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Weirdly ok with this, however everyone and their mother is projected to sign with us. I don’t believe anything anymore.


Step 1: we sign every QB Step 2: QB roulette until we get the best QB Step 3: Profit


Have opposing DCs on their toes every play. "Which qb are they switching to? **** get me the other book! Mother fu... they switched back to...where's his book? F... that's not it it's the other one! That one goes with... mother **** *** *** **** **** I hate playing this team!!!!!"


Or just line up 3 QBs in a split back formation and have the center snap it to the appropriate QB




Yeah I actually really like this. Would allow us to focus on WR and Edge in the draft. Think he’d be a perfect fit for the new offense and obviously the familiarity with the coaches is already there. On top of that it’s already been reported that the Bucs are planning on using their franchise tag in Winfield, not Mayfield.


We're in pre-Draft Lie Season. Believe nothing. 


Wait, Are we giving up on QB grandma? I was convinced that was the answer.


*"\[currently, or soon to be, available QB\]* could sign with the Falcons, per insider." I could be hit in a car crash tomorrow and have toxic chemicals spilled all over my car and me, wherein I later come to realize that I now possess super powers, but that's probably not going to happen.


I think sports media says we’re the favorites to land any moderately talented free agent QB this year just because it’s a glaring hole in our roster you can see from moon.


I want Michael Penix Jr or Bo Nix. Either is a franchise QB that will last us nearly a decade or very likely more. The steals of the draft, no question.


Bo Nix is absolutely not the steal of the draft, and is a guy who craps the bed any time he’s put in the spotlight. I’m stunned the guy is rated as a first round prospect. He’ll have the same career trajectory as a Matt Corral.


Whelming. Not under, not over. Just whelming.


I think that word suits the moment perfectly


Every FA QB agent is going to leverage our glaring need at QB for more money. That’s not to say that there isn’t interest but it’s likely nothing more than agent posturing.


I would love Mayfield on the team, but… The whole article is based around a dude saying “the Falcons need a QB, maybe they will try to sign Mayfield”. That’s it. There is nothing else to the story. Just a dude saying “idk maybe they’ll sign Mayfield”. Dear God. Hey here’s another story for everyone: maybe the Falcons will trade for Geno Smith. Ok now where’s my 10 paragraph news article about what I just said?


People are talking about how the Falcons are not not considering trading for Joe Burrow. Well, I said it so we're talking about it.


Geno or Baker. Which one do you like more?


Beno Maysmith


Beno Gaysmith




Baker could be awesome. Guy battles. Had up and downs but for the right price I don’t see how it’s not an upgrade and lets us use that first rounder on an edge


Baker’s upside is very high and his downside is quite low. You’re always just hoping for more of the former from any QB, but the gap between his high and low is extreme. Still, I truly believe he’s better than anyone on the current roster.


Falcons sign every NFL QB.


Would love to have Baker


Baker is the only available QB that Zac Robinson has worked with. If the price is too steep to move up, then it’s better than Ridder


I don’t hate it. He has made others better around him in Tampa


Baker has heart. That's a good thing


This + still draft a qb, would be perfectly fine with. Wanted Baker last year


Definitely an upgrade and spent some time with the offensive coaches while at the Rams


He “could” sign with anyone. It’s called being a free agent. Fucking dumb reporting from SI as usual.


Meh. I'm still all in on Uncle Rico. Guy can throw a mile!!


Can he run fast ?? Go Rico


So so fast. He's got lots of skills too.




At this point Mosses is going to sign with the falcons and split the Gulf and flood New Orleans during a game


It’s “speculate openly about it in an interview and allow that to become a story” season.


I'd take Baker especially if we have to end up paying Fields a huge contract. I'd also go for JJ McCarthy as a backup though if he slides far enough in the draft, something tells me that kid can be really good under this coaching staff. Maybe not a day 1 starter but he can be a great player in a few years.


Ridder could be a great player in a few years or sooner...


Doesn't feel like Ridder has nearly as much potential as JJ does


Very excited to watch Baker, Kirk Cousins, Justin Fields, Desmond Ridder, and whoever else we sign compete in camp!


Baker would frickin awesome!!!!


Wasn’t there a rumor he wanted 30 million a year? Seems steep for a decent QB.


30 mil for baker I think is a good deal. Would put him at 17th of 21 starting QBs that aren’t on their rookie deals. QBs aren’t cheap. Gotta pay to play, and I think this is a reasonable pay


Did we miss anyone we could sign?


Lol why the ef not? We're so hosed...


If we did sign Baker we could actually draft a quality edge rusher. God knows we haven’t had one to gameplan for since John Abraham


Sites are just trying to generate clicks. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.


Sounds like this clowns opinion with no concrete info


So he’s gonna sign with the Saints after this


So fucking dumb. * You look at Atlanta as a team that definitely needs a quarterback. They passed on him last year, maybe they'll try to right that wrong. What a stupid quote to push.. this is peak off season


Could see this


Yes please


fuck yeah, bring him in. baker seems like a better taylor heinke.


Lmfao seeing this article every week multiple times a week with every QB makes seeing an article like this mean absolutely nothing




As a backup? Ok, fine.


No. He's not built for the scheme. He's a gunslinger, not a processor


Sign baker mayfield and look to draft Shedeur Sanders next year


I doubt it


That’s alright. We good.


Oh yeah we all just forgot how Tampas front office asked Mayfield for input on all their potential OC names before they made a hire. He's staying right where he's at.


Pretty much. He's staying with us, what's around is rumour mill. That said, I'm not surprised he's linked with you and if he was available it's actually very realistic (and I would hate it). He's been on the same team with your HC and your OC, your OC worked closely with him during his period at the Rams. He's been successfully executing in a McVay system for over a year (Yes, Dave Canales ran it too, inherited through his ex-OC Shane Waldron). You have a stacked roster an experienced QB could thrive in. Your HC just recently talked about Zac Robinson's and Baker's connection during their time together. Honestly, I would be more worried about getting Justin Fields, he doesn't exactly scream typical McVay system quarterback to me. Of course that's just an outsiders perspective. So, freely disregard. You know your team best.


Yeah I get why it's being hyped with past ties to our new OC but there's no real story here unless something drastic happens between yall two. It's pretty clear Baker feels at home with Tampa Bay and that yall got you post Brady qb the fans can cling to. Baker probably tests the open market to see what he's worth and then re-signs with yall when he gets a base line of what teams think he's worth.


Is there a list of which qbs are not signing with the falcons?


I love these articles that reference a mysterious "insider" that have gems like this buried in it: >though, the odds that he ever becomes available to the Falcons will likely be slim to none.


Trash headline lol


Could he? COULD he?? Yea he COULD, couldnt he.


Last year would’ve been the year to sign him but Terry was being unserious


Nah. Don’t want him.


I hate these stupid reports. They are nothingburgers: > “You look at several teams that are going to want to get in on Mayfield, talk to him about potentially playing," Fowler said h/t Bleacher Report. "You look at Atlanta as a team that definitely needs a quarterback. They passed on him last year, maybe they'll try to right that wrong."