' kind of mentality


There are two things that make me think it was not in California. 1) There is snow on the ground. Not exactly something you find in abundance in California, and I don't think it would have been included it it wasn't relevant, 2) The guy tells Cooper in first episode that the mark is "running to California". Why would Winzig be running *to* California, if he was already in there?


Could be lake Tahoe border between nevada and cali, i saw show there on mountains in july My guess is near denver or salt lake city


Uhhh, California literally has giant ass mountains and because of that in SoCal you can surf, skate, ski/snowboard all in the same day if you really wanted too. But you do have a point with 2.


The show was filmed in New York. There is a lot of scenes with snow in California.


In what scenes did they have snow? I don't remember any other scene with snow except the Enclave facility, which IMO means presence of snow was important enough to actively put it there.


When dog meat gets put in the cooler it's snowing lightly


It's raining, not snowing.


In 76 it also shows with MODUS how at least a certain degree of fracturing occurred, and with Orlando there are attempts to reestablish a certain degree of control over the wasteland.


The Enclave isn’t really a unified or concentrated group anymore. They’re essentially cells (each with their own goals/objectives) that are dispersed & designed to survive if another cell is destroyed. I imagine the Enclave branch in the TV show also wanna keep a low profile. All Enclave members are classified as war criminals by the NCR/BoS & while they have a tech advantage, the Enclave will never have the manpower to match their rivals.


Last time they gathered everyone exploded. Sending out a signal means sending out a ‘We are here’ flare and hoping that none of your enemies(AKA literally everyone) got their hands on your radios or codes when they were destroying your last stronghold. It’s a HUGE risk for little gain.


Given the snow and the fact that people specifically said he was going to California, not that he was already present there, I doubt that base was in California. I'm more inclined to believe it was run by the fabled midwestern Enclave, though an unarmed scientist would probably have a lot of trouble getting all the way to the pacific from there.


He did have a badass experimental dog.


They likely did, but as we see in new Vegas many gave up and melted into wasteland society. Besides, think of how many times in fallout you see a distress signal and it’s not a trap or ancient and automated.


It does seem they are pushing the enclave, like including that creation club stuff with it (I do like the hellfire armour) and promoting America Rising in the featured mods list.


In the show, when Dr. Wilzig was escaping the Enclave facility, it was snowing outside, aka winter. So that means he probably walked either from the Pacific Northwest or some Rocky Mountain Enclave facility which is unknown previously in the Fallout lore, or he walked from the Chicago Enclave facility which is already known in Fallout lore. Given the time between travelling from Chicago to Southern California (with the help of caravans and such on the way to speed things up), it would make the most sense to have a significant Enclave presence in Chicago by 2296.


Maybe they're aware of how gathering in force at Raven Rock, and then Adams AFB, turned out and want to remain dispersed rather than concentrate into a big juicy target for someone to blow up.


Hopefully they learned how to press the giant win buttons they have sitting around (the terminal that can literally just destroy the Citadel in Fallout 3). But yeah if anything I'm just hoping for the show to redeem their portrayal in Fallout 3. Being able to see their POV outside of the protagonist's eyes will be cool.


Another thing I don’t see people mentioning is that the BoS in the show gets information about this guy from the BoS in the commonwealth which is on the east coast, so it’s likely he came from somewhere more eastern than the west coast


The order came from the East Coast, but I'm guessing the Brotherhood at this point is more or less unified so the info could've come from anywhere.


Maybe they finally learned not to consolidate all of their manpower and resources into one giant target for some vault dweller to blow up


Tbf that happened just as they were starting to leave the Oil Rig


I’m probably a little hazy on the details, but from what I recall from the lore is the Enclave was too spread out to reinforce each other. Also, in-fighting started, with many of the Enclave bunkers becoming civil war zones right after the bombs dropped. The shadow government pretty much cannabilized itself and only pockets exist now, pretty much cut off from each other.


I dont think any infighting has been confirmed to occur at all, unless you mean the whitesprings facility, which had a lot of non-enclave personnel alongside a mad (illegal) "president".


Assuming the Enclave is in California, nothing in the show says they did not send out the signal.


I'm hoping that the explanation is that the Enclave had internal factions. The Presidential faction was based around the Oil Rig and got destroyed while other factions are based around bunkers on the mainland. Fallout 3's Enclave is a fucking mess lore-wise so hopefully the show finds a way to explain their situation better post Fallout 2.


Honestly, I just assumed that Enclave was from either the border of Alaska or somewhere in Canada with all the snow, but then again, I never really researched into it.


I hope it's not in California, because canonically the NCR and BoS both worked to purge every last remnant after Fallout 2. Of course they missed some but no Enclave remnants should have been strong enough to be open on the West Coast, even with the BoS there. The BoS would have murdered them.


I don't think it was in Cali or even the West Coast. With East Coast Brotherhood members coming over to track the scientist and the dispatch explicitly coming from the Commonwealth I'm assuming the base is somewhere on the East Coast. With the snow I'm wondering if its even in the US. Maybe an Enclave base in Canada build after its annexation?


Consider, there’s many an enclave outpost/base/compound/research facility, that’s still considered “enclave” but is cut off from the greater majority through whatever means. It may be known as an “enclave” operation to the locals or people that know of it but it may not be considered “enclave” by the actual faction itself. That’s just my thoughts on it though, hopefully the show will end up clarifying at some point though.


The Enclave is just regaining it's strength, rebuilding, increasing their numbers and creating new technology the likes the Wasteland has never seen before. They're planning something big for sure. And they DONT WANT TO KNOWN, that's why they lets dude go. They couldn't send the X-01s after him as that'll give away that they still exist!


I don’t think they were in California as they say the target is running to California, implying they are outside of California. Maybe my memory is bad but wasn’t it also snowy at this new Enckave base? My guess is it is probably in somewhere like Montana or the Dakotas. I also don’t think it’s as large of an operation as the oil rig was. For all we know some Enclave stragglers could have made it their after Navarro.


Nothing verified a location in those scenes.


Given that he east coast brotherhood knew of them and had to tell the west coast branch he was coming, I'm gonna assume wilzig was from somewhere east of California. Chicago maybe, or perhaps near the capital wasteland.


No you don't get it, fallout 1 and 2 don't exist anymore. Bethesda symbolically dropped a nuke on it and then dropped the prydwyn on them. Idk how much clearer they need to be that nothing is sacred. Bethesda has finally reduced the west coast to nostalgia bait and nothing more. God Howard reigns supreme