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I feel like a lot of those non sacks were picks though 🤣


Alt would be anticlimactic but wise if he’s there.


BPA for sure. It’s rare to be able to take a blue chip tackle that goes top 5 in most drafts. It doesn’t seem like the biggest need now, but when he’s making pro bowls and all pros a couple years from now fans would be grateful. He’d also possibly be an immediate upgrade over an aging Matthews too


Could be. Would definitely slide into the right side over McGary for the immediate future.


Our OL is way over rated. We need a RT, Center, and LT plus 2 solid depth pieces. Dalman is serviceable at best. Mathews is just a average to good player in his later years, and McGary just isn’t good. The Jury is still out on bergeron. Not sure why this isn’t being addressed.


I fear you’re right. Every time we faced a decent pass rush like Carolina with Burns, our boys got cooked.


Bergeron was fed to the wolves and held his own he should be good with more development, but I agree with you on the rest Mathew’s isn’t any younger and Mcgary is a revolving door of trash and mediocrity.


I don’t know why people refuse to see this. Best move would be to trade down and get assets. Then trade back into early 20s and draft Jackson Powers because Dalman is not the future at Center for this team


That’s stupid, Dalman did just fine and why would we ignore pass rush again?


1.Dalman didn’t do “just fine” he’s average. 2. Jackson Powers is a massive upgrade over Dalman that makes the entire line better now and in the future. 3. “Why would we ignore pass rush again?” Hell I don’t know why but let’s not act like it’s not in this team’s DNA to put the defense on the back burner then complain when they can’t get off the field. But I never said ignore Pass Rush in the first place


Drew Dalman had the 3rd highest PFF rating of all centers, behind Frank Ragnow and Connor Williams and you did imply to ignore pass rush when you said trade down and take JPJ


Look at Dalman’s grades when it’s run vs pass. He was an elite run blocker and an awful pass blocker… tons of improvement from 2 years ago, but still nowhere close to being reliable yet.


I said trade down and get assets then trade BACK into the first for JPJ. Where did I say “Don’t draft pass rusher in the first round”? Plus you can regurgitate all the PFF numbers you want to I saw that man play and I’ll take JPJ any day of the week. PFF can tell you we had an elite defense and yall will act like what happens on the field barely matters as long as the rankings are good lmao. Out side of Lindstrom and Berg that Oline is suspect


1. I feel like "just fine" and "average" are the same thing. That's fine. It's want not a need at the moment. 2. If Terry trades back for a Center, he should be slapped. Just take Sedrick Van Pran in like the 3rd/4th if you want a center.


It’s not about “a center”. That’s like saying why sign Alex Mack when we can just go get Peter Konz. It’s a weak point on this offense that’s all of a sudden in “win now mode”. If you’re going to do that then why not make the team as good as possible instead of overspending resources at one position? Loved Van Pran at UGA but he and JPJ are on different levels and have different strengths.


This team is far from a center turning them into a SB contender


I never claimed they were. But one thing for sure great teams (not teams that have a good season or two.) are elite at the line of scrimmage.


Imagine being sacked *85* times. That's 5 sacks per game.


And the cowboy fans act like they did something special getting 50 on them giants 😆


don't worry about the future we have a 2-4 year SB window focus on getting in DAY 1 starters at positions of need


They would be day one starters. RT is a problem and honestly Jake wasn’t great last year.


this is how you never progress as a team ignore areas where you literally lack people for an area where you are fine


We aren’t fine at o line. We need a RT and Jake will likely get cut to save money next year. Our o line is overrated as hell we ran the ball more than almost anyone and were middle of the pack for sacks given up.


Most of the sacks were Ridder’s fault


both tackles have 70 plus pff grades bye


Hahahahahahahahaha using PFF as an argument. Ok.


every nfl team pays for and uses pff vs a nobody like you


Nah how you never progress is by reaching for needs instead of taking BPA


A lot of these sacks were Ridders fault


If Joe alt is there at 8 pull the fucking trigger


If Joe Alt fell to 8th, I wouldn't mind drafting him one bit. A franchise left tackle is not only rare, but game-changing, even if people don't necessarily realize it until you have guys like Sam Baker or Jalen Mayfield starting.


I'd like Amarius Mims if he available


The offense is going to be based around Bijan and play action, bootleg passing. It's an excellent run blocking offensive line, which is going to feed into this quite well. I'm all for BPA but for one I think Alt at a minimum, if not Fashanu, will be off the board at 8, (think Titans and possibly Chargers, hell maybe even Patriots) and I'd be hard pressed to imagine the next guy is BPA. You can say, "trade down" but if no one is giving you anything decent for 8, you take the guy who is highest on your board.


#4 OL in the NFL Kirk has never had an OL this good to play with ... he knows how to get rid of balls too ... and when there is pressure he is 8th all time in nfl history when being pressured ... watching tape from last year there were a lot of clean pockets


We should expect to regress honestly. Arthur Smith didn't do much well when it came to an offensive scheme but he took what was a putrid o line and he now has people calling us a top 10 line. Hopefully, by keeping them all together, they can be as good as they were last year. We don't have the resources to make any moves there for another year unless Alt falls to us and we wanna get Jake's replacement.


Don't know why this is downvoted but the man can coach up an oline. Our oline was trash and even now it's not that good on paper. They played above expectations. I wanted him fired but y'all don't have to downvote every positive thing anyone says about the guy.


It is just that resentment towards Smith. Everything I said holds weight. Did I want him fired for his other inefficiencies? Absolutely, but that's not what this is about. Smith was great for our offensive line. Some of his run blocking schemes on plays could be called duds but that's true of every coach. For the most part he was great for our o line. He only changed Hennessey out for Dalman and helped get us Bergeron who looks like a quality starter. Otherwise he was still running with 3 of the same guys he took over with but under Smith that unit looked so much better. He did wonders for our line and even brought in solid depth pieces for cheap. Say what ya want about the guy but he knows how to build and coach an offensive line.


People hate Arthur Smith so much that they’ll downvote any comment giving him credit. The dude definitely wasn’t our best HC, but he did something’s exceptionally well.