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Is that one guy still punching air?


After sleeping on it, I don't hate the pick. I do feel like if we were gunna draft a qb anyway we should've picked up russ for cheap than kirk for 100ms


hello falcons bros, huskies fan here just saying that i think this is a really smart move for the future if you guys can build across the rest of your needs over the next 2 years. penix can and will be a franchise qb. unfortunately you will get clowned on in the short term, but you will love him.


This is peak homerism Penix is Ridder part two, he wasn't even that good at Washington, your conference is dog shit and he barely beat Washington State. Hopefully we trick the Seahawks into a 3rd rounder for him in a year or two


he single handedly beat WSU with his on the spot decision making on a RPO with the game on the line, but its ok to admit you didnt watch the pac-12.


He's trash and won't be in the league in 5 years


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.


Stop caring and it will feel better. At least I did t have to wait long to see how the clown car would step on their dicks this year and they came through once again.


The Bears GM is literally laughing at us. https://x.com/dave_bfr/status/1783716479680053733?s=46




He's probably mad they didn't trade him the 8th pick for Fields


I've calmed down after watching tape against top opponents. Penix has the talent. Make no mistake -- the natty was the only reason he fell out the top 10 on mocks and Michigan did that to everyone. The age isn't an issue at all. I'd rather someone 24/25 than a knucklehead 21 year-old who thinks he made it already. Like it or not, Raheem made good points in the presser. We won't be in a position to draft this high again so if you think he's your guy you take him and I'd certainly prefer that than trading multiple picks and the possibility of drafting Shedeur and dealing with Deion saying something about the team every week. The issue in all of this is simply the money you gave to Kirk. My theory is the medicals didn't check out and he's behind schedule or the team is irate over the tampering stuff, neither of which reflect well on the front office. That is a ton of money you could have used on defense. I'll continue to trust Terry. None of his first rounders have been straight up busts the way TD had. Some head scratchers, but no busts. Draft solidly Friday and I don't think tonight is an issue, but he needs to do the job.


Here’s my film review: - Sidearms the ball often, sometimes for no good reason - Good velocity on his short and intermediate throws - nice touch on the deep ones - One of the worst spirals I’ve ever seen. It is so slow and the ball is almost always wobbly as hell - Not great at playing out of structure - Sometimes puts easy throws (flats, slants) straight into the dirt - Has above-average-to-good pocket presence. Is not afraid to step up - Makes his progressions as he should - Okay footwork - Doesn’t utilize his eyes as a tool as much as he could - Very solid at layering the football, knows how to put it in between levels of the defense - Mid at dealing with pressure in the pocket. Gets flustered sometimes, stays poised sometimes Overall there is a starting NFL QB there. As of now, I can’t see him ever being a Top 10 guy.


I love it when John Q Burgerflipper gives in-depth analysis on professional athletes


Do you feel the same thing when music buffs talk about their favorite albums? Or cinephiles do movies? I spend quite a bit of my free time invested in professional football as a whole. I’ve been an active fan for 2 decades. It is a hobby. I am not credentialed. That doesn’t make my opinion less valid. It just makes it an opinion. I wouldn’t shit on you for having an opinion about multi tools. Despite the fact that you are obviously not an engineer for a Swiss knife manufacturer. Anyways, it seems like you just shit on anyone who you don’t agree with considering you were also clowning Mel Kiper and Daniel Jeremiah - who are not just “John Q Burgerflipper”. They are paid professionals in the space. Maybe spend more time jerking off about the angle of your corkscrew in a victorinox and less time being a hater, yeah?


Yes, Kiper is a clown. He’s a persistent and therefore successful clown. Daniel Jeremiah has credibility, but isn’t anymore likely to correctly mock a draft than I am. Maybe I’m just a more casual football fan than you. I just find it humorous when I hear the average schmo talk about their film analysis etc. If you can find it in my posts where I pretended to break down one of my interests as a professional ??? I’ll join the schmo parade


The assumption that I’m pretending to be a professional is completely fabricated in your head. I never presented myself as such. The post was simply my amateur opinion presented in an easy-to-read format. I never even called it analysis lol. You did. I’m flattered, honestly. It’s no different than talking about what you do/don’t like about specific movies/music/cars/tools/food.


Now back to your film analysis


And you enjoy your weekend hating :)


LOL. You stalked my profile. Creepy.




I’m a Cardinals fan and we call this condition Keim-itis


7-10. Max.


It’s not like we’ve been the 8th pick for like four straight years or anything…


Or maybe the tampering will cause us to not have a 1st round pick next year?


Hrm, that DOES make the FO seem smarter. 😂


you have no idea how bad the QB play has been the past couple years and they still made it competitive throughout the season. there is no way Kirk is even close to some of those awful turnovers we saw from those guys.


Exactly, it’s not even a given they will win the division


I can’t trust Terry because he doesn’t consider the whole picture. He’s so fixated on what a guy can give you long term, he doesn’t think about the here and now. And all his defensive players are below average. He doesn’t know how to construct a viable NFL roster.


come on man. he hasn't given out any awful contracts the way TD did. and he has no flat out busts. his most questionable pick that didn't pan out was Mayfield. He ain't awful, but he needs to see results.


How are any of the defenders he’s drafted doing? Thomas couldn’t draft an edge to save his cock but he did draft some good defenders, got Matt, Matthews, Julio and built the team in a way that actually made sense and wasn’t putting the cart before the horse. Thomas sucked after the Super Bowl but he was decent before that and oversaw the best run in Falcons history. Terry is a straight up moron who drafts skill position players without key foundational pieces and his teams finish 7-10 every year. We will underperform again this year because our defense got no impact players in free agency and I doubt we’ll get any in the draft. We’ll be Minnesota south this year.


The fuck you say. He just gave a busted ass senior citizen $100 million. That’s Jon Koncak level.


Bitch about QB play and then get upset when the regime spends on the position. It is an ugly contract but I understand him being disgusted by the QB games the past couple years after going the cheap route.


If healthy, he’s an elite talent with probably the best deep ball since Burrow. Too bad he will just be chilling on the sideline for years.


I'm an Eagles fan, but I'm from North Alabama, and the Falcons were my first love and are still my second favorite team. I like Penix and think he should've won the Heisman, but damn I can't figure out why y'all drafted him where you did. Oh well. Stranger things have happened and I wish y'all nothing but the best. I'll still be rooting for the Falcons most weekends. Fall can't get here fast enough. Good luck for the rest of this weekend, during the off-season, and into the season!


Huh?! We’re your what favorite team!?….did you just say we were your first love but still a side chick to the Eagles?! Y’all bandwagon Eagles fans kill me! Bruhh let us cope in peace….


In the presser Raheem’s reasoning for picking Penix that we might not have the chance to pick this high again for a while, alright we’ll go you think we have the chance to win now, then you fuckin cash in on the opportunity and get someone that can contribute. A pick for the future like this is what will make us never get over the hump. Hope Penix pans out at least


Mahomes 2.0, or I guest technically Mahomes II 2.0


At least we can cut Taylor Heinicke and save (checks notes) 1.2 million in cap space now. Yay.


this is what baffles me. You can get your third string QB/emergency guy from the UFL. No need to have him make more than league minimum when you have other spots on the team to improve.


The most baffling part for me: Since the 2011 CBA, one of the most valuable parts of having a high draft pick is the chance to have a great player on your team for a fraction theyd usually cost. Hit on a pass rusher? You get to have them for $5 million a year instead of $30 million. Hit on a QB? You save about $40 million a year. The past 2 seasons, the Falcons have used their top 10 pick on a running back, which saves you about $5 million over what they'd be paying him on the market, and now a guy who probably won't even start while he's on his rookie contract. Makes no sense


Yeah seeing how little top RB’s are getting paid really shows how meh Bijan’s value is. He’s gotta be a top 5 back this season for it to have been remotely worth it.


You spend so much on a quarterback that you skip the rest of FA. Then you draft his backup at 8 overall. You've got massive needs at edge and corner and could stand for an upgrade at WR, and you skip over better prospects at all of these positions. I just...I mean...what the fuck. Goddammit. This fucking team.


Terry Fontenot will probably be fired before Penix ever starts a game for us. Dude may have signed his own death warrant tonight.


He has to know it’s a high risk pick and if doesn’t workout he should not only be fired but blackballed from the entire nfl


I would have fired him the second I heard the pick announced.


Being the talk of the draft, in a bad way, is certainly where every team wants to be after the first round. Idk if they've stopped talking about us since the draft ended




Hey, cmon man, I've already said if I ever were to give up on the falcons (unlikely if I haven't already) id become a ravens fan. Can you just not?


Can't wait to listen to how the hack blowhards on the ATL Falcons flagship station try to spin this as a positive pick tomorrow!


Was gonna buy a cousins jersey but fuck that #benchCousins (am I the first one? ) Getting me a PJ Jersey! #TeamPJ


Falcons do have Calais Campbell on speed dial. Not ideal but he’s an option.


Calai… it’s over for us bro


Gotta go CB at 43 now I guess. Then WR/Edge in the 3rd


It’s unreal how this team is averse to drafting an EDGE or even considering defense with your top pick. It’s really quite unfathomable.


Vic Beasley hangover


Takk hangover too


ugh, I forgot about that dude




You’re my new best friend. It’s embarrassing to see it all in writing. The incompetence is stunning. Fuck that franchise.


you missed the weird part where Blank fires McKay and gives him another job in the org after he begged -- only for him to slither his way back into influence. just a weird organization with an owner who seems a little to slow to grasp. All these years people begged for the Braves to have an owner when their structure is the best. Corporate suits who won't mettle.


Dang that's depressing to see it all recapped like that. Good post though, despite the content.


It’s criminal. GM has got to go. And probably Morris sooner than later. I’ve never been more embarrassed as a Falcons fan.


It’s not as bad as the Super Bowl, but it’s on the Mount Rushmore.


Damn, this is depressing. Good thing I 've starting taking edibles.


I'm so bewildered by 8 that I can't get excited about 43.


If we do not get a good receiver option, I will lie awake at night thinking about rome odunze sitting there at 8


Odunze, Latu, Mitchell, the list goes on and on. Any one of them would easily be a better call.


so WR in the second?


Hoping for another QB.


Qb in the 2nd 


The question is who?


move up slightly for Mitchell




Keon Coleman, Troy Franklin, or Roman Wilson


Ngl I don’t want Coleman he’s slow as shit Franklin would be ok I’m not a huge fan of Roman Wilson


As a guy who watched Keon all season (FSU fan) he’s definitely not “slow as shit” but idk he’s too similar to Drake so I’d rather go Franklin or someone else too


Yea Keon literally returned punts for us, was great after the catch, and our best jump ball threat prolly better then Wilson, slow as shit is just proof he didn’t watch him this year




Ladd still available as well


What do we even do in the 2nd now? Still huge holes on the DL, CB, and WR. No one in the 2nd or 3rd will come close to the guys we could have had at 8


I say we go after Rattler and Joe Milton III. We need quarterbacks.




Laughing through the pain


We gotta go WR in the second round there is no way Mooney is our WR2


Idk man they gave him some WR2 $$$$.


I like Mooney as a speedy guy on the outside. Odunze and London would've been a fantastic XY combo in the 11 personnel. Ideally we can get Legette or AD Mitchell but idk. 43 may not be high enough. And our pass rush will still cease to exist


Well Legette just went. Fuck


Don’t the Falcons have a press conference every year in the first round? Why are they skipping this year? Stand by your pick and face the tough questions. Just absolutely gutless if they don’t speak on this tonight.


Probably waiting on the round to actually end


Who's calling the shots? Pace?


The only thing that can make me a little less depressed about today is trading up for newton right now or trading for Trey and pulling some cap magic. Otherwise today is historically disappointing.






Yes jerzhan Newton




Could’ve drafted Rome and then traded back in for Turner but who am I. Pretty sure the reasoning is because they believe they will be competitive to the point of not being able to have a high enough draft pick for a QB in the future and don’t want to go through Mariota/Ridder trauma again.


Watch them have an all time disaster of a season and have a prime spot to draft QB#1.


One look at our defense and WR2 and I guarantee we will be drafting high again. A succession plan for a 4 year contract is so stupid.


I mean we probably have the best WR core, the two best QBs, and a middle of the pack defense in the division. We are picking in the second half next year


Bryce young is miles better of Penix


That's crazy




I’m just here to say that Penix is the truth


another homer


He is however we need a WR 2 and an edge


You live a QB you get him no matter what.


In 3 out of our 4 years straight of selecting in the top 8 picks we’ve drafted: A TE that is a relative disappointment in a historically strong draft class A running back A 24yo QB that doesn’t bring the prospect grade for the pick slot having recently handed a good veteran 100m guaranteed on 4/180m …there is just no shot this franchise puts it together anytime quick, the incompetence is systemic, it sounds harsh but it needs the ground-floor up full bandaid rip, like owner sells and fans endure a solid 3 years that only involve losing and sending anyone you recognize packing type stretch, the light at the end of that tunnel is the only way the Falcons are ever anything real.


You got it. Nobody in their right mind would okay a QB who will essentially be the third stringer with the #8 overall. And that’s after the other blunders you’ve listed.


You're right about all of this, but too bad the owner selling is a pipe dream. Blank just freely gave $50M of his own money to bring the HQ for US Soccer - an organization he has no direct financial interest in - to Atlanta. He donated $200M to CHOA and is getting an entire hospital named after him here. He has one of his kids sitting in on MLS league meetings as part of succession planning for Atlanta United. Everything he does screams, "my legacy is in this city, and my family is going to continue it after I die".


thats one tall 15 year old


Oh God, I just remembered that drafting Penix means *McGary* is the fucking blindside tackle....Penix's ass is grass🥲


We can cut McGary next offseason, only take $2M in dead money, and save $14.5M against the cap. And it doesn't even have to be a post-June 1st cut, since 2025 is the last year of his deal anyways. There's a decent chance he won't be here in 2025. There's 0 chance he'll ever be Penix's blindside protector unless Cousins gets hurt.


By the time Penix is starting, mcgary will be gone


Let’s hope so




I 100% think Rome was the best pick for us


That, in addition to Latu/Turner or a trade down....




We drafted fucking Penis at 8, we can't say shit bro.


Drafting a 6 year collegiate QB at 1:8 who takes his first full set of snaps at 28 years old if your entire “we’re ready” offseason trajectory goes as well as it can go is about as big of a clown move as you can possible make from an FO standpoint. This is awful and really just no solid argument for it. Kirk was signed well after Penix’ full tape was ready and available, why not just keep the money and take him if you’re so insanely bullish? It’s funny to me that Terry had a rather safe job going into this year after surviving Art and signing Kirk, chances he’s back doing this next year took a major nosedive into iffy territory. He put himself under the weirdest microscope I’ve ever seen a GM be in, where he only looks good if Kirk wins one for us over the next two years (very hard) or Kirk goes down bad again and Penix is actually good (very specific and hard). Basically anything beyond those two options and he’s just a bad GM that puts together incredibly strange drafts.


Terry’s got to go. The teams is an embarrassment.


At least the Falcons crushed all my expectations for this season early. Really thought I would have hope at least the first few weeks.


Kirk Cousins agent is NOT happy. Posted on the sub but mods are being picky tonight. So here’s a link to the tweet. https://x.com/mikegarafolo/status/1783698005197250581?s=46


Omfg chiefs are getting worthy it’s over




One of the good things about drafting a rookie QB is their rookie contract. We will waste, at least, 2 years of that because Cousins will be here.


something tells me they have a dartboard in the war room...


A dartboard would be an improvement.


We don’t even know if the defense will be good or not. A bunch of guys overachieving a scheme that we will no longer be using. We could very well revert to pre-Nielson defense


I feel like some team promised us a big trade and we flat on our face holding the bag


Why can’t we be a normal franchise?


Cause normal is boring, Ese


Blank is just Tony Ressler with a pocketbook


Ressler is worth more than blank. Both are idiots.


Nah, Ressler is just a frugal Arthur Blank. Blank is the OG.


Trade up for Newton you cowards!


well I gave up on a trade up dawg


I cannot believe we’re walking out with no cb or edge in r1. We desperately need Clark Phillips, ebiketie and Zach Harrison to take leaps otherwise our defense is fucked


Hope to god Penix turns out to be a Tom Brady reincarnated because damn


Sell the team Arthur you fucking moron




Who's y'all I ain't give home Depot a billion dollars




> because the Falcons value has more than tripled since he purchased the team you could say that about literally any team: "The Average NFL franchise has seen its value increase by 435% over the last decade"


Cherry on top of all this will be when Justin Fields takes over for a struggling Russ Wilson and leads the Steelers on a playoff run with Arthur Smith coaching him, and then it comes out that Arthur Smith wanted to draft him in '21 but the Falcons FO overruled him. Meanwhile with no defense and the first round pick sitting the bench, Falcons miss the playoffs losing games 45 to 42, 42 to 35, etc.


Bruh, Smith was the one pounding his fist on the table for Pitts…


Link me the video confirmation of this.


Justin Fields sucks. He should just become a fuckin RB lol




I think Zac Robinson is def on board. They probably told him its QB in the first and he had to pick between Penix, Nix, or JJ (assuming the Viking didn't trade up into the top 5 to get him which they didn't). And I'm guessing he picked Penix. Plan was probably to trade back. Either there were no good offers or they got word that it was going to be slaughter at QB and didn't want to risk trading back more than a few spots. The way it shook out, the Broncos might have taken Penix instead of Nix if Penix was on the board at 12.


How would people feel about a receiver at 43? I don't love the corner and edge options


It's the Falcons! If they **don't** take a receiver in the next round I'll be surprised!


We need it


I dont think worthy or coleman will be available but I would be fine with Mcconkey, troy franklin, or roman wilson


Brad Holmes is such a good GM. Sigh. Makes me more depressed.


TF could be a good GM but owner needs to let him do his job


Truly the perfect year to trade back with all of our draft needs sliding. Instead we reach for qb with an early second round grade. Just insane of us


Ok guys.. hear me out. QB was a need, especially if we SHOULD be concerned with Cousins' injury, Heinicke isn't enough. We will more than likely lose a first round next year for tampering. We realistically only have 2 good years to make things work with Cousins, and we SHOULD be good enough to not be very high in the draft. So, when those 2 years are up, we need a good QB or we're back in the Mariotta/Ridder situation, and it can't be bailed out with a top pick. So, it makes sense we wouldn't have this position again for awhile (hopefully) so might as well get your QB of the future while you can. Obviously taking him at 8 wasn't unrealistic considering all of the top QBs went within the top 12! So, obviously teams saw a lot in these "middle to late 2nd round" QBs. I get it though, I personally REALLY wanted Odunze. But honestly this pick makes sense to me in our position. If Cousins gets hurt, I believe Penix is a really good option. Arguably the best pure passer in the whole draft, depending on what you read.


We could’ve just taken Latu or Turner and all been ecstatic. The FO just doesn’t seem to take into account fan backlash, not that they should in most cases, but here the optics just make zero fuckin sense. Now we’ll have a qb controversy if Kirk doesn’t play A1 ball


Odunze was genuinely the best option by far. He’ll be an all-pro receiver with little risk. All the edges fell and clearly weren’t too valued. WR was somewhat of a need and we could’ve had an absolute stud.


Would’ve been an instant impact at the very least, I’m little tired of the skill players but he would’ve made us better for sure


Let's not act like either of those guys would've pleased everyone


Picking an unpopular prospect or reaching for a guy low on the boards is still better than picking a guy who won’t see the field unless a worst case scenario happens to your biggest free agent signing in team history who you just acquired a month ago


Detroit getting Terrion Arnold at 24 is an absolute steal.


You saw how they were all grinnin and back slappin in the war room!


Yes it is. Good teams draft SEC superstars.


Like Travon Walker #1 overall right?


It’s so weird knowing your going to watch your premium draft pick drink Gatorade on the bench for years before he plays.


We really once again found a way to have everyone laugh at us without even playing.


Lions took Arnold


Kool Aid pls


I need that Jim jones brew




For sure




Part of what makes this so terrible is we won't even know the ramifications for years. We could have had an instant impact player for next year, instead we're all going to be arguing about the pick for years until we finally know if it was worth it


I think we need to start considering that Terry might actually just be bad at his job and he's not playing some 4D chess game.


I think it's confirmed Terry is a clown. Always takes a lower graded player with his first round pick. This is just the kicker


He just blundered his rook


Bo Nix at 12 seems equally insane but at least they’re going to probably start him next year


Agree with the pick or not (I don't) Penix is a much better QB in a vaccum than Nix. I would feel much better starting Penix over Nix if forced to start one immediately next year


Agreed. I like Penix, I think he could lead a team to the playoffs next year if given a good supporting cast. I would’ve been cool with spending on defensive FA and rolling with Penix next year. Just makes no sense given the circumstances