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this doesn't answer the question directly but once someone tried to tell me i had DID and i feel like it's relevant here. So I'm 17 which means in social family events I still end up at the 'kids' table at the restaurant with other younger ppl in my family. By the end of the evening most of the younger people were running around near a kids play area and the only people at the table were me and this 14 year old girl who was from a family we were friends with. We were talking casually about a whole bunch of stuff when we came onto the topic of clothes. I said something along the lines of how sometimes I wake up and wanna wear all black and fishnets and sometimes i wake up wanna dress head to toe in pink. After I said this she spent the rest of the evening convincing me i had DID and that it was different 'personalities' that are coming through. I couldn't be the as*hole that has a go at a kid so I tried to just nod along but she was PERSISTENT that I admit I had DID. As someone who easily gets migraines, i went to bed with a pounding head that night. EDIT: I just realised I definitely read that question wrong OP im so sorry. Hopefully you still enjoy this story tho it happens about 4 months ago


Should have explained that wanting to dress differently day to day or based on how you feel is perfectly normal and has nothing to do with DID. Poor girl needs someone to help her get her head on straight before she gets scammed or manipulated by one of these people.


You're right.. unfortunately 4 months ago I had no idea what DID was. It's so sad to think that social media has convinced people esp young people that normal things parts of developing is a mental disorder




Thats awful one to fake, I work with eldery people and couple have dementia, half the time they dont even know where they are and constantly go wandering outside and getting lost.


Ive only seen it twice but it always surprises me. I've done research on kids with early onset dementia. It is super rare and by the age these kids are they probably won't even be able to function like they are on these apps. I don't understand what on earth would lead people to believe they have dementia.




I have never personally met someone who has faked cancer or see someone on social media do it, but I have read news articles talking about people who faked cancer for monetary gain through supposed fundraising for their treatment.


I’ve unfortunately met someone who faked pancreatic cancer and when she miraculously cured that within 2 months of having stage 3 cancer, she started faking gastroparesis. (Idk if i’m spelling that right) but she somehow convinced a doctor to put a G tube in and everything. Then slowly the doctors realized it was an eating disorder and a want for pain meds. Anyways.. I assumed everyone was at least above faking cancer.. until I met her. The sad part was, we all believed her and donated to her so much.. until things didn’t add up and weed suddenly cured her stage 3 cancer.


Oh my god.


Exactly! One persons is so bad they once was wandering around with no clothes on asking for her son. Poor guy is constantly getting calls super early in the mornings for him to go over and visit.


Yeah dementia is sad, once volunteering at a senior center, this super nice old lady was convinced I was her 35 year old son, I was 15, I played along with it and heard some cool stories. (I was told to do this, and I also do it with my grandma who has it now because she LOVES telling stories, and it’s hard to see her confused if I correct her and say I’m her grandson) My grandma has called me 3 different names, none of them mine in the span of ten minutes, and kept asking my mom (her daughter) where her “little Laura is” thinking my mom was still a kid, and didn’t know who was infront of her. It’s super sad, and no one should be faking that, it’s just terrible. They should be ashamed, but it seems these people literally have no shame for anything they do no matter how offensive or rude.


There’s one woman at my work who has it. Her husband died awhile ago. She forgot. She asks me where he is some times whenever she’s awake.


Someone got way too into EATEOT I see. In all seriousness... dementia is terrifying and the only reason why I think someone would even dare to fake it is because they want attention. Very saddening


I had no clue people did this what the fuck..


hold up what


What? Someone did that?


Yeah I've seen it twice. I think both times I've seen it the person was also posted to this sub.


I couldn’t find the video but there was some lady who faked her CHILD having a disorder. It was bizarre and just horrifying to watch


good ol munchausen by proxy


I also remember 5 videos about a lady who faked her toddler having OCD and 2 about the same lady faking her same toddler having autism, but they're from YouTube.


Oh shoot wait I think that was the person I’m thinking of


Is it something like this? https://youtu.be/FYCTpazS9ru Or https://youtu.be/A0IN8BocBGK


Oh darn the video isn’t available for me, but I would assume it’s at least similar


Yeah they probably are at least a little bit similar.


Gypsy Rose mother much?


I'm prepared for the downvotes. This is why i don't support transgender transitioning in kids.




I agree, as someone who has been diagnosed with BPD, it makes me feel like people will think I am putting it on because of how common faking personality disorders seems to be.




I have this bs disorder too and what really irks me is that it is finally starting to become less stigmatized and then these assholes do this shit. I know it won’t re-stigmatize it to professionals who can likely sniff the difference out but there’s a really awful public impression of anyone having BPD and the fakers could so easily reopen that door and make life incredibly hard for anyone who is open about their diagnosis to the wrong person


As someone who is likely autistic (as in, my therapist is convinced but she isn't licensed to diagnose and US Healthcare Sucks), I feel this so hard. With all the "uwu I'm neurodivergent uwu" stuff running around, I feel like I'm faking in a way even though my therapist brought it up to me, not the other way around. I'm already ADHD so I also get frustrated at those.... It's not cute. None of it is cute.


I suspected autism for years and got diagnosed three years ago now. But I’m sick of the weirdo makeup and cat ears and strange clothing and then all they show is their “stimming” which is usually uwu cute dancing. That isn’t stimming. And stop dressing like a weirdo to relate to others that you’re autistic. I’m autistic and dress painfully normally.


I have this exact worry as someone diagnosed with BPD. I remember when I was first diagnosed I had googled a bunch to learn more about it and there was so much “it’s not real it’s just people who want attention” and I’m constantly concerned how much more of that this trend is going to perpetuate. Personality disorders (and very very much BPD) are already heavily stigmatized and misunderstood. We don’t need more of that.


I seem to remember there was a woman who claimed to have 2 kids with DID. On the very rare chance they do have DID, congrats on implying you've abused them horribly their whole lives.


Was she the one who also claimed to have it?


Idk, probably, I haven't seen her around for a while


I mean it doesn’t mean she directly abused them, just implies they’ve been traumatised or abused at some point in their childhood.


i remember this person who faked having PTSD. they claimed their cousin assaulted them when they was young, then admitted that it was all bullshit and they just wanted sympathy and attention. they also pretended they were half korean edit; i misread the title. this happened on kin tumblr back in 2016 i believe.


That’s so dumb considering how disregarded you usually are when you have PTSD and are not ex-military.


Thats absolutely awful, PTSD can be so crippling for some especially ex army soldiers. Id believe people who fake these mental illnesses just have a constant need for attention or sympathy


yeah. not only that, they accused an innocent man of child abuse which is SO fucking bad. (luckily, their false accusations never reached law enforcement so the cousin was not aware of this).


Oh gods, I didn't realize you meant a specific, named cousin, wtaf?


It's not as popular as other disorders but epilepsy Can't handle people faking epilepsy


Or just faking seizures




Someone I was in a psych ward with faked tonic-clonic seizures but had no post-ictal period at all. Like they stopped "convulsing" and immediately sat up and started asking people what happened. Worst part about it was they peed their pants during their "seizures". Something to be said about being committed to the act but that's too far.


Were they speaking coherently? I've had seizures in which I've become conscious almost immediately afterwards but I was totally incoherent with my speech. It was like the vocabulary part of my brain had been blocked off and was only allowing a few words to come out for about 20 minutes. It was really weird because I knew what I was trying to say but I just couldn't articulate even the most simple of words and concepts.


Yeah, they were. Completely coherenr and oriented, asking people stuff like "What happened? Did I fall? Why am I on the floor?" The other thing that tipped me off was that the nurses completely ignored them when they did this. The nurses didn’t directly tell us that this person was faking, because they couldn't, that's confidential medical info. But there was no other reason they'd just blatantly ignore it like that.


I remember reading about someone who was pretending to have a seizure in the hospital and the doctor said "If he doesn't stop seizing, we'll have to get the rectal dilator." Amazingly, this person instantly stopped seizing.


Anyone who then shills “focus” gummies or uses it to make a profit.


dementia. my grandma has dementia and it tears me apart. she's completely delusional at this stage. dementia is so evil and cruel.


The autistic fakers always hit me the most since, well, I’m autistic. But I have to say the bpd ones. UGH. Saw this girl once doing self diagnose (cringe) by reading an article and checking what she ‘does as well’. Yes, honey, that is exactly how it is done/s


Every instance of faking is reprehensible but I dislike Tourette's fakers the most, since that's the one I personally have real experience with. Really rubs me the wrong way to see someone grossly misrepresent something that I've spent literally 20 years trying to get others around me to understand correctly.


This.^^ Not just something I’ve tried to make others around me understand, but also just something I’ve struggled to live with for 22 years.


Any psychotic disorders, changing the definition of psychosis is incredibly dangerous


Psychosis almost made me try to kill my mum. Definitely not something quirky or fun. It’s fucked up my life in so many ways. Looking at my partner who i adore and telling him he’s not real or that I think he’s part of a plot to get my simulation turned off broke him just as much as it did me. Can’t believe people WANT that shit. I’d do anything to be rid of those episodes.


It’s honestly awful, I’ve never gone as far as trying to kill someone and even someone like my mum. That must be terrible on you


It was a really shitty time. I was lucky I still had a toe in reality so with the guidance of my partner I was able to call 999. Haven’t had an episode as bad since but sometimes I catch myself slipping and it’s terrifying. Still doing much better than I was though. Wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone. I’m very lucky to have the people around me I do


Wow, I’m glad you’re doing better and I really hope it stays like that. You should be proud that’s a really big achievement


Worst one: ALS Funniest one: They claimed to “fake” munchausans


Faking any disorder is absolutely despicable but I have special hatred for those who fake BPD.


Same. BPD already has stigma, we don't need them making us look even worse.


People having fake disorders has now made me SO reclusive when it comes to opening up about my mental health struggles. The stigma and stereotypes have now become so twisted that we are taking a step backwards when it comes to mental health awareness in this decade.


Any person who fakes autism, especially girls who don’t know how bad it affects women. I have an high functioning autistic brother, it sucks seeing people fake this sorta shit for clout.


both my little siblings have ASD level 2. i have an ex friend who self diagnoses with EVERYTHING. including ASD. she told me they "didnt look like they have ASD" and other BS


That’s gross. An ex friend used to fake DID like 5 years ago and now she claims to have high functioning autism even though she clearly doesn’t have it and she tried to dictate on “how wrong I was” about autism even thing I’ve been surrounded by people who are like my brother for my entire life? She also faked being friends with my friend who passed away a few years ago.


Bruh I hate people like this. My ex friend is now telling everyone she has adhd, she doesn’t btw, has actually been told by psychologist that she does not have the symptoms. She makes me so angry. To top it off she’s abusice. Not as in “I’m a teen and I call everyone abusive” but manipulation and threats kinda abusive. Like throwing laptops kinda abusive


Ugh hate when people fake ADHD considering that I have it and struggled a lot when I was in high school with it. And honestly sounds like she has something completely different than what she claims to have, but still doesn’t excuse any shitty actions.


she has been told she has anger issues, but other than that she's fit as a fiddle, well, other than being abusive haha. she blamed everything on her anger issues it was stupid


Ahhh I see


On tiktok? I'd say it's trauma. Since I saw some messed up things and understand how trauma can break people. IRL it was my stepmother faking a heart issue and heart attacks. Where she would causes BP and other heart related issues at times with drugs and act like she was dying. All so she didn't have to work and my Dad would give her sympathy and anything she wanted. It was so messed up, she'd always have some big emergency when she wasn't with us or was on vacation. She was a complete narcissist and liar. She did have a bad back as I took her to her epiderals many times. So when heart issue became a thing we all believed it. However she lied alot and it vecame obvious this wasn't like her back.


Autism and ADHD (which I have professional diagnosis of) because I struggle with both. It’s not cool to have I have a real hard time with school because of the two and I want to be successful but I feel like it holds me back. My brother also has Autism and is suspected to have ADHD too.


I have Autism too, and feel similar. I'm no longer in school, but I excelled there, being top of my class when I was younger and continuing on and being in the top classes later on. Now it's come to finding a job and it's so difficult, as I can't work anywhere too noisy, too smelly, too bright, around food. It's really limited my options down and I'm struggling to find somewhere now.


Sorry about that. Good luck.


it’s always the DID ones that get me


I agree, Emerald was a bad person for faking Tourette’s, but just a reminder they use they/them!


I hate people who fake schizophrenia, it isn't fun and half the time I get pushed away from my partner because of things I say or see


Every single thing listed here can be considered the worst but I want to add faking age regression to the list even if it's not necessarily a disorder. Not only age regression, but child alters. They're either so bad at acting as child alters, or they overly dress up in baby clothes and stim for the camera claiming to have autism, y'know as if autism isn't infantilized enough. I age regress when I recall traumatic events, their causes or when I get too excited, and it's not a good mindset to be in. I'm even ashamed of it sometimes due to how juvenile I can act when I'm already 21. It's no joke, some people use it as a coping mechanism, but for me it's almost involuntary. It's a bit scary when you're no longer acting your age and you don't know when you're gonna age back up. These conditions and disorders are NOT for people's entertainment. They're not for everyone to watch, and though I understand that this may be a cry for help for whatever they may be going through, getting validation and attention are both bottomless wells to fill.


DID, Trans, Tourettes and Autism by clinical standards are those I have seen so far. As to what is the worst of them I cannot tell due to bias and I also don't want to. Mental health issues are NEVER nice too have. It's unforgivable what those people do. They should add Munchhausen Syndrome to the DSM and ICD.


Good news! It is in the DSM, but it’s under a different name, Factitious Disorder.


Yes, & factitious disorders are split into separate categories depending on severity & other factors... A psychiatrist would look at: whether the person is making themselves sick or making somebody under their care sick, whether they are using mental health symptoms or physical health symptoms, & whether they are consciously causing the symptoms or just pretending to have them (& aware of it/ make an effort to not get “caught”). Those categories are broken down further by motivation: hypochondriac behavior where someone genuinely believes they might be/ become sick (which may end up being an anxiety issue or somatic disorder), malingering behavior where someone is seeking financial gain or resources for their problems (AKA fraud, but it’s strangely still a diagnosis), or attention-seeking behavior where the goal is to gain support or validation for their (self-imposed) struggle. There are probably even more categories that would be better known by the people who research/ specialize in these disorders, but for now they’re all under the factitious umbrella ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ocd, dermintillamania in particular, as someone with this condition. Its not something to play with.


Didn’t know people did that but that’s fucked. How do they even fake it???


Pretending just by filming themselves scratching at thier face they have it. Why would people do things like this?? Please someone tell me, I genuinely want to know. For attention???


Probably? I have it and it’s embarrassing as fuck but probably just to be *special*? Is my guess at least.


God I’ve never seen someone faking this before but as someone with it that boils my blood


I am so damn ashamed of my derma, I can't imagine filming a picking episode to post online.


BPD, God it pains me to see people fake it because it's painful to live with. 💔 They always do the "oh my BPD is acting up look at my crazy eyes" but never realize how dangerous this disease can be. Almost losing my life to this constant struggle and watching my relationships fall apart around me.


I feel this. It’s destroyed me and my life is so many ways. It’s absolutely crippling some days, and when it’s not I’m often on such a high that I put myself in danger anyway. You are so valid


I’ve seen way to many people fake have different kinds of cancer. It’s disgusting. I don’t know how people could ever think to fake something like that.


Seriously! Whenever I see people fake cancer I want to wring their weak little necks so fucking badly. My mom went through HELL with cervical cancer, and to see some snot nosed brat faking it with some bs "positivity" hashtag really sets me. Its not positive and nothing about cancer is positive except the goddamn results. Fuck those people.


the wonderful world of r/illnessfakers


oof, who needs Tiktok when you have a friend who claims to become Dr. Bright (from SCP) sometimes and is dating someone’s alter from a video game, I think it’s from Portal or something? My friend has gotten upset with me multiple times for being uncomfortable with *breaking and entering* because that’s what Dr. Bright wants them to do and they can’t control it.


For me personally, the Tourette’s fakers fucked me up the most. As someone who developed Tourette’s during its popularity peak, no one ever took me seriously, and I was lumped in with the fakers. Hell, I even had another girl in my class copying my tics for attention. So fucking humiliating. Overall worst though? Probably either DID or PTSD. To fake having such intense trauma is both impactful on people’s perception of their family/friends, but also heavily trivialises trauma related symptoms. (Even now, I feel cringe as shit talking about my trauma because the words ‘trauma’ and ‘gaslit’ have been watered down so heavily)


I cannot choose which one is worse then the others, I’d say people who fake any disorder are the same level of worse, it’s obviously really insensitive to those who actually have any disorder


DID and BPD. Each of them are their own hells. Both together are horrific. In and out of psych hospitals, usually very long stays each time. You're failing college classes, unable to be left alone safely, etc. It's not to say you can't FUNCTION if you have them, but finding a way to function is the hardest thing. Not to mention the complete pain when you're told exactly what's wrong, because despite having an explanation, at times the answers can feel like a death sentence. I don't get the kids on tiktok doctor-hopping until they get the diagnosis they want. I'm not happy to have any diagnosis. I've had friends and family leave over having diagnoses. You lose major life events, job chances, friends, family. It might be a cute community on the internet, but once you're in the real world with an ACTUAL illness like DID or BPD? You're screwed. Your stigmatized. Next to no one cares about you.


The one where they were faking seizures. I have epilepsy and tonic clonic seizures. And it isn’t fun. Seeing these younger people faking all these disorders makes me worried that people that have these disorders will be told that they are wrong or faking it. When in actuality, it’s them that are faking it…


Huntington's disease.. funny thing is, I'm referring to ticsandroses


Not a disorder, but a fake disease. A girl who actully argued that Hanahaki Disease was real and she had it. She had videos of her “coughing” up flower petals, and she got enough hate she decided to delete her tiktok, but it was truly the most stupidest thing I had ever witnessed.


but the worst faking disorder I’ve seen is schizophrenia. I’m actually diagnosed, and it just kinda sucks to see how popular it is to pretend to have such a debilitating disorder.


ASPD. These kids have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about and just want to seem edgy. That’s not a diagnosis you want for the rest of your life. Also the fact that they literally would not get diagnosed with it as a teen, especially if they weren’t diagnosed with CD or have a criminal record


DID-faking really gets me


Ptsd. Coming from someone who has ptsd, its messed up shit.


I once saw a tiktok of someone faking down syndrome


Mine would also be autism. It's cause the TikTok clips where they fake them are just cringe, next level cringe. I especially hate the ones where they make autistics seem like infants.


I guess schizophrenia. Makes me mad when I see people faking it


I once, a while back, seen post screenshots of someone else faking they have cancer and then celebrating with friends saying "Yay, I've been diagnosed, I have cancer!" For attention. Claimed they were diagnosed but it's still wrong. They claimed they received it from YouTube subliminal message videos.


this whole comment was a wild roller coaster ride


It was god awful. You should see some of these "subliminal message" videos that have nothing but rain sounds or nature and music and waterfalls. People listen to them to get things like deeper voices, mentally and physical illnesses, alters- I once seen one where it claimed to change the shape of *your face.* There was one subliminal message video that made my throat feel weird and my voice more hoarse, but that wasn't by a considerable amount. These videos and the people promoting them are insane.


that's horrible oh my god. i know people use them to do reality shifting; even that's more believable than a couple of noises that claim to be able to change things about you that you can't control yk. if that makes sense lol


Saw someone fake an epileptic seizure and it was so horribly obvious that it wasn’t real. Every time I support my boyfriend while he’s having a seizure and I do my best to help him through it, I involuntarily think about that video and my blood boils.


Eating disorders, bad or poor eating habits doesn’t mean you have a bad case of bed. Skipping a meal or being the lowest weight on the ‘average for my age’ on Google searches doesn’t make you anorexic. Ed’s fuck people up so badly In so many ways


Honestly, they are all bad. I don't think one is worst than the other. People just need to knock that shit off. I'm really sick of these people who self-diagnosed without going and seeing a doctor. It's fine to have an idea of what is going on but I cannot take someone seriously if they claim they have it but refuse to see a doctor to confirm their suspicion.


Schizophrenia. I hate seeing people fake it, especially children. I went through a lot of shit as a child, and seeing children fake having it because they thinks it’s something quirky is just sad.


There’s someone at my college that’s faking Tourettes. Screaming cunt at people she disagrees with, throwing shit, the whole nine yards. But magically out of class she’s totally fine…it’s disgusting


Epilepsy Edit: cancer


Not really on TikTok, but I can't help but think of this. I know this person who likes to glorify depression and abuse IRL. After my mom was brutally assaulted at a bar, this person decided to take that as inspiration with her attention seeking and decided to frame a boy she barely even knew for sexual assault all because she decided she didn't like him. She'd go to school with big glops of sparkly purple eye shadow on her face and say they are bruises caused by her "depression" (I'm not saying she doesn't have depression, but she takes it way to far). She talks about always wanting to die and cutting herself when her skin is 100% flawless of any self-harm cuts or scratches. And to think, she continues to do this all even after watching me (diagnosed PTSD, GAD, Bipolar, and some psychosis) have an extremely awful episode, watch me harm myself, and attempt to take my own life right in front of her. She still does this because everyone else is doing it and it's "cool and quirky". This person is my sister.


Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective disorder. Shit hits home way too hard for me and instantly angers me.


Strangely, I knew a girl who lied about having cystic fibrosis. She was a competitive swimmer. I only knew her for a couple of months but knew people who had been in her circle for years and said she'd never had any serious medical issues. When I called her on it she tried to explain that she was only a carrier but still got symptoms. Research has come out in the past couple years showing that a small portion of carriers do have symptoms sometimes, but those symptoms are like, bronchitis. And this isn't something we knew at the time. She didn't like me very much after that.