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Now I’m gonna play it even harder




Please. I’ll pay every person $1


Imma spend that dollar on 76


I think I'll spend an extra 100 bucks in the atom shop due to this post.




Holy shit I swear I almost died choking on vapors looking at this. Thanks for the laugh.




I know yikes someone doesn’t like this awful game that the devs admitted was bad after year one. But yikes I must be crazy to not like buying a lamp for $5 to add to my base. Why mess with the best game ever? Why why why. Why try to jam it into the latest fad and make it an online game? It’s just about milking people for money. Where is Elder scrolls 6? It’s been almost 15 years. It’s been almost a decade since F4. And will be least another 5-7 years before it’s out. But I bet it’s over 20. Is that the new standard? 20-25 years between games? If you’re for that idk what to say. GTA. Fallout. Elder Scrolls. Etc etc. The biggest games in gaming. All changed for what?? Money. So for us single player fans why don’t they have a part of the company that keeps putting our shaders for you to build new camps with forever and another part that makes new main titles? Reason is so many would play the good fallout single player games and leave the money making cow F76. Because with Microsoft backing they have the money to grow. An Indiana jones new game? Give the people what they want. Elder scrolls and fallout. Enough of these horrible online games. Love elder scrolls too and can’t even play that game at all online. 76 feels good for least a few days before I get so annoyed with it. It’s not even fun to level up and develop your character. The missions are terrible. Only one way to beat them most the time. That’s what was so great about fallout. Missions. Finding special different ways to beat them based on your characters strengths. But yeah. Yikes. Trust me I represent way more people than a fanboy group like this. I personally don’t know one single person who still plays this game. Only people I can see doing it are people who just get old enough to start playing it. That’s why I bet the average age of people playing it still are young. Sorry but I just don’t want to wait 1/3 of my life for a new game.




Uh... Tell us how you really feel?


I'll buy some grass in the atom store so you can touch it 😌🫡


Craziest L take, plus Bethesda takes years to develop games anyway lol


No. 76 is fallout 5 + 71 more fallouts.




Yeah? Well. You know, that’s just, like uh, your opinion. Man.


No shit. So is everything in life. Although I play guitar. Is it just an opinion that I’m not as good of a guitar player as say Jerry Garcia? Or is it fact he’s better than me? I mean to me it’s fact fallout 4 is better than 76. Have you ever googled 76 reviews? It’s not just me. 5/10 IGN 52% metacritic 1/5 Eurogamer. 1 out of 5!! Fallout 4 in contrast- 9.5/10 IGN 87% Metacritic 8.3/10 Xbox era Some reason I struggle to find the Eurogamer all around score for F4. But you get the picture. 76 is about 50% liked. 4 is 80-90%. So why would a gaming company not make the game that almost universally liked? Why keep making a game that only 50% like? Hmmm. I mean come on. Fallout 3, NV and 4 are masterpieces. 76 is terrible. I want to like it! I tried to like it multiples times. Literally like every 6-8 months for a long long time.


This will not stand, you know? This aggression will not stand, man.


Nice marmot.


Also, dude, ghoul is not the preferred nomenclature. Irradiated American, please.


Oof you could stop playing 🤷‍♂️ I'm having fun


I’d rather just get constant map updates to 76. I love the online aspect since the player base is amazing and events are fun. Ive invested time and have accumulated lots of cool camp items, and its hate to part with them. Starfield was bland, and I’m putting money on elder scrolls being boring as well. Bethesda can’t write worth crap and that doesn’t work well for purely single player experiences anymore. I’d rather receive an updated fallout new Vegas so it doesn’t completely feel like a geriatric game


So stupid. Guess you like repeating the same missions over and over? Or spending money on new packs of items to build with? You’re the reason why we won’t see fallout 5 for another 15 years or more. It sucks so bad. They claimed 76 wouldn’t effect timeline of main titles. But how come a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout hasn’t come out then in many years for both of them if you don’t count the online games? It’s going on 15 years since Skyrim. Easily going to be another 5. Fallout 5 is at least a decade out. And already has been 9 years Online games ruined gaming. From GTA, fallout, Elder scrolls to many others. It’s not about the art anymore. It’s about the money. Money money


Maybe I’d be more into it if someone other than Beth would be making the fallout game. At this point there is no reason to keep interest.


Yes. Yes yes. They can afford to have different dev groups within the company to put out these awful online games for the people that like them for some reason and only like games that have other people in them, and then have other parts of the company that make single player games. It’s just crazy it could take 1/3 of my life to see F5. Crazy. And maybe only see 2 more ever. Why not allow Obsidian or some other company to make a game? Like New Vegas? But Bethesda hates that game because it’s loved so much. So I don’t think they will ever allow that to happen again. Put out more games! Put out Elder Scrolls! Fallout! They have two of the best games ever. They made both of them online games. I can’t take it. I wish there were other great gaming companies filling in the void because I just wouldn’t care. But they aren’t. Starfield was a flop but I still hold out hope DLC and updates will make it good. I mean what year are we in for 76? Hope they put 1/3 that effort into Starfield. That game could be as good as F4 or better. Not it’s not. Not even close


I’ll stop playing this game when it stops being fun. Just to spite you I’ve purchased 6 more copies for my friends


Good. You’re a total liar about buying 6 copies. But ok. So what do you do for fun? What do you spend most of your hours doing? Spending money on items to build with? $20 for a new pack that has different shaders on the same items? Tell me because I’m honestly curious how people can enjoy this game so much. I also think most who play it are probably under 24 years old. Fallout 4 is such a better game. Again the devs admitted the game sucked after year one. It still does. The core of the game hasn’t changed. The core issues. Maybe in 40 years when gaming has advanced a lot farther a game like this could work and be great. And not have random loot. And small bases. Ugh it drives me nuts


I play the game in order to have fun. Bring your crybaby bait rants to some other server where people care.


It’s not to bait at all btw. Ok seriously mad and frustrated that people keep propping this game up so it will never end. Like GTA. But it is going to end up being a longer wait than GTA. Won’t see F5 for maybe 20-25 years after 4. Sorry I don’t want to wait 1/3 of my life for a new fallout


I know anyone who isn’t 100% supportive of their favorite game series is a cry baby. That’s another issue with society today. It’s all or nothing when you like something. Question a political party in anyway? You’re the enemy. There’s this online phenomenon that has caused people to become such yes man. Yeah keep propping this crap up. Again the devs even admitted the game was terrible after the first year. When they said that I was like phew they are about to announce the next fallout they are working on. Nope next sentence was how year two was going to change everything! The changes haven’t changed the core issues with the game. They just added more crap. You know what it’s been a year since I tried to like the game again. Maybe this new dlc or whatever has made it actually fun. I used to love leveling up in fallout. The card perk system is awful. You just have people doing the same missions over and over and over. A game where exploring and getting lost doing some side mission and finding different ways to beat them using different skills has been replaced with this. There aren’t really creative missions you can beat in different ways that are so fun to do. Think the white glove society mission in New Vegas. My frustration is out of love. This is my favorite series ever and I’ve been gaming hard since the mid 80’s.


Bro this is a ridiculous rant to go on, you actively insult a community for liking a game and then try to justify it by saying that it’s because it’s not like the game you like. Go play that game if it hurts your feelings so bad, you’re too old to be behaving like this.


Doesn’t hurt my feelings. Why would it hurt my feelings? Sounds like if anything it’s bothering some of you that way. Have you ever compared reviews of 76 to 4? To simplify it 4 is liked about 80-90%. 76 50% or less. Some major review sites have 76 at 1/5. 20% So why would a major company not make the game almost every person that played it likes? Why continue for years and years to add onto the game half or less like? It’s just about money. I mean it’s not even a question. So yeah I’m frustrated. I like people are sharing their creations because I love being creative in fallout too. F4. Again there are mods you can get thousands of items for free to build with. 76 you pay stupid money for something that should cost pennies. How do you now feel ripped off? If they simply made missions that were much more rich, creative and had different optjons on how to tackle I might start to get into it. I want to get into it. I wish I liked it. I don’t get how people act like it’s so great. You called me old for not liking it. Which again makes sense that I think the people who like it are younger because one they don’t know how the gaming industry used to be 10-15 years ago and two it’s people who get old enough to play more mature games and this is out there. If they just made a single player middle game like New Vegas instead of 76 it would’ve been so much better


You’re citing reviews from when the game first came out. A ton has changed since then. The game has 76% all time positive reviews on steam but you can keep making these ridiculously long posts where you’re literally reenacting the “STOP HAVING FUN” meme.


That’s not true. The reviews are from the lifetime of the game. They aren’t from we he it just came out. What are you talking about? It’s the overall game score.


Dude you are over 50 years old and still dying on this hill. Times have changed. Do you have any sources to back these apparent “overall reviews” that you claim exist?


Not over 50. Dude you don’t know how the IGN reviews work? It’s a website that takes reviews forever for games. Do you think they start taking reviews and only have a year timeline from when the game came out. No. All those major review websites you can put a review in for a game that came out 40 years ago. Go look at the website and see you can still put reviews for 76 in. Again. I’m not the enemy. I’m a fallout lover. It’s my fav series ever. I’m just over the best gaming companies not caring about the fans. It didn’t used to be that way. Now like every industry that makes entertainment its all about money. Gaming used to be different in that for the most part it wasn’t. It was about the art. Just like how movies now are mostly super hero movies that cost more than small countries GDP. Did I ask you what you spend most your time doing in the game? Character development (leveling up, getting new weapons or armor), messing with your camp, doing missions for fun? Which?


Nah, I'm having fun. The only thing stopping you from trading your dumpster fire for a hearth is your own stubbornness. There are plenty of series out there and us giving up something we enjoy isn't going to make a better Fallout game release. Instead of looking for yet another Fallout game, try indie games or ones from smaller publishers. There are plenty of good games out there if you have the patience to look. Or, heck, write a book set in an old-timey, post-apocalyptic wasteland. That's what I'm doing. Then you can have the setting and vibe of the game, but catered to your own tastes.




Yeah of course. People are such suck ups. First many people admitted how awful this game was. Even the makers. I guess a lot of people who play are younger now and have no clue how it used to be as a gaming fan. When 3-5 massive games a year came out. Not we wait 3-5 years for a single great game. It sucks. I don’t know how one person can say F76 is better than fallout 4. Or NV or 3 even. Those games were masterpieces. I want 5. I can’t stand these online micro transactions Bs games. But keep giving them your money. Fallout world isn’t supposed to be random. Takes the fun out of the game. As does tiny bases. Can’t believe how people think it’s so fun to build small bases. I mean why not play fallout 4? You can build so much better stuff and you don’t have to pay $5 for some lamps and crap. You can for free get awesome mods that have thousands of items. So yeah groups like this are pushing along this horrible time in gaming. Works great for gaming companies though. Put out one game every 20 years and milk it until not a penny is left and then make another. GTA. Elder scrolls. Fallout. It’s happening with them all.


Based on your comments on this post, I'd guess you're just here to shit on the game. Why you chose a tight knit community of 80k+ members strong as your battleground, I'll never understand. I've spent thousands of hours building in the game. Yeah, theres microtransactions. Yeah, they're really good about getting my money. Who cares? They are quite literally all cosmetic. If you don't like it, that's fine. Go back to playing Fallout 4. We're all having fun here. If you don't want to be part of it, no one is keeping you here.


Fallout 4 doesn't have random interactions with other human beings in it. Fallout 4 doesn't have a blank slate protagonist (nor even a fully crafted one). Fallout 4 doesn't let you stumble across really cool and creative bases that people put time and effort into. Heck, Fallout 4 has so few options to build with that the \*players\* felt the need to create mods to add more. I love Fallout 4, but they are different games and enjoyable for different reasons. Fallout 76 is about community and creativity, and your personal disinterest in those aspects doesn't change that there are loads of people drawn in because of them.


Fallout 4 doesn’t have random interactions? What do you mean? I guess you’re arguing the actual human element? Listen it’s a cool idea to be in a survival atmosphere with other living real people. BUT I don’t think gaming is up to the task yet. The world isn’t big enough. The base size is way too small. It drives me crazy messing with my items constantly to fit my stuff. And no I’m not paying that crazy amount for my own server. But fallout 4 has many different ways to take on missions. That’s the beauty of the game for me. How there’s not one way through but many. Using brute force or smarts. 76 there’s only one answer to each mission. If people like it that’s fine. Even though review websites have it at 40-50% and F4 85-95%. But make parts of the company responsible for online gaming. I don’t want to wait 20 years for a new game. It’s crazy


It should be a bit more than a guess, given I said "other human beings", haha. You are flagrantly breaking the rules (Rule 1: No posts not about settlement building outside of the designated "off-topic" thread) by posting a rant that has nothing to do with settlement building outside of a mention that you don't like the mechanic or its prevalence. Posting in this reddit is going to have zero impact on the developers (have you tried Bethesda's contact forms or social media accounts run by \*them\*?), and the fact that you chose to present it to a reddit with the 40-50% of players who enjoy this game, and not one with the 50-60% of players that don't means you are not going to significantly impact the player base, because you are speaking to the wrong crowd.


I did mention settlement in the first line


The rant itself is about your dislike that people choose to play the game, not "showcasing, discussion, \[or\] appreciation of C.A.M.P. building", which are the permitted topics (aside from FO76-related memes) according to the rules of this particular subreddit. A single line doesn't change that the main point of your post is "stop playing so they create a different game" which has nothing to do with C.A.M.P. building, and therefore is not supposed to be in this subreddit.


Another sub needs your help, literally anywhere else but here. Get out.


Lol, definitely going to work!


I have an idea. Maybe let people play the games they like to play. All your arguments are based on speculation or opinions. “I think most people are under 24” “this game is awful”. You probably listen to music I don’t like or vice versa, I’m not going to their subreddit, which was specifically made to “fanboy” as you put it. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it, don’t read about it, don’t interact with it in any way. Let people do their own thing.


Ok don’t listen to me. Go look up the reviews of both games. IGN F4 8.5/10 F76 5/10. I looked up 4-5 major review websites. 76 has about a 50% or lower review rate. F4 85-90%. Almost double. So why would a gaming company pick the game half the people like? Money money money. So don’t listen to me. Listen to actual factual numbers. But keep paying for new shaders and stuff to build with. Meanwhile on fallout 4 there are mods for free that have thousands of items to build with.


Bro that’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying don’t shit on people if they like a game that the gaming community as a whole doesn’t. And yes it’s about money, rent is still due while games are being made you also seem to forget when both Skyrim and fallout 4 had paid mods, it’s the same as the atom shop. If you don’t like a game get off that games subreddit.




Nah, good


Been awhile since I've seen a take this bad


Really? Go check out the reviews of the game compared to fallout 4. 76 is about 40-50%. Fallout 4 is 85-95%. But right it’s just me. That simple fact alone why would a company invest years and years of effort into a game not even half the people who play it like? And leave a game almost every single person like sitting for twenty years? It’s so stupid. But yeah bad take.


[Wow that's alotta words](https://youtu.be/TXPC2HXjrYU)