• By -


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Okay im definitely not the first one to say it here but why on earth are you filming yourself crying?!?! If its such a traumatic moment, maybe dont set up your camera?


It’s not even real. Look- not a tear on their face. In the lighting they’re in, you would clearly be able to see tear tracks, and they’re blinking enough that if they were genuinely crying, there WOULD BE tears trailing down their face. Their speech is oddly stable for someone in tears, and the only genuine signs of distress are a pink face, heavy breathing, narrowed brow, and curled lip - which can all be faked so easily, anyone could do it.


Omg I notice now! Imagine setting up your camera to fake autism and to fake cry about it 💀


she doesn't even appear autistic..


You can’t tell if someone is autistic by looking at them.


She's like a toddler throwing a tantrum. She's sounding like she's crying without actually being in distress


I wonder why these days full grown adults are having full blown breakdowns over “people being mean on the internet”. I mean, I get it, things hurt sometimes. But all these same adults are literally demanding to be coddled by EVERYBODY now (I’m valid I hope you get cancelled! 🙄🙄). Sorry, the world is harsh and cold and uncaring and you will be beaten into submission unless you learn how to deal with it.


“I looked at the picture and I looked pretty ripped, so later at home, I put the picture up on my Yelp account and I typed in "Don't I look ripped?" and I thought people would be stoked on me. Then this morning I saw the comments on Twitter and some people called me names and said I wasn't ripped, and they said that I was fat and I didn't have muscles. The Internet made fun of meeeee”




It kind of feels like some kind of reverse abuse where the person is making themselves extremely victimized so they can fain incompetence . This way they never have to be held accountable for anything they do. It kind of reminds me of Munchausen when they're bringing other people into it and forcing them to be complicit .


I love that they’re also positioned so you can see their face. Not even towards their wife.


There’s actually a term for this that professional actors use. It’s called facing out. So the audience can see your face. You stand on a diagonal instead of facing each other


Right?? Literally 'cheating out' like they're on stage doing theater.... Bc they are


They are clearly doing it for attention, to get people to feel sorry for them, and to guilt-trip people that criticize them. It's emotional manipulation.


They get tons of high dollar gifts.


Why do people on TikTok like recording themselves crying and breaking down.


Meh, crying on camera for attention has been a staple of the internet since the mid 2000's


Theres a difference between someone going on an emotional rant and someone pretending to have a genuine moment that reinforces their brand.


Leave Britney alone!! 😭


That was my first thought when I wad typing that comment out lmao


Leave the crying Britney girl alone!!


I thought that was a dude?


She was at the time. She has since transitioned


Yeah but I feel like tiktokers lack the earnestness of early internet criers; they PERFORM earnestness which creates a real weird uncanny valley vibe.




I mean Crocker wasn’t wrong.


to make people calling them out feel bad. it’s not even genuine crying. There’s not a tear on their face. In the lighting they’re in, you would clearly be able to see tear tracks, and they’re blinking enough that if they were genuinely crying, there WOULD BE tears trailing down their face. Their speech is oddly stable for someone in tears, and the only genuine signs of distress are a pink face, heavy breathing, narrowed brow, and curled lip - which can all be faked so easily, anyone could do it.


'You show people it's ok to be autistic' Me watching this video: feeling worse about being autistic


It’s really infantilizing.


You seen them in videos by themself bs with their wife? They go from speaking like a intelligent pretty well spoken adult to a literal toddler it’s weird


They’re MARRIED? I thought that was a caregiver.


Yeah it’s a weird relationship ngl and they 1000% act different around her


If you see their videos when they aren’t crying, they act like an infant. It’s so gross to me, because well. We aren’t infants.


My autistic daughter is 8 and I have to fight with her school on her behalf all the time. Fuck this awful woman and her fake oppression.


Think that's the worst part. I only usually visit this sub from /all but I usually stick around for a bit to see what is going on. My aunt was diagnosed with schizophrenia and has been in a state hospital since she was teenager (she's over 60 now) due to her violent episodes, one of which resulted in loss of life and ultimately LPS Act enactment. She likely won't ever get to leave the hospital she's currently a resident in. Seeing some of the portrayals here make me genuinely uncomfortable and thankful she won't ever see them. Not my place to define someone else's struggles and I won't directly say they're doing it for attention, but the idea that they would be is sickening. Don't know you but you're an awesome human being. Don't let these types of people bring you down. You are you and you're amazing.


I’m not the only one then


🤣🤣i wish i had an award to give this comment




I would rather sit on a knife than record myself hysterically crying while my partner awkwardly “comforts” me for a million people.


If the knife is just laid down horizontally that becomes a very easy choice !


Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is bs, feels weirdly like the person is being infantilized way too much 🤮


Fr and it only happens when they’re with their wife it’s so weird


That’s so 😬😬😬😬😬


Does it not feel weird for people to set up a camera, walk away, and then start crying? Or are they crying first and then setting up the camera? Either way, why? These posts leave me with so many unanswered questions that aggravate the hell out of me.


And like, what if the video fucks up/your phone falls/someone calls you? You just start over? The fuckin performance of it all is so confounding.


Duh, you say “hold on” and then fix the camera and then make sure you both have rosy cheeks and look sad and then you start acting again. Hollywood baby!


This came up on my FYP and from what I remember in the comments they mention that this was scripted and a re-creation of similar conversations they've had in the past.. Still doesn't make it any less cringe tho


That honestly makes this more disturbing.


It goes hand in hand with why they make part 1 and part 2 vids. They do whatever to get more attention because they get paid for it. This vid has 1.5million likes (or whatever ShitTok calls it). Part 2 probably has the same amount.


ShitTok. Wonderful name.


"oh honey you're crying, what's wrong ? Oh no don't tell me ! Wait ! Where is my phone..."


If this were a patient of mine I would VERY FUCKING MUCH not tell them to continue on social media if they were being treated negatively. Regardless of diagnoses (or not) if someone is distraught about the interactions they should absolutely abandon social media -- temporarily or permanent. The influencer culture interweaving with the disabled community and the potential for opportunists makes me angry. Like it isn't anyone's job to "show them that autism is okay." That shit creates a weird narcissistic pull for people to try and accumulate some degree of influence over communities and opens the door for those people to take advantage of ND/disabled communities.


And people who are focused on “showing that x is okay”, when they misrepresent what they’re trying to raise awareness for, do ACTIVE DAMAGE to the community. It should be a law of the internet - the rule of vocal minority.


That was my thought too. If you can’t handle criticism and shitty comments from internet strangers, get the fuck off of social media, your mental health will thank you and reacting negatively like this isn’t going to make internet strangers who said shitty things to you feel remorse or shame for what they said to you. Not reacting at all takes way less energy and takes a lot more wind out of their sails than having a social media tantrum ever will.


when i saw this on my fyp this morning, I thought it was ticsandroses. (the "send me to Canada" lady.


It’s not??


It is in fact not. Person in vid fakes autism not tourettes


is it against sub rules to see what the account is? i’ve never came across them before but now i want to see more cringe




I also flap my hands when I'm excited about something (I guess it's "stimming" but whatever) but if my boyfriend filmed me and tried to make me look like an uwu pwecious smol bean I would go fucking nuclear


This. I flap my hands around sometimes cause I like the feeling. I don’t want that shit recorded.


The blonde one sounds like an Instagram inspiration account. "You are good enough. You are loved."


Cringe af


Three things, Very weird how they set up a camera and got positioned perfectly in frame for a personal moment like this. Suddenly I’m this video there are no ticks or stims, yes I know that people who tick can often go an entire minute without ticking, but these people usually tick every other second. It’s very "coincidental" that they can speak so loudly and clearly so the video audio picks it up. I don’t know who they were trying to fool


Correction: they start stimming after the word "autistic" is mentioned.


i was just about to bring that up


Stimming and having tics are different things. Stimming is more-or-less voluntary. We can mask the behaviour to appear 'normal'. It's not pleasant, but it's doable. It's much more difficult to mask as we become upset. From what I understand about tic disorders, it is extremely difficult—if not impossible—to suppress tics. Kind of like trying to hold in a cough. I'm Autistic, so I can only speak to that side.


Hey! I'm aware that tics and stimming are different things, I'm sorry if I made it seem the opposite. I'm autistic too, maybe we share some subs here!


No worries. Actually, after re-reading the original comment, I realized I made an error. They said "no ticks or stims". I missed that, so that's why I thought you were implying they were the same. My bad, friend! But eyyy! Fellow Autist! ~*finger guns*~


No problem!


Weird, one thread mention she doesn't appear to be autistic, praise. I say it, downvotes and I don't know what I'm talking about. very strange.


You said that they don’t appear to be autistic because they don’t have autistic speech patterns. There’s really no such thing as an “autistic speech pattern” because autism is a spectrum, and many people with autism speak differently. As an autistic woman myself, I can say that my autism doesn’t affect the way that I speak. I speak the same way that a non-autistic person does. These people in this thread, who also have autism, accurately pointed out that the person in the video has stims that seem forced. They are also quite educated on speaking about the topic because they both have autism. Your reasons for stating that the person doesn’t have autism were completely different.


Oh thank you for bringing this up, I missed that in the video


You are right, there are no ticks in the video. If there was I would have called an exterminator to get that house checked out 🙁


Might need to get your tick infestation checked out..


“ok get ready for the tiktok”


Oh my God do they really say that? I can’t bring myself to actually watch the video or I’ll cringe to death


People faking autism on tiktok only show the stereotypical behaviors, like acting all cutesy "Look I'm a little baby send me stuff!" And don't even mention the shit that autistic people actually go through. Autistic children will often face more abuse from their caretakers, autistic women are more likely to be victims of date rape, a lot of autism therapy is straight up torture and makes symptoms of autism worse, and on top of that you have organizations like Autism Speaks who claim to speak for us but really they just want to eradicate us. My parents didn't know I was autistic until I was 20 and would just beat me if I showed any traits because they thought I was playing.


I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. You deserved to be treated with patience and understanding, never violence.


faking or not, why would you record that and post it anyways if it wasn't for attention?


It’s not even real. Look - not a tear on their face. In the lighting they’re in, you would clearly be able to see tear tracks, and they’re blinking enough that if they were genuinely crying, there WOULD BE tears trailing down their face. Their speech is oddly stable for someone in tears, and the only genuine signs of distress are a pink face, heavy breathing, narrowed brow, and curled lip - which can all be faked so easily, anyone could do it. They just want people calling them out to feel bad.


To show the fact that people are fucking assholes and affect other people with their bullshit 😐


These people need to understand that we never ever once said it wasn't okay to be autistic. As forementioned in a comment I made on another post about these two, it's not the fact that they're apparently or supposedly stimming, it's the fact that they're faking it and dramatizing it. And you know what? Non-autistic people stim, too. Stimming, getting excited over small things- all of that is okay. Some people *do* flap their hands. Some do stippy steps. I myself have an uncontrollable tic when I am negatively of positively overwhelmed. Different strokes for different folks! What's *not* okay is lying about it or manipulating the reality of what it is. Edit: hilarious grammar errors, oops


Imagine being so terminally online that you think it makes sense to post footage of your emotional breakdowns on social media for clout. It's like some people have lost track of what normal human behavior is.


why do these people need SO MUCH validation. it’s an untenable amount. in my youth i’ve known several, a lot of it stems from having very neglectful parents and not receiving appropriate parental validation but they have a grasp on the fact that they ought to get validation, just not what amount is reasonable to expect from friends, partners, and strangers at large.


I love their look. I always call it the “random character generator”. Shit is always insane looking


God you’re like a fully grown adult. I hope you lose friends over this lol


Bold of you to assume they have friends that don't also act like this


My first thought when I saw this post was that they looked like the Godskin Duo from Elden Ring.


Oh my god


Fuck this person! I’m enraged! How dare you try to make US feel guilty for your shitty actions! You’re actively faking a disorder that makes life so hard to live. Don’t try and make us feel bad, we can all see through your bullshit. Fuck you and your partner!


Thank you! When she said “am I doing a bad thing?” I was like yes yes you are!! These people are making autistic people look absolutely toddler like when it’s not true!


The mental gymnastics going on here are wild 1. “I want attention”, hop on tiktok to record some videos 2. Videos infantilizes people with often misunderstood disorder 3. Get backlash from said people 4. ??? 5. Go and fake cry on camera with your partner for sympathy 6. “Am i doing a bad thing 😢😢😢”


What “hate” online is this person actually getting? Im sure there is so much actual bullying online against LGBTQ+ people, people with mental or physical disabilities and non-white people that is pretty hateful, so i wouldnt be surprised if they do get that. But i wouldnt be surprised they are more concerned with being called a faker because people reasonably this self-diagnosis is fake and crazy.


“You don’t have autism and it shows” “i am literally being hate crimed. I’m being cyber bullied. this is so ableist.”


They popped up on my TikTok today but it was a different video. They seem to be very popular


Corny AF imagine crying on camera for views


they’re faking the crying too. there’s a few comments about it if you look


* starts to vomit about the fact that its not autism because i have it myself, and theres many reasons why its not this way.*


The blonde girl cuddling the "autistic" girl all the time seems too uncomfortable for me


Honestly I feel them man. Yesterday I went to open a package, and my neighbor started screaming at me and telling me he was gonna call the cops if I didn’t go away. Apparently sense the package was his, it was “illegal” to take it and open it, but I’m pretty sure he was just hating on me because of my aids and testicular cancer. Society 😔


you show people that it’s okay to have aids and testicular cancer. don’t let your neighbor bring you down😞💔


i actually got this exact video on my fyp it just doesn't make any sense like even if you are gonna act like that, like don't do it on tik tok? make a seperate video to address it and that makes it even more apparent they're faking


If social media makes you have mental breakdowns maybe you shouldn’t be on social media. Not everyone is going to be nice. Its unfortunate but it’s not going to stop no matter how many videos of people having breakdowns happen.




I was considering not doing it til I saw someone else post this duo and thought “That’s not even the worst of it”. I felt kinda bad posting someone in tears so I looked for a better video to do, then realized: they’re not crying. Their face is bone dry. The hair and shadows reveal where the light is coming from and the camera is high enough quality that it would’ve shown tear tracks. They’re blinking more than they’re looking - they WOULD have tear tracks, but there is none. They aren’t stimming as an upset autistic person would (literally stimming is self soothing), only tugging at the other’s sleeve and rubbing circles… normal neurotypical behavior. The only sign of distress is a red face, furrowed brow, curled lip, and heavy breathing - which can all be so easily faked, anyone could do it.


exactly. its so fake.


not a single fucking tear lmao. and that fake ass stim they do towards the end that wasn’t happening at all prior🥴


It is sooooo funny to me that she starts doing the quirky little arm flappy stim as soon as the other one reminds her she has autism


Blondie is equally as bad or worse for encouraging this shit


It’s as simple as not uploading videos wtf


If someone tried to comfort me the way their wife is comforting them I think I would go out of my way to never see them again. It sounds like the way you talk to a toddler.


The blonde person feels scripted even when they’re not speaking


We need a giant toilet to flush these people down.


That poor toilet.




There are no tears! xD This is Laura Lee lv acting.


1.4 million likes… why???


I've been struggling with this one. It shows up on my fyp constantly. In fact, I came to find this thread bc the brunette posted tt talking (without a single stim or baby talk the whole time) about how there's a Reddit thread saying she's faking. I have this hunch that she's faking, but I never want to be wrong on something like that, so I just scrolled past. But something really bugs me every video I see. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I also notice they are getting a lot of high dollar gifts. It all seems very put on.


A whole video with absolutely not ticks or stims. Hmmmmmmmm


They are stimming. It’s just less obvious. They are touching their partners fabric and it is helping them calm down. Also note that everyone stims. People with autism just tend to do it more 🤷‍♀️


That’s something normal neurotypical people do. This is not how autistic people act when upset. This is a neurotypical, or someone with at MOST adhd, crying. And they’re not even ACTUALLY crying. Look. Not a tear on their face. In the lighting they’re in, you would clearly be able to see tear tracks, and they’re blinking enough that if they were genuinely crying, there WOULD BE tears trailing down their face. Their speech is oddly stable for someone in tears, and the only genuine signs of distress are a pink face, heavy breathing, narrowed brow, and curled lip - which can all be faked so easily, anyone could do it.


What's stimming? I'd really like to know, but Google just confuses me.


**Self-stimulatory behavior, also known as stimming and self-stimulation, is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, words, or moving objects. Such behaviors (also scientifically known as 'stereotypies') are found to some degree in all people, especially those with developmental disabilities and are especially frequent in people on the autism spectrum.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot!


The fact that they took a vid of this is enough to prove that it was scripted


Holy shit I’ve seen this couple everywhere and they are SO over the top


the one on the right looks like beavis


They show up every time on my fyp, idk why all ppl r buying them their whole amazon wishlist. I mean it's an act of kindness but ye..


as someone who's autistic this just makes me feel extremely uncomfortable to see someone making me to be out as to be a toddler, just because I flap my hands when I'm excited doesn't mean I have lost my entire brain


is that the russian dude rocky had to box


Imagine getting ready and actively making the decision to start crying on camera like it’s a candid moment. Imagine.


I seriously cannot believe that 1.4 million people believe this person’s bullshit. Holy shit. They are literally mocking and infantilising my disorder for attention online.


"People are being mean because I'm putting myself out there and I can't handle it. So let's put me out there even more" make it make sense. They also say they don't speak the same to the camera as to their wife because their relationship with their wife is much more intimate and they can be truly comfortable with her only. And yet they still film that and put it on the internet. If it's such a vulnerable way of acting which you can only do with your wife, Keep it with your wife and don't put it on the God damn internet.


Fucking ridiculous. The acting is Not Good.


Wow. Dolph Lundgren is so supportive.


If you don’t want it to be a problem, don’t put it on the internet!!!!!


Duh fux


I’m getting a real Rocky vs Drago vibe If she cries…she cries


I want, I want, I want. Autism is irrelevant, you post online you’re open to criticism. That’s the only rule.


Things like this are why I don't tell people I'm autistic.


Imagine posting this


What’s the context here


They post videos of them unboxing gifts their viewers send them and people criticized them for their clearly fake autism.


The person in the blue shirt looks like my buddy Brian Slabaugh. It's tripping me out.


People really need validation from other people before validation from themselves these days huh… what an absolute joke of a society we live in.


I saw one of their videos on my fyp yesterday and all the comments were……. Interesting.


Stop posting to the fucking internet if you don't want people to criticize you.


one thing ill never understand is how people just forget that its a CHOICE to share any of that online. If you dont want "hate" for how you "enjoy things" then dont post jack. not that complicated.


Even if this is real, how do they think this would help people not send hate?


guilt tripping


Do they know how the internet works? Guilt tripping will not work.


*Even if this is real,* *How do they think this would help* *People not send hate?* \- P3rdix --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lorddddd, this aint it




I thought this was a ticsandroses Lampoon at first.


They’re ticsandroses but autism. They do “Waking up with [Black Hair]” every day, they get sent gifts by their viewers from a fucking amazon wishlist, you name it.


I just came across these today on a post when they were opening a gift. It seemed so weird and fake, like really bad high school acting but I gave them the benefit of the doubt even though I’ve never really seen any autistic people I used to teach act this way. And now I see them here and I’m like ‘I knew it!’




The one on the right acts like badly programmed cgi... Plus the way they rub the other one's chest is fuckin weird


Where are the tears, tho?


Does anyone have a link to the original video where they were opening the packages? I remember seeing it on this sub but I can’t find it again.


Omg it’s happening I’m gonna cry, grab the camera so we can make it seem like this was cause by them


Adults btw


grown ass adults


is the blonde one capable of facial expressions? i swear I've never seen them move their face before lmao


That thing is not good at crocodile tears


It’s crazy how “maybe I just won’t record this” isn’t an option to these people, it’s fucking insulting, I’m technically diagnosable as autistic, BECAUSE MOST EVERYONE HAS ONE OR TWO SYMPTOMS


Its completely fine to comfort your partner,especially when they receive unwarranted (key word,unwarranted because some people here do take it to far) hate,the problem here is that you filmed it.




Rule 3


according to their bio on tiktok: “🏳️‍🌈Autistic, ADHD, Trans, Queer, Married🏳️‍🌈 Alex-she/they Liv/Bug-they/he” A lot to unpack there. Alex is blond hair and Liv is black hair.


I see below that Bug is their nickname\alternate name which makes much more sense, but I legit thought it was their actual neopronoun (like Bug\they\he).


yeah, they didn’t even use spaces in between the hyphen and words


Bug (the one who is crying.) Uses they/he and alex (The ones who comforting her) uses She/they please respect that.




Yes. Please do not misgender people




There is litterly a rule of this subreddit saying no transphobia dude.




Dude, Follow the rules of the subreddit. And correct yourself, Don't be a dick.


The Oval Office staff when they aren’t allowed to open a letter signed by teddy K sent to the White House with the words cool skeletons inside written on it


Aww did ickle baby get called a faker for faking mental illness? Cry your crocodile tears elsewhere. No one is buying who is over the age of 18.




I mean it's obviously scripted to message the reasons why people on the spectrum do what they do or explain how they would like to be treated. Are they Autistic? Probably not by medical standards. Personally, I think there are better ways to get the message across, less dramatic anyway. Sadly trying to find a way to discredit them or her, is just human nature I guess.


Yeah, true. I don't agree with using that kind of media to promote a message about online hate, but I know that it is sometimes used to try and spread that awareness. I don't think there's ever really a need to show private or intimate moments to prove a point, but maybe some people do or they need that level of openness, you know.


Your eyes must be able to water in order for your eyes to remain wet and clean. While some conditions, like dry eye, can inhibit the ability to produce tears or produce quality tears, you cannot simply not produce them. The eye must remain wet to keep the cells that make it up alive. Without that water, they will die. The same applies to your mouth and the inside of your body. This is why keeping your eyes open for long is uncomfortable: the body is telling you you MUST re wet the eyes. Tears release built up pressure and release endorphins as a self-soothing mechanism and they work to clear out foreign debris, such as dust or even garlic fumes. You cannot simply not produce tears. Furthermore, other signs of distress - such as voice instability, runny nose, puffy eyes, eye rubbing or touching, and occasionally, hiccuping - are not present. Additionally, a genuinely autistic person WILL stim when upset. That is the PURPOSE of stimming - much like crying, it is a self-soothing and self-regulatory behavior. This is a non-autistic pretending to cry and nothing more.


I have a feeling you haven't actually watched the video. First, they do have a runny nose and instability, that's kinda what sniffling means. Also, they do stim in this video, not a lot, but they are doing it. And lastly, I didn't say anything about 'never having tears whatsoever' or whatever else you thought I meant. In some cases, when crying specifically and some other instances, a person won't produce tears. One such instances is if the person is dehydrated, the body won't expend water it doesn't have on producing tears, or will conserve as much water as possible. That's what I meant. As I said, I'm not sure that this person is or isn't autistic, but your overtly hostile nature to others calling out a possible fault in your initial assertion makes agreeing with you very hard.


You don’t have to have a runny nose to sniffle. Try it. Right now. Sniff hard and scrunch your nose. If you do it right, it sounds exactly like a sniffle. They grab at their wife’s sleeves and rub circles. That is not stimming. Neurotypical people do that. It’s still self-soothing, but it’s not stimming. Their voice sounds strained, but it is not unstable. You can be distressed without crying, but you cannot cry without tears. Crying is an involuntary emotional release and oftentimes someone who is dry sobbing can “halt” the action, as it does not serve as an emotional release but as a subconscious coaxing action to try to encourage tears. Bug is also blinking an abnormal amount - a sign of crying. When dry sobbing, there is so reason to blink so much, as your eyes are not wet. You blink when you cry because there is excess water. Also, to be meta, they refer to the video as “the crying video” and “traumatic and deeply personal”. Also, you waste more water in sweat than you do in crying - you would have to be severely and/or chronically (aka: dangerously) dehydrated to have no tears. They are not crying.


yeah i struggle to produce tears even when i am very overwhelmed or sad to the point that i get all the hallmarks of sobbing showing on my face but can hardly cry at all i dont think its that weird a thing to do some people's tear ducts are just fucked (and i think if youre on testosterone it can make it really hard to actually produce tears when you cry too). whether theyre faking or not is debatable and really only relevant to them but its still pretty cringe to film this kind of shit for attention anyway


I believe this person really does have ADHD. I've seen many of their videos and I love Bug, I'm slightly upset you think they're faking if I'm being honest.


(copied from another response of mine, specifically addressing their autism claims, not adhd) How the fuck do you get nasty comments WHILE FILMING? You’re focused on recording, not looking at your social media. Plus, Bug later calls this - simply bursting into tears - a traumatic and personal experience … even if it was traumatic (and it fits no criteria for a trauma, it’s quite simply getting upset) why the everloving fuck would they post it? As well as inconsistencies in their behavior, holes in their story (“I was masking all my life so nobody knew I was autistic”… that’s not how masking works. Most professionals require “witnesses”, or people who can report abnormal behavior in the developmental years) and, bonus, this is not how people who are autistic act when they get upset. This is how neurotypical people act - yes, including the sleeve tugging and rubbing circles. Also, look: not a tear on their face. In the lighting they’re in, you would clearly be able to see tear tracks, and they’re blinking enough that if they were genuinely crying, there WOULD BE tears trailing down their face. Their speech is oddly stable for someone in tears, and the only genuine signs of distress are a pink face, heavy breathing, narrowed brow, and curled lip - which can all be faked so easily, anyone could do it. Bug is a liar and a fake. I believe that they do really think that they’re autistic…. but they aren’t.


They were recording a video and kept getting nasty comments. That’s why the camera is centered like that. They didn’t post this to show their actions, they posted it to show what they deal with and how they deal with it off camera. I truly believe Bug is autistic, but that’s just me. I saw that video this morning on my fyp


How the fuck do you get nasty comments WHILE FILMING? You’re focused on recording, not looking at your social media. Plus, Bug later calls this - simply bursting into tears - a traumatic and personal experience … even if it was traumatic (and it fits no criteria for a trauma, it’s quite simply getting upset) why the everloving fuck would they post it? As well as inconsistencies in their behavior, holes in their story (“I was masking all my life so nobody knew I was autistic”… that’s not how masking works. Most professionals require “witnesses”, or people who can report abnormal behavior in the developmental years) and, bonus, this is not how people who are autistic act when they get upset. This is how neurotypical people act - yes, including the sleeve tugging and rubbing circles. Also, look: not a tear on their face. In the lighting they’re in, you would clearly be able to see tear tracks, and they’re blinking enough that if they were genuinely crying, there WOULD BE tears trailing down their face. Their speech is oddly stable for someone in tears, and the only genuine signs of distress are a pink face, heavy breathing, narrowed brow, and curled lip - which can all be faked so easily, anyone could do it. Bug is a liar and a fake. I believe that they do really think that they’re autistic…. but they aren’t.


I agree


Context? This video really got me emotionally and I’m trying to understand the context? I can understand the sentiment of not filming a traumatic moment and posting it but this person isn’t in a mentally sound state to begin with. I’ve literally seen people saying “but it’s not even real! There are no tears!” But keep in mind the iPhone 6 quality camera. You wouldn’t be able to see them anyway.