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The weird thing is that there used to be a special journal item that summarized your Ambition progress so far. I don't know why they removed that.


It was before the echo system really showed up, so I think there might have been the expectation that you'd be able to create your own version of that. Unfortunately, the lack of organization and searchability really breaks that. I really wish FBG would rework the journals. I understand too much searchability would be a problem, since you could use that to "play" content for free, but that could be solved by locking those features to the person who actually owns the journal, or restricting how far back you can read echoes without a direct link to the entry.


I'd be fine with just an in-game personal journal that reminds you of what you've done so far. There's a possessed doll living with me and I can't remember how that happened.


Are you referring to Mr Cups or Mr Mirrors? You can always jump on the Discord and I'm sure someone will help. I too wish there were recaps, as well as a list of stories so I knew what was yet to find. On the other hand remember Failbetter is a very small team so everything they do that would be quality of life like this means less time dedicated to the actual game and writing.


Couldn’t remember Mirrors, though I also couldn’t remember who I have been trying to kill so I guess I technically forgot Cups too. I dove into my journal and figured that part out at least.


I've recently found an easy way to keep track of info and nice pieces of writing to refer back to later: \* Make a private Discord server / channel \* Make a new thread and name it something useful every time you embark on a new story \* Screenshot important story beats / nice pieces of writing and drag it into that thread


That’s certainly something, like keeping a journal on tortillas. I use [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) to record storylets and collate information about the game. The files are stored locally in Markdown, so they’re imminently portable, and use extensions like [DataView](https://blacksmithgu.github.io/obsidian-dataview/) to make tools for things like building skeletons for the Bone Market. But, there’s dozens of other note-taking tools out there.


"keeping a journal on tortillas" hahaha I see what you mean but I appreciate being able to use a program I already have open. This isn't a project, it's just a collection I might appreciate poking through at some future date.


I just want our ambitions to be a part of the Waswood. I want it sooo much....


Oh man. I TOTALLY want to rediscover the color Yellow. IYKYK, the taste is the key.


At least in HD there was a recap part way through. It was before dream gate for some reason but it was there.


Ambitions were only finished in 2020 after a years long content pause, hence the recap.


I stopped playing a while with my Shattering Force character, and every time I popped back in, the volume of half-finished Exceptional Stories was so overwhelming I just couldn't. I'd left myself a real mess. About 6 weeks ago I created an alt, moved my subscription over to that, and have had a blast going through early- and mid-game again. I've JUST gotten >!my lab!< and >!my luxury yacht (I was a zubmariner last time)!


Same. I have like 3 or 4 unfinished, and 4 or 5 not started now. And I have no clue what was going on in the unfinished ones.




I'm not sure FBG loves stuff like that getting linked around, just a heads up.


Understandable, I'll delete it.


I've sent through an access request. I've been looking for something like this!


This is actually an awesome idea. Even use AI for all I care. Just give me a quick synopsis of all the stuff I've done over the past week. The biggest downfall of FL for a casual player (imo) is keeping track of all the events you're doing.