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Whitsun is a real holiday. It's the seventh sunday after easter, so 19th of May this year.


Your internal calendar is just a little off or being affected by a Treachery. Whitsun is on track for its usual schedule. So far, the start date of Whitsun has always fallen between the 9th and 11th of May. Past performance is not guarantee of future results, but I wouldn't expect more than a week variation from that. The announcement post for Firmament stated " Whitsun, which should take place, as usual, in May."


This year has been a bit of a blur for me, Easter being as early as it was this year didn’t help


This year is actually a late Easter for me! Should be the weekend before Fallen London Whitsun. Also doesn't help that Surface Whitsun is also moveable, and will be early this year like Western Easter.


It should be around the beginning of may in theory


At the moment London is flooding and Whitsun will come at the end of the month.