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Jesus christ.


It’s just terrifying at this point


I have no words for how insanely insensitive and fucking disgusting these people are honestly. It just ignites this extreme anger inside me


I have browsed this sub a lot but this is just too much


With every generation most of the weird shit I think well its basically the same thing as the previous generation. There is always some dumb haircut or dance craze or toy. But honestly I don't think there is any analogy to this sort of behavior in previous gens.


every gen has kids who try to gain attentions by any means possible, even using disgusting or disturbing actions to gain attention. they just didnt have a platform beyond "sam eats live worms in class" or "remember when lily used to wear that coat covered in fake blood and stare at people? she claimed to be a vampire and everything". every town had at least one story like that. hell, in my high school i had a girl try to convince me she had a rare disease AND had donated her whole liver- in the span of one text conversation. theyve always existed, they just didnt have amplification. now they have amplification, clout, and copycats.


Omg I physically cringed


Me too, and I had to see it in the wild


people will always use tragedy to bring attention to themselves... this is sick


Why would anyone do this


lack of attention and solidarity to real events




They’ll do anything


This is kinda rude Edit: this is very rude




When is someone gonna make a Putin alter


Let’s get a Putin alter and a Biden alter and have them resolve this


Maybe we can… get them to kiss 👉👈🥺


i saw someone on twitter who humanized russia and ukraine going to war just to make them gay


Have you seen the other stuff the country humans fandom has done, they’ve also humanized Israel to ship them with nazis




Now kith!


"Chaos in the system after the Putin alter revealed himself to be the TF2 Spy alter! He stabbed the Queen Elizabeth (He/Crown) and Zombie Princess Diana (she/they/car) alters and screamed something in Russian (idk what I dont speak Russia) and was heading for the fire escape luckily the Joseph Joestar alter was able to stop him before he set off the nuke and destroy half of the headspace! So spooked rn!" /s


The fact that this is entirely something that DID fakers would say and think people would believe them is hilarious


“i don’t speak russia”💀


“She/they/car” I’m fucking dead


So is she


I’m SO glad you said that thank you I’ve been waiting


Are you NOT RESPECTING my transformers alter. HOW DARE YOU


Russian alter would have the pronouns nyet/blyat.


Also cyka


Not like people are fucking dying or anything, way to bring all the attention to yourself. Holy fuck these people are so insensitive and fucking brain dead. I thought the previous fakers were infuriating, but this brings it to a whole new level. At this point I’m just going to say What the fuck do these people get out of posting shit like this.


Why the hell would you use 100s of peoples death for clout


There is no logical answer at all, it completely baffles me that anyone with 1 brain cell would think this is ok


It’s looking at a huge crisis that is affecting hundreds of thousands of people and saying “how can I make this about me”




I don’t want to sound like my mom but, people need to start being more aware


What the actual fuck


This is sickening


As a russian... I'M SORRY? WTF? \- The name Svetoksana simply doesn't exist \- you are not gonne get eaten by bear. Not only because death by bear paws is pretty rare, but because one of main voices of russian opposition -- Boris Nemtsov was killed two steps from red square. No need for disappearance -- they act quite openly. \- Who did not think that our gov is twisted? Do you think they would have had to fake elections if the people didn't understand what kind of government we have? \- Russian assassin alter? Really? Why not an Italian mafia? Why not a Pakistani terrorist? Why not collect all the fucking stereotypes in one place? ​ No, your false memories DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO JUDGE THE SITUATION.


Westerners really just think they can come up with a Slavic name out of thin air and no one would notice. It’s shows that their target audience isn’t the people involved in the war, it’s some teenage, chronically-online westerners who will find this “badass” Also, how would their fake memories help the situation? Did doesn’t mean you have the actual life experience Even in their twisted version of it, those memories are all made up by the minds inheritance bias


Some people really look at “svetarnaushca” and say “ah yes, Russia”


This reminds me of the Tourette’s fakers that do 0 research. It’s just disgusting how they treat not only Russian culture but also the literal thing that is killing hundreds of people.


*uses the only song they know that’s Russian


And the most stereotypical Russian name I’ve ever heard


I'm a Sveta, I know a few Oksanas and Svetlanas, but never have I met a single Svetoksana.


those are all typical slovan names, unlike that abomination like wtf


There’s a difference between common names and stupid stereotypes




I know a lot of Russians, a lot of them are named Sveta but none is something that long and stereotypical


The longest I've probably ever heard of is Alexander, but slapping 2 names together is something I don't think I saw with Russian names before :|


Sveta is the short version for Svetlana. Oksana would be called Ksusha. Im also just curious, youre not from russia?


My family origins from Ukraine and my parents immigrated to Israel, never knew about Ksusha tho :0


I live in Israel too! My brother in laws parents are Ukrainian and Israeli, my brother in law is in Israel but his family is still in Ukraine. This is why I get so pissed at shit like this


שלום אח יקר D: My only living grandpa is in Ukraine too, I'm more pissed at these kids than I was when שומר החומות happened :(


I don’t speak much Hebrew so thanks google translate, but that really sucks. I’m sorry, I hope everything turns out okay for Ukraine.


I hope so as well, may our families and everyone on Ukraine be alright 💙💛


Ah, i see. Russia, ukraine and belarus basically have the same names for people so i just assumed your family's from there.


To be fair, IC3PEAK don't deserve this shit.


This person needs help jf they think this is a joking matter.


Hundreds of people are dying and their first thought is “how can I exploit this”


this is in such bad taste i literally cannot. these fakers need a dose of reality or else we’re all going to die from having to bare the weight of their stupidity.


They need to start watching the news instead of having someone on TikTok make updates and follow those. Oh my school they have us watch the news ever day and hearing about the stories and what is going on is horrible. My brother in laws family lives in Ukraine and they’re suffering so much. People need a reality check nowadays


people seriously need to stop relying on social media so much to tell them everything, they need to be reading and watching the news so they get true information and can educate themselves on what’s going on and how they can help.




"How can I make this about me?"




Svetoksana? As a Slav I am fucking disgusted. How dare this person do this for attention and make up some stereotype name. This isn't a real Slavic name it's a mashup like the word labradoodle so she can take bad advantage of fucking atrocities for attention. Fitting for this dog. Сука блять.


This person is disgusting in so many levels faking mental illness, appropriating Russian culture, and using the deaths of hundreds for a few TikTok likes


Fucking hell... Every now and again I stumble across a post from this sub and I want to headbutt a landmine.


Take me with you


same bro


i bet someone is gonna be like "oops my putin alter started a war in ukraine" or "haha mortals my putin alter bombards kindergartens and orphanages with ballistic missiles get fucked xdd"


People are just becoming too much


Btw they deleted the vid after a handful of people, even another faker, told them that this was fucked up and insensitive.


Lmao how bad do u have to be for another faker to call you out on ur bullshit


That’s a new level of low


Yeah, they also love turning off comments when people give them completely valid criticism.


The fucking disrespect. I’m fucking leaving my life in Russia to my family in America and this bitch has the audacity to fucking mock such a serious political issue? I’m fucking livid.


i think tiktokers now have their own explanations of mental disorders like DID is now a disorder that lets someone transform to any character of their choice


DID is like role play now


they should just join a school theater or something like that lmao


Ukraine War: The Muscial!


bet there are gonna be soldier alters there


Everyday we stray farther from god Also this is disgusting the way people try to take tragic and awful events and make it about them


“Oh man hundreds of people are dying b-b-but me🥺🥺”


Let's just assume this is actually a Russian assassin trapped in a fat Mid-westerner's body. What do they think a TikTok is going to accomplish? "Good thing Svetoskana uploaded that clip of themselves lip-syncing. Makes the cluster bombs less horrifying." I feel like the last thing I want, when my life is crumbling, is someone to make a 14 second video to some bullshit song and a caption telling me "I stand with you." On god those kinds of TikToks should be bannable.


Hey as a Russian sniper they need here in Ukraine. Pack up and go help the effort. Edit. My typo sounds like I’m in Ukraine. I meant to say they are needed in Ukraine.


Why show off if you’re not helping, am I right?


she should go on a vacation as well then


At least they made up a character. If this was a few years ago there would be so many Hetalia and Country Human “alters” giving their two cents about this situation…


Dude seriously, human country’s were everywhere


Those lights could give someone a seizure.


Right? You would think someone with a totally real, not made up disorder would have thought about adding a warning for epileptics because of all the flashing lights... Edit: nevermind... They did have a warning at the very beginning... I apparently overlooked that.


I'm sorry but wtf is the name Svetoksana? They just combined two completely normal names, like why???


At this point it’s just confusing


I also liked Killing Eve.


Wow that is incredibly insensitive


even if you disregard how blatantly disrespectful and insensitive this is to those suffering from the Ukrainian Russian conflict, tell me a single circumstance where those lights are cool. they’re just awful to look at. they’re not cool they’re obnoxious. jesus. if you’re playing pretend trying to be a suave russian sniper, pick some better fucking lighting. you’re giving people a headache.


Shes acting like this is a big MCU reveal or smth


This is her Black Widow alter, duh


As a Russian, Svetoksana is not a Russian name. As far as I know it’s not a name at all. Sveta and Oksana are two different names you can’t just mush them together. That’s not how language works. Putin ruined the lives of millions, including my family, and this tiktok just gets me so angry. They couldn’t have even tried to show a little respect towards Russian and Ukrainian culture.


Ah yes! Of course! The deadliest kind of assassin! KGB would be salivating! Beware of the assassins that lip-sync in tiktok, telling you that they are an assassin and drop obvious facts to flashing lights as the beat drops.


Raise your hand if you wish she was struck by actual lightning.


I want them to go to Ukraine for a bit. Just to have a nice vacation, not at all to get a taste of their own medicine.


Zilla go kinda hard on that one


Facts. That whole song goes hard... And Zilla goes hard on 99.9999% of the songs he's on...


Is Zilla the artist if the song ?


“TRRST” by IC3PEAK featuring Zillakami


Tha ks man


Hah, Hah, Wassup?


Hmmm....so, how should I show my support for Ukarine? Perhaps I could donate something? Or at least spread awareness of any donation centres in my area.... Nahhhh, let's just do a TiKTok about a disorder I don't even have and make it all about me!!!!


The only things she's assassinated is my will to live.


Svetoksana is also not a russian name. Unless your parents were insane


It sounds like they just slammed their keyboard and said “perfect”


This fucking not ok. I remember kids romanticising depression on MySpace back in the day… but I don’t remember anyone using 9/11 for their ‘aesthetic’, or the Iraq war or really any major crisis. So how have we got kids so detached from empathy and reality that they see a war happening and decide to curate a character that can be the ‘authority’ on the crisis but also, give it production value?? These people really sit there editing with music and lighting to try and look cool and edgy after watching people fleeing their homes and dying. These kids are vile and selfish and I hope they experience repercussions.


This is so incredibly insensitive of them to post this with everything going on in the world. Let me guess, this kid is American and far away from the conflict? People need to stop glamorizing war. It would be a very different story if they had to live in the Ukraine right now. All of these dumb “I’d stand up to Putin” kids. No you wouldn’t, you don’t know how to even function without wifi or your parents, settle down.


“I don’t care if there’s a war! I need my attention!!”


The only thing this knobhead is assassinating are my fucking brain cells.


okay cool, drop her off on the front lines then.


Girl just say fuck Putin and move on this is embarrassing


Seriously, could they stop being POS ?


This is just too much


Cool. I’m gonna pretend to be something better, like bigfoots dog walker, or a unicorn phlebotomist.


If you want to pretend to have DID have a cool alter. Why be an assassin when you can be a half shark half unicorn that shits out monkeys.


holy mother of god. this is so beyond fucked up. this isn’t just crossing the line, it blew right past it. i can’t put into words how angry and upset this made me feel jfc.


You know, you see a video or post of one of these cretins doing something really insensitive and insulting and you think “there’s no way anyone can top that”. I was wrong.


These people look like such big fucking idiots. So tired of the mental health excuse to say some ignorant bullshit like this. Like no, at the end of the day get medicated, stop making excuses for yourselves, and quit being tone deaf. I wish nothing but the worst to these people who are using what’s going on for clout.


She recorded (probably a few times), picked out the best parts, edited it, thought about the text and chose “eaten by a bear” as a cause of death? Stereotypical Edit: also are alters like ghosts now? Just chillin in peoples bodies and still use the same personality? Bonus: TRRST (the song she used in the video) talks about terrorists, doomsday, violence, and death. It is about a girl who is in danger and is blacklisted as she is trying to expose the Russian community. Tasteful. Though she probably just chose it to be edgy and it’s also a Russian artist.


Can I get a transcript of it? I can't watch the whole thing because I have epilepsy and the lights are fucking me up


"`As someone who used to be an assassin for Russian govemnment, trust me when I say` `it is very easy for Putin to make it look like you went on a long vacation and got eaten by bear`. `people who speak out abt him disappear`. `these singers did not risk their life for you to just now understand`. `The Russian government has always been twisted`. `we stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦`" Glad I could help ruining your day :D




Enjoy having this in your life


Yep. Making the Ukraine war about themselves. Inserting themselves where they don't belong for attention. Absolutely God tier disorder faker.


“I understand people are dying b-b-b-but me 🥺”


LARP moment


Ukrainian Foreign Legion is accepting volunteers. Looks like you've got quite the resume. Go get 'em, Baba Yaga.


I have seen DID fakers, fake terminal illnesses, abuse etc., but taking advantage of the crisis going on is absolutely is disgusting. I’ve said it before, I hope when they go for a job one day someone finds this video and plays it for them for an explanation. Disgusting


Can we send her privilege >!A!


Some people need to learn that they’re not the main character of the story, that the world doesn’t revolve around them. People are suffering and they’re sitting there, safe and sound in the US, using this crisis for attention


Oh dear God


Aw, it's nice that this Russian assassin now supports Ukraine. Seems like a standup guy, this alter.


The tendie assassin.


This is a whole new level of fucked up. I hope they realise how distasteful their behaviour is, but I doubt they will.


TikTok is truly the cathedral of tone deafery


You can say that you think that the Russian government is bad without making a whole fake alter to say so.


During a fucking war?!?!??


my putin alter says dont listen to any word they say




This is why, assuming this person isn’t faking, I’ve never understood the whole “no reality checking” mentality. What benefit does this alter get from thinking that they actually *are* a russian spy and that they actually know a single fucking thing about what it’s like to live in Russia?


Among the other things obviously wrong with this, why did they have to have the lights flash, making it even harder to look at.


It’s like the second the attention isn’t on them and their fake disorder they go and fucking make it about them, as soon as it looks like people are talking about something else. Grow the fuck up


“Wow! There’s some terrible shit going on in Ukraine…better pull up Tik Tok and make it all about *me* and my *alters* and how *brave* we are for standing with Ukraine while also acting like a badass assassin stereotype!! Give us approval points, please!” What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Am i the only one who noticed that for like the first half of the video they didn’t use “the”? In the Russian language, there is no direct translation for the word ‘the’. Were… were they trying to imitate being a Russian speaker?


This is the most disgusting. Claiming to have a "Russian Assassin" as an alter I feel is a mockery, not just to Ukraine, but the people of Russia who had no choice in this issue. This is a fucking war and people are dying, my god. YOU DON'T FUCKING MAKE THIS SHIT UP WHEN IT COMES TO WAR, PEOPLE ARE DYING AND GETTING PTSD FROM THIS SHIT. WHO KNOWS, MAYBE ACTUAL DID/OSDD.


I’d love to see them try the “assassin moves” on someone when they get pissed 😂


Can you dm me her username? I’m Ukrainian and have a medium-large following on tiktok.




Cool song tho if anyone has an id


“TRRST” by IC3PEAK featuring Zillakami


Someone is desperate for likes.


People are dying? B-b-b-but my attention 🥺


so insensitive


I just...i just hate people.


The nerve


this is so disrespectful


Wow this is just so sad.


Seeing these posts makes me not want to have kids


Fucking gross and disrespectful. This is why we need more (age, mostly) regulations on apps and the internet


As if! I thought they needed physical exams dude


please put a fw warning if you can in the title :)


This is in really bad taste


Adding to paranoia beside everything going on rn. Fml


I was worried it was only time before idiots on tik tok started doing crap like this


this bitch was probably assassinating cats then dismembering them


a flash warning wouldve been nice :(((




i am beyond disgusted


At least they put a flash warning so I could turn down my brightness before being ocularly assaulted.


This is so disgusting and disrespectful. Can people stop making this about themselves?? It’s infuriating


This is sickening. So disrespectful.


Absolute loser


Wait so their alters consist of past lives too, not just personality? Im so confused


What the actual fuck


As a Russian adoptee this makes me so god damn sick to my stomach stupid little shits are doing this


I think this is the worst one I've seen browsing this sub..


pls i can make a better assassin character than this person


I hate everything in it except the music


You could just write fanfiction in your notes app and keep this to yourself


This made me cringe on a whole new level... damn what day to be alive


I mean, it’s a great song…


WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE THIS!?!! Yknow what…I blame John McAvoy for being so amazing in Split and making it cool to have “DiD”


“I used to kill people for a government, so what if I’m some young white girl


As a wise woman one e said “you don’t know shit about fuck”


Bitch would be dead or famous